Poems and Plays, Volume 1

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T. Cadell, 1785

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Page 64 - Orabunt causas melius, caelique meatus Describent radio et surgentia sidera dicent; Tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento : Hae tibi erunt artes, pacisque imponere morem, Parcere subiectis, et debellare superbos.
Page 8 - On thofe infpiring forms of ancient days, And, from the force of bright example bold, Rival their worth,
Page 8 - Difpels the cloud, with melancholy fraught, That abfence throws upon her tender thought. Bleft be the pencil ! whofe enchantment gives To wounded Love the food on which he lives. Rich in this gift, tho...
Page 93 - London 1646 : Mr. Walpole relates an anecdote of his being much mortified by Charles the Second ; who, looking at his own picture, exclaim'd, " Is this like me ? then, Ods-fifh, I am an ugly fellow."—- The fame author fays happily of this artift, " With a quarter of Sir Godfrey's vanity, he might have perfuaded the world he was as great a mafter.
Page 82 - Sir Anthony Vandyke, the celebrated fcholar of Rubens,, died of the fame diforder. which proved fatal to his mafter, and at a much earlier period of life. He was born at Antwerp 1598, expired in Black Fryars 1641, and was buried in St. Paul's, near the tomb of John of Gaunt. On his firft vifit to England he received no encouragement from the Court, but Charles, becoming foon afterwards acquainted with his merit, fent him an invitation to return. Vandyke embraced the offer with joy; and the king,...
Page 127 - The virtues of thy heart, more aâive than his own* Thy foul fupplies new funds of health That fail not in the trying hour, • Above Arabia's fpicy wealth And Pharmacy's reviving power. The tranfports of the generous mind. Feeling its bounty to mankind, Infpirit every mortal part ; And, far more potent than precarious art, Give radiance to the eye, and vigor to the heart.
Page 144 - Rival of Greece, in arms, in arts, Tho' deem'd in her declining days, Britain yet boafts unnumber'd hearts, Who keenly pant for public praife : Her battles yet are firmly fought By Chiefs with Spartan courage fraught: Her Painters with Athenian zeal unite To trace the glories of the profp'rous fight, And gild th' embatttTd fcene with art's immortal light.
Page 61 - ... of Aristides, in which, in a besieged city, a mother is represented dying of a wound in her breast, and holding back her child lest it should suck blood instead of milk ; a picture which is supposed to be the subject of a beautiful epigram in the Anthologia, thus happily translated by Webb, in his Beauties of Painting .—• " Suck, little wretch, while yet thy mother lives, Suck the last drop her fainting bosom gives: She dies ; her tenderness survives her breath, And her fond love is provident...
Page 99 - ... natural feelings have been properly improved by culture, nor have yet become callous by attrition with the world, know, from experience, how the heart is mollified, the manners polished, and the temper sweetened, by a well-directed study of the arts of imitation.
Page 60 - Paflion, the Human Mind, and its feveral emotions ; but he was not remarkable for foftnefs of colouring. " His moft celebrated picture was of an infant (on the taking of a town) at the mother's breaft, who is wounded and expiring. The fenfations of the mother were clearly marked, and her fear leaft the child, upon failure of the milk, mould fuck her blood." Alexander the Great," continues the fame author, «« took this picture with him to Pella.

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