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Say, uncle Gloster, if our brother come,
Where shall we sojourn 'till our coronation ?
Glo. Where it seems best unto your royal felf.
If I may counsel you, fome day, or two,
Your highness shall repose you at the Tower:
Then where you please, and shall be thought most fit
For your best health and recreation.

Prince. I do not like the Tower, of any place:-
Did Julius Cæfar build that place, my lord?
Glo. He did, my gracious lord, begin that place;
Which, fince, succeeding ages have re-edify'd.
Prince. Is it upon record? or else reported
Successively from age to age, he built it?
Buck. Upon record, my gracious lord.
Prince. But say, my lord, it were not register'd;
Methinks, the truth should live from age to age,
'As 'twere retail'd to all posterity,

Even to the general all-ending day.

Glo. So wise so young, they say, do ne'er live



Prince. What say you, uncle?

Glo. I say, without characters, fame lives long.

3 Thus, like the formal vice, Iniquity,

I moralize, two meanings in one word.

} Afide.


* As 'towere retail'd to all pofterity, And so it is: and, by that means, like most other retailed things, became adulterated. We should read:

intail'd to all pofterity;

which is finely and sensibly expressed, as if truth was the natural inheritance of our children; which it is impiety to deprive them of. WARBURTON.

Retailed may fignify diffused, dispersed. JOHNSON. 2 So wife, &c.]

Is cadit ante fenem, qui fapit ante diem,

a proverbial line. STEEVENS.

3 Thus, like the formal vice, Iniquity,

I moralize two meanings in one word.]

By vice, the author means not a quality, but a person. There was hardly an old play, till the period of the Reformation, which

had not in it a devil, and a droll character, a jester; (who was Prince. That Julius Cæfar was a famous man; With what his valour did enrich his wit,


to play upon the devil;) and this buffoon went by the name of a Vice. This buffoon was at first accoutred with a long jerkin, a cap with a pair of ass's ears, and a wooden dagger, with which (like another Harlequin) he was to make sport in belabouring the devil. This was the constant entertainment in the times of popery, whilst spirits, and witchcraft, and exorcising held their own. When the Reformation took place, the stage shook off some grossities, and encreased in refinements. The master-devil then was foon dismissed from the scene; and this buffoon was changed into a fubordinate fiend, whose business was to range on earth, and feduce poor mortals into that personated vicious quality, which he occasionally supported; as, iniquity in general, hypoerify, ufury, vanity, prodigality, gluttony, &c. Now, as the fiend (or vice,) who perfonated Iniquity (or Hypocrify, for instance) could never hope to play his game to the purpose but by hiding his cloven foot, and assuming a semblance quite different from his real character; he must certainly put on a formal demeanour, moralize and prevaricate in his words, and pretend a meaning directly oppofite to his genuine and primitive intention. If this does not explain the passage in question, 'tis all that I can at present suggest upon it. THEOBALD.

Thus, like the formul vice, Iniquity,
I moralize two meanings in one word.]

That the buffoon, or jester of the old English farces, was called the vice, is certain and that, in their moral representations, it was common to bring in the deadly sins, is as true. Of these we have yet several remains. But that the vice used to assume the personage of those sins, is a fancy of Mr. Theobald's, who knew nothing of the matter. The truth is, the vice was always a fool or jester: And, (as the woman, in the Merchant of Venice, calls the clown, alluding to this character,) a merry devil. Whereas these mortal sins were so many fad serious ones. But what misled our editor was the name, Iniquity, given to this vice: But it was only on account of his unhappy tricks and rogueries. That it was given to him, and for the reason I mention, appears from the following passage of Jonfon's Staple of News, second inter


"M. How like you the vice i' the play?

"T. Here is never a fiend to carry him away. Besides be has never a wooden dagger.

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M. That was the old way, gofsip, when Iniquity came in, like Hocas Pocas, in a jugler's jerkin, with false skirts, like the knave of clubs."


His wit fet down to make his valour live:
Death makes no conquest of this conqueror;


And, in The Devil's an Afs, we fee this old vice, Iniquity, described more at large.

From all this, it may be gathered, that the text, where Richard compares himself to the formal vice, Iniquity, must be corrupt: And the interpolation of fome foolish player. The vice, \ or iniquity being not a formal but a merry, buffoon character. Befides, Shakspeare could never make an exact speaker refer to this character, because the subject he is upon is tradition and antiquity, which have no relation to it; and because it appears from the turn of the passage, that he is apologizing for his equivocation by a reputable practice. To keep the reader no longer in fufpence, my conjecture is, that Shakspeare wrote and pointed the lines in this manner:

Thus like the formal-wife Antiquity,

I moralize: Two meanings in one word.

Alluding to the mythologic learning of the antients, of whom they are all here speaking. So that Richard's ironical apology is to this effect, You men of morals who so much extol your allwife antiquity, in what am I inferior to it? which was but an equivocator as I am. And it is remarkable, that the Greeks themselves called their remote antiquity, Διχόμυθο or the equivocator. So far as to the general sense; as to that which arifes particularly out of the corrected exprefion, I shall only observe, that formal-wife is a compound epithet, an extreme fine one, and admirably fitted to the character of the speaker, who thought all wisdom but formality. It must therefore be read for the future with a hyphen. My other observation is with regard to the pointing; the common reading:

I moralize two meanings

is nonsense: but reformed in this manner, very fenfible:

Thus like the formal-wife Antiquity

I moralize: Two meanings in one word.

i. e. I moralize as the antients did. And how was that? the having two meanings to one word. A ridicule on the morality of the antients, which he infinuates was no better than equivocating. WARBURTON.

This alteration Mr. Upton very justly censures. Dr. Warburton, has, in my opinion, done nothing but correct the punctuation, if indeed any alteration be really necessary. See the differtation on the old vire at the end of this play.

To this long collection of notes may be added a question, to what equivocation Richard refers? The position immediately preceding, that fame lives long without characters, that is, with


For now he lives in fame, though not in life. -
I'll tell you what, my cousin Buckingham.
Buck. What, my gracious lord?
Prince. An if I live until I be a man,
I'll win our ancient right in France again,
Or die a foldier, as I liv'd a king.

Glo. Short fummers lightly have a forward spring. [Afide.

out the help of letters, seems to have no ambiguity. He must allude to the former line:

So young so wife, they say, did ne'er live long,

in which he conceals under a proverb, his design of haftening the prince's death. JOHNSON.

From the following stage direction, in an old dramatic piece, entituled, Histriomaftix, or the Player whipt, 1610, it appears,' that the Vice and Iniquity were sometimes distinct personages:

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Enter a roaring devil, with the Vice on his back, Iniquity in one hand, and Juventus in the other."

The devil likewise makes the distinction in his first speech :

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Ho, ho, ho! these babes mine are all,

"The Vice, Iniquitie, and child prodigal."

The following part of this note was obligingly communicated by the Rev. Mr, Bowle, of Idmestone near Salisbury. I know no writer who gives so complete an account of this obfolete character, as archbishop Harsnet, in his Declaration of Popish Impostures, p. 114, Lond. 1603: "It was a pretty part (he tells us) in the old church playes, when the nimble Vice would fkip up nimbly like a jackanapes into the devil's necke, and ride the devil a course, and belabour him with his wooden dagger, till he made him roare, whereat the people would laugh to fee the devil fo vice-haunted." STEEVENS.

+-lightly-] Commonly, in ordinary course. JOHNSON. So, in the old proverb: "There's lightning lightly before thunder." See Ray's Proverbs, p. 130. edit. 3d.

Again, in Penny wife and Pound foolish, &c." Misfortunes "feldome walke alone, and so when blessings doe knocke at a " man's dore, they lightly are not without followers and fel"lowes."


Hollingshed, p. 725, concerning one of Edward's concubines: -one whom no one could get out of the church lightly to

"any place, but it were to his bed."

Again, in Ben Jonson's Cynthia's Revels :

He is not lightly within to his mercer, STEEVENS.



Enter York, Hastings, and the Cardinal. Buck. Now, in good time, here comes the duke of York. Prince. Richard of York! how fares our loving brother?

York. Well, my dread lord; fo must I call you


Prince. Ay, brother; to our grief, as it is yours: *Too late he died, that might have kept that title, Which by his death hath loft much majesty.

Glo. How fares our coufin, noble lord of York? York. I thank you, gentle uncle. O, my lord, You faid, that idle weeds are fast in growth: The prince my brother hath outgrown me far. Glo. He hath, my lord. York. And therefore is he idle?

Glo. O, my fair coufin, I must not say so. York. Then is he more beholden to you, than I. Glo. He may command me, as my fovereign; But you have power in me, as in a kinsman. York. I pray you, uncle, give me this dagger. Glo. My dagger, little cousin? with all my heart. Prince. A beggar, brother?

York. Of my kind uncle, that I know will give; And, being but a toy, which is no gift to give 7.


5dread lord; ] The original of this epithet applied to kings has been much disputed. In some of our old ftatutes, the king is called Rex metuendissimus. JOHNSON.

Too late he died, i. e. too lately, the lofs is too fresh

in our memory. But the Oxford editor makes him fay: Too foon he died - WARBURTON.

Dr. Warburton is certainly right. "Too late" is again used in the sense of too recently, in our author's Rape of Lucrece:

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- I did give that life,

"Which she too early, and too late hath spill'd." And, being but a toy, which is no gift to give.] This is the

reading of the quartos; the first folio reads:

And, being but a toy, which is no grief to give.

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