Mon. 22. — My brother and I set out for Bath, on a very extraordinary occasion. Some time since Mr. Smyth, a Clergyman, whose labours God had greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining... Montalva, or, Annals of guilt - Page 110by Ann Mary Hamilton - 1811Full view - About this book
 | William Belsham - Great Britain - 1798 - 754 pages all others was so prosperous, were believed to sink deep into the mind of prince Louis of Baden, who had been for some time in a declining state of health. He deemed himself, with great apparent reason, neglected and sacrificed by those who governed the councils... | |
 | John Wesley - Methodism - 1810 - 452 pages
...clergyman, whose labours God had greatly blessed in the North of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been, for some time, in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel, while he remained there; but, as soon as... | |
 | 1819 - 406 pages
...its purity in the Isle of Man." On the 5th of September, 1704, the Bishop accompanied Mrs. Wilson, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, to Warrington, for the benefit of her native air, and continued with her, praying for and comforting... | |
 | Asia - 1820 - 718 pages
...sent to us for insertion : — On the afternoon of the 20th of Aug. Mr. Wheelock, baptist missionary, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, had been sitting by his wife, who was writing, when he left her without her immediately perceiving... | |
 | Asia - 1820 - 664 pages
...sent to us for insertion :— On the afternoon of the 20th of Aug. Mr. Wheelock, baptist missionary, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, had been sitting by his wife, who was writing, when he left her without her immediately perceiving... | |
 | William Bengo' Collyer - 1822 - 514 pages
...huts. The fellow labourers afterwards joined company, but it was only for a while ; as Mr. Parsons, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, breathed his last at Alexandria on the 10th of February. He rests from his labours, and his works do... | |
 | John Wesley - 1827 - 580 pages
...Clergyman whose labours God had greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel while he remained there; but as soon MI... | |
 | John Wesley - Methodism - 1829 - 524 pages
...Clergyman, whose labours God had greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel, while he remained there. But as soon as... | |
 | John Wesley - Methodist Church - 1840 - 788 pages
...clergyman, whose labours God had greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel, while he remained there. But as soon as... | |
 | Periodicals - 1844 - 274 pages
...its purity in the Isle of Man." On the 5th of September* 1704, the bishop accompanied Mrs. Wilson, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, to Warrington, for the benefit of her native air ; where he continued with her until, in the spring... | |
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