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Chirol, Sir Valentine, Turkey in
the Grip of Germany,' 231.
Churchill, Rt Hon. W., M.P., on the
strength of the navy, 116.

Coman, K., 'Economic Beginnings
of the Far West,' 170, 172.
Commerce, British Oversea, in
War Time, 252. See Oversea.
Coomaraswamy, A. K., 'Selected
Examples of Indian Art,' 512 et
seq.-Arts and Crafts of India
and Ceylon,' 519.

Copper, scarcity of, in Germany,

Cotton, fall in the price of, 265.
Cradock, Rear-Admiral Sir C., de-
struction of his squadron, 298.
Cromer, Lord, his report on the
Sudan, 16-pledge to the Sudanese,

Currie, James, Director of Education
in the Sudan, 21.

Custance, Admiral Sir R., 'The Ship
of the Line in Battle,' extract from,

Cuxhaven, aerial raid on, 309.


Dardanelles, attack on the, 596, 604-

Davis, H. W. C., "The Political
Thought of Treitschke,' 348.

Dernbury, Dr, his direction of the
propaganda in the United States,

Dock strikes of 1872, 1889, 1911 and
1912, 492-495.

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Economic Condition of Enemy
Countries, 370-the case of Ger-
many, 370-388-the case of Austria-
Hungary, 388-financial condition
of Turkey, 389-392-trade, 391.
Egypt, The Sultanate of, 527-
oration on the investiture of Bey-
bars, ib.-Saladin, the first to be
styled Sultan in Egypt, 529-date
of the title on the coinage, 530—
administration of Mekka and
Medina, ib.-rule of Saladin, 531
-the reign of Shejer-ed-durr, or

of the Mamluks, 533-system of
the organisation, 534-choice of a
Sultan, 535-hereditary principle,
ib.-riches of the emirs, 536-rival
factions, 537-compared with the
Ottoman system, ib.—their esprit
de corps, 538-extent of the Em-
pire, 539-characteristics of Bey-
bars, 540-En-Nasir, 541-other
Sultans, 542.

Election, General, proposed post-
ponement, 563.

Ellis, Prof. R., 'A Commentary on
Catullus,' 27.

Employment and Industry, The
Effect of the War on, 266. See

Enemy Countries, The Economic
Condition of, 370. See Economic.
Enlistment, estimate of the sources,

En-Nasir, Sultan of Egypt, his ad-
ministration, 541-characteristics,

[blocks in formation]

Farrer, Reginald, White Wolf in
Kansu,' 353.

Fish, Prof. C. R., 'The Development
of American Nationality,' 172.

Fisher, H. A. L., 'Modern German
Historians,' 340.

'Fleet, Famous Duels of the,' extract
from, 305.

Food-prices, effect of the war on, 264.

'Formidable' battleship, destruction,

France, relations with Italy, 85-
number of ships lost, 113-amount
of gold reserve, 410-note circula-
tion, 410 note-difficulties in the
adoption of the gold standard, 413
-coalition ministry formed, 555,
564-progress of the war, 598.
Franco-Prussian war, effect on in-
dustry, 279.

Frazer, Sir J. G., completion of his
work 'The Golden Bough,' 464-
his description of primitive man,
466-characteristics, ib.-on the
omnipresence of demons, 467-
fallacy of the stratification theory,
468-views on the value of civilisa-
tion, 469-his method of investi-
gation, 470-mistakes in his state-
ment of facts, 470-474-number of
theories, 474-ritual and myth,
475-magic and religion, 476-478
-views on the genesis of gods,
478-480-on the evolution of an
anthropomorphic god from
divine animal or plant, 480-socio-
logical theories, 481-484-'mother-
kin,' 482.



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381-imports and exports, 378, 382,
384-collapse of foreign trade, 380,
382-agricultural resources, 381-
mercantile shipping, 382-trade
with the United Kingdom, 383-
views of Herr Possehl, ib.-State-
supervised company 'War Cerials'
formed, 385-scarcity of copper,
386-888-treatment of British pro-
ductions of music, 396-result of
militarism on music, 397-effect of
the war, 401-publication of com.
positions, 406- adoption of the
method of inconvertibility, 409-
amount of gold reserve, 410-note
circulation, 410 note-adoption of
the gold standard, 411-propa-
ganda in the United States, 451-
system of 'exchange professors,'
452. See United States. Inactivity
of the fleet, 601, 602.


Germany, Turkey in the Grip
of, 231-relations with Turkey, 233
-construction of railways, 234,
240-trade and influence, 240-
the Berlin - Byzantium - Baghdad
scheme, 243-establishment
Banks, 244-shipping, cables and
wireless telegraphy, ib.-influence
on the Committee, 248-the mer-
cantile marine, 252-estimate of
the cost of the damage by cruisers,
253-shipping returns, 260-result
of the paralysis of shipping, 262—
Trade Unions' statistics on un-
employment, 267-after-effects of
the war, 280-plan of campaign,
282-central position, 284-with-
drawal of troops from Belgium,
285-lines of supply, 288-opera-
tions against the Allies, 292-
system of trench-fighting, ib.—
situation a blockade, 296-number
of untrained men, 297-defeat of
Admiral von Spee, 299-raid on
the Yorkshire coast, 307-309-
aerial raid on Cuxhaven, 309.

Gold Standard, The Abandon-
ment of the, 409-meaning of the
terms Inconvertibility and Mora-
torium, ib.-result on foreign pay-
ments, 410-value of gold and
silver, ib.-adoption of the gold
standard by Germany, and other
nations, 411, 417-demonetisation
of silver, ib.-result of making gold
the sole standard, 412-system in
France, 413-India, ib.-method of
imperfect convertibility, 414, 417—
restrictions on the issues of bank

notes, 415-amount of gold re-

serve, ib.-London the centre of
the financial world, 416-crisis of
1907 in the United States, ib.-re-
sult of economy in the use of gold,
417-emergency currency on the
outbreak of war, 418, 421-the
bank rate, 419-restrictions on the
Stock Exchange, ib.-effect of the
various measures, 420-on foreign
trade, ib.-dislocation and restora-
tion of foreign exchanges, 421-
amount of notes issued, 422-postal
orders legal tender, ib.-rise in
prices, 423.

Golden Bough, The, 464. See

Gooch, Mr, 'History and Historians
in the Nineteenth Century,' 340.
Gordon, General, first Governor-
General of the Sudan, 2.

Graham, Sir James, his views on the
supremacy of the First Lord of the
Admiralty, 59.

Grant, J. A., his views on the reason
for men not enlisting, 141.


Great Britain, amount of trade with
Germany, 383-with Austria-Hun-
gary, 389-with Turkey, 391-pro-
duction of music, 396-rivalry of
Germany, ib. employment of
foreign musicians, 402-superiority
of orchestras, 403-beauty of the
language, 404-need for the en-
couragement of the art, ib.—prob-
lem of publication, 406-relations
with the United States, 458-
charges against, 459-method of
Colonial administration, 460.

Greece, relations with the Balkan
States, 427-policy, 437-hostility
to Bulgaria, ib.


Halle, Dr E. von, Volks und See-
wirthschaft,' 461.

Harrison, J., 'Prolegomena,' Ger-
man criticism on, 337.

Hart, A. B., 'Guide to the Study of
American History,' 170.

Havell, E. B., 'Indian Sculpture and
Painting,' 509 et seq.


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Indian Art, 507-its character, 509
-foreign influences, 509, 521-im-
portance of design, 511-works on,
512 et seq.-beauty of the torso in
the Victoria and Albert Museum,
ib.-Lady Herringham's copies
from the Ajanta Frescoes, 513-
516-characteristics of the sculp-
ture, 516-521-impressions left by
sculpture, 519-naturalism, 520-
anonymous, ib.-influence of Per-
sian art, 521-525-Emperor Ak-
bar's encouragement to artists, 522
-Mogul school, 523-Rajput paint-
ings, 525-Krishna's Quelling of
the Serpent, ib.-Pahari drawings,

Industry and Employment, The
Effect of the War on, 266-Trade
Unions' statistics on unemploy-
ment, ib.-Board of Trade Report,
267, 268-curtailment of production,
269-effect on agriculture, trans-
port and the legal profession, 270-
effect of enlistment on employment,
271-transference of labour and
machinery, 272-new markets for
the products of depressed trades,
273-shrinkage of the home market,
274-methods of relief, ib.-the
need of more recruits, 275-em-
ployment of women, ib.-curtail-
ment of the building and brewery
trades, 276-estimate of the sources
of enlistment, 277-the after-effects
of the war, 277-281-difficulty of
demobilisation, 280.

Ireland, seditious newspapers, ex-
tracts from, 149, 150.

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Kerr, Alfred, his views on the war,

Keynes, J. M., 'Indian Currency and
Finance,' 414 note.

Kitchener, Lord, Governor-General
of the Sudan, 2-response to his
demand for recruits, 132.

'Kultur,' German, 313. See Ger-



Labourer, A Skilled, 'Strikes, from
the Workman's Point of View,'

Lane-Poole, Stanley, 'The Sultanate
of Egypt,' 527.

Law, Rt Hon. Bonar, M.P,, on the

right of criticism, 148.

Layton, W. T., 'The Effect of the
War on Industry and Employment,'

Leather, advance in the price of, 265.

Lecomte, Maxime et Col. Camille

Lévi, La Neutralité Belge et l'In-
vasion Allemande,' 214.

Lloyd's Register, shipping returns,

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of organisation, 534-compared
with the Ottoman system, 537-
their esprit de corps, 538-disci-
pline, 539.

Manns, Sir August, his influence on
British music, 401.

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Marett, Dr, Threshold of Religion,'

Martin, Percy F., 'The Administra-
tion of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,'

Maughan, Cuthbert, 'British Oversea
Commerce in Time of War,' 252.
McMaster, Prof. J. B., 'History of
the People of the United States
from the Revolution to the Civil
War,' 159.

Mommsen, Prof., his characteristics,
344-Romische Geschichte,' ib.

Monroe doctrine, character of the,

Moratorium, adoption of, 409.

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Music and the War, 393-influence
of war on great composers, ib.-
in times of national danger, 394-
invention founded on high ideals,
395-school of American music,
ib.-British productions, 396-atti-
tude of Germany, ib.-character-
istics of the modern development
of German music, 397-career of
Richard Strauss, 398-400- cha-
racter of Humperdinck's compo-
sitions, 400-influence of August
Manns and Carl Rosa, 401-pre-
ference for the employment of
foreign musicians in England, 402
-character of British orchestras,
403-beauty of the English lan-
guage, 404-need for encourage.
ment of the art, ib.-effect of the
on music, 405-publication
problem, 406-408.



MacDonald, Prof. W., 'From Jeffer-
son to Lincoln,' 172.

Mamluks or white slaves, their in-
troduction into Egypt, 533-system
Vol. 223.-No. 443.


Navy, number of ships lost, 113-115
-strength, 116-views against ex-
penditure, 120-result of economy,

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