Kingdom document, 15-compro- mise system, 16-in the House of Lords, ib.-instances of dissent, 17-19-Sir T. Smith's treatise on decision by majority, 19-system in the Councils of the Church, 20- 26-reasons for the acceptance of majority rule, 26-attitude adopted by the Crown, 27.
Manning, Cardinal, and Newman, 466, 474.
Mariéton, P., 'Une Histoire d'Amour,' 32.
Markham, Sir Arthur B., 'The Coal Strike,' 554.
Marriott, J. A. R., 'Cavour and the Making of Italy,' 374.
Maurras, C., 'Les Amants de Venise,' 32.
Mazzini and Italian independence, 393.
McDonnell, Lord, on the amount contributed by Ireland, 288. McDougall, W., 'Body and Mind,
McKenna, Rt Hon. R., M.P., on the Naval Estimates, 242; on Welsh Disestablishment, 576.
Meyer, Prof. A. O., 'England und die katholische Kirche,' 85-87. Music and Drama, 103-earliest examples of choric songs and dances, 105-Greek tragedy, 106, 111-Comedy, 107, 116-revival in Western Europe, 107-Sacre Rap- presentazioni, 108-Favola di Orfeo,' 109-the work of Floren- tine reformers, 110-113-influence of Lully, 112-form of secular tra- gedy, 113-Rameau, 114-Gluck, 115-Italian musical comedy, 116 -operatic style of Mozart, 117— Weber, 118- Wagner's autobio- graphy, 119-his works, 120-style, 121-Folk-opera based on national legend, 122-R. Strauss, 123- 'Salome,' ib.-'Elektra,' 124, 126 -his style, 125-Pelléas et Méli- sande,' 127.
Musset, A. de, his relations with George Sand, 30, 33-37-character, 33-idealism, 41.
Musset, P. de, 'Lui et Elle,' 31.
Napoleon III and the liberation of Italy, 386 et seq. Nash, Beau, and Bath, 331—eigh- teenth century Bath, ib.-youth of Nash, 332-wit and readiness, 334-
![[ocr errors]](,287,8,5)
336King of Bath,' 336-gal- lantry, 337-divers interventions, 338-extravagance, 339-attitude towards rank, ib.—a strong person- ality, 340-the hours of fashion, ib. entertainments, 341-344 trary criticisms, 344-the baths, ib. -The Code of Behaviour,' 347— boots and dancing, 348-gambling, 349-notable visitors, 350-change of fortune, 351-the end, 352. Newman, John Henry, 458-Mr Ward's biography and qualifica- tions, ib. Newman's emotional temperament, 459-skill in verbal fence, 460-the Oxford Movement, 461-464 war against 'Liberal- ism,' 462-Tractarianism, 463-his moderate learning, 464-position among Catholics, 465-official an- tipathies, 466-a phase of fetishism, 467-Essay on Development,' 468 -poor state of learning, ib.-his philosophical position, 469 et seq.- Roman discouragement and insults, 471 depression, 472-Kingsley's attack, 474-the Apologia,' ib.- Papal Infallibility, 475-elevation to the Cardinalate, 477-his position in the Church, 478-and influence, ib.-a great, unhappy man, 479. New Zealand, Imperial defence offer, 233.
Peary, Admiral R. E., his efforts to reach the Pole, 480 et seq. Pinon, R., 'L'Europe et la Jeune Turquie,' extract from, 219. Pitt, The Younger, 307-works on, 307-309-Dr Rose's studies, 309 et seq.-Pitt an enigma, 311-Hester Stanhope and Eleanor Eden, 312- training and career, ib. - Prime Minister, 313 'his besetting sin,' 314-divers problems, 316- finances, 317-relations with King and Cabinet, 318-reform impossi- ble, 319-consequences, 320-Ire- land, ib.-the Union, 321-war with France, 322-policy as War Minis- ter, 324-to gain security, 325-the results, 326-home policy, 327- extra-constitutional methods, 328 -personal qualities and defects, 329 the man greater than the statesman, 330. Pollard, Prof. A. F., "The Political History of England,' 80. Pollock, Sir F., and F. W. Maitland, 'The History of English Law,' 8, 10, 20.
Porritt, E., 'The United States Steel Corporation,' 177.
Prothero, Rowland E., Agricultural Labourers and Landlords,' 442.
Redlich, J., The Procedure of the House of Commons,' extract from, 1 et seq. Reinsch, Prof., Intellectual and Political Currents in the Far East,' 545. Reuchlin, J., his controversy with the Cologne Dominicans, 133 et seq. Ritchie, Lady, centenary edition of Thackeray's works, 425 et seq. Robinson, C. Grant, The Younger Pitt,' 307.
Rolland, R., 'Musiciens d'Aujour d'hui'; Musiciens d'Autrefois,' 108, 127.
Rose, Dr J. Holland, works on Wil- liam Pitt, 309.
Russia, attitude towards Turkey, 221-naval expenditure, 229, 241- 244.
St. David's, The Bishop of, on the Welsh endowments, 577.
St Lawrence, The, 398-the river mouth, 400-Labrador, ib. - the Laurentian hills, 401-the Sague- nay, 402-the Quebec Channel, 404 -the Montreal Channel, 405-the upper St Lawrence, ib.-the Great Lakes, 406-the Laurentian seasons, 407-the call of the water, 409- destruction of wild life, 410-need of reservoirs for wild life, 412-419 -seals, 413-birds, 414-417 - pageant of evolution, 418-historic associations, 419.
Sainte-Beuve, C. A., his relations with George Sand, 46-51. Salisbury's, Lord, review of Stan- hope's Pitt,' 347.
Salomon, Dr Felix, William Pitt der Jüngere,' 309.
Sand, George, New Light on, 29 -characteristics, 30, 38-relations with A. de Musset, 30, 33-37- 'Elle et Lui,' 31-works on, 32- relations with Dr Pagello, 33-37- idealism, 38, 41, 52-relations with A. de Sèze and F. Rollinat, ib.- maternal nature of her love, 39- 'Histoire de ma Vie,' ib.-belief in the fatality of organism, 40- her power to amplify, 42-excess
of individualism, 43-character of her son and daughter, 44-46-rela- tions with Sainte-Beuve, 46-51- with M. de Bourges, 48-'Lettres d'un Voyageur, 51-political views, 52-socialism, ib.-' Aldo le Rimeur,' 53.
Smith, H. K., his estimate of the
value of the Steel Corporation's properties, 198.
Sollas, Dr Hertha, 'The Face of the Earth,' her translation, 535. Sollas, Dr W. J., his geological work, 520 et seq.
South Sea Islands, 59-discovery, 60
-trade, ib.-beach-combers, 61, 75 -system of 'blackbirding,' 75- creation of the office of High Com- missioner, 76.
![[ocr errors]](,626,7,9)
Stanhope's Life of Pitt,' 307. Steel Corporation, The United States, 177. See United States. Stewart, J. M., Critical Exposition of Bergson's Philosophy,' 152, note. Stokes, F. G., his translation of the 'Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum,' 129-132 et seq.
Strauss, R., Guntram,' 123- 'Salome,' ib.-'Elektra,' 124. Strong, Mrs S. Arthur, on the per- sonal traits of the Duke of Devon- shire, 263.
Suess, Prof., 'Das Antlitz der Erde,' 518 et seq.
Sutcliffe, G. Lister, on the regulations governing garden cities, 502.
Thackeray and the English Novel, 420-from plot to charac- ter, ib.-early tale tellers, 421- Fielding, 422-Richardson, ib.- completer characterisation, 424- Scott's greatness and short-com- ings, ib.-Jane Austen, ib.-the Brontës, 425-the Thackeray Cen- tenary, ib.—Lady Ritchie's edition, 426-Thackeray, the man, 427-his insouciance, 428-worldlings, 429 -'cynicism,' 430-incoherence of plots, 431-'man of the world' books, 432-atmosphere of intrigue, 433-detestation of shams, ib.-no characters with greatness, 434- 'Vanity Vair,' ib.-Becky, 435— primarily a satirist, 437-Barry Lyndon,' ib.-complete mastery of his instrument, 438-comparisons with Dickens, 439-has achieved greatness, 441.
Thayer, W. R., works relating to Italian independence, 376.
Thomas, D. A., and the Coal Strike, 554.
Tonga, kingdom of, created, 65. Tourgueniev, I. S., his 'Memoirs of a Sportsman,' 53-admiration of the personality of George Sand, ib. Town-planning, 493. See Garden Cities.
Trevelyan, G. M., his Garibaldian trilogy, 376, 392 et seq.
Tripoli and Constantinople, 248— withdrawal of troops, 250--occu- pied by Italians, ib.-negotiations for peace, 253.
Turkey under the Constitution, 202-result of the revolution, 203, 248-programme of reforms unful- filled, 204-character of the move- ment, 205-overhearing attitude, ib.-spirit animating the Young Turks, 206-elections to Parlia- ment, 207-measures passed by the Committee, 208-grievances of the Arabs and Albanians, 209- revolts, 210-212-concessions of the Committee, 212-discontent of the Kurds, ib. - Druses and Arme- nians, 213-acts of repression of the Committee, 214, 249-violent methods, 215, 254-257-divisions among the Young Turks, 216- Jewish influence, 217-support of the army, ib.-invasion of Tripoli, 218-forces of disintegration, ib.— attitude of the Balkan States, 220 -the Great Powers, 220-223.
Unionists, The Liberal, and the Duke of Devonshire, 258. See Devonshire. Formation of the party, 266, 268-result, 273. United States Steel Corporation, 177-gigantic industry, ib.-inves- tigation into the working, 179- reports, 180-sketch of the in- dustry previous to the formation of the Steel Corporation, 180–197 -rupture between the Carnegie Company and the unions, 184-189 - introduction of labour-saving machinery, 185-expansion of the industry, 189-export trade, ib.- practice of dumping, 190 - re- visions of the tariff, 191-195- creation of holding companies, 195– 197-number of companies taken over to form the Steel Corpora- tion, 197-total capitalisation, 198 -organisation, 199-201.
United States, system of plurality
sons with the Church in England, 583-good progress, 585-compari- sons with Nonconformist work, 586-Nonconformity in transition, 587-statistics of respective ad- herents, 589-593-religious census tables, 590, 591-the Bill not justi- fied, 593.
Wallis, Mrs M. D., 'Life in Feejee,' 62.
Ward, Dr A. W., 'The Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum,' 129.
Ward, Wilfrid, 'Life of John Henry, Cardinal Newman,' 458 et seq. Waterhouse, Rev. J., 'The King and People of Fiji,' 62. Waterlow, S., Bergson,' 152.
The Philosophy of
Whig, definition of the term, 258. Whitney, Prof. J. P., 'The Eliza- bethan Reformation,' 79.
Williams, Rev. J., 'Narrative of Mis- sionary Enterprises in the South Seas,' 62.
Wood, Col. W., 'The St Lawrence,' 398.
II. Beau Nash and Bath.
III. The Elizabethan Age in Recent
IV. Cavour and the Making of Italy. By J. A. R. Marriott V. The St. Lawrence.
By Colonel Wood (of Quebec)
VI. Thackeray and the English Novel. By John Bailey VII. Agricultural Labourers and Landlords.
IX. The Wonderful Adventures of Dr. Cook.
X. The Chinese Revolution.
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