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Rash Vows; or the Effects of Enthusiasm, translated from the French of Madame de Genlis, 3 vols. 12mo. Ics. 6d. boards. Longman. Lendor; or Early Engagements, 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. sewed. Trepass. Emily Dundorne; or the Effects of Early Improvement, 3 vols. Ios. 6d. sewed. Low. POETRY. Song of the Battle of the Nilc, published for the benefit of the Widows and Children of the brave men who fell on that memora ble day. By the Rev. W. L. Bowles, 4to. Is. 6d. Cadell and Davies. Theodore, or the Gamester's Progress, a Poetic Tale; with Frontispiece, engraved by Neagle, 2s. 6d. Vernor and Hood. POLITICAL ECOΝΟΜΥ. The Speech of Sir John Sinclair, Bart. on the Bill for impofing a Tax upon Income, in the Debate, on Friday, December 14, 1798, IS. Debrett. The Substance of Lord Auckland's Speech in the House of Peers, on the third reading of the Bill for granting Duties upon Income, Is, Wright. A Measure productive of substantial Bene fits to Government, the Country, the Public Funds, 1 1 799.1 1 New Publications in January. Funds, and to Bank Stock. By Simeon White. Confiderations upon Frauds in the revenue, addressed to the good sense of the People, 16. Hatchard. POLITICS. To be fold for the Increase of Public Contributions, the following new Publications in English, French, and German. By Obadiab Prim, one of the people called Quakers. 1. Address to the Sovereigns of Europe. 2. Hiftory of fome great Mandarines, 3d. 3. Political Review of the prefent and future ftate of Europe, 3s. 4. Lavater's Address to the 5 Tyrants, 2s. 5. Memorial delivered at Rastadt against His Britisn Majefty. By a Jacobin of Hanover, 3s. Cawthorn. Union with Ireland. Ceafe your Funning! Oh! that mine Enemy had written a Book. Dublin printed, London reprinted. Debrett. The fallacy of French Freedom, and dangerous Tendency of Sterne's Writings; or, an Effay, shewing that irreligion and immo. rality pave the way for tyranny, and that Sterne's writings are both irreligious and immoral. By D. Whyte, M. D. 6d. Hatchard. An Appeal to the Public, in vindication of John Hanfon, in regard to the prices charged by Mr. Mackell, smith, for the fron railings in the Green Park. To which are added engravings of illustrative drawings. Wright. Recent State of Ireland: and the only Means of preferving it to the Empire confidered, in a Letter to the Marquis Cornwallis. By James Gerabty, Efq. Is. 6d. Stockdale. The Cafe of Ireland reconfidered, in answer to" Arguments for and against the Union confidered," 25. Debrett. Observations on the Political State of the Continent, should France retain her immenfe Acquifitions, 3s. 6d, Debrett. The Retrofpect. A Collection of Tracts published at various periods of the War; including Reflections on Mr. Locke's Theory of Government, in producing that Combina. tion of Anarchy, which has affumed the name of Jacobinifni. By John Bowies, Esq. 8vo. 6s. boards. Longman. New Edition, with fine heads, and the Arms of the Persons addressed, finely cut in wood, of Junius's Letters, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. Is. boards. Royal Paper, 11. 15s. Vernor & Hood. Neceffity of an incorporate Union with Ireland, proved from the Situation of both Kingdoms. With a Sketch of the Principles upon which it ought to be formed, 2s. 6d. Wright. 6г A Sermon preached in the Cathedral of St. Paul before the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of London, the Artillery Company, &c. on the 29th of November, 1798. By Thomas Borven, Is. Rivingtons. Mafon's Family Bible, Number 1, to be continued Weekly, is. Griffiths. Sermon delivered in the Church of Weft Broomwich, on the last day appointed for a general Thanksgiving. By William Jeffe, M. A. 6d. Vernor and Hood. Comfort for the Feeble Minded: Three Sermons preached at the Chapel, GrubStreet. By John Bradford, A. B. Is. 6d. Trepass. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chichester, at the Primary Vifitation, in the year 1798. By John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, 2s. Robfon. A Sermon preached before the Lords, on Thursday, November 29, 1798. By John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Is. Robfon. A new Edition, with new Plates, and a number of additional Notes, A Tranflation of the Latin and Greek Quotations, and a Life of the Author of Derham's Physico-Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. 14s boards. Cadell and Davies. The unparalleled Favour of Providence towards Britain; A Sermon preached on the late National Thanksgiving. By Robert Walker, F. R. S. E. Is. Kay. A Sermon delivered in the Church of St. Magnus, London Bridge, November 25th, and in the Church of Allhallows, December 16th, 1798, before the Volunteers, in the Wards of Bridge, Candlewick and Dowgate." By William Vincent, D. D. 1s. Cadell & Davies. IN FRENCH, L'Ami des Meres: Journal d'Education, et des Spectacles, ouvrage des lequel en fera voir les raports qui doivent exifter entre l'Instruction et l'Amusement. Par M. Le Texier, Number 1, to be continued Monthly, and completed in 12 Numbers, price of the whole 11. Is. to Subscribers. Boofey. French Publications by Dulau and Co. Carite et Polydore, par Barthelemy, auteur du voyage du jeune Anacharsis, avec une notice sur sa vie, par Le duc de Nivernois. Choife d'amusemens physiques et Mathématiques, propres à exercer agréablement l'esprit de la jeunesse, 2 vols. 12mo. price 6s. par Mr. Despiau, ancien professeur de Mathématique et de Physique. Le prophète confolateur, ou Mathieu Laenfbergh, almanach pour l'an de Grace 1799, ouvrage intéressant, curieux et instructif, redigé, par le croyant, price, Is. 6d. The 4th and last vol. of Mémoires pour fervir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme, par l'Abbé Barruel, 8vo. price 7s. 6d. this vol. contains the history of the illuminati; the application of the three conspirations to the French revolution, and a very interesting conclufion. L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe, par Anque. til, 2 vols. 12s. Abrégé Abrégé des mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme, par l'abbé Barruel, 8vo. 6s. juft imported by the fame. Défense de l'ordre focial contre les principes de la révolution Françoise, par l'Abbé Duvoifin, 8vo. 5s. Les colons de toutes couleurs, histoire d'un établissement nouveau à la côte de Guinée, par Mr. Le Texier, auteur de gouvernement de la république romaine, 3vols. 18mo. fig. 12s. Confidérations sur La France, par Mr. De Mestre, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Antidote du Congrèe de Rastadt, 8vo. 5s. Books imported by Debøffe. Ammorvin et Zalida, 2 vols. 4s. 6d. Analyse des travaux für les Sciences Naturelles, 4s. 6d. De l'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe, a vols, 325. Antidote du Congré de Rastadt, 5s. Systême Maritime et Politique, par Arsould, 5s. Le Baron de Felsheim, 2 vols. 5s. Biographies des Suicides, 2 vols. 7s. Carite et Polydore, par Barthelemi, 2s. Célestine, ou les Epoux fans l'être, 4 vols. 10s. 6d. Les Colons de toutes couleurs, 3 vols. 12s. Confolations de ma Captivité, par Roucher, 2 vols. 6s. Dangers de l'Intrigue, 4 vols. Ios. Œuvres Complettes de Dumarfais, 7 vols. 8vo. 11. 155. Nouveau Tableau speculatif de l'Europe, par Dumouriez, 6s. Aventures de Faublas, nouv. et belle edit. vols. 8vo. fig. 11. 11s. 6d. Ferdinand et Constance, 2 vols. 4s. Les Petits Emigrés, par Madame Genlis, 2 vols. 108. Recherches fur la Geographie systématique et pofitive des Anciens, par Goffelin, 2 vols. 4to. 11. 16s. Essai fur l'Histoire de l'Espéce humaine, 6s. Hommages d'un suisse aux braves d'Unter walden, 6d. Julie, 2s. 6d. Théorie des fonctions Analytiques, contenant les principes du calcul différentiel, par Lagrange, 4to. 105. Léonore de Trauenstein, 2s. Lettre à Dumouriez, fur son Tableau speculatif, ts. 6d. Manuel de l'Education des Abeilles, 3s. 6d. Marie de Sinclair, 2s. 6d. Mémoires Historiques de Stephanie-Louise de Bourbon-Conté, écrits par elle-même, 2 vols. Ios. Mélanges extraits des manufcrits, de Madame Necker, 3 vols. 188. Mythologie dramatique de Lucien, Gr. Lat. et Fr. par Gail, 4to. 98. Ditto, gr. pap. 18s. Nofographie Philofophique, par Pinel, z vols. 125. Nouveau Spectacle de la Nature, 2 vols. 14s. Nouveau Théatre, ou choix des meilleures pieces qui ont paru depuis 12 ans-3 vols. 125. Opufcules chimiques de Bayer, 2 vols. 14s. Phrafcologia Germanica, or a collection of more than 50,000 phrafes, Engl. and Germ. large 8vo. 185. Pinacothéque, ou Collection de Tablea pour multiplier et diviser, 7s. 6d. Recherches fur les moyens d'exécuter sous l'eau toutes sortes de travaux hydrauliques, par Coulomb, 2s. Réflexions d'un ancien militaire, 6d. Principes des moeurs chez toutes les nátions, par St. Lambert, 3 vols. 12s. Traité Analytique de la résistance des Solides, par Girard, 4to. Il. Is. Nouvelle Vie de Voltaire, 6s. Précis fur l'établissement des Colonies Sierra-Leone, par Wadftrom, 2s. 6d. THE NEW PATENTS lately enrolled. JOSHUA COLLIER, FOR A CHEMICAL PROCESS FOR FREEING FISH OILS A PATENT was granted last year to JOSHUA COLLIER, of Southwark, broker, for a chemical process for freeing fith oils from their impurities in fmell, taste, and colour, and for improved strainers for oil and other liquids, with other instruments for afcertaining their qualities and affifting their burning. Of this patent which combines an ingenious application of machinery, with the antiseptic properties of charcoal, well known to all chemifts by the striking experiments of Professor Lowitz, we shall give a detailed account. The chemical process confifts in pour ing a quantity of any species of fish oil, or a mixture of different forts of fish oil into any convenient vessel, which is to be heated to the temperature of 110 or 120 degrees of Fahrenheit's scale, and then adding of cauftic mineral alcali of the specific gravity commonly described as 1.25, or of fuch strength that a phial containing 1000 grains of distilled water will contain 1250 grains of these lees, a quantity equal to four parts of the roo by weight of the quantity of oil; the mixture is then to be agitated, and left to stand a fufficient time for the falts and fediments to fubfide, it is then drawn. off into another veffel, containing a fufficient quantity of fresh burnt charcoal, finely powdered, or any other fubitance poffell Monthly Magazine, Jan: 1799. Collier's Patent for Filtering & Sweetning Water &'all other Fluids. Fig. 3. Section of the Filtering Still. septic properties, the box is removed and References to the plate. FIG. 1. A. The ciftern into which the water or other fluid to be filtered is put. |