INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBDIVIDING SECTIONS AND RESTORING Illustrated with Forms, Diagrams and Maps; CONSTITUTING A COMPLETE TEXT-BOOK OF GOVERNMENT SURVEYING. FOR THE USE OF U.S. DEPUTY SURVEYORS, COUNTY SURVEYORS, AND ALL TO WHICH IS ADDED AN APPENDIX CONTAINING INFORMATION IN REGARD TO ENTERING, LOCATING, VARIOUS LAND LAWS, ETC. ETC. BY J. H. HAWES, LATE PRINCIPAL CLERK OF SURVEYS IN THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by J. H. HAWES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States in and for the District of Columbia. PREFATORY REMARKS. THE following pages have been prepared to supply a want which is widely known and felt. The General Land Office is constantly receiving letters from county surveyors and others, soliciting information in regard to the system of government surveying, how to subdivide sections, restore missing corners, etc. etc. It is the custom of the department, in answer to these varied inquiries, to furnish as explicit directions as can be given within the ordinary limits of an official communication; but it is quite impracticable in such a communication to set forth in detail the principles and the laws, with their multifarious bearings and applications, which affect or control the surveyor in restoring obliterated public surveys, or running and marking the boundaries of legal subdivisions not before established in the field; and yet this information is essential to the surveyor who would execute his work correctly and in accordance with law. In view of the great number of inquiries of this character received by the General Land Office, the writer, who for several years had especial charge of the department of government land surveying, commenced the preparation of a circular to be printed for the use of the office, which should be sufficiently comprehensive to meet the class of inquiries referred to. The examination and reflection incident to the preparation of such a circular continued to develop new complications, and suggest new points to be explained, enlarging the scope of the work and ultimately inducing a change in the original design. It became apparent that the only plan which would afford surveyors all the information necessary to enable them to discharge their duties properly, was not only to lay down specific rules in particular cases, but to give a full and complete exposi |