and Disendowment, and Bishop Creighton's 'The Church and the Nation.' In the following passage (op. cit., pp. 36, 37) Bishop Creighton states the real issue raised by the Welsh Disestablishment Bill:
'It is obvious that the Disestablishment of the Church in Wales must carry with it the whole question of the existence of a National Church. It is useless to say that the Church of England is not menaced, that it stands upon a different footing, and is not affected by complications which arise from differences of race and language. If the Church in Wales is disestablished, there is no longer any basis of principle left; the existence of a National Church is left as a matter to be settled by local convenience. An agitation in any group of counties might lead to a similar demand in other parts of England; and if the question was skilfully combined with other points of immediate political interest, its importance might be obscured.
'We have a right to demand that so large a question should not be approached piecemeal, and should not be discussed in relation to merely local and temporary conditions. There is no ground on which the Church in Wales can be separated from the rest of the English Church. It has had no separate history since the eighth century. Long before Wales was politically united with England it was united ecclesiastically. There has been no breach in the continuity of that connexion. The attempt to represent the Church in Wales as "an alien Church," imposed upon a reluctant people, has no warrant in the facts of history.'
On p. 3 of this volume, 1. 7 from foot, for 'Mississippi' read 'South Carolina.'
By an oversight, the map to illustrate the article on 'Fiji as a Crown Colony' (No. 430, Art. 3) gave the Caroline Islands to Spain. They have been German since 1899.
[Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type. articles are printed in italics.]
Acton, Lord, his essay on Cavour, 377, 393-relations with Newman, 473.
![[ocr errors]](,789,6,5)
Agricultural Labourers and Landlords, 442-Mr Hammond's book, ib. French and English peasantry, ib. - Mr Hammond's purpose, 443-area of cultivated land in 1685, 444-the open-field system, 445-details of its working, 446-owners and freeholders, 447 -defects of the system, 448-450- causes of its disappearance, 450 enclosure of commons, 451- Bridgewater Marsh, 452 - rural suffering, 453-and improvement, 454-rise of wages, 455-agrarian riots of 1830, 456-tithes, 457. Alexander, T. J., on Garden Cities, 503. Armaments, Growth of Expendi- ture on, 224 result of unpre- paredness for war, 225—the German Navy, ib.-growth of expenditure during the past 110 years, 226–231 -amount of national income, 227, 232-civil expenditure, 231-popu- lation, 232-amount of the external trade, 233-military expenditure in India and other parts of the Over- sea Empire, ib.-offers from the Dominions on Imperial defence, 233-236 scheme of defence in Australia, 236, 239-Canada, 237- 239-South Africa, 239-increase of expenditure compared with other naval Powers, 241-charge for in- terest on loans, 242-compared with the German Estimates, ib.-ex- penditure in relation to foreign Vol. 216.-No. 431.
trade, 243-total per head, 244- amount of investments abroad, 245 -financial position, 245-247. Ashton, Mr, of the Miners' Federa- tion, and the coal strike, 557. Asquith, Rt Hon. H. H., M.P., on the offers of the Dominions to share in Imperial Defence, 234.
Australia, naval defence proposals, 234, 239 naval and military schemes, 236, 237-estimated cost, 237, 240. Austria-Hungary, attitude towards Turkey, 221-naval expenditure, 241-244.
Bailey, John, Thackeray and the English Novel,' 420.
Balfour, Rt Hon. A. J., M.P., result of his constructive policy in Ireland, 292.
Balkan States, their attitude to Tur- key, 220.
Barbour, Sir D., on the system of taxation in Ireland, 290.
Bath, Beau Nash and, 331. See Nash.
Baty, Dr, The History of Majority Rule,' 1.
Bergson, Henri, The Philosophy of, 152-Les Données Immédiates de la Conscience,' 155-' Matière et Mémoire,' 156, 159-'L'Evolution Créatrice,' 156, 164, 167-his view on the nature of our minds, 156- definition of intenser sensation,' 157-distinction between two kinds of multiplicity, 158-freedom of the will, 159-connexion between mind 2 R
and matter, 160, 163-perception, 161, 163-165-union of body and soul, 162-material objects 'images,' 163 -memory, 165-mental life, 166- 'vital impulse,' 167-his theory that nothing is real except minds, 168- arguments against his philosophy, 169-176-the Kantian doctrine of space, 169-171.
Birt, H. N., 'Elizabethan Religious Settlement,' 84.
Bland, J. O. P., and E. Backhouse,
'China under the Dowager Em- press,' 538.
Bonney, Rev. Prof. T. G., 'The Face
Bridge, J. H., 'Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company,' 184 note, 185, 187.
Bruce, Sir C., The Broad Stone of Empire,' 55.
Calhoun, J. C., A Disquisition on Government,' 3-7.
Canada, national defence scheme, 234, 239-Naval Service Act, 237. Canterbury, Convocation of, divisions in the, 25.
Cavour and the Making of Italy, 374-the jubilee of 1911, 375- works on the Italian Risorgimento, 375-378-birth of Cavour, 378- influenced by England, 379-poli- tics and economics, 380-the con- dition of Italy, 381 sporadic insurrections, ib.-demand for a constitution, 382-defeat of Charles Albert, 383-Victor Emmanuel, ib. -gradual success, ib.--Cavour in office, 384- intervention in the Crimea, ib.-wooing Napoleon, 386 -success of the policy, 387, 389- truce of Villafranca, 388-rapid progress to unity, 390-moral sup- port of England, 391-meeting of Parliament, 391, 396-Napoleon the loser, 392-relations with Gari- baldi, 392 et seq.- the Sicilian revolutionaries, 394-victory, ib.- the Union realised, 396-entry into Rome, 397.
Chalmers, Dr, on the religious value
of endowments, 582. Chamberlain, Rt Hon. J., M.P., his early position as leader of the Radicals, 271-joins the Liberal Unionist party, 272-Tariff Reform scheme, 259.
Chinese Revolution, The, 536-
the new republic, ib.-its heavy difficulties, ib.-the rapid over-turn, 537-Prince Ito's comments, 538- 544-comparison with Japanese conditions, ib.—the foreign Western mind, 540-wanted, a national idea, 541-essential difficulties, 542-in- trusion of western communities, 543 -want of constructive elements, 544 -oriental exclusiveness, ib.-the Reform movement, 545-the Young Chinese, 546-their patriotism pro- vincial, 547-breakdown finance, 548-551-perplexity of the future, 551-restraint of Japan, 553.
Chirol, Valentine, 'The Chinese Revo- lution,' 536.
Church, Councils of the, decisions, 20-26.
Church in Wales, The, 574. See Wales.
Churchill, Lord R., his help in form- ing the Liberal Unionist alliance, 270-272-characteristics, 271. Coal Strike, The, 554-its origins, ib. - revolutionary not economic, 555-growth of combines, ib.-the S. Wales dispute, 556-the claim for a minimum wage, 557-the bal- lot, 588-the claim refused, 559- rights of the case, 560-the right to royalties, 561-wayleave, ib.-cost of the minimum wage, 562-safe- guards against malingering, 563 -the new Act, 564 et seq.-the 'special minimum rate,' 566-the market for coal, 567-production and prices, 568-rights and respon- sibilities of the men, 569-their ill- judged actions, 571-failure of the general strike, 572.
Commons, House of, passing of Bills by a majority, 11-14.
Constantinople and Tripoli, 248— the rule of the Young Turkish Com- mittee, 248-withdrawal of troops, 250, 252-loss of influence, 251- abhorrent methods of the Com- mittee, 254-257.
Cook, The Wonderful Adventures of Dr, 480-the Polar mania, ib.— Peary's success, ib.-Cook's sudden claim, 481-his achievements, ib. - welcome in Denmark, 482- partisan controversy, ib.-Dunkle and Loose confess, ib.-disappear- ance of Cook, ib.-his book, 483- attack on Peary, 484-literary style, 485-gross errors, 487-lack of scientific evidence, 488-contra- dictions, 489-his determination of latitude, 491-carelessness, 492- evident loss of mental balance, ib.
Crammond, E., Growth of Expendi- ture on Armaments,' 224. Crown Colonies, 56-definition, 57- number, 58-administration, 59.
Debussy, C., 'Pelléas et Mélisande,' 127.
Denmark, Dr Torböl's system of 'localism,' 6.
Dent, E. J., his article on the Baroque Opera, 110 note. Devonshire, The Duke of, and the Liberal Unionists, 258-his Life, 259-views on Tariff Reform, ib.-opposition to the Home Rule Bill, 261, 269, 278-indifference to applause and abuse, 261-character- istics 262-264, 271-compared with Goschen, 264-forms the Liberal Unionist party, 266, 269 - col- leagues, 270-comparison with the Duke of Wellington, 276. Dillon, Dr E. J., Tripoli and Con- stantinople,' 248.
Dillon, Capt. P., his narrative of a voyage in the South Seas, 61. Dixon, R. W., 'History of the Church of England,' 81.
Earth, The Face of the, 516- James Hutton and Catastrophism, ib.-William Smith, 517-Lyell, ib. Evolution, 518 Edward Suess, 518-lateral pressure, 519 earthquakes, 519, 525-527 collapse of the crust, 520-foldings, 521-rise and fall of the land, 522 -evidence of the Alps, 524-the Mediterranean and Mid-Eocene seas, 527-529-larger ocean basins, 530-great depths, 531 -- Indian Ocean, ib. - how the earth's features were formed, 532-the trend-lines of Europe, ib.-regions protected from change, 533. Elizabethan Age in Recent Lite- rary History, The, 353-tasks before the literary historian, ib.- early efforts, 354-Pope and War- ton, ib. Herder, 355-Roman- ticism, 356-influence of natural science, 357-Taine, ib.-his wide- spread influence, 358-biography and literary history, 359-Goethe, 360-Sainte-Beuve, ib.-the Eliza- bethan period, 361 et seq. — M. Jusserand, 361-on Spenser, 362- the drama, 363-Marlowe, ib.- Shakespeare, 364-greatness of
'Othello,' 365-character of Cleo- patra, 366-Sir Sidney Lee, 367- the Elizabethan temper, ib.-influ- ence of France, 368-370 on Spenser and Shakespeare, 369- inadequate German contributions, 370-Ten Brink, ib.-the Cam- bridge Press, 371-English critics, 373.
Elizabethan Reformation, The, 79 -works on, 79-90-political and religious settlement for Europe, 90 -Council of Trent, 91-power of the Papacy, ib.-growth of Cal- vinism, 92- independence from Rome, ib.-Queen Elizabeth's rela- tion with foreign Protestants, 93– question of Papal supremacy, 94— alleged offer of the Pope to allow the Prayer-book, ib.-conservative character of the English Church, 95 -diplomacy of the Cardinal of Lor- raine, 97-rejection of the Papal supremacy, ib.-difficulties of ad- justment, 98-publication of the 'Admonition to Parliament,' 99- the work of reconstruction, 100- alternatives to the scheme, 101. Elliot, Hon. A. D., 'The Life of G. J. Goschen,' 264.
Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum, 129-translations, 130-Erfurt Uni- versity, 132-controversy between Reuchlin and the Cologne Domini- cans, 133-Pfefferkorn's raid on Jewish books, ib. Reuchlin's opinion in favour, 134-'Handt- spiegel,' 135-'Augenspiegel,' ib.- opposition of Tungern and Grotius, 136 the 'Brantspiegel,' 137 - 'Augenspiegel' condemned, ib.- appeal to the Pope, 138-composi- tion of the first volume of the satire, 139-question of the author- ship, 140-Crotus Rubianus, 141- origin of the title, 142-writers, 143 -materia, ib.-style, 144-Ulrich von Hutten, 145-character of the second series, 146-150-opinion of Erasmus on the work, 149. Erskine, Adm. J. E., Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific,' 62.
Face of the Earth, The, 516. See Earth.
Fiji as a Crown Colony, 55, 59, 63 works on, 62-influences on the work of civilising, 63-cotton- growing established, ib.-various
elements creating disquiet, 64- constitutions, 65-cession to the British Crown, ib.-Sir A. Gordon, the first Governor, 66-the native question, 67-71-system of 'black- birding,' 68-cultivation of sugar, 69-supervision on the introduction of Polynesians, ib. - Executive Council, 71-Legislative Council, 72-administrative system, 73- 'Native Affairs Ordnance, 1876,' 74 -jurisdiction of the High Commis- sioner, 76.
Fitch, J. A., 'The Steel Workers,' 183 note, 184, 188, 189.
Fortescue, the Hon. J. W., on Pitt as War-Minister, 324. France, population, 227-naval ex- penditure, 241-244.
Frere, Rev. W. H., 'History of the English Church,' 81-83.
Gairdner, J., 'Lollardy and the Re- formation in England,' extract from,
Garden Cities, Housing, and Town - Planning, 493-an im- proved ideal, ib.-result of the industrial revolution, 494-enlight- ened employers, 495-Letchworth, 496-Hampstead Suburb Trust, 497 -general prosperity, 498-require- ments of Town-planning Act, 499 -many schemes, 500-need for new regulations, 501-and greater elasticity, 502-and of better organ- isation of London, 505-roads, 506 -German examples, ib.-United States, 507- Canada, 508 - the problem of empty houses, 509- Co-partnership Tenants, 510-512- play-places, 513 regulation of enterprises needed, 515. Garibaldi and the liberation of Italy, 392 et seq.
Gary, E. H., on the practice of dump- ing, 190-on Government control of prices, 201.
Gee, Dr, 'The Elizabethan Clergy,' 83. Geology. See Earth, 516.
![[blocks in formation]](,1222,428,242)
Gordon, Sir A., the first Governor of Fiji, 66-system of administration, ib. Goschen, Viscount, his biography, 264-associated with the Duke of Devonshire, ib. — political views, 265-dissatisfaction with the policy of Mr Gladstone, ib.-his gift for phrases, 267-speech on justice to Ireland, ib.
Guyot, M. Yves, 'Le Directeur et la Paix de l'Europe,' 308.
Hadow, W. H., 'Music and Drama,' 103.
Hamilton, C., on the personal traits of the Duke of Devonshire, 263. Hammond, J. L., 'The Village Labourer,' criticised, 442 et seq. Hampstead Suburb Trust, 497. Harry, T. Everett, collaboration with Dr Cook, 485.
Heath, Francis G., British Rural Life and Labour,' 442. Henderson, W. J., 'Some Fore- runners of Italian Opera,' 108, 110. Herford, C. H., 'The Elizabethan Age in Recent Literary History,' 353.
Holland, B., 'The Life of Spencer Compton, Eighth Duke of Devon- shire,' 259 et seq.
Home Rule Finance, 281 - the history of Ireland's constitutional relations with Great Britain, 282- 285-Act of Union of 1817; 285- system of taxation, ib.-amalgama- tion of the Exchequers, 286—divi- sion of public expenditure, 287- supposed amount contributed by Ireland, 288-annual returns, 290
-amount contributed from the British Exchequer, ib.-increase of taxation, 291-prosperity under the Unionist constructive policy, 292, 306-increase of Bank and Post Office deposits, 293-table of re- venue and expenditure, 294, 300- Home Rule Bill of 1886; 294-of 1893; 296-299-of 1912; 299-pro- posed reductions in the Civil Ser- vice, 300-departments which can- not be abolished, 301-cost of the judiciary, 302-items of State ex- penditure, 303-loans from the Imperial Exchequer, 304.
Housing and Town-planning, 493. See Garden Cities.
Hunt, Dr, Political History of Eng- land' and Pitt, 308.
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