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notes on every interesting scene.

Paul knew that a

narrative from his father would be a high treat, and he anticipated it with more than common pleasure.

When an affectionate parent, whose head and heart have been rightly instructed, gives a narration to his children, his desire for their welfare is sure to induce an effort to make it interesting and instructive, to withhold from it all that would injure them, and to turn it to their permanent advantage.




The largest rivers, the longest lakes, the highest mountain, the biggest tarn, and the deepest waterfall.-Kendal.-The Grammarschool. Barnaby Potter.- The Museum. The old brass clock. -The Castle.-The Church.-The epitaph. Benson Knot.Underbarrow Scar.-The broken stones.-The beautiful plants.The prospect. The feather.-The setting sun.-The shepherd's boy.-The Barony of Kendal.

GREAT was the delight of Paul Ritter when his father, with an animated countenance, began to speak of his loiterings among the lakes. His mother and sister having been summoned to a wedding at a distance, and not being expected to return for some days, Paul had his father and his narrative all to himself. Pleasure and curiosity sparkled in his eyes, while thus he entered on a conversation which became, as it proceeded, more and more interesting.

"Now then, dear papa, for Cumberland and Westmoreland! You have a great deal to talk about, and the sooner you begin the better."


"Yes; much have I to tell you of mountains and meres, tarns and waterfalls. You may, perhaps, not know that a mere is a lake, and a tarn a smaller sheet of water, usually up among the mountains. The largest rivers in Cumberland and Westmoreland are the Eden and the Derwent; the most extensive lakes are Windermere and Ulleswater; the highest mountain is Scawfell Pikes, which, indeed, is the highest in all England; the biggest tarn is that of Ellerwater, and the deepest waterfall is Scale Force."

"That is just your way of beginning! If I can remember only half of what you have said, I shall be much wiser than I was before."


"When I arrived at Kendal, which is the largest town in Westmoreland, I began to look about me. might, however, have looked a long time for a brick house, before I had found one. Stone and stucco, stucco and stone, turn which way I would. Among the many eminent men educated at the Kendal Grammar-school, was one named Barnaby Potter, commonly called, on account of his strictness, the Puritanical Bishop.' It was said of him that the organ would 'blow him out of church.' I suppose by this that he objected to an organ, and if so, he was very different to one of whom I will now tell you. Some years ago,

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a worthy and kind-hearted clergyman, residing in a retired village, happened to hear that, in a town some distance from the place, a church-organ, which had cost some hundreds of pounds building, was to be sold for eighty pounds. This appeared so desirable an oppor

tunity to provide his own church with an organ, that he became at once red-hot about it. At another time

he might have been prudent and considerate, but in this affair, as I said, he was red-hot, and therefore, prudence and consideration were out of the question. Off he set to his parishioners to consult them on the best method of providing the necessary funds. As I was at this time on a visit at the vicarage, my opinion was asked, and not soon shall I forget the surprise of my reverend friend at the new light which I threw upon the matter. Good easy man! he had concluded that eighty pounds was all that would be required to secure his object; whereas I soon convinced him that, what with the price of the organ, the expense of taking it down, removing it, and setting it up again, with the salary of an organist and bellows-blower, and occasional sums for repairs, the amount required from his parishioners would not be eighty pounds alone, but much nearer eighty pounds a year."


“You did him a very great kindness."

"I went to the Museum, which is well worth seeing, though it is not a very large one. Some of the birds are very beautiful, and the fossils are many of them very choice; but what pleased me more than anything else was the old brass clock."

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Why?-what was there in the old brass clock that pleased you?"

"In the first place it was said to be one of the first ever made on the pendulum principle, and in the next it bore the following curious inscription :

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