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MACHIAVELLI, The Influence
of, on the Reformation in Eng-
land, 907-918

The Modern

Mcllquham (Mrs.), Of Women in
Assemblies: a Reply, 777-781
Macnamara (T. J.), The Local Support
of Education, 919-924
Mahaffy (Professor),
Babel, 782-796
Mahatman, A Real, 306-319
Maitland (J. A. Fuller), The Influence
of Bayreuth, 360-366

Manitoba Schools Question, The Story
of the, 117-127

Manners, are they disappearing from
Great Britain? 137-142
Manning (Cardinal), the recent 'Life'
of, 533-542

Matabele, The God who promised
Victory to the, 187-193
Matriarchal Family System, The, 81-

Maynooth, Professor Huxley's impres-
sion of, 279

Meath (Earl of), Are Manners disap-
pearing from Great Britain? 137-


The Massacres in, 660-664
Mercy, the Quality of, 293-305
Metaphysical Society, Professor Hux-

ley's connection with the, 279-281
Michie (A.), Li Hung Chang, 226-245
Milk, Boiling, 454-460

Mill, John Stuart, 487-508

Newman, Cardinal, Some Recollec-

tions of, 395-411

Newman (Cardinal) on omissions in
great histories, 533

on the true method of writing a
biography, 537

New York, ambulance service of, 609-

Nobili-Vitelleschi (Marchese), On In-
ductive Morality, 439-453
Northern Pilgrimage, A, 461-473

OAKLEY (Charles Selby), Of Women

in Assemblies, 559-566
replied to, 777-781
Oaks, The High, 341–344
Ocean, World beneath the, 881-895
Olney (Mr.), despatches of, on the
Venezuela question, 321-336
Olney Doctrine, the, and America's
New Foreign Policy, 849-860
Optimism, An Attempt at, 474-477
Orpen (Joseph Millerd), The God who
promised Victory to the Matabele,

Osborne (Francis), 944-957

Ouida, The Quality of Mercy, 293-305
Noticeable Book: Auberon Her-
bert's 'Windfall and Waterdrift,


Mining' Boom, The Westralian, 711- PARKER (E. H.), From the Em-


[blocks in formation]

peror of China to King George III.
(Translation), 45-55

(George F.), The Cry for Fraudu-
lent Money in America, 516-532
Parliament, women as members of,

Pasteurisation of milk, 458

Paul (Herbert), Sterne, 995-1009
Peel (Sidney), A Seventeenth Century
Chesterfield, 944-957

Peking Politicians, Some, 896-906
Persia, results of the late Shah's reign
in, 5-9

[ocr errors]

attitude of England and Russia to-
wards, 9-11

the present ruler of, 12

true policy of England in, 13
the Imperial Bank of, 15-16
urgent need of roads in, 16-17
Babism in, see Bab

Phillips (W. Alison), The Influence of
Machiavelli on the Reformation in
England, 907-918

Walter von der Vogelweide, the
Minnesinger, 67-80

Pickering (Professor W.), his studies of
the moon's surface, 245-246
Pilgrimage, A Northern, 461-473
Poetry, Life in: Poetical Conception,




Politeness, British and foreign, 137–

Polygamy of Islam, the truth concern-
ing, 57, 64

Ponsonby (Hon. Lady), An Attempt at
Optimism, 474-477

Pope, lasting interest of his satire, 270
Pressensé (Francis de), England and
the Continental Alliances, 681-688
Primogeniture, the right and custom
of, 766-768

Prison Labour, the Unavoidable Use-
lessness of, 632-642

Protection, the reaction towards, 173-

Prothero (Rowland E.), New Letters
of Edward Gibbon, 143-155
Psychology, animal, 247-255
- human, 256-259

Purcell (Edmund S.), On the Ethics of
Suppression in Biography, 533-542
Pusey (Dr.), Newman's judgment of,

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ПABLEAU vivant, the, at the music-
halls, 130

Thwaite (B. H.), The Commercial
War between Germany and Eng-
land, 925-931

Tilden (Samuel J.), 520

Townshend (Lord), duel of, with Lord
Bellamont, 152

Transvaal, the Uitlanders' alleged
grievances in the, 19-26

Lord R. Churchill's views on the,

Treadwheel, delusion as to the, 637-

Trepplin (Ernest C.), English and
Dutch Dairy-farming, 797-808
Tuberculosis propagated by milk, 456

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Venezuela question, Lord Salisbury's
views on the settlement of the, 322-

Vere (Aubrey de), Some Recollections
of Cardinal Newman, 395-411
Vienna, Volunteer Humane Society of,

Villiers (Charles P.), his vindication of
Free-trade, 177

(Melius de), Why South Africa

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

can wait (Letter to Editor), 388-ion of the Empire, 27-38

YOUNG (Sir Frederick), Commercial


Virgil, the Eneid' of, 267-268

Volapük, 789-790



Young (Robert), Commercial Morality
in Japan, 721-728

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