Montalva, or, Annals of guilt

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Page 116 - I have heard That guilty creatures, sitting at a play, Have by the very cunning of the scene Been struck so to the soul that presently They have proclaim'd their malefactions; For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak With most miraculous organ.
Page 90 - Bath, and the waters had some effect upon him ; but upon his return to the metropolis he was seized with a violent fever, which carried him off in a few days. The...
Page 110 - Mon. 22. — My brother and I set out for Bath, on a very extraordinary occasion. Some time since Mr. Smyth, a Clergyman, whose labours God had greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel, while he remained there. But as soon as I was gone, Mr.
Page 71 - They had not been long at sea when a violent storm arose, and in a few hours.
Page 156 - I had, for the first time, ah opportunity of speaking to her in private, and I resolved not to lose it. " ' You are about to become our sister, I find

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