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Assessing clerk, assistant director, assistant director and cashier,
auditor, chief office information section, chief of publicity,
clerk, corporation tax examiner, deputy transfer tax assistant,
examiner and statistician, expert accountant, expert appaiser,
examiner of values, mortgage tax examiner, personnel clerk,
senior auditor, senior examiner, statistician, supervising exam-
iner, transfer tax assistant or transfer tax clerk, not to
exceed 24 at not to exceed $3,600 each...
Assessing clerk, assistant appraiser, assistant examiner of values,
chief file clerk, clerk, corporation tax examiner, deputy trans-
fer tax assistant, expert appraiser, examiner of values, junior
appraiser, mortgage tax examiner, personnel clerk, senior
auditor, senior examiner, special agent, special agent class A,
special agent class B, statistician, stenographer, supervising
examiner, transfer tax assistant or transfer tax clerk, not to
exceed 31 at not to exceed $3,000 each..
Assessing clerk, assistant appraiser, auditor, bookkeeper, chief
file clerk, chief mailing section, clerk, corporation tax exam-
iner, examiner, expert appraiser, hearing stenographer, junior
appraiser, mortgage tax examiner, senior auditor, senior exam-
iner, special agent, special agent class A, special agent class B,
stenographer, transfer tax assistant or transfer tax clerk, not
to exceed 33 at not to exceed $2,700 each...
Assessing clerk, auditor, chief file clerk, chief mailing section,
chief waiver clerk, clerk, clerk to appraiser, corporation tax
examiner, examiner, hearing stenographer, junior auditor,
license clerk, mortgage tax examiner, record clerk and stenog-
rapher, secretary, senior auditor, senior examiner, special
agent, special agent class A, special agent class B, stenog-
rapher, transfer tax clerk or law record clerk and stenographer,
not to exceed 76 at not to exceed $2,400 each..
Assistant appraiser, auditor, chief file clerk, chief file clerk and
director of files, chief mailing section, chief stenographer,
clerk, clerk to appraiser, corporation tax examiner, examiner,
file clerk in charge of section, hearing stenographer, junior
auditor, law clerk, law record clerk and stenographer, license
clerk, pay-roll clerk, record clerk and stenographer, secretary,
special agent, special agent class A, special agent class B,
stenographer, stenographer to director or assistant directors,
stenographer to the commissioners, stenographer to the presi-
dent or transfer tax clerk, not to exceed 65 (not to exceed an
average of 60) at not to exceed $2,100 each...
Assistant appraiser, assistant pay-roll clerk, assistant transfer
tax clerk, auditor, calendar clerk and stenographer, chauffeur,
chief file clerk, chief stenographer, clerk, clerk and telephone
operator, clerk to appraiser, corporation tax examiner, exam-
iner, file clerk, hearing stenographer, junior auditor, law
clerk, library assistant, pay-roll clerk, process server, proof-
reader, senior file clerk, stenographer, stenographer to director
or assistant directors, stenographer to the commissioners,
stenographer to the president, telephone operator or transfer
tax clerk, not to exceed 104 (not to exceed an average of 99)
at not to exceed $1,800 each.....
Addressograph operator, assistant pay-roll clerk, calculating
machine operator, clerk, file clerk, file and index clerk,
graphotype operator, Hollerith key punching machine opera-
tor, junior auditor, law clerk, messenger, multigraph opera-
tor, night watchman, pay-roll clerk, process server, recording
clerk, senior file clerk, statistical clerk, stenographer, tele-

81,500 00

90,760 00

84,840 00

174,120 00

120,500 00

169,520 00



phone operator, transfer tax clerk or typewriter copyist, not
to exceed 90 (not to exceed an average of 85) at not to exceed
$1,500 each
Addressograph operator, calculating machine operator, clerk,
file clerk, graphotype operator, laborer, law clerk, messenger,
multigraph operator, night watchman, statistical clerk, stenog-
rapher, tabulating machine operator, telephone operator, trans-
fer tax clerk or typewriter copyist, not to exceed 191 (not to
exceed an average of 186) at not to exceed $1,200 each.....
Addressograph operator, calculating machine operator, cleaner,
clerk, file clerk, graphotype operator, junior clerk, messenger,
multigraph operator, page, statistical clerk, stenographer,
tabulating machine operator, transfer tax clerk or typewriter
copyist, not to exceed 108 (not to exceed an average of 103)
at not to exceed $900 each..

Services of surrogates (Tax Law, section 234)
Fees of transfer tax attorneys or auditors..
Expert witnesses, appraisers and accountants.
Temporary services

121,060 00

202,000 00

88,800 00 52,000 00

59,000 00

3,750 00

4,850 00


For expenses of maintenance and operation of the tax department, exclusive of the bureau of motor vehicles...

On or before June 15, 1925, the tax department shall file with the governor, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee a tentative segregation of the amount hereby appropriated. Before any moneys shall be paid out of this fund, such segregation shall have their approval and no change shall be made in this tentative segregation during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1925, without their approval.

435,000 00

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Assistant deputy commissioner or auditor not to exceed 13 at

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District director, in addition to the sums appropriated by this
chapter for the Tax Department exclusive of the Bureau of
Motor Vehicles, not to exceed 5 at not to exceed $1,000 each..

Assistant counsel or assistant deputy supreme court reporter
Assistant secretary, auditor, bookkeeper, cashier, chief clerk,
chief file clerk, chief mailing section, chief stenographer, clerk,
director of files, hearing stenographer, inspector, junior
auditor, senior auditor, senior examiner, stenographer, super-
visor of inspectors or statistician, not to exceed 6 at not to
exceed $2,700 each....

3,000 00

3,000 00

2,700 00

16,000 00

[ocr errors]



TAX DEPARTMENT- BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES Application examiner, assistant secretary, auditor, bookkeeper, cashier, chief file clerk, chief mailing section, chief stenographer, clerk, examiner, hearing stenographer, inspector, junior auditor, senior auditor, senior examiner, special agent, statistician, stenographer or transfer clerk, 2 at $2,400 each.. Application examiner, assistant secretary, auditor, bookkeeper, cashier, chief addressograph operator, chief file clerk, chief mailing section, chief stenographer, clerk, deputy inspector, examiner, expert addressograph operator and mechanic, hearing stenographer, inspector, junior auditor, senior examiner, senior file clerk, special agent, statistician, stenographer or transfer clerk, not to exceed 17 at not to exceed $2,100 each.. Clerk, deputy inspector or inspector, not to exceed 171 at not to exceed $2,100 each....

Application examiner, auditor, bond clerk, bookkeeper, cashier,
chauffeur, chief addressograph operator, chief file clerk, chief
mailing section, chief stenographer, clerk, complaint clerk,
deputy inspector, examiner, expert addressograph operator and
mechanic, file clerk, guard, hearing stenographer, Hollerith key
punching machine operator, inspector, janitor, junior auditor,
license clerk, law clerk, proofreader, safety clerk, senior
examiner, senior file clerk, special agent, special officer, statis-
tical clerk, statistician, stenographer, telephone operator,
typewriter copyist or welfare investigator, not to exceed
23 at not to exceed $1,800 each..
Addressograph operator, application examiner, bond clerk, book-
keeper, calculating machine operator, cashier, chauffeur, chief
addressograph operator, clerk, complaint clerk, deputy inspec-
tor, ditto machine operator, examiner, file clerk, general
mechanic, graphotype operator, guard, hearing stenographer,
Hollerith key punching machine operator, inspector, janitor,
junior auditor, laborer, law clerk, license clerk, mail and stock
clerk, messenger, multigraph operator, night watchman, proof-
reader, senior file clerk, safety clerk, special agent, special offi-
cer, statistical clerk, stenographer stenographer-translator,
tabulating machine operator, telephone operator, typewriter
copyist or welfare investigator, not to exceed 84 at not to
exceed $1,500 each...

Addressograph operator, application examiner, bond clerk, book-
keeper, calculating machine operator, cashier, chauffeur,
cleaner, clerk, complaint clerk, deputy inspector, ditto machine
operator, examiner, file clerk, general mechanic, graphotype
operator, Hollerith key punching machine operator, janitor,
laborer, law clerk, license clerk, mail and stock clerk, mes-
senger, multigraph operator, night watchman, porter, proof-
reader, safety clerk, statistical clerk, stenographer, stenog-
rapher-translator, tabulating machine operator, telephone
operator or typewriter copyist, not to exceed 247 at not to
exceed $1,200 each..

Addressograph operator, application examiner, bond clerk, bookkeeper, calculating machine operator, cleaner, clerk, ditto machine operator, examiner, file clerk, general mechanic, graphotype operator, junior clerk, laborer, license clerk, mail and stock clerk, messenger, multigraph operator, night watchman, page, porter, proofreader, statistical clerk, stenographer, tabulating machine operator, telephone operator or typewriter copyist, not to exceed 77 at not to exceed $900 each.. Temporary services

4,800 00

35,100 00

288,700 00

39,360 00

118,620 00

264,360 00

68,100 00 20,000 00

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For expenses of maintenance and operation, including the purchase or exchange of automobiles and motorcycles, for refunds under the highway law with respect to motor vehicles, for premiums on surety bonds of county clerks in the administration of the highway law with respect to motor vehicles, for premiums on surety bonds of officials and employees, and for expenses of officials and employees in traveling outside of the state...

On or before June 15, 1925, the president of the state tax commission shall file with the governor, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee a tentative segregation of the amount hereby appropriated. Before any monies shall be paid out of this fund such segregation shall have their approval and no change shall be made in this tentative segregation during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1925, without their approval.


For personal service and maintenance and operation..

On or before June 15, 1925, the president of the state tax commission shall file with the governor, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee a tentative segregation of the amount hereby appropriated. Before any monies shall be paid out of this fund such segregation shall have their approval and no change shall be made in this tentative segregation during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1925, without their approval.


For the expenses of the racing commission to be paid out of the moneys hereafter collected by the state comptroller....

1,123,000 00

68,560 00

2,700 00

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For general expenses of maintenance and operation, of which not less than $3,000 shall be expended for repairs and alterations to buildings; repairs and replacement of building equipment and not more than $1,000 may be expended for traveling outside the state..


1,200 00

1,800 00

1,200 00

1,600 00

2,640 00

9,600 00

2,000 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

600 00

900 00

13,500 00

46,000 00

[blocks in formation]

For expenses of maintenance and operation other than personal service, of which not more than $50 may be expended for traveling outside the state..

[blocks in formation]

1,000 00 1,000 00

960 00

250 00

1,500 00

4,500 00

12,000 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

1,800 00

1,800 00

1,320 00

2,500 00

3,120 00

1,260 00

1,200 00

6,000 00

1,500 00

500 00

Temporary services

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