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Hebraische Text des buches Ecclesiasticus. Von Dr. THEO. NORBERT PETERS. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. 1902.


N this work Dr. Peters enters upon a detailed examination of the recently discovered portions of the Hebrew text of the Book of Ecclesiasticus. The critical part of the volume extends over 317 pages, and in it the author endeavours, with the aid chiefly of the Greek and Syriac versions, to restore the text to its original state. At the end of the volume is printed the Hebrew text, with a German translation underneath. But the part of the work which will appeal most to the ordinary reader is the Prolegomena. Here Dr. Peters discusses such material as is available for setting up again the original text of the Book of Ecclesiasticus. Thus he gives an account of the discovery of the Hebrew fragments, he describes the MSS., their mutual relations and value. Then he discusses the Greek version, the principal MSS. in which it has been handed down, the versions that have been derived from it (including the Latin, Coptic, Ethiopic, Armenian, etc.), and its value as a witness to the original text. So, too, he tells us of the Syriac version, and its value for the purpose of textual criticism.

With regard to the Hebrew fragments which have been brought to light in recent years, Dr. Peters is of opinion that the literature of the controversy as to their originality is interesting only as illustrating the history of exegesis. He looks upon it as a mere waste of time to write any more in defence of the position that they represent the original Hebrew text.

Dr. Peters therefore looks upon the fragments as containing the original Hebrew text. Nor is he content with J. Levi's later view that one of the new MSS. B. "is in the main original, but that in part the archetype from which it is descended was completed by re-translation from the old versions and corrected under their influence." For Dr. Peters is of opinion that where there seems to be a relationship between the new Hebrew text and the Syriac, this comes, not from the Syriac version, but from the Hebrew original upon which the version is based.

On the other hand, however, Dr. Peters recognises that the new Hebrew MSS. are far from containing in its purity the original Hebrew text. Even the text of the proto-canonical books of the Old Testament has gone through many vicissi

tudes. Much more so has the text of Ecclesiasticus been subject to change, for it has been liable to alterations during the centuries which have passed since the time when the Manoretic text was practically fixed and stereotyped by the Jews.

J. A. H.

Instructions on Preaching, Catechising, and Clerical Life. By Rev. PATRICK BOYLE, C.M. Dublin M. H. Gill and Son. Pp. xv.-221. Price 2s. 6d.


T was a happy thought to bring together and to publish in one cheap and handy volume the excellent treatises comprised by Father Boyle under the title of "Instructions on Preaching," etc. The contents are as follows:-" Decrees of the Council of Trent on Preaching"; "A Short Treatise on Preaching, by St. Francis Borgia "; " A Letter of St. Francis of Sales on Preaching"; "The Method of Preaching Recommended by St. Vincent de Paul"; "A Letter of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars on Preaching, A.D. 1894"; "A Treatise of St. Augustine: De Catechizandis Rudibus"; "A Treatise of St. Jerome on the Virtues of the Clerical State." A bibliographical appendix gives a short list of some writers on sacred eloquence, and of concordances and other works of reference. It is evident that the instructions here given come to us with all the authority of wide experience, practical wisdom, and spiritual discernment; and that as such they are, like classics, to be studied rather than criticised. They give a law, but do not receive it.

One passage in the letter of St. Francis of Sales is liable to be misunderstood. It is that which treats of the question whether a preacher should try "to please" (p. 46 f.). The meaning of the saint may be gathered from what he says later concerning the use of facts from profane history, of poetic fables, and of examples from natural history; but no misunderstanding could take place if Father Boyle would give in a note the teaching of St. Augustine, "De Doctrina Christiana" (1. iv. cap. 2). The translation of St. Jerome's characteristic treatise needs a good deal of revision.

J. Mcl.

Hermeneutica Biblica Generalis secundum


Principia Catholica. By Dr. STEPHEN SZEKELY. Freiburg B.


HIS volume, like so many other works of introduction to Hermeneutics, contains a large amount of matter that might safely be taken for granted. We cannot understand why introductions to scriptural interpretation should be padded out without the commonest principles of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. It is this which makes the reading of manuals of introduction a weariness to the flesh, and renders their possession lumbersome to one's book-shelves. When all such more or less remote principles have been set aside, the value of what is strictly relevant is not very great. The best things in the book are a summary of the history of exegesis, and an exposition of the Tridentine Decree on the Vulgate. But even these are not sufficient to reward one for reading through a volume of more than four hundred pages.

J. McI.

Books Received.

The Glories of Mary.

By St. Alphonsus Liguori. New York Benziger Bros. 8vo, pp. 526.

Thoughts and Teaching of Lacordaire. New and Enlarged Edition. London Art and Book Co. 8vo, pp. 387. 2s. 6d. Flowers of Devotion, Compiled from Approved Sources. New Edition. London: Burns and Oates. 16mo, pp. 275. Institutiones Juris Ecclesiastici. By Jos. Laurentius, S.J. Friburgi B. Herder. 8vo, pp. 680.

Die Katholische Kirche in Armenien, ihre Begründung und Entwicklung vor der Trennung. Von Simon Weber, Doktor der Theologie. Freiburg: B. Herder. 8vo, pp. 527.

In Holiest Troth.

By Sister Mary Fidelis. London: Burns

and Oates. 8vo, pp. 208.

Rev. Mother M. Xavier Warde. By Sisters of Mercy, Manchester, N. H. Boston: Marlier and Co. 8vo, pp. 287. Glauben und Wissen. Von Rev. Victor Cathrein, S.J. Freiburg B. Herder. 8vo, pp. 244.

The Threshold of the Catholic Church. Sixpenny Edition. By Rev. J. Bagshawe, D.D. London: R. and T. Washbourne. 8vo, pp. 312.

The Credentials of the Catholic Church. Sixpenny Edition. By Rev. J. Bagshawe, D.D. London: R. and T. Washbourne. Svo, pp. 307.

St. Margaret of Cortona. By Rev. Leopold de Cherancé, O.S.F.C. Translated by R. F. O'Connor. Dublin Sealy, Bryers and Walker. 8vo, pp. 257. 3s. 6d.

Papst Innocenz XI. und Ungarns Befreiung von der Türkenherrschaft. Von Wilhelm Fraknoi, TitularBischoff, übersetzt von Dr. Peter Jekel. Freiburg: B. Herder. 8vo, pp. 288.

Downside: The History of St. Gregory's School from its Commencement at Douay to the Present Time. Illustrated. By Dom Henry Norbert Bert, O.S.B. London Kegan Paul. 8vo, pp. 357.

Preces Gertrudianae. Editio Nova. Friburgi: B. Herder. 12m0, pp. 276.


Christus und Apostelbilder. Von Dr. J. E. Weiss-Liebersdorf. Freiburg B. Herder. 8vo, pp. 122.

Eucharistic Elevations. By Rev. J. Fitzpatrick, O.M.I. London R. and T. Washbourne. 12mo, pp. 79.

Psallite Catholic English Hymns. By Rev. Alex. Roesler, S.J. St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder.

Organ Accompaniment to "Psallite." By Rev. Ludovic Bonvin, S.J. St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder.

Votive Vespers and Compline. By A. E. Tozer, Mus. Doc., Oxon. London: Cary and Co.

Back to Rome. By Scrutator.

8vo, pp. 225.

8vo, pp. 50.

London: Sands and Co.

Le Roi du Jour, l'Alcool. By Rev. Edouard Hamon, S.J.

Paris P. Téqui. 8vo, pp. 135.

The Sacrifice of the Mass: an Explanation of its Doctrine,
Rubrics, and Prayers. By Rev. M. Gavin, S.J.
Burns and Oates. 8vo, pp. 176.

In the Shadow of the Manse. By Austin Rock.
Sands and Co. 8vo, pp. 267.



Emilienne: Lettres d'une Mère.

Par Jean Charruau.

Paris :

P. Téqui. 8vo, pp. 472.

La Doctrine Spirituelle: I.-La Vie Spirituelle. II.-L'Union avec Dieu. Par R. P. Matthieu Rousset, O. P. Paris: P. Lethielleux. Two Vols. 8vo, pp. 350-436.

My Life in Two Hemispheres.
London: T. Fisher Unwin.


By Sir Charles Gavan Duffy.

Two Vols. 8vo, pp. 334-395.

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