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exposure of accounts required in St. George's Company. 6. Why the British soul is impatient of confession and inquisition. 7, 8. The desire for secrecy implies guilt or danger. Our ability to say the Lord's Prayer the sign of a good day. 9. Photographs of capitals of the Ducal Palace sent to the Sheffield Museum: the Virtues and the Sages. 10. Treatment of foliage and hair in sculpture.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-11. Affairs of the Company. Suggestions to women for securing good linen and other stuffs. 12. Affairs of the Master. Further notes on his disposal of his fortune. 13. Newspaper paragraph on the Wesleyan Mayor of St. Helens and the Roman Catholic Bishop of Liverpool. 14. The author's comments thereon. 15. Instance at Venice of "turning the grace of God into fury": advertisement of "Great Sabbath of the Witches" on the front of St. Mark's. Newspaper paragraph on the walls of Berwick, and the proposal to sell a part of them to the Corporation; North British Railway station built on the site of Berwick Castle.


LETTER 78 (June)


(Venice, May 9, 1877.) 1. The eighteenth capital of the Ducal Palace. The Angel of the Moon: heraldic and pictorial symbolism distinguished. 2. The Angel of Jupiter. 3, 4. The Archangel Michael. Uriel, the modern Archangel, and Photography. Why is there no Ducal Palace at Sheffield? 5-7. Lesson Photograph (The "Etruscan Leucothea ") discussed. Sculpturesque treatment of hair. Comparison with Athena. Sculpturesque treatment of drapery. 8. Photographs of St. Mark's sent to the Sheffield Museum. Treatment of the west front by the modern Venetians. Modern Advertisements upon it, to be compared withthe ancient Inscriptions on the mosaics inside. 9. St. George's Company not a new thing, but the re-declaration of laws as old as Sinai. 10. The Modern Decalogue. 11. "Let him that stole steal no more." 12, 13. Beers, still and sparkling; different codes of morality respecting them, enunciated by Mr. Greg. Author's challenges to Mr. Greg, Mr. Fawcett, and the Bishop of Manchester in regard to wages, interest, and rent. 14. Author's land experiment at Sheffield. Why he assumes the Mastership of St. George's Guild. Harmony of his literary work as leading up to Fors Clavigera. 15. His message on political matters sufficiently spoken. Plans for future rest. 16. Translation of passage from the Laws of Plato.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-17. Affairs of the Company: hitch in the purchase of land in Sheffield. 18. Affairs of the Master: statement by Miss Octavia Hill about his houses in London. 19. Speech by Professor Goldwin Smith on the "marvellous growth of wealth." 20. Illustrated by a newspaper article on margarine, as superseding butter. 21. Increase of money not increase of prosperity. 22. "A Plea for Boys quoted with approval from the New York Christian Union. 23. Letter from John Guy on the use of machinery.

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(Herne Hill, June 18.) 1. Work without wages inconceivable
to the modern mind. 2. Spirit in which St. George's land at
Sheffield is to be worked. 3. Loyalty and obedience possible
in useful, no less than in useless, employment. 4. Why no rent
is to be asked for St. George's land at Abbeydale. 5. Peace,
not necessarily joy, the promised reward of right doing. 6.
Statement by Mr. T. C. Horsfall that "for our working men
no heroic tales exist." 7. Where are our painters to come from?
8, 9. Further passages from Mr. Horsfall's letter on the state
of arts in England, with the author's remarks thereon.
Criticism of the Grosvenor Gallery. 11. An appreciation of Burne-
Jones. Attack on Whistler. 12. Pictures by Heilbuth and Tissot.
What Millais might have been: his animal painting. 13. Story
of a horse and kitten.


NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-14. Affairs of the Company: appoint-
ment of new Trustees. Purchase of a picture by Verrocchio. Accounts.
15. Future plans for Fors Clavigera. 16, 17. Letters from a school-
mistress on the education of girls. 18. Note on the reclamation of land.


LETTER 80 (August)

(Birmingham, July 16.) 1. The author taken captive by his
enemies at Birmingham. 2. Relations of masters and men: the
life of the workman, St. George's only thought. 3. The numbers
of miserable poor and of happy rich. 4. Author's visit to St.
George's land at Bewdley, and to two women nailmakers. 5.
Wages of these "Clavigere." 6. The figures in Burne-Jones'
"Mirror of Venus" contrasted. 7. Ladies (the best and prettiest
of them) answerable for all the mischief that goes on in the
world. Letter from Coventry Patmore, in remonstrance against
Letter 64, on the duties of women. 8. Translation of a passage
from the Laws of Plato on the "father-laws," or guardian laws,
of Greece. 9. Usury is a denial of one of the guardian laws of
States. 10. Main principle of usury defined.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. 11. Affairs of the Company. To be called
"St. George's Guild." 12. Purchase of land at Mickley (Abbeydale).
Accounts. 13. Affairs of the Master. The author and his friends. 14.
A clergyman's letter in defence of usury. 15-17. Correspondence on the
alleged inconsistency of the author in denouncing usury and receiving
interest from investments. 18. Letter on the life of a good workman.
19. Letter on Church Service in modern days. 20. Letter on the pro-
portion of rent to the income of the poor. 21. Letters from George
Allen on bees and School Board education. 22. Letter from a young lady.




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(Brantwood, August 13.) 1. The author not self-asserting, but a bringer of "the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another." 2. "Doing" as understood by St. John. 3. The literal brotherhood and sisterhood of Christianity. 4. Despising of the poor. 5. The author's plans for re-delivering his message in gentler terms. 6. Letter of remonstrance against his anger and impatience. 7. Author only claims to be a "makeshift Master." Fors Clavigera, a letter written in a kind of bitter play, concerned with eternal laws, not present-day policies. Its language, however, always carefully weighed. 8. Examples of its precision of language. 9. The hammer of Jael in the hand of Fors, nailing down scarecrows of idiotic soul. Usury the Salvation of men according to the modern Gospel. 10. Letter on the dearness of food for the poor. 11. A protest by Mr. T. C. Horsfall against the severity of the author's epithets. 12. Universal gabble, the curse of the age. Evils of cheap printing. The author's object to extricate the few books and words that are Divine from among the insectile noise.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-13. Author's letter to the Standard on a supposed correspondence with Mr. Lowe. 14. Affairs of the Company. Accounts. 15. Affairs of the Master. 16. Extract from the Monetary Gazette on distress in India. 17-20. Letter from Mr. Horsfall on a proposed museum for working men, with comments by the author. 21. Little Harriet's Botanical Museum. 22. Proclamation by the "Breadwinners' League" in New York.


LETTER 82 (October)


(Brantwood, September 13.) 1. Capital punishment in the eighteenth century A.D. compared with that in the fifth century B.C. 2. Extract from Müller's Dorians; the pre-Christian view. Extracts from an article by Mr. Gale; the English eighteenthcentury view. 4. Annual executions of innocent persons in English trade. 5. General conclusions respecting national progress require careful weighing. Progress in Manchester; and its robbery of Thirlmere. (The Judasian heresy and the heresy of the tables in Political Economy. The functions of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Eacus.) The hills and vales, the true temples of God. 6. Plato on crimes against the Gods. 7. Pains taken by the author in writing Fors Clavigera; henceforward he proposes to give more space to extracts from classical authors. Translation of passages from Plato's Laws on knowledge of the existence of the Gods. and how it is to be gained. 8. Plato's general plan of education: gentlemen and slaves. 9. Education as a discriminator of men to be rough for the rough and smooth for the smooth.




10. Plato's "necessary sciences." 11, 12. Science evilly laid hold

of worse than none. A great sentence from Plato, and its trans-

lators. 13. Plato on the teaching of science. 14. Asceticism and

self-discipline to be practised only to make us capable of sacred

joy. 15. Importance of birth in education. Plato on tragedy:

Greek ideal of drama. Actors, doers. Realities of life, the best and

truest tragedy. 16. Plato's scheme of education. Grammar (the

general word for literature) only to be taught to youths for three

years. 17. First training of children. Virtue, the symphony of

the soul's faculties and parts. The essence of education is Music,

properly understood. 18. Definitions and relations of Soul and

Body in Plato's writings. Music essential to the right government

of passions and intellect. Choral association essential to it. 19.

Importance of children's play. Deadliness of novelty in youth-
ful education. Rank of Angels among ancient spiritual powers.
Plato's Three Choirs. Sacred continuance of song in the discipline
of adult life. 20. Uselessness of Plato's conception to the modern
mind. His ideal and its perversion. How the evil angels per-
vert the powers of the greatest men; yet their ministry to the
soul of the race continues. 21. Sermon by the Bishop of Man-
chester on the peril of anticipating immortality. J. S. Mill on
belief in immortality as a useful illusion. 22. Challenge to the
Bishop on Usury repeated. 23. The gist of the author's quota-
tions from Plato. Spiritual uses of dress, food, and music; re-
formation of the lower orders only possible by distribution of
these things among them. The test of Christianity. 24. The
need of giving to the poor without any return therefor.
prayer only street-boys' play with God's door-knocker. 25. Ex-
hortation to learn the meaning of Prayer and Alms. Dies Miseri-
cordiæ to be remembered with the Dies Ira. The Light of the
Day of the Lord: to whom promised.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-26. Affairs of the Company prospering.

27. Affairs of the Master too many for him. 28. Letter from a correspon-

dent on the conduct of life. 29. The author's reply: no compromise

with evil possible. The true meaning of martyrdom and idolatry. 30.

Advice on bodily exercise. 31. Report of the Howard Association on
"Industrial Education versus Crime.' 32. Letter from an English
doctor, settled as a farmer in California. 33. Letter from Thomas Dixon
on the new Labour League of America and on English leisure. 34. An
answer from Plato. 35. Article from the Scotsman on rural depopulation.

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LETTER 83 (November)

1. Greek leisure obtained by slavery. The true story and

strength of the world in its workers; its fiction and feebleness
in its idlers. The coming revolution. Good servants to wait
for their Master's coming. 2. Plato's choir of old men. 3. The
seven technical divisions of music by him. 4. His account of


the ruin of the Doric cities. His definition of music, as the movement of sound so as to reach the soul for the education of it in virtue. 5. The Greek "Amusia" and modern "Amusement." The measure of Hesiod: the half more than the whole. 6. Ruin of England by the "amusia" of her Cavaliers and Puritans. Unconscious action of Scott's imagination as pleaded by Scott himself in the Fortunes of Nigel. 7. The heavenly involuntariness of the great masters. 8. Its connexion with sense of moral law. 9. "Poetical Justice." Shakespeare and Tragic Destiny. 10. Assertion of moral law in the Heart of Midlothian, the greatest of Scott's novels. Its analysis of Protestantism. 11. Its tragedy the result of "museless" hardness of nature. 12. Muselessness of the Cameronian leaders. Puritan errors respecting dancing; their negligence of the laws of nature; consequent corruption of dance and song. 13. The sirenic blasphemy of modern oratorio and opera. Plato's "euphemy" and "blasphemy." 14. Letter from A. S. Murray on Greek myths of music. 15. The author's interpretation of them.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE.-16. Affairs of the Company. Difficulties on the Abbey Dale property. 17. Affairs of the Master. His woodchopping. 18. Article from the Builder on land monopoly. 19, 20. Extracts and Correspondence on Temporalities and Church Leases (1838). 21. Archbishop Tait and Irish Disestablishment: newspaper extract. 22. Letter on the conditions of labour in the case of a shop-girl under a churchwarden. 23. False and true education exemplified in the bondage of a government teacher, and the happiness of an old shepherd and his wife. 24. Manchester and the Thirlmere water scheme. Hydrophobia. 25. The real causes of the Indian famine. 26. The instincts of maternity extinguished by Mammon. Some statistics of home produce in 1857. 27. Talbot Village, Bournemouth. 28. Mourning by machinery: a tolling machine.

LETTER 84 (December)


(Brantwood, October 29.) 1. "They have no wine:" an appeal for the help of the poor. "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it:" a command to serve the Lord. 2. An autumn evening above the Lago di Garda. 3, 4. The peasant race of Northern Italy. The Church on earth is now in such peasant races. 5. "To give them their meat in due season." 6. The return of the Lord "from the wedding." 7. "My Lord delayeth his coming." 8-11. The punishment of hypocrisy and division of heart: passages from Livy and Dante. 12. "Choose ye this day whom you will serve. 13. Future plans for Fors Clavigera: henceforth to be constructive only, the author putting aside expostulation and blame. 14. Summary of the evil of the day. Pillage of the labourer by the idler -the landlord, soldier, lawyer, priest, merchant, and usurer. To be cured only by an ordered Hierarchy. 15. The words of the King to the Seven Churches; 16, addressed to their Angels, or Guardian Spirits. 17-26. Analysis of Revelation, chapters ii. and iii.




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