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subtending equal angles at his eye. How far off is he in a horizontal direction from the object?

12. A regular hexagon, each side of which is 10 ft., revolves about a line which joins the points of bisection of two opposite sides; find the whole surface of the solid thus generated.

13. Determine the geometrical signification of the equations

(1) 10x2-xy - 21y2 — 9x−y+2=0.
(2) x2+y2+6x-10y+34=0.

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Write down the first and second differential coefficients of (1); (2) xetan; (3) tan-x.

15. Prove the formula of integration by parts.

16. Find the area of a portion of a common parabola. 17. Prove that the greatest rectangle which can be inscribed in an ellipse is half of that contained by the axes. 18. If r be the radius vector at any point of a curve, and p the perpendicular from the pole upon the tangent, prove rdr o the radius of curvature equal to dp

In the ellipse, whose semi-axes are a, b given p2= b2r find the radius of curvature drawn at the extremity


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of the major axis.


1. Explain the rule for multiplying a number consisting of several digits by a like number, by means of the example 356 x 125.

2. What is meant by a proper fraction

rule for dividing it by a whole number c.


? Explain the

[blocks in formation]

5. Find 3 fractions converging to √26.

6. Show that impossible roots enter equations in pairs. What assumption is here made respecting the coefficients of the equations? In what case will irrational roots enter in pairs?

7. If a be an arc of a circle subtending an angle 0, and r the radius of the circle, show that

Ꮎ ;

2 right-angles α


X- where 3.14159.


What will this become if we take an angle one-sixth of a right angle as the angular unit?

8. If tan 20√3, express all the positive values of which satisfy the equation.

9. If A, B, C be the angles of a spherical triangle, and

A+B+C=2s, show that tan



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a being the side opposite the angle A.

cos S cos (S-A), cos (S-B) (S-C)

Show that this expression always expresses a possible quantity.

10. Differentiate y=!


·; y=esin x; y=log,sin ̄1x.


11. Determine the maxima and minima of f (x), when f(x)=(x-2) (x-4)2.

12. Determine the ratio between the height and radius of the base of a cylindrical quart cup so that its surface may be a minimum.

13. Show that if y'=f (x') be the equation to a curve, the equation to the tangent is y-y' =ƒ' (x') (x—x').

14. Expand as far as 24—

(1) log (x+√x2 + a2); (2) (ex +e-x)n.

15. Prove the following differential formula which occur in the theory of plane curves:—

(1) Subtangent=y ; (2) Subnormal=y





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16. Integrate with respect to x, the functions:

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18. Find the relation between a and b, that the envelope of

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R=resultant of P and Q acting at an angle 0,


R2=P2+Q2+2 PQ cos 0; if P=Q, R=2P cos 1 0.
0=0, R=P+Q; 0=π, R=P


If P, Q, R are in equilibrium at a point o,

PQR=sin QOR : sin POR : sin POQ.

R=resultant of any number of forces acting upon a body

in one plane.

R2= {Σ (x) } 2 + {2(x)}2 : tan 0=2(r) ;

in case of equilibrium Σ (x)=0: (Y)=0. 2(Yx-xy)=0. R=resultant of any number of forces acting upon a body

in any directions,

[blocks in formation]

in case of equilibrium Σ (x)=0, Σ (y)=0 : Σ (z)=0; Σ (zy-yz)=0; Σ(xz-zx)=0; 2(xx—xy)=0.

If x, y, be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of a system of bodies,

[blocks in formation]

Pressure on fulcrum=[p2+w2 - 2 pw cos (a+ß)]§.

Direction of pressure=0; tan 0=

In the wheel and axle

Single moveable pulley,

the strings.

P sin a+w sin B

P cos a-w cos

[blocks in formation]

System of pulleys each hanging by separate string


P= {w+(2-1)w}, n being no. of moveable pulleys.


System of pulleys, same string passing round all the pulleys, W+B=n P. B=weight of block.

System of pulleys, when all the strings are attached to the weight, w=(2-1) P+(2′′-n-1) w; n being no. of strings attached to weight.

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P_vertical distance between two threads W circumference of circle described by P Screw, with friction

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Motion uniformly accelerated

v=ft ; s= }} ft2; v2=2fs; u=v±ft;

s=vt±}ft2; u2=v2±2 fs.

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