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years ago by the experimenter himself, about modern experimental philosophy has been two inches square, and half an inch thick. an advance to the conclusion here statedMagnetic bodies are well known by the pro- a conclusion which, apart from proof, comperties of being attracted by an actual mends itself to our convictions by its grand magnet-of invariably assuming a particu- simplicity of action, so in harmony with all lar position in the line of the magnetic our conceptions of Almighty wisdom and force, when freely suspended, or moving on power. The effects of electricity, tested in a pivot, as the needle of a compass; and a thousand ways, disclose the extensive opof being invested with magnetic power them-eration of the electric forces in chemical selves under certain conditions. Of these actions-the resolution of the magnetic enbodies, five minerals were recognised by M. ergy into electricity in combination with Pouillet-iron, manganese, nickel, chrome, certain forms of matter, of which the often and cobalt; but Dr. Faraday's experiments observed disturbance of the compass neehave increased the number to ten, of which, dles at sea from storms of thunder and lighthowever, iron is vastly the most important, ning, gave note of warning, and of which on account of its abundant and superior the electro-magnet is the decisive proofmagnetic qualities. In other bodies, com- the influence upon a ray of light of the elecprehending the great mass of the earth's tro-magnetic current flowing parallel with it crust, and all organized existences, the through the same medium-these are some same properties have not been discovered, of those realities of science which intimate and hence these have been classed as non--for it is best to speak cautiously—the magnetic. But it now appears that instead elementary unity of the mightier agencies of possessing that negative character which of nature, as divergent streams issuing from the term expresses, the non-magnetics have a common fountain, functions of one and properties in opposition to the former, so the same power.

as to be repelled by the poles of an actual Another paper, the twentieth of a series magnet, and hence the new characteristic on experimental researches in electricity, term of dia-magnetic. read before the Royal Society, January 8th

With the above implements-a ray of and 15th, 1846, entitled, "On new Magpolarized light-a magnetic line or current netic Actions, and on the Magnetic Condiof force resulting from the combined action tion of all Matter," will enable us to state of the two poles of a powerful electro-mag-more fully the newly-discovered property to net, and the piece of glass, so arranged that which we have already referred, called diathe polarized ray and the magnetic line of magnetic. The following details of expeforce passed through the transparent sub-riment will suffice, in which a power was stance at the same time, and in the same given to the electro-magnet equal to susdirection. Dr. Faraday found that the ray taining from 56 lbs. to 112 lbs. of light was so affected by the action of the A bar of the heavy glass was suspended electro-magnet, as to become visible or in-at its centre by a long silk thread, so as to visible, according as it was developed or turn freely by the slightest force on a horisuspended. To use his own description-zontal plane, and secured from the action. "when the force of the electro-magnet of currents of air by being inclosed in a was developed by sending an electic cur-glass jar. The two poles of the electrorent through its coils, immediately the magnet were then placed one on each side image of the light became visible, and of the glass bar, when it immediately began continued so as long as the arrangement to assume a position at right angles to a continued magnetic. On stopping the elec-line connecting the poles, or the line of tric,current and so causing the magnetic force magnetic force, and rested in it after a few to cease, the light instantly disappeared; and vibrations, returning to the same position, these phenomena could be renewed at plea- if displaced by the hand. It was therefore sure, at any instant of time, showing a per- mutually repelled by the two poles. A bar fect dependence of cause and effect. Thus," of bismuth obeyed the same law, but in a says he, "is established a true direct rela- more decided manner. Now a bar of iron tion and dependence between light and placed in the same circumstances, would the magnetic and electric forces, and thus a have assumed a position coincident with the great addition is made to the facts and con-line of the magnetic force, and therefore at siderations which tend to prove that all right angles with that of the bismuth and natural forces are tied together, and have the glass, subjected to the same influence. one common origin." The whole course of The two positions were called by Dr. Fara

day arial and equatorial; the axial corres- | Seeds carried in by the birds to their young ponding with the line connecting the poles and dropped, had sprung up, producing being that taken by the iron, and the equa- blanched stalks covered with half-formed torial, crossing the former at right angles, leaves about two feet high; but it was imthat taken by the bismuth. 'It thus clearly possible to recognise the species, from the appears that different bodies are acted upon change in form, color, and aspect, which by the magnetic forces in a different and the absence of light had occasioned. The precisely opposite manner; and hence may native Indians gazed upon these traces of be grouped into two classes-the magnetics, organization in darkness, with mingled cucomprising, as far as yet known, about ten riosity and fear, as if pale and disfigured metals, of which iron is the type-the dia- phantoms, banished from the face of the magnetics, which obey a contrary law, com- earth. To the traveller, as he remarks, prising the great mass of terrestrial sub- they "recalled one of the happiest periods stances, of which bismuth is the type. A of my early youth-a long abode in the vast variety of substances have been exa- mines of Freiberg, where I made experimined, simple and compound, solid, fluid and ments on the effects of blanching, which gaseous, in order to ascertain their places are very different, according as the air is in these classes, but excepting the magne-pure, or overcharged with hydrogen or tic metals and gaseous bodies which are not affected either way, and may be said to be neutral, all bodies hitherto tested-among which phosphorus, sulphur, quartz, calcareous spar, water, alcohol, sugar, caoutchouc, wood, ivory, flesh of various kinds, and bread, may be mentioned-betray the diamagnetic character. The human frame, could it be suspended in the circumstances of the bar of glass or bismuth, would take the same position, at right angles with the line connecting the magnetic poles. It is well known from the phenomena of the magnetic needle, its polarity and dip, that the earth in mass acts like a great magnet, the poles of which are beneath the surface; and the remark of Dr. Faraday may point to some revelation to which future researches may lead. "If Saturn were a magnet, as the earth is, and his ring composed of diamagnetic substances, the tendency of the forces would be to place it where it actually is."


azote." Blanched plants resume their natural green color, even in darkness, if exposed to the action of hydrogen gas. The vast forests of the Amazon and Orinoco exhibit the influence of light upon the green of the leaves, sometimes upon a grand scale when the leaf buds are developing. “It frequently happens, that clouds and rain obscure the atmosphere for several days together, and that, during this time, the buds of entire forests expand themselves into leaves. These leaves assume a pallid hue till the sun appears, when, within the short period of six hours of clear sky and bright sunshine, their color is changed to a beautiful green. It has been related, that during twenty days of dark dull weather the sun not once making his appearance, the leaves were expanded to their full size, but were almost white. One forenoon, the sun began to shine in full brightness, the color of the forest absolutely changed so fast that its progress might be perceived. By the middle of the afternoon, the whole for many miles presented its usual summer dress. The secretions of plants are intimately connected with the influence of light. It is only from the roses of the south, that it is worth while attempting to obtain the powerful essential oil, known as Otto of Roses, those of the north receiving the direct solar light more obliquely. This must be the cause, and not difference of temperature, since artificial heat rivalling the tropical, fails to produce the effect.

IV. We had intended to notice the important action of light upon the animal and vegetable economy; "but our space allows of only a few references to its influence in the latter relation, which has recently received some new illustrations. Every one is acquainted with what the French call the etiolation or blanching of plants by covering them up from the light, an effect purposely produced by the market-gardener to render certain vegetables more palatable, those peculiar secretions being checked which cause their rankness and stringiness in natural condiThe instinct of living plants is very retions. Humboldt beheld with astonishment markable, or the sensible indications afthe progress of subterraneous vegetation in forded of their dependence upon the luthe Cuera del Guacharo,"an immense longi-minous element: the stately head of the tudinal cavern in the district of Caraccas, annual sun-flower moving with the sun from inhabited by nocturnal fruciferous birds. east to west, returning by natural elasticity

after sunset to the east, to meet his beams in the morning; the innumerable leaves of a clover field following the same course; all plants turning towards the light, those of the hot-house directing their branches to the side where it is most copious, and not to the quarter of the heated flue, or where most air is admitted; leaves presenting their upper surface to it, upon which light acts beneficially, and hurtfully upon the under side, in whatever situation the plant may be placed; those of the mistletoe dispensing with this rule, the two sides of the leaves being alike in appearance, and therefore, as may be presumed, performing the same functions in the relation to light as well as air. Even of some vegetable powders, long known to be affected in color and medicinal powers by exposure to light, and therefore kept by the pharmacopolist from it, it has been lately ascertained, that several adhere with considerable firmness to the sides of glass jars next the light, while the sides in shadow are left clear. Mr. Hunt, who makes this observation, has detailed some new facts in communications to the British Association. He states, that while under all circumstances plants bend in a very decided manner towards the light, yet in all experiments with red fluid media, they bend as decidedly from it as something to be avoided. In examining the influence exerted by colored light upon the germination of seeds and the growth of plants, the same inquirer found that the more luminous rays exercised a surprising influence in preventing germination; that the effect of the chemical rays was such, that under their concentrated influence, acting on the surface of the soil, seeds germinated at a depth below that at which they would have germinated in the natural conditions; that the leaves being developed, the action of the luminous rays then became necessary to effect the decomposition of carbonic acid, and the deposition of woody fibre within the plant; and that under the joint influence of the chemical and luminous rays, the plant arrived at maturity, when the full action of the calorific or heat producing rays, was required to ripen fruit and develope seed.

But here we must close; yet not without referring to the connexion that ought to be maintained between the pleasures of science, of taste, and of devotion--the last giving zest to the former, and furnishing an ample compensation in circumstances unpropitious to their enjoyment. "For all

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"To daily fraud, contempt, abuse, and wrong, Within doors and without, still as a fool In powers of others, never in my own," describes the calamity that had befallen him, in terms which may rebuke our indifference to the gift which we inherit, and which will live coeval with the language to which they belong :

"Seasons return, yet not to me returns

Day, or the sweet approach of eve or morn,
Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,
Or flocks, or herds, or human face divine;
But cloud instead, and ever-during dark
Surrounds me, from the cheerful ways of men
Cut off, and for the book of knowledge fair
Presented with an universal blank

Of nature's works to me expunged and raz'd,
And wisdom at one entrance quite shut out."

Yet, while thus keenly sensible of his privation, and an old man fallen upon evil times, his was not an uncomforted spirit, as the expression of his patience testifies-one of the most sublime that ever came from an uninspired source-showing the advantage of connecting the contemplation of nature with obedience to nature's God :-"Neither am I disheartened that I am now become the companion of the blind, of the afflicted, of those that sorrow, and of the weak; since I comfort myself with the hope, that these things do, as it were, make me belong still more to the protection and mercy of the Supreme Father. There is, according to the apostle, a way through weakness to the greatest strength; let me be the most weak, provided that in my weakness that immortal and better strength exert itself with more efficacy; provided that in my darkness, the light of the face of God shine the clearer. So shall I prove, at the same time, the most weak and the most strongdark, blind, and at the same time clearsighted. Oh, let me be consummate in this weakness! in this perfected! Let me be thus enlightened in this darkness! And sure we, that are blind are not the least care of God, who hath been in this element

above all, merciful to us, that he will have|ternal fail-can felicitate themselves with us see nothing but himself. The high dis- thoughts of the spiritual amid the sadness pensation of God, his favor, hath given us of the sensible, and indulge a Christian a protection from the injuries of men, and expectation of that state to which the figurendered us almost sacred. Nor doth he, rative description applies :"And the indeed, seem to have brought this darkness city had no need of the sun, neither of the upon us so much by the dimness of our eyes, moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God as by the shadow of his protecting wings!" did enlighten it, and the Lamb is the light Happy, indeed, they who can thus draw thereof." upon internal sources of comfort, as the ex

From Fraser's Magazine.

left visible memorials of their powerful pens, and have rendered the French intellects almost impervious to the subtile genius of Germany, or the forcible and ingenious spirit of philosophizing which pervades the great mass of British literature.

ANECDOTICAL SKETCHES ON THE LIFE, MANNERS, AND ECCENTRICITIES OF THE FRENCH AUTHORS OF THE PRESENT DAY. THERE is a greater dissimilarity between | poetical, or imaginative. Everything is a the character and genius of French litera-sensation or impression; it must bear this ture and the English, than between the character, or it cannot come in contact with literature of the latter and that of other the national mind. Condillac, the EnEuropean nations. German writings retain cyclopedia, and Destut-Tracy, have still many points of resemblance to us, and so do likewise Italian and Spanish; but the French literature is, in all its leading features, a thing quite sui generis. A Frenchman's ideas must be always palpable-never far from the surface. He invariably avoids diving deep into the well of knowledge; all Now we have often imagined that this his representations and illustrations must sensible and material character of French be of the visible and rational sort, im- literature is strikingly portrayed in the pressed with a lively and vivid conception, writers of the country; the instrument is and must bear the stamp of actual existence. fashioned to the work. Let a French and It very rarely happens that a French author English writer, of similar studies, sit down ever loses himself or his readers in the together, and you will soon detect the chaos of unintelligible speculation. There amazing differences in their mental constiare thousands of absurd books in French, tutions. The Frenchman will be all life on recondite or abstract subjects, but their and vitality-he will hop from twig to absurdity is palpable and undisguised. A twig with rapidity and cleverness, and skim French fallacy is a tangible thing-you over the surface of an argument or system have no difficulty in detecting it, for it is with a dexterity which cannot be surpassed. never invested with the specious drapery of refined and abstruse sophistry. The national mind of France is quite averse to this mode "of showing the weaker to be the stronger reason." It is essentially material in all its phases. The limpid clearness of the pebbled brook runs through the whole of French literature. The leading principles of the sensual philosophy, which has taken such deep root in the genius of our Gallic neighbors, and which was so forcibly and enthusiastically promulgated for fifty years prior to their first revolution, has incorporated itself with every topic of speculation, whether philosophic, dramatic, VOL. XI. No. III.


To keep his mind fixed for any length of time upon a concatenated series of arguments, or causes and effects, is impossible. His ardor is too great to dwell upon particular parts of a subject. He sums up the evidence, and delivers his judgment with all the confidence and quickness of intuition itself. The Englishman is a different personage. He is deeply impressed with the vital importance of his subject. He goes slowly and leisurely to work, and on all the various parts of a system or argument bestows on each just that degree of attention which is fully commensurate with its value. He works out a moral problem with singu

lar neatness and ease, and all his logical there one evening, and found the crowd of arrangements bear the impress of a vigorous savants so great that we were puzzled to and well-regulated mind. Both intellects recognise those authors who occupied a conhave points of contact, but the points of spicuous place in public estimation from the repulsion are vastly more numerous. The mass of mediocrity by which they were surtrains of thought in each have run too long rounded. in their accustomed channels to enable them to amalgamate and harmonize freely. And hence it is that England and France, even at the present moment, great and friendly as is the intercourse between them, know really so very little of each other's literature. For all visible or practical purposes they might just as well be twenty thousand miles asunder.

In perusing works of literature we almost instinctively form to ourselves imaginary portraits of their authors. We find, from the earliest records of time, that everything appertaining to men of genius was invested with peculiar interest. Every movement and action excites curiosity. We want to know the manner of living, speaking, dressing, general behavior, and address, of every one who has gained the enviable celebrity of an author. This is the homage which matter pays to mind. Some men have spoken of this homage as a weakness, but it is a wholesome and necessary law of the creation, and is no mean or inefficient stimulant to literary enterprise and fame.

"Look here," said my friend; do you see that little red-faced Falstaff, with his dark black eyes? It is De Balzac, so wellknown to all the French ladies by his satirical novels."

I subsequently learned that the first work which gained him celebrity was La Peau de Chagrin, written when he was about forty years of age. His earlier works were published under the assumed name of Horace de St. Aubin, and when his book Eugénie Grandet appeared with his real name prefixed, most people were ignorant that the author had already published twenty volumes. His reputation increased so rapidly, that an editor, Monsieur Delloge, bought the exclusive right of publishing his works for fifteen years at the rate of 15,000 francs per annum, during his life, in addition to 6000 francs in ready money.

I shall here relate an anecdote of Monsieur de Balzac, illustrative of a remarkable trait in his character. He entertains a very slender reverence for truth. He is very garrulous, and his tales are of such an Having been for some months in Paris, improbable and Baron Munchausen characand domiciled with a most intelligent ter, that they almost carry with them their friend, I enjoyed the opportunity of meeting own refutation. One Sunday he entered with many of the most distinguished the drawing-room of Madame Sophie Gay, authors in that renowned city of letters. I and declared that, having been confined to had also the advantage of seeing them in what the French call their déshabillé. The constitutional vanity of the French writers induces them to make themselves rather scarce to foreigners, in order, I presume, to excite curiosity more ardently. As many English travellers may not, perhaps, have had the pleasure of seeing these Parisian lions, I have noted down a few of my reminiscences, acquired from nearly a daily intercourse with them. I believe the picture will prove a faithful likeness; for though I candidly confess I am no great admirer of French modern authors, I would not wish deliberately to bedaub my canvas with too deep or sombre a coloring.

After having been a few days in the French metropolis, I expressed a wish to my friend to introduce me to the society of a few of the most distinguished men of letters. I was told that the foyer of the Opera was the general rendezvous for all the literary men of France. We repaired

his room for a fortnight, he had gained, by writing, during this brief period, 18,000 francs. This was merely a piece of foolish boasting. At an evening party last January, he told the whole company that he had made a present of a white horse to his friend Sandeau, for his new year's gift. A few days afterwards, Monsieur Sandeau, on being complimented on his handsome present, answered that he knew nothing at all about it. Notwithstanding this flat denial, De Balzac still continued to speak of the white horse he had bestowed on his friend. One evening he walked up to Sandeau, and very gravely asked him if he were pleased with the horse he had sent him. Sandeau, taking the thing as a joke, answered that it was a most beautiful and interesting animal. This declaration gave Balzac new courage, and he remained, to all appearance, a real convert to the truth of his own fabrication.

He lives in a small house just out of

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