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That of all booty taken at land her Majefty does referve to herfelf and the States General two thirds, in cafe the town or place be taken by capitulation; but in cafe the place or town be taken by ftorm, then her Majefty referves to herfelf and the States General only one third.

That the remaining third, or two thirds as aforefaid, fhall be dis vided into fixteen parts, and fhall be diftributed as follows, viz. To the General

To the other Officers

To the Colonels, Lieutenant Colonel,
Major, Captain, Lieutenants, and

To the rest of the Non-commiffioned
Officers and Soldiers



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That when Landmen are commanded on board any fhips of her Majefty and the States, in any expedition, or if in their paffage to the Weft Indies, or in the Weft Indies from one place to another, that transports fhall be engaged, and a prize taken, the Laudmen, as well Officers as common Soldiers, on board the hips of war or tranfport fhips, fhall be confidered as Seamen; and that when Seamen fhall be joined with Landmen in land fervice, they likewife, both Officers and Men, shall be confidered as Landmen in the dividends of the booty.

That of all booty and prizes to be taken in any fervice at land, in which the Commanders in Chief of the fquadron for the time being fhall affift, with Seamen belonging to the fhips of that fquadron (which Men fhall not be diftributed into companies of a leffer number than what the land forces do confift of ), the Commander in Chief fhall have the fame fhare as is allowed to a Colonel, and the Officers which fhall be appointed by him to command thefe Men fhall in like manner be confidered as land Officers.

That where her Majesty's fhips and thofe of the States fhall concur in the fiege or attack of a place, the Officers and Seamen of thofe fhips fhall fhare in the diftribution of the booty as Landmen.

That if any fleet of the enemy thall come to relieve any place fo attacked or befieged, and that the fleet of her Majefty and the States General, or any fquadron of it, fhall attack fuch fleet, then the Officers and Seamen of fuch fleet or fquadron, fo engaged, fhall fhare as Landmen in the diftribution of the booty of fuch place, if taken.

That in all other cafes which cannot be forefeen, the Admiral of the fleets of her Majefty and the States General in the Weft Indies, and the General of the land forces there, fhall concert, fuch mea. fures for the diftribution of the booty and plunder, as may feem molt agreeable to thefe directions, and as the particular nature of the cafe may require.


4 C



That in all fuch cafes as aforefaid, where the fea and land me fhall be jointly entitled to the dividend, the fame fhall be done after the refpective defalcations above mentioned, according to the following proportions:

Between the Admiral and General at land


3 Sixteenths.

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Between the Vice Admiral and other Ge

neral Officers

Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors,
Captains, at fea and land, and En-

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The reft of the Non-commiffioned Officers

at fea and land, the Seamen and Sol-




That no officer of the militia fhall be confidered as a Colonel that commands lefs than 500 men, nor as a Captain that hath fewer in his company than 40, uniefs fuch regiment or company, after their proceeding on this expedition, happen to be reduced by ficknefs, or the accidents of war.

The abovefaid proportions allowed to the feamen and landmen fhall be in all cafes diftributed between the English and Dutch in manner following; viz. the Dutch fhall have fuch part thereof as is proportionable to the number of fhips or landmen respectively employed in the refpective fervices, to be divided among them as their Commanders in Chief hall judge proper, and the reft fhall be difpofed as abovefaid to her Majefty's fubjects.

The Distribution of the Prizes and Booty that should be taken in the Welt Indies, under the Command of Commodore Wilmot, 1694.

1. All prizes taken at fea were to be diftributed according to an Act of Parliament in that behalf; and of all the booty at land, a third part was to be fet afide for the Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, when Commander in Chief on any expedition, or to the Commander in Chief for the time being; the other two thirds to be diftributed among the officers and foldiers, as will be hereafter more particularly expreffed.

2. His Majefty's part of all prizes at fea was to be divided among the feamen only, and the booty at land among the land


3. But when landmen happened to be commanded on board upon any expedition, cr if in their paffage to the Weft Indies their trangport fhips fhould be engaged, and a prize taken, fuch landmen were to be confidered as feamen, and their officers on board to receive a fhare, according to their pay; and in like manner the feamen and their officers, when on fhore, were to receive a dividend, according to their pay.

4. That

4. That all booty taken in fervice on fhore, wherein the Commander in Chief of the fquadron for the time being should affift, with 400 feamen or more, the faid Commander in Chief was to have the fhare allotted to a Colonel, and the officers appointed by him to command those men to be confidered as land officers.

5. No officer of the militia was to be confidered as a Colonel, who commanded lefs than five hundred men, nor as a Captain if he had lefs in his company than fifty; unless fuch regiment or company should, after their proceeding on the expedition, happen to be reduced by ficknefs, or accidents of war.

Two Thirds of the Booty taken at Land to be thus divided, To Field and Staff Officers,

Colonel as Colonel

Le Colonel as L' Colonel






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Two Thirds of the King's part of the Prizes at fea were to be

divided after this manner; viz.

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Lafly, fuch officers, foldiers, and feamen as fhould happen to receive wounds in any action, where booty or a prize should be taken, were to have a double fhare, in confideration of the faid wounds.


(L. S.)

Inftructions for our trufty and well-beloved Si George Bridges Rodney, Baronet, Admiral and Commander in Chief of our Naval Forces in the Leeward Hiands; and the Honourable Major General Vaughan, Commander in Chief of our Land Forces in the faid Iflands. Given at our Court at St. James's, the Thirtieth Day of March 1781, in the Twentyfirft of our Reign.

Whereas, by the bleffing of God upon your prompt and vi gorous execution of our orders, you have obtained poffeflion of the Dutch iflands of St. Euftatius, St. Martin, and Saba, and thereby, and in confequence thereof, captured a large number of fhips and veffels, merchandise, naval and military ftores, provifions, and other effects, the property of the enemy, which by law appertaineth unto us in virtue of our prerogative royal: But we, being graciously disposed to reward the zeal and bravery of you our faid Commanders in Chief, and of our land and fea forces under your refpective commands, employed upon thefe fervices, and to encourage all others our forces, and their commanders, to pay the like ready and punctual obedience to our orders, and to exert their utmost vigilance, alacrity, and intrepidity, in the execution of them, do relinquish, and have hereby relinquished, all our right, title, and claim to the faid fhips and veffels, merchandise, naval and military ftores, and other effects of the enemy, fo captured by you our faid Commanders in Chief, and our land and fea forces under your refpective commands (except only the whole of the provifions, and the ordnance, arms, ammunition and other military stores, provided for the defence of the faid iflands, or which may be judged neccffary by you and our engineer for that purpofe), which have been found therein, the fame to be for your and their fole use and benefit, to be divided in fuch manner as we fhall hereafter direct and appoint; faving always to the fettled inhabitants of the faid iflands the poffeffion of their lands and produce thereof, houses, slaves, cattle, furniture, utenfils, and flock, that fhall be found thereon, as affo all fuch effects as fhall be proved to be the property of British fubjects lawfully exported thither, or which may lawfully be imported into Great Britain from thence.

G. R.


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