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A.D. 1848.]



wild beasts for their prey. Let us have no concessions. and wounded a great number of the insurgents, who, What is required for the monarchy and the capital is to notwithstanding, returned to the charge, and repeated proclaim a state of siege, and to oppose to the daggers their attempts to get possession of the building. The of revolution the swords of the faithful Austrians." The committee of students sent several flags of truce to the majority of the council, however, were for surrender. garrison; but the bearers were shot dead on the spot. Count Latour reluctantly signed the order-"The firing The insurgents now rendered furious, and aided by the is everywhere to cease." This announcement was re- revolted troops and the artillery of the National Guard, ceived with loud cheers, but the insurgents still pressed maintained a terrible fire against the building, which on. They made prisoners of the military guard, rushed was continued during the night. At length it took fire, in, and surrounded Count Latour. He offered to resign and, dreading the explosion of the magazine, the garrison his post, and a portion of the National Guard endea- surrendered. voured to save him; but he was seized, buffeted, and The triumphant rebels immediately took possession of

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dragged down to the court-yard, where he was smitten with sledge-hammers, axes, and scythes, and then hung from a lamp-post, where his body remained twenty-four hours suspended as a target for the National Guards. His garments were cut in pieces and carried off as trophies.

The insurgent multitude had now tasted blood. They were wild with excitement, and determined to go through with the revolution at all hazards. Their next step was to attack the arsenal, and get possession of the arms and ammunition; but it was stoutly defended by a body of soldiers within, who replied to the summons to surrender, by running out guns at the gate, and sweeping the Reinegasse with grape and canister, which killed


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all the arms and ammunition, which were distributed amongst the citizens. The populace ran riot through the building, which contained a sort of museum of the most interesting relics of the Austrian monarchyancient arms, suits of armour, trophies, the swords of celebrated heroes, helmets worn by monarchs, &c. The swords of Sunderberg and Prince Eugène were proudly brandished by dirty mechanics. The helmets of Charles V. and Francis I. adorned plebeian heads; while the arms of Wallenstein and Daun were tossed from hand to hand, to gratify the ignorant curiosity of the Red Republicans. The constituent assembly meantime appointed a "committee of public safety," and sent a

request to the Emperor to dismiss his reactionary most animated appearance. One line of watch-fires cabinet, to appoint a popular Ministry, to remove Jel- stretched as far as the eye could reach, each surrounded lachich from his command, to revoke the last procla- by students in Calabresian cloaks, men in blouses, artimation against the Hungarians, and to grant a general sans with their sleeves tucked up to their elbows, amnesty for all offences committed during the insur-National Guards, and others. Above the gates guns rection. The Emperor yielded so far, that he authorised are pointed to sweep the approaches of the city; artiltwo leading members of the Assembly to form a govern-lery-men, students, and workmen, on duty near them, ment. But the revolutionary party refused to accept with lighted matches. Patrols of every description any half measures. They demanded that the com- parade the walls in regular beats. There could not mittee of public safety should assume the dictatorship to have been fewer than 10,000 men on the bastions." the exclusion of the Emperor, and forbid the commander of the army, Count Auersperg, to obey his orders. Immediately upon this appeared a proclamation, addressed to the insurgents, which said:" People of Austria, Europe will regard you with admiration, and history will place our elevation to freedom as one of its most illustrious exploits." They also required that despatches should be sent to the Southern Railway, and forwarded to Olmutz and Bremen, to bring no more troops to Vienna.

Meantime Count Auersperg, who had under his command about 20,000 men, had stationed them in the gardens of the palace of Prince Schwartzenberg, and near the Belvidere Palace, on heights which commanded the city, with his head-quarters at Engersdorf. There he waited till the succour came which the Emperor had promised. It was not long delayed. From Radetski triumphant in Italy, from Windischgratz at Prague, and from Jellachich in Hungary, came assurances that they were making haste to rally round the Emperor's flag, and to cause it to wave in triumph over the vanquished revolution. The latter with his Croats moved up with forced marches, availing himself of the Southern Railway, and on the 9th he was within two hours' march of Vienna. The object which he avowed in this rapid and important movement was, that by supporting the Emperor he might advance the Sclavonian cause. wrote at the time to friends in Bohemia, "It was my duty as a faithful and sincere Sclavonian, to oppose in Pesth the anti-Austrian party, which rose in arms against Sclavonianism. But as I approached Pesth,


that nest of the Magyar aristocracy, our common enemies rose, and had they conquered in Vienna, my victory in Pesth would have been incomplete, and the mainstay of our enemies would have been Vienna. Therefore I turned with the whole of my troops to Vienna, in order to chastise the enemies of Sclavonianism in the Austrian capital. I was led solely by the conviction that in approaching Vienna I was advancing against the enemies of Sclavonianism.”

In the face of these events, we cannot wonder that the Emperor felt that the Committee of Safety would not be likely to spread its protecting wings over him, and that he could find safety only by departing as quickly as possible from the focus of revolution. Therefore, before daybreak on the 7th of October, he and the rest of the Imperial family were driving rapidly on the road to Olmutz, escorted by a body of cavalry. He left behind him a sealed proclamation, in which he stated that he had done all that a Sovereign could do-he had left his ancestral castle, and come to his people in Vienna with full confidence in their loyalty; and he had renounced the unlimited power inherited from his forefathers. But all was in vain. A small band of misled men threatened to destroy the hope of every true patriot. Anarchy was at its height; Vienna was teeming with murders and conflagrations. His Minister, whose age, if nothing else, might have protected him, expired under the strokes of assassins. He trusted in God and his just rights, and left the capital to bring succour to his oppressed people. Kraus, one of the new Ministers, who brought this proclamation to the Assem-consternation seized the Viennese. The Ban, in order bly, denounced it as "unconstitutional and threatening," and stated that he had refused to countersign it. The preceding night was described by an Austrian journal as decidedly the most anxious one Vienna had witnessed since the bombardment of Napoleon, in 1809. "Till dawn the streets swarmed with armed men scattered in groups, and now and then a patrol. At the corners of the streets, in the public squares, before the cafés, crowds were assembling discussing the events. The silence of the night was interrupted at intervals by reports of fire-arms, especially in the direction of the Wieden and the high road (Auersperg's quarters), which attracted universal attention. On and around the barricades men were sleeping in blouses, fully armed; women and girls, not of the most respectable appearance, were mingled among them, some laughing and talking, others, like the men, sleeping on heaps of stones. The walls and bastions of the city offered a

On the news of the approach of this formidable enemy,

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to increase their terror, had sent forward to order rations for 60,000 men-double the actual number. Crowds of people ascended to the tops of houses and thronged the church steeples, in order to catch a glimpse of the invading hosts, which now came distinctly into view, and in their varied uniforms and costumes presented a novel and striking picture. 'First came the Illyrians, with their red caps; next the Scoregranes, wrapped in their scarlet mantles; the Croatians, with their grey, broadbrimmed hats, with no uniform but a grey blouse, and a fusil and dagger. With these were mingled large bodies of Austrian cavalry and artillery, clad in the Imperial uniform. Farther off to the east, clouds of cavalry and the neighing of steeds, heard even at so great a distance, announced the approach of the Magyar horse and the army of Hungary, intended to co-operate with the insurgents. It seemed as if all the forces of the monarchy were assembled at a rendezvous under the

A.D. 1848.]


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students to be made hostages. Certain individuals,
hereafter to be named, are to be given up to me."
The Diet objected to the terms, as illegal and uncon-
stitutional; and "No surrender" was the watchword that
ran along the lines of defence. On the 28th, therefore,
Prince Windischgratz began to bombard the city, and
the troops advanced to the assault. The Jagerzeil,
a beautiful street leading to the Prater, was fortified by
a succession of barricades, built up to the first-floor
windows, in a half-moon shape, with regular embra-

scene of the hardest fighting, and the spectacle it presented to an English eye-witness, by whom it was described in a letter published at the time, was something frightful. It was strewed with the dead bodies of men and horses, lying in pools of blood. The attacking party had used congreve rockets, which set fire to the houses, from which the insurgents attacked the troops, and burnt down one-half of them, while the other half were riddled with shell and shot. The smell of roast flesh from half-burnt bodies, issuing from the ruined houses, was awfully sickening.

The tide of fortune now turned in favour of the Emperor. The devoted Windischgratz was rapidly approaching with his army from Prague, whose magistrates and people at once became intensely loyal, when they learned that the contest was now one of races, between the Sclavonians and the Magyars. The reinforce-sures, and planted with cannon. This street was the ments brought by Windischgratz swelled the Imperial forces at Vienna to 70,000 men. In the presence of this host, hanging like an immense thunder-cloud charged with death and ruin over the city, the citizens relied chiefly upon the Hungarian army. But this was held in check by the Croatian army, and Kossuth deeming it prudent not to enter into the contest, withdrew his troops within the bounds of Hungarian territory. But the democrats prepared for a determined resistance. They erected barricades, they fortified all available positions of defence; while the popular clubs, as well as the National Assembly, sat in permanence. Even the enemies of the democracy have recorded, to their honour, that life and property were scrupulously respected by the insurgents, and that during the time they had the city completely under their command, no acts of robbery or outrage sullied the Austrian character. During the days of suspense, the awful pause before the strokes of despotic vengeance fell upon the democrats, hosts of recruits poured into the city from foreign countries, especially Poles, experienced revolutionists, always ready to join any battle against the oppressors of their country. Among them was the celebrated General Bem, who had saved the Polish army from destruction at Austrolenka in 1831. Being one of the ablest and most renowned commanders of his time, his accession was hailed with enthusiasm by the insurgents. They had also been encouraged by the arrival of Robert Blum, who, with two others, came as a deputation from the assembly at Frankfort, to congratulate the Viennese on their glorious revolution. These gentlemen were so enthusiastic in the cause, that they at once joined the ranks of its defenders, and bore their part galiantly in the tremendous struggle that ensued. Blum was a journalist at Leipsic, and one of the members of the Frankfort Diet. After some days of silent preparation on both sides, Prince Windischgratz, who had assumed the supreme command, announced the terms on which he would spare the city. Among these were the following:-"Within forty-eight hours after receipt of this present, the city of Vienna, with its faubourgs and neighbourhood, are to surrender; and by detachments the inhabitants are to give up their arms at some place appointed for that purpose, with the exception of private fire-arms; the dissolution of all armed corporations and of the academical legion; the University to be closed; the president of the academical legion and twelve

* Alison, vol. viii., r. 659.

At ten o'clock on the morning of the 28th the tocsin suddenly rang from all the churches, the générale beat in all the streets, and the combatants were everywhere seen hurrying to their rallying points. At half-past eleven the signal gun was discharged by the besiegers. This was immediately followed by a tremendous roar of cannon from all the batteries, and the firing became general on both sides. The first barricade in the Jagerzeil, which was commanded by the Croats and Chasseurs, stationed in the houses and woods of the Prater adjoining, soon became untenable. The second was occupied by the University legion, commanded by General Bem. There the guns were well served, and the contest was terribly fierce and obstinate. Three assaults of the Imperialists had been gallantly repulsed, with great slaughter; triumphant cheers ringing loud, mingled with the shouts of command and the thundering of artillery. But, in the midst of the triumph, a cry of consternation was heard. The Croats had penetrated to the rear of the barricade so gloriously defended, and the brave band of students and professors, attacked at once in front and rear, and exposed to a cross-fire from the adjoining houses, were rapidly shot down and driven from their position, which, with all the guns mounted upon it, was taken possession of by the Imperialists. From all the other strong positions the insurgents were driven in rapid succession. In some the students fought till the last man was slain. At night the scene presented by the city was awful to contemplate. It was on fire in twenty-six different places. The theatre of the Odeon, the baths of Schuted, the railway station of Barek, and several streets, were wrapped in devouring flames. The population were all out gazing in speechless agony at the unchecked progress of the conflagration, fed in many cases by the dead bodies of their friends; the ascending columns flashing a lurid light upon the sky as far as the eye could reach. The morning of the 29th was occupied in the burying of the dead, who were found in

obtained a pardon, which was in a few hours after
revoked. The tide of battle was seen to roll away, and
the banners that it was hoped would soon float on the
towers of Vienna marked the course of a confused,
retreating army in the far distance. Despair, disorgani-
sation, disorder, and riot now reigned in Vienna; and
all was anarchy until the triumphant Imperialists came
into possession.

astonishing numbers, lying on the barricades and about down from the heights of exultation to the depths of the streets. The ranks of the insurgents were now despondency-as if a convict, about to be hanged, greatly thinned. Many of the bravest had fallen; many others, despairing of the cause, laid down their arms, put off their uniforms, and retired from the contest. And although the students and the Poles were for holding out to the last, and had repaired to their rallying points to renew the contest, their commander saw the folly of persisting in a struggle against three armies surrounding and commanding the city. They therefore declared to the Committee of Public Safety that it was impossible to prolong the defence. The Imperial general suspended hostilities, to give the citizens time to reflect. They sent a deputation, which sought in vain to get some mitigation of the terms. A sort of council of war was then held amongst the leaders of the insurgents. Bem vehemently protested against the surrender of the town. It would," he exclaimed, "be a monstrous act of cowardice, while their defeat on the ruins of Vienna would be a passport to immortality. From the top of St. Stephen's the advanced posts of the Magyars are already seen, and their guns ready to pour grape on their enemies. Yes, the ruins of Vienna will be a tomb worthy of the giants of Poland and Austria." But Messenhauser, commanderin-chief of the insurgents, answered, "You are not a Viennese. You mistake the epoch; the ruins of Vienna would not be your tomb; for, if such a misfortune was reserved for the capital of the monarchy through your fault, you would be buried in it under the curses and the opprobrium of the universe." The National Guards loudly applauded, the Poles and refugees were silent, the terms of capitulation were accepted, and before midnight, when the truce was to terminate, a deputation conveyed the submission of the city to the Imperial commander-in-chief.

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In the meantime the organisation of the insurgents began to melt away; the clubs were dissolved, and wagons of arms were being brought into the depôts appointed by the Government, when a wild electric excitement ran through the city, and the whole population rushed forth in tumults of joy. It had been rumoured from the tower of St. Stephen's that the Hungarian army were engaged in battle with the Imperial forces. Instantly the cry was raised, "Long live the Hungarians! all is over! here are the Magyars! To arms! to arms! Forward to meet the enemy! There was a rush to the ramparts, which were quickly crowded with defenders. The guns were again dragged forth and placed in position, and no one now dared to speak of submission. At one o'clock another bulletin announced that the battle was advancing towards Oberston and Inzersdorf, and that the Hungarians appeared to be advancing victoriously. This news seemed to be confirmed by the rattling of cannon balls against the walls and high buildings of the city. The people now broke forth into uncontrollable transports of joy. Flags were waved, and guns were fired from all the steeples, towers, and roofs of the city. But further observation showed that the sanguine hopes so quickly excited were delusive; and the insurgents were cast

The Hungarian army, under General Moza, remained encamped on Hungarian territory, reluctant to commit an open act of aggression by crossing the Austrian frontier. On the 28th, however, the generals, who were accompanied by Kossuth, as Dictator and Governor of Hungary, resolved to come to the succour of the Viennese. The army was 25,000 strong, but many of them were young, unseasoned troops; while Windischgratz had prepared to meet them, posted in strong positions, an army equal in number, consisting of exAt first the Hunperienced soldiers inured to fire. garians succeeded, and drove the Austrians back in some minor skirmishing encounters. Georgey had the command of a brigade, with which he was ordered to attack one of the villages occupied by the Austrians. He found the Hungarian army so disposed that the centre was a mile and a half from the left wing, which was therefore wholly unsupported. Georgey, according to his own account, hastened to Kossuth and Moza to explain the dangerous state of the army. The answer of the general was, "I stand where I can survey the whole; do you in silence obey what I order." He did so; but Windischgratz quickly took advantage of the bad generalship, pushing forward some horse artillery, which opened a heavy fire on Georgey's unsupported battalion. He states, in his account of the transaction, that they instantly took to flight, rushing headlong over another. The most heroic efforts were made by a few brave fellows to arrest the panic and the rout, but in vain. Georgey says: "Out of nearly 5,000 men of these National Guards, about whose valour I had already heard so many tirades-who, as themselves had repeatedly asserted, were burning with desire to measure themselves with an enemy whom they never mentioned but with the greatest contempt-there remained to me, after a short cannonade, a single man, and that an elderly invalided soldier. The whole of our force from Schwechat to Mannsworth had been swept away. The other brigades, incredible as it may seem, had taken to their heels even before mine. Like a scared flock, the main body of the army was hastening, in the greatest disorder, towards the Fucha for safety."


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A.D. 1818.]



peror and the members of his Cabinet, in which he
described the distracted state of the empire, with civil
war raging in Hungary; and in places where tranquillity
was seemingly undisturbed, a spirit of distrust and hate
stalking about in darkness. Such was the melancholy
action, not of liberty, but of the abuse of liberty. To
oppose those abuses, and "to finish the revolution," was
his duty as well as his purpose. The Assembly, which
had been framing a constitution, had wasted many
months in theoretical discussions, containing contra-
dictions to the actual condition of the State, opposing
all right and legality, and encouraging revolution and
discouraging loyalty. He therefore resolved to gratify
the wishes of the people of his monarchy, who were
waiting with just and generous impatience for a con-
stitution that would embrace the whole empire. "People
of Austria," he said, "almost everywhere in Europe is
human society shaken to its foundation; the criminal
endeavours of a wicked party threaten it on all sides
with dissolution. But however great the dangers for
Austria and for Europe, we do not doubt of a great and
blessed future for our country.
In this we rely upon
the assistance of Almighty God, who at no time has
abandoned our empire. We rely upon the good-will and
loyalty of our peoples; for the well-disposed form the
great majority among them. We rely upon the gallantry
and honour of our glorious army. People of Austria!
crowd round your Emperor, surround him with your
affection and active co-operation, and the constitution of
the empire will not then remain a dead letter. It will
grow to be a bulwark of your liberty-a guarantee for
the power, the splendour, the unity of the monarchy.
Great is the work, but it will be accomplished by our
united forces."

the Imperial troops, and immediately shot. Next day Messenhauser, the Commander of the National Guards, was found guilty of the same crime, and shared the same fate. The Frankfort Assembly, of which Blum was a member, passed a resolution indignantly protesting before all Germany against his arrest and execution, which acts were consummated in total disregard of the Imperial law of the 30th September, and they demanded the punishment of all who had been directly or indirectly concerned in that outrage. The state of public feeling in Germany upon the, subject may be inferred from the fact that this resolution was unanimously adopted. This remonstrance, however, had no effect. Vienna was occupied by 30,000 troops. A new Ministry was appointed, with Prince Schwartzenberg at its head, and on the 2nd of December the Emperor Ferdinand abdicated in favour of his nephew, Francis Joseph, whose father, Francis Charles, being next in succession, renounced his claim to the throne. The retiring Emperor stated that the pressure of events, and the immediate want of a comprehensive reformation in the forms of State, convinced him that more youthful powers were necessary to complete the grand work which he had commenced. The young Emperor, in his proclamation, expressed his conviction of the value of free institutions, and said that he entered with confidence on the path of a prosperous reformation of the monarchy. Nothing could be more liberal than this manifesto. The new state of things was to be founded on the basis of true liberty, the equality of all citizens before the law, and a full representation of the people, with whom he was ready to share his privileges, so that all the countries and tribes of the monarchy might be united into one glorious integral state. But the conquest over rebellion, and the return of domestic peace, were declared to be the first conditions of the great work he had undertaken. The National Assembly resumed its task of constitution making, as if nothing had happened. But it did not suit the Imperial policy to wait for the result of their labours, or to allow the country to think that it could owe anything to the collective wisdom of democratic representatives. He, therefore, took the work in hand himself. It was headed by the following string of titles, which is a curiosity in its way:-"We, Francis Joseph, by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, King of Lombardy and Venice, of Dalmatia, Croatia, and Sclavonia, Galicia, Lodomiria, and Illyria; King of Jerusalem, Archduke of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Cracow, Duke of Lorraine, of Salsburg, Styria, Karinthia, Krain, and the Bukovina; Grand Prince of Transylvania, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla, of Auschwitz and Tabor, of Teschen, Frione, Ragusa, and Yara; Princely Count of Hapsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg, Gorg, and Gradiska; Prince of Trent and Briden; Margrave of the Upper and Lower Lausitz; Count of Hohenumbs, Feldkirch, Bregendy, Soneaberg, &c.; Lord of Trieste, Windischgratz was, meantime, diligently preparing Cattaro, and of the Windish Mark." The constitution for the conquest of Hungary, with an army which numwas introduced by a proclamation signed by the Em-bered 65,000 men, with 260 guns. There was another

The principles of the new constitution were extremely liberal. It guaranteed perfect religious freedom, religious equality, the freedom of the press, the right of public meeting, individual liberty, inviolability of the domestic circle and of private correspondence, freedom of locomotion throughout the empire, abolition of serfdom, security of property, a legislature consisting of two houses, both elective, to meet annually, a franchise extended to every one that paid taxes, the vote by ballot, responsibility of ministers, and independence of judges. The great design of this constitution was the consolidation of the heterogeneous nationalities, of which it was composed, into one body. Had they all suffered themselves to be thus wrought into a state of perfect unification, pervaded by a loyal disposition, the young Emperor was willing to deal with them in a liberal and a generous spirit. But he found the nationalities too intractable for this imperial process of centralisation. The insurrection in the Italian provinces had been crushed; but the Italians were as far as ever from being conciliated, and Hungary was up in arms against the Imperial authority. In both countries the constitution was received with coldness and distrust.

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