Taken work, remarks on 442 Westmoreland, account of 457 Tanning and elm-bark, on Tambourine, patent for the improvement of 327 White, James, eiq. account of 273 West Indies. See Public Affairs 34 Tares, on the culture of 124 Wind-engine, a patent for 328 Taxation, on 94 Witchcraft, on 283 Taxation in England, origin of 2-5 Wood, Mr. his reply to Mr. Good on the १० poor Taxes, new, in June Theseus, a monodrama 493 Zurich evacuated by the French 490 396 INDEX. Living Authors, Patentees, Sc. whose Names occur in the following Volume. Aikin, Dr. 178 Clark, Dr. 145, 533 Fuffel 228 Johnfon 145, 517 Allifon 229 Clark 516 Fufels 347 Jones, W. Ambrofe 227 Coleman, Geo. 144 Gerahty 61, 518 320, 474, 475 Anderfon Collard 392 Genlis, Madame de Kant 393 316, 533, 536 Collier 62, 402 474 Kelly 476 Arnold, Dr. 478 Combe 66 Gillies, Dr. 247 Kendall 145 Afhton 341 Comber 524 Gilpin 393 Kent 487 Athley 391 Colnett, Cap. 540 Gleig, Dr. 313 Ker, Mrs. 393 Azuni Balleul Attwood 147, 477 Confitt Banatrife 144, 523 Coxe 146 Goethe 349, 399 Kershaw 24 405 Cooke 313 Cormick 314, 512 Gold, Capt. 517 Good 313 Good 313 Kershaw 277 Bomantine 289 Crabb Barrow, Dr. 393 Crell 144 Gosselin 63 King 482 478 Kingsbury 512 Barry 824 Croker 540 Grant 320 Kirkman 312 Baron, Dr. 320 Currie, Dr. 234 Graves 314, 523 Kollman 226, 389 Barruel 62 Dalgliesh, Dr. 394 Grellier 4 Knox, Dr. 393 Bafire 473 Damer, Mrs. 54 Grenfield 61 Kotzebue 105 Raver 476 Damiani 387 Gresham 391 Kyd 145 Reddoes, Dr. 221, Danzel 53 Guthrie, Dr. 233 Lacuee 297 533 Guyton 36 Laharpe 235 Bellham, W. Daye, Mifs 537 Hague 64 Laing 320 183, 403, 509 Delap, Dr. 245 Hall 393 Lalande Bevan 432 Depuis 214 Hardy 517 511 Dennis 481 Defenfans 221, 519 Develey 145, 512 Dibdin, Tho. Blackburne, Dr. 146 Didot Boaden 59, 358 D'Ifraeli 314 Hartley 392 Laland, de 96 59 Hay, Dr. 313 Lamb 54 315 Hayes 221 Landseer 146 Heartwell 493 Lapflie 234 312, 392 Helme, Mrs. 474 Lewis, G. M. Efq. 145 55, 425 Heyne 319 Laflus 36,296 539 Dignum 142 Heyne 426 Lafalle 324 541 Hickman 524 Lathous 313 205 Dogherty 473 Hinderwell 520 Laya 322 222 Domergue 315 Hill, Rowland 393 Lee 66 475 Drennan 222, 518 Hill 537 Leplace 204 326 Duigenan, Dr. 519 Holland 536 Lempriere 392 60 Dumourier 62 Holman, J. G. 312 Leroux 321 Bowles, John, Duppa 144, 510 Homer, Dr. 518 Levizac 475 61, 516 Dunn 429 Hobzebue 538 Leycefler 144 Bolanquet 60 Duffault 314 Horsey 16 Lewis 536 Boyd 303 Dutton Bradly, Dr. 178, 536 Horsey, Rev. 313 Dutton, Dutton, Tho. 473 Housman 32 Lloyd 54, 221, 222 145, 312, 392,474 Dwight, Dr. Brouffonnet 296 Dyde 222 Hull, Dr. 312, 534 Loft, Capel 520 Humbolt 484 426, 267, 380, 346 Brown 52, 24, 222, Dyer, Geo. 144, 316 Hunter, Dr. 513 Loth 348 482, 374 Edgeworth 543 Hurtner 314 Ludlam 521 Browne 522 Elliott 533 Hutchefon 320 Maccard, Dr. 321 Bull 319 Effex 316 Hutchinfon 221 Macdonald, Lord 321 Butcher 475 Elfex 66 Hutton, Dr. 60 Macklin 54 Buttler 314 Estlin 522 Hutton, Dr. 437 Mackintosh 53, 144 Bullen 392 Euftis, Dr. 234 Inchbald, Mrs. 106 Maclaine, Dr. 522 Butby Ifland 312 Manning 17 Caddick 313 Fairman 513 Ireland, John 55 Macpherson 520 Calcott 391 Falkoner 517 Ireland, Sam. 473 Mainanduc 533 Campbell 474 Falkland, Vis. 519 Ivernois, Dr. 510 Malham 522 Campe 53, 312 Faust 150 Jackson, Dr. 60 Marsh 227, 403 Campbell 234 Fellows 314, 516 Jaquen 221 Marshall 474, 523 Cant, W. 305 Ferrier. Dr. 545 James 473 Martin 379 Carey 142 Fitzgerald 229 Jebb 145 Maurice 53, 511 Carey 474 Fond 222 Jeffery 401 Mavor, Dr. 482 Mazzinghi Retrospect of domestic literature 509, 542 Tooth-drawing instrument, patent for 488 Review of books. See Retrospect and Lite. Topography and antiquities, review of books 520 Revolution, French, original anecdotes of 467 Tour, recent. in New Englaud 196 Robertfon, Dr. a mistake of 30 Towers, Dr. memoirs of 413 Rousseau, original letters of 469 Translations from Kotzebue 105 Rous, Captain, Memoirs of 164 Trumpet, fignal, a patent for a 229 Ruffia, state of toleration in, tg.- See Public Sardinia, the King of, renounces his govern- Tyde, remarks on that word 264 ment 70 Sauffure, the naturalist, life of 465 17 Varennes, new particulars relative to the flight Scandella, Dr. memoirs of 174 of the King of France to 302 Schools, public, in the French Republic, ac- Vase, the Portland, conjectures on 97 count of 114 Verses addressed to Sir William Jones, in 1775 Scotland teachers of the mathematics in 436 480 Sea-fickness, on the 31 Vefpa Nidulans, where found 102 Serrurier, Gen. and his army surrender them- Vessels, culinary, a patent for the improving of selves prifoners of war 489 327 Shebeare, John, account of 461 Virgil, Didot's, an error in 267 Sheep-fhearing at Woburn, account of 501 ---Capel Loft on the errata of Didot's 345 Sheridan, Mr. absurdities committed by him in on the errata of Didot's 425 the alteration of Kotzebue's play 427 Voltaire and bookseller 442 Shepton Mallet, a poem on a circumftance 480 Vowels and confonants, proportion of, in dif- 5 Shrewsbury, observations upon the house of in- Voyages and travels, review of new books of dustry at Shewibury poor-house, account of, 201. See Wadstrom, Charles Berns, memoirs of 462 Poor Wakefield, Mr. Profeffor Heyne's letters to 426 Sight, weak, help for 283 Walpoliana, errors in the 112 Sinclair, Mrs. of Glasgow, memoirs of 254 No. 10 39 216 Tambourine, patent for the improvement of 327 White, James, eiq. account of INDEX. Living Authors, Patentees, &c. whose Names occur in the following Volume. Abicht Abington, Earl of 222 : Adam Jenner, Dr. 392 234 512 Clark 60 Frith Adolphus 148 Jeffe 473 Jervis, Sir J. 145,519 475, 521 Aikin, Dr. 178 Clark, Dr. 145, 533 Fuffel 228 Johnfon 145, 517 Allifon 229 Clark 516 Fusels 347 Jones, W. 144 Gerahty 61, 518 320, 474, 475 Anderson Collard 392 Genlis, Madame de Kant 393 316, 533, 536 Collier 62, 402 474 Kelly 476 Arnold, Dr. 478 Combe 66 Gillies, Dr. 247 Kendall 145 Afhton 341 Comber 524 Gilpin 393 Kent 487 Ashley 391 Colnett, Cap. 540 Gleig, Dr. 313 Ker, Mrs. 393 Attwood 141, 477 Confitt 146 Goethe 349, 399 Kershaw 24 Azuni 405 Cooke 314, 512 Gold, Capt. 313 Kershaw 277 Balleul 313 Cormick 517 Good Banatrife Bomantine 289 Crabb 313 Good 2, 124 King 144 62 King 482 Barrow, Dr. 393 Crell 147 Graeff 478 Kingsbury 512 Barry 824 Croker 540 Grant 320 Kirkman 312 Baron, Dr. 314, 523 Kollman 226, 389 Barruel 62 Dalgliesh, Dr. 394 Grellier 4 Knox, Dr. 393- Bafire 473 Damer, Mrs. 54 Grenfield 61 Kotzebue 105 Bauer 476 Damiani 387 Gresham Leddoes, Dr. 53 Guthrie, Dr. 233 Lacuee 297 533 Guyton 36 Laharpe 235 Belsham, W. Daye, Mit's 537 Hague 64 Laing 320 183, 403, 509 Delap, Dr. 245 Hall 393 Lalande Bevan 432 Depuis 214 Hardy 474 271, 433, 202 Bicheno 314 Hartley 392 Laland, de 96 Bidlake 481 Defenfans 59 Hay, Dr. 313 Lamb 54 475 Drennan 222, 518 Hill 326 Duigenan, Dr. 62 Holman, J. G. 312 Leroux Duppa 144, 510 Homer, Dr. 315 Hayes 221 Landseer 146 Heartwell 312, 392 Helme, Mrs. 474 Lewis, G. M. Efq. 145 55, 425 Heyne 319 Laffus 36, 296 142 Heyne 426 Lafalle 324 541 Hickman 524 Lathous 313 473 Hinderwell 520 Laya 322 315 Hill, Rowland 393 Lee 66 537 Leplace 204 519 Holland 536 Lempriere 392 321 518 Levizac 475 538 Leycefler 144 Bosanquet 60 Duffault 314 Horsey 16 Lewis 536 178, 536 Horsey, Rev. 313 Bradly, Dr. Dutton, Tho. 473 Housman 32 Lloyd 54, 221, 222 145, 312, 392,474 Dwight, Dr. Brouffonnet 296 Dyde 222 Hull, Dr. 312, 534 Loft, Capel 520 Humbolt 484 426, 267, 380, 346 Brown 52, 24, 222, Dyer, Geo. 144, 316 Hunter, Dr. 513 Lofh 348 482, 374 Edgeworth 543 Hurtner 314 Ludlam 521 Browne 522 Elliott 533 Hutchefon 320 Maccard, Dr. 321 Bull 319 Effex 316 Hutchinfon 221 Macdonald, Lord 321 Butcher 475 Effex 66 Hutton, Dr. 60 Macklin 54 314 Estlin 522 Hutton, Dr. 437 Mackintosh 53, 144 Bullen 392 Euftis, Dr. 234 Inchbald, Mrs. 106 Maclaine, Dr. 522 Busby 35 Eyre 221 Iffland 312 Manning 17. Caddick 55 Macpherson 520 Calcott 391 Falkoner 517 Ireland, Sam. 473 Mainanduc 533 Campbell 474 Falkland, Vis. 519 Ivernois, Dr. Campe 53, 312 Faust 150 Jackson, Dr. 510 Malham 522 227, 403 Campbell 234 Fellows 314, 516 Jaquen 221 Marshall 474, 523 545 James 473 Martin 379 Carey 142 Fitzgerald 229 Jebb 145 Maurice 53, SI Carey 474 Fond 222 Jeffery 401 Mavor, Dr. 482 Mazzinghi |