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[Initials and dates are given in the case of a number of eighteenth-
century writers but cursorily alluded to in the text.]

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Actor, The, 236.

Adam, Robert, 104.
Adams, Dr., 7.
Adams, Jean, 292.

Adams, Parson, 166, 208, 261.
Ad Bellendenum, 106
Addison, xvii, 8, 155, 200, 208,
237, 258.

Address to the Unco' Guid, 298.
Adjudged Case, The, 268.
Admiral Hosier's Ghost, 235,

Adventurers, The, 8, 27.
Ae Fond Kiss, 300.
Æschylus, 32.

Age of Pope, 228.

Age of Reason, 116.

Age of Wordsworth, 84.

Agreeable Surprise, An, 213.

Akenside, 173. See The Age of

Aikin, 99, 100.

Albery, James, 214.

Alchemist, The, 200.

Aleman, Mateo (d. 1610), 154.

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Andersen, Hans, 267.
Anecdotes of Painting in Eng-
land, 50, 277.

Anecdotes of the late Dr. Johnson

during the last twenty years of
his life (ed. Hester Thrale
Piozzi, 1786), 56, 63.
Animated Nature, 23.

Angellier, Professor, xxxvii, 311.
Annet, Peter, 112.

Annual Register, The, 69, 89.

Annals of Scotland, 151.

Annus Mirabilis, 251.

Anson, Lord, 270.
Anselm, 110.

Anstey, Christopher, 175, 232-233.
Anti-Jacobin, The, 234-235, 244.
Antiquities of Athens, 34.

[blocks in formation]

Ariosto, 109.

Aristotle, 43.
Aristophanes, 108.
Armour, Jean, 298.

Armstrong, John, 228, 238, 270.
See The Age of Pope.

Arnold, Matthew, xi, 33, 44, 77,
105, 112, 253.

Art of Preserving Health, 238.
Ars Poetica, 280.
Ashburton, Lord, 13.

Ashmole, 170.

Astle, Thomas, 35.

As You Like It, 200.
Athenæus, 32.

Athenaid, The, 239, 280.
Aubrey, John, 59, 170, 253.
Auld Lang Syne, 301.
Auld Reikie, 294, 296, 302.
Auld Robin Gray, 288.
Austen, Lady, 268, 269.
Author, The, Foote's, 205, 229.
Autobiography, Carlyle's, 134.
Autobiography, Franklin's, 85.
Autobiography, Gibbon's, 141.

Barnard, Lady, 288.

Baron Munchausen, 181, 191.
Baron's War, The, 138.

Bas Bleu, Hannah More's, 198.
Basire, 281.

Bate, Dr. Dudley (1745-1824), 233.
Bathing, 255.

Bathurst, Richard, 8.
Battle of the Wigs, 236.
Baviad, The, 235.
Bayes, 204.

Beaconsfield, Lord, 145.

Beattie, James, 97, 244, 267; life
and works of, 288-291.
Beauclerk, 5.
Beaumarchais, 220.
Beckford, William, 196.
Bedford, Duke of, 74, 75.
Bee, The, 8.

Beers, Henry A., 251.
Beggar's Opera, 200, 216.
Begum Speech (Sheridan's), 229.
Behn, Aphra, 154.

Bell, Prof. Thomas, 100, 279.
Belles Lettres, 102.

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