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very great, diminution in the amount of the taxes.

"week; being 1s. 10дd. for each! The "total amount of parish relief received "by these 352 individuals was 17. Os. 9d.! The farmers and the country trades"In Broom-house-lane, Mr. Potter men and shopkeepers will, in great "visited 37 families, consisting of 187 part, soon be unable to pay the rates, “individuals, whose total income (in- which rates are not all for the poor, "cluding parish relief) amounted to observe; and it is probable, and even “16l. 7s., or 1s. 9d. each per week! certain, that great numbers of them "The parish relief received by these will very soon side with the discontented "individuals, was only 17s. 6d. Mr. poor, and will begin to think about "Potter also informed the meeting that living rent-free. The pressure will then "he made his visits generally about fall upon the landlords; and this in"the time the people were preparing deed, is the natural course of events. "dinner; and that among the 105 fa- There is not the means in the country "milies which he visited, he found only to pay sixty millions of taxes, seven or "four cooking any portion of butcher's eight millions of rates, and to pay rents "meat; and these four were only pre- besides. Landlords will find, that it is paring a few pieces of bacon. The useless for them to sell up tenants; "remaining 101 families were unable finding that, they will endeavour to find "to afford even that humble luxury, new tenants; but will fail. Thus the "and had to subsist only on potatoes whole will be swallowed up by the " and salt." poor and by the Government, and the poor must be well kept in order to keep This Mr. Potter is, as I was informed them quiet. When taxes begin and grow at Manchester, one of the most benevo-heavy, they descend with augmented lent men, and most active in his exer- weight from class to class, till at last tions that ever lived in this world. Pray, they press the labourer down to the attend to the pittance which was afford-earth. When they become insupported by the means of parish relief; and able, the working class shakes off the think of this gross defiance of the law. load by flying at the farmer for subThe law is the same in Lancashire as it sistence, and they demand back, in the is in Sussex and in Kent. The law says, shape of relief, that which they have that no human being shall suffer from paid in taxes. If the law be of sufficient want; and how dare the administrators force to restrain them, they continue to of the law to permit such suffering suffer; but when that force is insuffiwhile there is one single man in their cient, they suffer no longer. The farmers district who possesses money or money's and tradesmen, thus pressed by the worth things, beyond his own imme-poor, fly at the landlord, and refuse him diate necessities? rent. The landlords, if unchecked by In the end, if this state of things any undue influence of superior power, were to go on increasing the suffering, fly at the Government, and make it dewhole flocks of people would migrate sist from its oppressive demands. But, from the barren districts, and come into here they find a bar in the fillers of the the countries where the food is to be seats; for these have their best estate obtained: the law of settlement becomes in the taxes; and thus those landlords, a reed, a mere rush, when men go for who have no estate in the taxes, and relief with cudgels in their hands. This who are the greater number, become is the serious part of the prospect. All totally powerless; and their estates may the rest might be looked at with some pretty nearly be taken from them at degree of indifference; but this matter once; for an estate without rent, is, cannot be blinked: it is not to be over- in fact, no estate at all. And I am percome by votes or by any other means than fectly serious when I say, that I should that of real and substantial and general not at all wonder, if great numbers of relief; and that is to be afforded by no these landlords, with their families, means other than that of a great, and were to sink down into abject poverty,

and have, all the while, apparently, are fellow-sufferers along with them; estates in their possession. The poor that our cause is their cause; and that will be fed. The farmers will, in time, we must all be relieved, or all continue join the poor; and the landlords, such to suffer, together. For my own part, I as have no share of the taxes, will gra- shall take with me every man and every dually sink into poverty, unless the boy in my husbandry service; and I do thing go to pieces in a convulsion. As hope that the greater part of you will to those whose estates are mortgaged do the same. deeply, they will speedily possess nothing; they can pay no interest on their mortgages; their estates will be taken away; they will shift about for awhile from friend to friend; but at last, they will become paupers themselves, which has already been the case in not a few instances.

Now, in conclusion, let me beseech you, my friends, to think well of all these things. This march of events, which is absolutely inevitable, admonishes you to be continually on the watch; to be prudent, to waste nothing, to make no sacrifice to show, to abstain from all unnecessary expenditure; to consider of what value a single sovereign may become, to owe no debts, and to have no debts owed to you if possible: above all things, to get possession of SOME GOLD, and to keep

[blocks in formation]

I am, Gentlemen,

Your most obedient,

and most humble servant, WM. COBBETT.


As it is likely that there will be a county meeting in Surrey, in the course of ten days, and as it is my bounden duty to attend that meeting if I possibly can, this is to apprise my friends at Norwich and Bury St. Edmond's, and also my friends at Eye, that I shall suspend my journey to the East until after that meeting. Before the publication of the next Register, I shall probably be able to ascertain the precise time of the time must remain unfixed; for Surmy departure from London: until then rey is my native county, and I perceive that my native town of Farnham has at last sent a petition to Parliament complaining of its state of distress. It is too far for many persons to come from that place to Epsom; but let the

THE FARMERS AND TRADERS whole town petition, rich and poor, for




Barnes, 15th Feb., 1830.

UNDERSTANDING that there is soon to be held a meeting of our county, I take the liberty to offer you my advice with regard to one part of our conduct on this important occasion. We may be assured, that there will be no real redress of our manifold grievances, unless we obtain a radical reform of the Commons' House of Parliament. Therefore, it appears to me, that we ought, as far as we possibly can, to take our labourers with us to the meeting, and there let them learn, that it is not we who are the cause of their sufferings: that we

a repeal of the malt tax. Let them give me notice of the time of their holding a meeting for such a purpose, and I will attend at that meeting, and put my hand, amongst others, to such petition. Of one thing, however, they may rest assured; and that is, that they will never again see the face of prosperity until they see a reform of the Commons House of Parliament. Let the rich be convinced, that the poor will never lie down and starve quietly: let them be convinced, that as I told the hop planters once at Andover, the rich and the poor have one common cause; and that, to obtain relief, they must cordially co-operate together: let those who pay poor-rates be ashamed to complain of the six millions a year

to the poor, who do their work for them, while they complain not of the sixty millions a year which they pay to

the Government.



(Continued from page 160.)

he had already observed, he trusted that the meeting would confine itself to the immediate subjects now before it; though he had seen in a Norwich Paper an intimation that the game laws would be touched upon; if there were to be such a requisition, he would be one of the first to put his name to it (cheers); and if the meeting, in any respect, went beyond the consideration of the malt tax, he would move for the game laws being the subject. (Cries of "No, no!")

STILL, however, while any duty on the article remained, the farmer was unable to make use of it; for there Mr. WODEHOUSE, M.P. for the county, were so many restrictions connected then presented himself to the meeting, with it; so many accounts were to be and was received with applause mingled kept, of how much for the bullocks, with a few hisses. The Honourable how much for the sheep, and how much Gentleman began by observing, that on in store, that a man who employed it, all former occasions it had been his uni always ran the risk of getting into the form practice to wait almost till the last Exchequer through it; but when the moment, and till every one had declared tax was entirely taken off he began his opinion. There were, however, parto use salt, and had continued to do so ticular circumstances which induced successfully to that day. (Applause.) him to press himself on their attention There was another matter which re- thus early; and he should feel obliged quired attention, with respect to the if they would allow him to take that op malt tax. He hoped that there were portunity of expressing his sentiments. some gentlemen present connected with (Applause.) In what he had to say, he the malting business, for to them he would begin by alluding to some cir would appeal, whether, if the duty were cumstances which had taken place in taken off, the malt would be not only the course of the last session of Parliamuch cheaper but also of a much better ment, and also to others which were to quality? He would ask any one who be brought forward in the course of the knew the business, whether, if the har-next session. He was anxious that his vest was as favourable as could be constituents should, one and all, thus wished, if there was not a drop of rain to spoil the in gathering, the malt returned from that barley would not vary much as to quality? Surely, then, if the barley was so different, it must require a different treatment when being made into mait; but this, under the present ever might form its members) the provision, the maltster was not allowed evils arising from the malt tax to give it. From all these respective (applause); but with that conviction circumstances, he was prepared to con- pressing on his mind, he must be tend, that if the duty were taken away, allowed to go at once into a short it would have the best possible effect for statement of the points on which he the community at large. In answer to agreed, and of those on which he disone part of his statement, it might, per- agreed with the resolutions which had haps, be said, that as the poor had no been proposed to the meeting by Mr. brewing utensils, they could not brew Bulwer. The first, second, third, and their own beer; this, however, he fourth resolutions were all of them of thought entitled to very little weight, a general nature; for they all applied for he himself had known many who, to the general influence of taxation on when they could get the barley, were the country. These four, therefore, were always able to brew it into beer. As in their spirit, and in every syllable of

early be made aware of the sentiments by which his mind would be governed. Every one who heard him, was aware that he had not suffered a year to pass, in which he had refrained from pressing on the attention of Government (who

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them, undeniably true; but they would necessarily be a high penalty, and the be so good as to recollect that the fifth argument therefore applied generally to and sixth resolutions applied to one all exciseable commodities. (Hear, hear.) article only. And what was that arti- There was one material subject connectcle? Malt! But then, why not also ed with this and every other tax, which the article of beer? (Applause and up- the meeting was bound to take into conroar.) Why was not the tax on tea sideration. He had, for a long time specified, or that on sugar, and still (and was never more impressed with it more that on coals? (Cries of "Bravo!" than now) been of opinion that it was and confusion.) If he were asked why mere childishness, and both nugatory he wanted to include those also, his an- and delusive, to enter into a consideraswer was, that the high rates of these tion of the present state of the country, taxes must necessarily press upon the either as compared with what it had people, now that they were labouring been in past time, or with what it would under the difficulty of low wages. probably be in future, without constant(Cheers.) It was evident, therefore, ly bearing in mind its relation to the that by this high rate of taxation the overwhelming and paramount question comforts of the lower classes were of the altered value of money. (Applause.) abridged; and while things remained in In his opinion the legislature, when they this state, it was a scandal to the aristo- meddled with that question, had no adecracy of the country. (Cheers.) The quate conception of the importance of seventh resolution was of a different na- the work they were taking in hand. ture again, for it applied to the vexations (Hear, hear.) He knew that he held restrictions that the malt trade experi- this opinion in opposition to the noble enced. At his request the Chancellor of Duke at the head of his Majesty's Gothe Exchequer, in the course of the last vernment; and he deplored the circumsession, acceded to a proposal for ex-stance; but he also knew that he had a amining into the affair, according to a duty to discharge to his country, and suggestion that was transmitted to him he was resolved to execute it fearlessly. by his friend Mr. Crisp Brown, and pro- (Applause.) The time was now come cured the appointment of three experi- when public men of all kinds must not enced excisemen and three experienced pride themselves on being able to talk maltsters, as a sort of commission of about their consistency, for, to all that inquiry, in order that it might be ascer-wished that, he would recommend them tained whether these vexatious restric- to borrow a leaf from Lord Grenville, tions were necessary or unnecessary, in where he said that it was far more for order that those only which were neces-the benefit of the country for a man to sary might be retained. What was the be led to the ready abandonment of a result of this commission? He himself preconceived error (cheers); and by an not being able to attend, his friend Mr. undisguised avowal of such alteration, Portman attended for him, and the con-he best evinced his sense of his public clusion arrived at was, that the malt-duty. (Cheers.) As allusions had been sters were perfectly satisfied with the made by the speakers who preceded conduct of the Government. (Hear.) him, to the probability of something It had been observed by Mr. Postle, that like a property tax being introduced, he wished the malt tax to be extinguished altogether, as otherwise the same army of excisemen would be kept up for its collection. But let them look at the other high taxes, the enormous one upon spirits, in particular, and they would see that there was little hope, while that continued, for the decrease of the number of excisemen; in short, while there was a high duty there must

perhaps the meeting would allow him to read an extract from a work, written by no ordinary man, living in no ordinary times; it was a passage from Hampden's Considerations repecting the most proper way of raising Money, and was to the following effect:

"That a great parliament-man had undertook to make it out, that granting to King Charles a moiety of excise in


"That the state of depression in which every interest throughout the empire is placed, demands the most serious attention of the legislature.

lieu of the wardships, was equivalent to the Duke of Wellington and the Govern giving away the whole of the barley ment to persevere in the course already land of England. Alluding to the excise; commenced, and God grant that he when the serpent once gets his head might go on rejoicing, and so sink down into a hole, it is no hard matter for him to a happy rest; and he was sure that to draw his whole body after it. If an if the plan had been earlier adopted, excise should be laid on malt, where there was not one impost which the will the burden lie? It is evident that people had to pay, that would not have this tax will fall very hard upon the been lighter than at present. (Hear.) He, poor farmers; and those who are best however, said that gentlemen appeared able to pay it will be most spared. The to be seized with a sort of shivering fit price of it will certainly sink in the at all notion of a property tax; and he country for want of consumption, by should therefore content himself with reason of the new imposition. There reading some resolutions, which he had will, doubtless, be many proposals; but drawn up, for the sake of recording when all is done, I humbly conceive what his sentiments were, and that he there will be nothing upon the whole might stand before them clear. (Hear.) matter found so safe and so much for The following were the resolutions :the good of the nation, as a land-tax. Other things may help, but this will be the main resource; it is true this will smart whilst it lasts, but then we are sure to have an end of it. The mem- "That one great and primary object bers of Parliament themselves will be for consideration is, the extent to which obliged, in interest, to take it off when the comforts of the poor and industrious the occasion ceases; and besides, the classes of the people are abridged by the freeholders of England will never endure continuance of a high rate of taxation the continuance of a land tax longer under a low rate of wages, as applied to than there is an evident necessity for it. the necessaries of life, such as malt, "This is the way in which our ances-beer, tea, sugar, and coals. tors acted upon these occasions, and this "That with respect to the real weight is the safe and sure way. It has been of taxation, the legislature does not aplaid down as a good rule in Parliament, pear to have entertained an adequate to support the Government in time of conception of the effects that were likely peace, by taxes upon trade, and in time of war to have recourse to the land, because that tax will not be in danger of being continued when the war is over." This was the way that our ancestors had proposed to step in, and certainly it was the only sure way on which to proceed (hear, hear); as he looked at the question, it was a good rule for Parliament to tax trade in the time of war, and in the time of peace to alter the tax to land; and he believed that if the Parliament of 1815 had not been actuated by the greatest selfishness, there would then have been a rate levied upon property (applause); he did not by this mean an inquisitorial sort of tax, but a general duty upon land, houses, and personal property, to a certain extent. If this course were now adopted, he had no doubt that it would enable

to be produced by the partial restoration of the present standard of gold, even as far as regards England; Scotland and Ireland being hitherto exempted from its operation.

"That the evils of an unlimited paper currency, are such as no right-minded person should ever seek to renew; but that every practicable suggestion for allevating the evils of a too contracted currency, ought to be calmly and steadily pursued, with a due regard both to the safety of the state, and the general welfare of the community."

Lord SUFFIELD wished to know whether Mr. Wodehouse intended to move these resolutions by way of amendment? If he did, his Lordship would be happy to second them.

Mr. WODEHOUSE: If your Lordship will move them, I will second them.

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