blest, shall I be, if it is my fate to rescue thee from the one for which thou art designed!" Such were the thoughts and wishes of Alberto; nor did he hesitate to disclose them to his mother. Signora Sforza had some of the pride of blood, which distinguishes most noble Neapolitans; she loved Isabel, fondly loved her, yet, could she have wished that Alberto's choice had fallen elsewhere; but when her son, her beloved son, knelt at her feet and implored her not to destroy the happiness of his life; her pride gave way to her maternal tenderness, and she consented to his espousing Isabel, if the consent of her protector could be obtained. The signora wished Isabel to remain ignorant of their intentions, till the lady abbess should have heard from Montalva, who had assumed to her the name of Valdorno. It was now near the time when the abbess expected a remittance, which he always took care punctually to send, and by his messenger, the signora proposed making known to him her wish to call Isabel by the tender name of daughter. "I do not (cried she) think that he will object to such an union for his ward, since he seemed to say that motives of prudence influenced Isabel's friends in chusing that lot for her, which you are so anxious to rescue her from; but as it is possible that they may object to her marrying, and as in that case-" "Dearest mother (interrupted Alberto), do not, I beseech you, conjure up so terrible a phantom; you will not grant my wishes by halves; how know I that Alberto's hand would be preferred; by Isabel to a monastic life? my mother, I beseech you, suffer me but to receive from her own dear lips, a confession that I am not indifferent to her, and I will then cheerfully submit to wait any time that you please for this man's approbation." Alberto "You are unreasonable, (said the signora), but such is always the case. If our wishes are granted in one point, we know not how to restrain them in any other; I will, myself speak to Isabel, and then if you must plead your own cause, I shall not prevent you." Sforza rapturously thanked his mother, who soon after this conversation opened her heart to the lady abbess. "I own to you my friend (cried she), that as the last male representative of a noble family, I could have wished that Alberto's choice, had fallen elsewhere, yet Isabel is very dear to me, but I much fear that there are circumstances attending her birth, which may render the alliance, in the eye of the world, degrading to Alberto; yet, to cross his affections, fixed as they are on Isabel, would be cruel; and when I think of her gentleness, her sweetness of temper, and the thousand graces of her mind and person, I can neither wonder at, nor oppose the chioce of my son." "May every blessing attend their union (said the abbess), and with such a wife as our Isabel, Sforza must be blessed; I am not surprised at your generosity in consenting to his happiness; wave but one circumstance, and Isabel is a wife of whom a monarch. might be proud." "True, she is so (replied the sig nora); I meant to have opened the business to her myself, but you, I think, ean do it better; there is one thing that I could wish; should my son's proposals meet with Isabel's approbation, should Alberto know that her pure and ingenuous heart is his, no power on earth, I am well convinced, could force him to resign her, and you are well aware that, from her peculiar situation, the union of Alberto and herself may be impossible, should this man on whom, I fear, she wholly depends, refuse his consent." I think, that he will I hope, nay, not," cried the abbess. "I hope so too, most sincerely (said the signora), all I wish is, that our Isabel would strongly impress Alberto with the necessity there is of submission to his decree." "That I am sure she will not fail to do, for she has long considered that her fate is in his hands (said the abbess), I long for the time that we may expect his messenger." "And so in truth do I (cried the signora). Oh! my friend, how many anxieties rend the heart of a mother; susceptible as my Alberto is, should his wishes be disappointed, his early hopes of happiness blighted, how fatal will such a blow be to the peace of his future life." "Let us hope better (said the abbess); I will prepare Isabel for the good fortune which awaits her, and speedily, I hope, that ours and the dear orphan's suspence, will be happily ended." |