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The Manchester Magazine, January 1880, vol. 2, pp. 116-118: "What is the Guild of St. George? Abstract of a lecture delivered to the Aberdeen Branch of the Ruskin Society," by Mr. John Morgan (for whom, see Vol. XIV. p. 312).

The Bingley Telephone and Airedale Courant, April 23, 1880 (referred to in Letter 89, § 1; below, p. 398).

The Winchester Review, June 15, 1880, No. 2, pp. 74-90: an article entitled "A New Utopia," by E. Clarke.

The Scotsman, November 15, 1883 ("Mr. Ruskin on Ashestiel"). Pall Mall Gazette, November 14 and December 27, 1883 (Letters 92 and 93); March 8 and December 23, 1884 (Letters 94 and 96).

Varia Lectiones.-Letter 73, § 3, lines 7 and 10, "you" and "them" italicised in accordance with Ruskin's marking in his copy. § 11, footnote, "December 2" is here a correction for "December 1." § 15, first note, see p. 24 n. § 18, line 2, "makes" is similarly corrected to "make." § 18 (line 17 of p. 29 here), “67" (the number of the Letter referred to) has hitherto been misprinted "p. 27."

Letter 74, § 2, footnote, line 3, "Coldara" is corrected to "Caldara.” § 5, for a passage struck out by the author, see p. 33 n. § 7, line 29, "angel's" in ed. 1, "angels'" later. § 15, line 27, "be" was misprinted "to" in ed. 2. § 18, line 2, "for" (in ed. 1) was misprinted "or" in later editions. In "Egbert Rydings" account, under January 1, 1877, "Guy" was misprinted "Gay" in ed 1. At the end of the "Notes and Correspondence "there was the following: "ERRATUM.-In Fors of December last, p. 381, for xxiii. read xxxiii." (see Vol. XXVIII. p. 759). The mistake was corrected in ed. 3 of Letter 72.

Letter 75, § 2, line 8, "melons" has hitherto been misprinted



§ 9, the last word in the quotation from Cheney is here "permitted" (as in Cheney) instead of "allowed" (in previous editions). See also p. 65 n. § 10, line 15, "Couttet" was misprinted "Contet” in ed. 1 and “Coutet' afterwards. § 12, line 2, quæso" is here a correction for "queso"; line 9, "87th" Psalm is here a correction for "86th." § 14, footnote, "Edward has hitherto been misprinted "Edwards." § 21 (line 16 of p. 78 here), the word "Free" before "Church" is here omitted; Ruskin wrote it in error-the Act to which the letter refers was concerned with the Established Church.

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Letter 76, § 1, line 28, "or" before "householder" in ed. 1, afterwards corrected to "nor." § 15, line 5, "£2200” is the author's correction for "£1200." § 18, line 20, "for" is here inserted after "preparing."

Letter 77, § 3, line 32, the commas before and after "following" (important for the sense) are now inserted in accordance with a note in Ruskin's copy.

Letter 78, § 7, lines 19-21, the text has hitherto read: "No. 10, which is of a door of St. Mark's, with two prophets bearing scrolls, in the midst of vineleaf ornament on each side, and look . . ." The corrections now made are from Ruskin's copy. So in § 8, "The two northern" and "The two southern" are his corrections for "Northern" and "Southern"; and "in No. 11" is his insertion in line 12.

Letter 79, note (h), see p. 155 n.

Letter 80, § 8, dots are here introduced in the first passages from Plato, to mark where Ruskin passes from 698 B to 699 C. § 9, line 11, at the word "translation" there was in all the octavo editions an asterisk with the following footnote appended :—

* "Rock Honeycomb cost me and my printers' best reader more than usual pains to get into form: some errata have, nevertheless, escaped us both; of which 'fully' for 'full,' in line 114, as spoiling a pretty stanza, and 106' for '166,' in page 62, as causing some inconvenience, had better be at once corrected. It is also the hundred and first, not the fifty-first psalm whose rhythm is analyzed at page xliii. of the Preface."

These corrections are made in Rock Honeycomb as printed in this edition (Vol. XXXI.).

Letter 81, § 10, third line from end, "Grey" hitherto is a misprint for "Guy" (corrected by Ruskin in his copy).

Letter 82, § 2, the reference to Müller's Dorians is here corrected from "ch. ii. 99 to "ch. xi.," and in the extract "Eolic" is a correction for "Eolic." § 10, author's footnote, "subject of much" is here a correction for "much subject of." § 15, author's footnote, line 5, has hitherto been in all editions "must be read now, though I'm terribly sorry to give it only in small print. It must not have small print . . ."; altered by Ruskin in his copy as in the present text. It is strange that the correction should not have been made by his proof-readers, for the passage was given in large print. Ruskin obviously changed his mind in the course of writing the note, and forgot to strike out the words "I'm terribly sorry," etc. § 17, line 20, and § 19, fifth line from end, ed. 1 and the Small Edition "Dionysus"; misprinted "Dionysius in ed. 2. § 19, note (IV.), line 2, "peoples" in ed. 1. § 20, last line but one, "to" before "be" is omitted as marked by Ruskin in his copy. § 23, line 4, "person" has hitherto been misprinted for "power." § 24, author's footnote, "Blachford" is here a correction for "Blackford." § 33, "Schwab" has hitherto been misprinted "Schawb."

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Letter 83, § 7, line 3, "guided"" in ed. 1; "guided" afterwards; the quotation marks are now restored, as the reference is to the corrected word in Scott's manuscript in § 6. § 24, last line, "Reddie" has hitherto been misprinted "Rennie.”

Letter 85, § 10, line 11, the inverted commas after "alleged incomes" were omitted in ed. 3. § 12, line 24, "Herbert Spencer" has hitherto been misprinted "Spencer Herbert." § 14, ed. 1 had a misprint in the extract from Viollet-le-Duc-e.g., "dike" for "dyke" in the eleventh line from the end of the present p. 332; on the other hand, ed. 3 misprinted "were" for "where" in line 7 of p. 334.

Letter 86, § 1, line 3, "an MS." in ed. 1. § 12, footnote, line 13, "retards" in ed. 1. § 16, line 6, "Saint Cross" has hitherto been misprinted "South Cross." § 17, line 20 of Mr. Willett's letter, "systems" was misprinted for " system' in ed. 3. § 18, line 40, adapted" was misprinted "adopted" in ed. 1. § 26, fifth line from the end of Miss Hill's letter, "people" for "the people" in ed. 1.

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Letter 87, § 1, line 9, "the "is Ruskin's correction in his copy for "these," and ed. 1 reads "nor is it possible." § 2, line 26, "Winny" is here altered to "Winnie" (to correspond with the spelling of the name

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in Castle Blair). § 4, line 23, "and" is similarly his insertion; and so also "following" in § 7, line 24. In § 13, line 5, the punctuation now given is in accordance with Ruskin's correction; the passage has hitherto been printed "I am myself so nearly, as you are so grievously faithless § 13, line 35, "and" was misprinted "add" in the third and small editions. § 14, line 10, "of" misprinted "or" in ed. 3. § 15, line 11, "Parizade" was misprinted "Pairzael" in ed. 1; line 17 from end, "worked" was misprinted "wroked" in ed. 1; Ruskin in his copy changed the "worked" of later editions into "wrought."


Letter 88, § 11, line 56, "1861" is here a correction for "1864." § 14, line 49, for "three nights" ed. 1 reads "four nights." § 17, line 13, "a twelfth" is here a correction for "an eleventh."

Letter 89, § 1, lines 6-9, the brackets are inserted in accordance with Ruskin's copy. § 2, line 2, " silence hitherto" is his correction for "hitherto silence." § 7, the last word "nations" is here substituted in accordance with Hartwig's text for "governments." § 8, line 18, "these" is his correction for "their." § 10, line 6, "while" is his correction for "and." § 13, line 19, the word "is" has now been inserted after "in which." § 14, line 26, the word "getting" is here inserted. § 18, line 20, ❝industrious" was misprinted "industries" in ed. 3.

Letter 90, § 11, line 12, "dog" is here a correction for "dogs."
Letter 91, § 4, line 4, "develope" in ed. 1.

Letter 92, § 6, the quotation marks were incorrectly printed in previous editions. § 7, line 6, "six" is here a correction for "five."

Letter 93, § 5, line 2, "not only that" is here a correction (required by the subsequent form of the sentence) for "that, not only." In the list of members of the Guild (p. 477) "Somervell" is here a correction for "Somerville."

Letter 95, § 25, line 4 of (2) "Mr. Park's (family?)" is here a correction for "Mr. Park"; the former words being those given in Mr. CraigBrown's book (for which, see p. 512 n.).

Letter 96, § 1, line 1, "Menevia" is here a correction for "Meneira." § 4. The account of "The Mother of the Orphans" was reprinted with some revisions in Part III. of Christ's Folk in the Apennine (1887). The revisions have been followed in the text given in this volume. They are (in addition to minor matters of punctuation) as follows:

In lines 8 and 9, Fors reads "the contemplative side of such a life." On page 520, the notes * and † were not given in Christ's Folk; lines 10, 11, 28 and 29, the italics were added in Christ's Folk; page 521, line 6, Fors reads "at" for "on," and in line 12, "the room" for "a room"; line 26, Fors adds "leave it" after "do." The italics and the two footnotes on this page were not given in Christ's Folk.

Page 522, lines 1 and 2, the italics were not there given; lines 33 seq., Fors has "D." for "Don." Differences in the author's footnotes are explained under the text.

Page 523, line 2, "(3d.)" is an addition from Christ's Folk, as is "Don" for "D."; line 32, the italics were not given in Christ's Folk. Page 525, the italics and the footnote were not in Christ's Folk. Page 526. The footnote is added from Christ's Folk.]



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