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Midnight in the garret of an old house. Eight or ten mice sit in a circle. In the center is Old Gray Ear, the judge.

Old Gray Ear.

Fellow Mice, I shall ask our friend, Black Whisker, to make the first speech. (Black Whisker steps forward.)

Black Whisker. Wise judge and kind friends, these are sad times with us. Our enemy the CatBrown Back. I lost another child last night. (Wipes her eyes.)

Black Whisker.

Quite true! Not one among us but has lost one or more of his family. (AN

weep.) Now what can we do?

Old Gray Ear.

That is hard to tell. As long as I can remember, this danger has been with us. you advise us in any way, Black Whisker? Black Whisker. I can not, myself, give any


advice. However, as I came along, our friend, Young Frisker here, said that he knew a way.

Old Gray Ear. Young Frisker, come, let us hear from you. We shall be glad to get new ideas. For years have we tried to get rid of this Cat. Young Frisker. It is easily done. (Laughs) Put a bell around her neck. Then you will hear

her coming.


Brown Back. Why didn't we think of that before I lost my child! (Weeps again.)

Black Whisker. Hurrah! No more fear of the Cat! (Claps his hands.)

Old Gray Ear. Truly, a fine plan. Now, who will put the bell around the neck of the Cat? Brown Back. Not I. I have a family to keep. Black Whisker. I am lame since I was caught in the trap. I can not run as I once did.

Old Gray Ear. It seems to me, Young Frisker, you are the very one to- Why, the fellow has run away! (Holds up (Holds up his hands.)

Brown Back. Just the way with these young mice! They know so well how to do everything. My own children are always telling me how— Black Whisker. The Cat! (All run.)



"Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?" "Over the sea."

"Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving?" "All that love me."

"Are you

not tired with rolling and never
Resting to sleep?

Why look so pale and so sad, as for ever
Wishing to weep?"

"Ask me not this, little child, if you love me; You are too bold.

I must obey my dear Father above me,

And do as I'm told."

"Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?" "Over the sea.

"Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving?" "All that love me."

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It was a pleasant day. The waves of the blue ocean were dancing in the sun. The beach was clean and white.

A crab and her son were out for a walk.

"Son," said she, "why do you walk so crooked? It looks far better to go straight forward." Then the young crab answered, "I do wish to walk straight, mother. If you will show me

how, I will do it."

The mother crab started ahead. You can see her in the picture. First she went to the right and then to the left.

The young crab did his

best to follow her.

Just see him!

At last he said, "Mother, when you learn to walk straight, you can teach me." Then he went off down the beach to play.




"Summer is coming, summer is coming. I know it, I know it, I know it.

Light again, leaf again, life again, love again,” Yes, my wild little Poet.

Sing the new year in under the blue.

Last year you sang it as gladly.

"New, new, new, new!" Is it then so new

That you should carol so madly?

"Love again, song again, nest again, young again,"

Never a prophet so crazy!

And hardly a daisy as yet, little friend,

See, there is hardly a daisy.

"Here again, here, here, here, happy year!"

O warble unchidden, unbidden!

Summer is coming, is coming, my dear,
And all the winters are hidden.

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away

many shadows.

Francis of Assisi.

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