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DUDLEY TOWNSHIP is located in the south-east corner of the county, and is bounded as follows: On the north by Liberty township; on the east by Wayne county; on the south by Fayette and Rush counties; and on the west by Franklin township. It contains about thirty square miles, or nineteen thousand two hundred acres of land. The surface is generally level, and the soil very productive.

This was the first settled township in the county, organized in the year 1822. Some of the first settlers were, John Huff, Elisha Shortridge, Jonathan Bundy, Thomas Gilbert, Josiah Morris, Wm. McKinney, Wm. Owen, Ben. Stratton, Richard Ratliff, and Richard Thompson.

The population of this township at present is about fifteen hundred. The value of all taxable property in the township, both real and personal, is very near one million dollars. The church and school privileges of the township are good and well patronized.

There are two voting precincts in the township, one at New Lisbon, the other at Straughn's Station.

Number of school-houses, 7; valuation of school property, $7200; Township Trustee, Phineas Hall.


Christian Church, Straughn's Station; pastor, Rev. Fifer; membership, 115; value of church property, $1,000; Sabbath school superintendent, Wm. Bogue; average attendance, 65.

United Brethren Church, Beach Grove; 2 m s w Dublin; pas

tor, Milo Baily; Sabbath school superintendent, Martha Canut; average attendance, 40.

United Brethren Church, Salem; 3 m ne Lewisville; pastor, Milo L. Bailey; Church membership, 100; value of property, $1,200; superintendent of Union Sabbath School, Chas. Holley; average attendance, 60.

Friends' Church, Hopewell; 41⁄2 m n w Dublin; Church membership, 235; value of Church property, $2,000; superintendent of Sabbath School, Josiah Reynolds; aver. attendance, 100. United Brethren Church, New Lisbon; membership, 45; value of Church property, $800.

Evangelical Church, New Lisbon; value of Church property,



Dudley Grange, No. 106; organized April 14, 1873; membership; 73; George C. Cox, Master; Samuel Leonard, Sec'y. Union Grange, No. 529; membership, 60; W. O. Boque, Master; Franklin Hiatt, Secretary.


Burns, C. G.; farmer; 14 m w New Lisbon. 1844; settled in H. C. 1864. Christian.

Born in Md.

Ballard, J.; farmer; 4 m ne Lewisville. Born in H. C. 1840. Dem. Protestant.

BROTHERS, NATHAN; farmer; 4 m n e Lewisville. Born in N. C. 1822. Rep. Friend.

Ballard, I.; farmer; 334 m n e Lewisville. Born in H. C. 1845.


BELL, THOMAS; farmer; 5 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1802; settled in H. C. 1825. Rep. Friend.

Bogue, W.; farmer; I m s e Straughn's Station. Rep. Friend. Brittenham, E.; farmer; Straughn's Station. Born in Ind. 1845; settled in H. C. 1867. Dem. Christian.

Barnett, Wm.; plasterer; Straughn's Station.

Brittenham, L.; farmer; 14 m s Straughn's Station. Born in Pa. 1829; settled in H. C. 1829. Dem. Protestant. Bradway, V.; farmer; 2 m s w Dublin.

Bradway, T.; farmer; I m e Straughn's Station.

1842. Rep. Christian.

Born in H.C.

Bell, J.; farmer; 5 m n w Dublin. Born in H. C. 1846. Rep. Friend.

Butler, B. J.; farmer; 3 m n w Dublin. Born in Ind. 1833; settled in H. C. 1850. Friend.

Bell, D.; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin. in H. C. 1845. Friend.

Born in Ind. 1833; settled

BALL, JOHN; farmer; 21⁄2 m w New Lisbon. Born in H.C. 1847. Rep. U. Brethren.

Bell, L.; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1790; settled in H. C. 1845. Rep. Friend.

Bell, D.; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin.

in H. C. 1845. Rep. Friend.

Born in Ind. 1834; settled.

Born in Ind.

Cartwright, Wm.; farmer; 34 m w New Lisbon.
1823; settled in H. C. 1835. Rep. Protestant.

Cox, G. C.; farmer; 11⁄2 m s e New Lisbon.

1820; settled in H. C. 1870. Rep.

Cox, E.; farmer; 5 m ne Lewisville.

Rep. U. Brethren.

Born in Ohio


Born in H. C. 1849.

Corey, Carter; farmer; 5 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1840; settled in H. C. 1864. Rep. U. Brethren.

Cox, M. R.. carriage shop; I m n e New Lisbon.

Born in

Ohio 1825; settled in H. C. 1868. Rep. Christian.

COX, HOMER; carriage painter; I m ne New Lisbon. Born in Ind. 1850; settled in H. C. 1868. Rep. Protestant. Cox, James; farmer; I m ne New Lisbon. Born in Ind. 1852; settled in H. C. 1868. Rep. Protestant.

Cox, S. L.; farmer; 3 m s e Lewisville. Born in Ind. 1845; settled in H. C. 1869. Rep. Methodist.

Born in N. C. 1829;

Cude, P. M.; farmer; 5 m n w Dublin.
settled in H. C. 1871. Rep. U. Brethren.

Canutt, H.; farmer; 2 m s w Dublin.

Born in Ind. 1824; set

tled in H. C. 1854. Dem. Protestant.

Charles, S.; farmer; I m e Straughn's Station.

Cartwright, Wm.; farmer; I me Straughn's Station. Born in N. C. 1797; settled in H. C. 1835. Rep. Methodist.

Coffin, C. M.; farmer; 3 m w Dublin.

Born in N. C. 1805; set

Charles, J.; farmer; 3 m w Dublin.
tled in H. C. 1837. Protestant.
Cook, Anderson; farmer; 2 ms w New Lisbon.

C. 1846. Rep. Protestant.

Cook, J.; farmer; 2 m s w New Lisbon.

Born in H.

COOK, SAMUEL; 2 m s w New Lisbon.

Born in H. C.

1838. Rep. Friend.

Dickover, A.; cooper; New Lisbon. Born in Ohio 1828; settled in H. C. 1838. Rep. United Brethren.

Deiubler, A.; farmer; New Lisbon.

Born in Germany 1808;

settled in H. C. 1836. Protestant.

Elliott, S.; farmer; 24 m w Dublin.
H. C. 1842. Rep. Friend.

Born in 1819; settled in

Elabarger, I.; farmer; 11⁄2 m n w Dublin. Born in Ind. 1835; settled in H. C. 1838. Protestant.

Elabargar, J.; farmer; 21⁄2 m n w Dublin.

Born in Penn. 1829;

settled in H. C. 1839.

Gore, J. N.; farmer; 14 m e New Lisbon. Settled in H. C.

1845. Protestant.

Gore, B. F.; farmer; 1 m e New Lisbon.

settled in H. C. 1831. Granger.

Born in Va. 1818;

GILBERT, SOLOMON; teamster; Straughn's Station.

in H. C. 1841. Rep. Friend.

Gilbert, C.; carpenter and farmer; 5 m n w Dublin.

H. C. 1854. Rep. United Brethren.


Born in

Gilbert, A.; retired farmer; 3 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1804; settled in H. C. 1826. Rep.

Gilbert, A. Jr.; farmer; 3 m n w Dublin.

Rep. Friend.


Born in H. C. 1849.

Gilbert, O.; farmer; 21⁄2 m w Dublin. Born in H. C. 1843. Rep. Friend.

GILBERT, JESSE; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin. Born in H. C. 1834. Rep. Friend.

Gilbert, J.; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1820; settled in H. C. 1824. Rep. Friend.

Gilbert, M. A.; minister in Friends' Society; 4 m n w Dublin. Born in N. C. 1824; settled in H. C. 1824.

Gilbert, A.; farmer; 4 m n w Dublin.

Rep. Friend.

Gilbert, H.; farmer; 51⁄2 m n w Dublin.


Born in H. C. 1846.

Gilbert, M.; farmer; 43 m n w Dublin.
Rep. Friend.

Born in N, C. 1824.

Hazelrigg, J. T. J.; groceries; New Lisbon. Born in Ky. 1839; settled in H. C. 1873. Rep. Protestant.

Hanby, Wm.; carpenter; New Lisbon. Born in Ohio 1813;

[blocks in formation]

Hall, E.; farmer and teacher; 6 m n w Dublin.

1850. Rep. Friend.

Born in H. C. 1832.

Born in H. C.

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