(Price Eight Shillings balf-bound.)
Foreign literary intelligence, 57, 546, 570. See
![[blocks in formation]](,906,505,626)
Letters, original, of Rousseau Library at Wanlockhead, account of Literature, domestic, half-yearly retrofpect 509, 546. Books reviewed; Dr. Smith lectures on the nature and end of the facr office, 522. Memoirs of the life of Charl Macklin, efq. 524. Mr White's obferv tions and experiments on the broad-leave willow bark, 534. Dr. Ontyd's treatife mortal diseases, 534. Dr. Hull's defen of the cæfarian operation, 534. Mr. So they's poems, 535. The shade of Alexan der Pope, a poem, by the author of th Pursuits of Literature. Voyages, travels, an tours reviewed, 539, 541. Poetry, 53 Novels and romances reviewed, 541, 54 Education, books on, 543. Finances an Mifcellanies, 544
Literature, French, retrofpect of, 546, 55 Review of books on hiftory, 546. C bography, 547. Antiquities, 547. Gee graphy, 548 Voyages and travels. 54 Veterinary art, 551. Belles lettres, 55 Mathematics and aftronomy, 553
Literature, German, retrospect of Literature, comparative state of, in pafi a present times
Hitch, remarks on that word
Hogarth, Mrs. a letter from Mrs. Walpole to
Líterary and philofophical intelligence, 13, 14 325. See Varieties
Honduras, account of the English
Literary and philofophical intelligence, fifty ticles of
Live stock, on the modern improvements
Horsey's, Rev. Mr. explanation
Horsey, Mr. teftimony in favour of
Liverpool, account of the Athenaeum at
291, 372 London, state of arts in
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