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Enter a Messenger?.

Arch. Here comes a messenger: What news?
Mes. Such news, my lord, as grieves me to unfold.
Queen. How doth the prince?
Mes. Well, madam, and in health.
Dutch. What is thy news?


Mes. Lord Rivers, and lord Grey,
Are fent to Pomfret, prifoners; and, with them,
Sir Thomas Vaughan.

Dutch. Who hath committed them?

Mes. The mighty dukes, Glofter, and Bucking


Arch. For what offence?

Mes. The fum of all I can, I have disclos'd;
Why, or for what, the nobles were committed,
Is all unknown to me, my gracious lord.

Queen. Ah me, I see the ruin of my house!
*The tyger now hath seiz'd the gentle hind;
Insulting tyranny begins to jut
Upon the innocent and awless throne :-
Welcome deftruction, blood, and massacre!
I fee, as in a map, the end of all.

Dutch. Accursed and unquiet wrangling days!
How many of you have mine eyes beheld ?
My husband loft his life to get the crown;
And often up and down my fons were toft,
For me to joy, and weep, their gain, and loss:
And being feated, and domestick broils
Clean over-blown, themselves, the conquerors,

Enter a Messenger.] The quarto reads-Enter Dorfet.


The tyger now hath feiz'd the gentle hind;) So, in our au

thor's Rape of Lucrece:


While she, the picture of pure piety,

" Like a white bind under the grype's sharp claws."


2awless) Not producing awe, not reverenced. To

jut upon is to encroach. JOHNSON. Fa


Make war upon themselves; brother to brother,
Blood to blood, felf against felf:-O, prepofterous
And frantick outrage, end thy damned spleen;
3 Or let me die, to look on death no more!

Queen. Come, come, my boy, we will to fanc

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

For my part, I'll resign unto your grace

The feal I keep: And so betide to me,

As well I tender you, and all of yours!


Come, I'll conduct you to the fanctuary. (Exeunt.


In London.

The trumpets found. Enter the Prince of Wales, the Dukes of Gloster and Buckingham, Cardinal Bourchier, and others.


Buck. Welcome, sweet prince, to London, 4 to

your chamber.


3 Or let me die, to look on earth no more.] This is the reading of all the copies, from the first edition put out by the players, downwards. But I have restored the reading of the old quarto in 1597, which is copied by all the other authentic quartos, by which the thought is finely and properly improved.

Or let me die, to look on death no more. THEOBALD. This quarto printed in 1597 I have never feen, neither was it in Theobald's collection of the old copies, which the late Mr. Tonson poffefsed entire. STEEVENS.

4 to your chamber.] London was anciently called Camer regia. PoPE.



Glo. Welcome, dear cousin, my thoughts' sove


The weary way hath made you melancholy.
Prince. No, uncle; but our croffes on the way
Have made it tedious, wearisome, and heavy:
I want more uncles here to welcome me.

Glo. Sweet prince, the untainted virtue of your


Hath not yet div'd into the world's deceit :
No more can you diftinguish of a man,
Than of his outward shew; which, God he knows,
Seldom, or never, jumpeth with the heart.
Those uncles, which you want, were dangerous;
Your grace attended to their sugar'd words,
But look'd not on the poison of their hearts:
God keep you from them, and from such false


Prince. God keep me from false friends! but they

were none.

Glo. My lord, the mayor of London comes to greet you.

Enter the Lord Mayor, and his train.

Mayor. God bless your grace with health and hap

py days!

Prince. I thank you, good my lord; and thank you all.

I thought, my mother, and my brother York,

So, in Heywood's If you know not me you know Nobody, 1633: 2d Part:

" This city, our great chamber." STEEVENS. This title it began to have immediately after the Norman conquest. See Coke's 4 Init. 243, where it is styled Camera Regis; Camden's Britannia, 374; Ben Jonson's Account of King James's Entertainment in passing to his Coronation, &c.


5-jumpeth with the heart:] So, in Soliman and Perfeda: "Wert thou my friend, thy mind would jump with mine."





Would long ere this have met us on the way:-
Fie, what a flug is Hastings! that he comes not
To tell us, whether they will come, or no.

Enter Hastings.


Buck. And, in good time, here comes the sweating


Prince. Welcome, my lord: What, will our mo

ther come?

Haft. On what occafion, God he knows, not I, The queen your mother, and your brother York, Have taken sanctuary: The tender prince Would fain have come with me to meet your grace, But by his mother was perforce withheld.

Buck. Fie! what an indirect and peevish course Is this of hers?- Lord cardinal, will your grace Perfuade the queen to fend the duke of York Unto his princely brother presently? If the deny,-lord Haftings, you go with him, And from her jealous arms pluck him perforce.

Card. Mylord of Buckingham, if my weak oratory Can from his mother win the duke of York, Anon expect him here: But if she be obdurate To mild entreaties, God in heaven forbid We should infringe the holy privilege Of blessed sanctuary! not for all this land, Would I be guilty of fo deep a fin.

Buck. You are too fenfeless-obftinate, my lord, "Too ceremonious, and traditional:

Weigh it but with the grofsness of this age,


-in good time,] See Vol. I. p. 153. STEEVENS. 7 Too ceremonious, and traditional:] Ceremonious for fuperstitious; traditional for adherent to old customs.


* Weigh it but with the groffness of this age, But the more gross, that is, the more fuperftitious the age was, the stronger would be the imputation of violated fanctuary. The question, we fee by what follows, is whether sanctuary could be claimed


You break not fanctuary in seizing him.
The benefit thereof is always granted
To those whose dealings have deserv'd the place,
And those who have the wit to claim the place:
This prince hath neither claim'd it, nor deferv'd it:
Therefore, in mine opinion, cannot have it:
Then, taking him from thence, that is not there,
You break no privilege nor charter there.
Oft have I heard of fanctuary men9;
But fanctuary children, ne'er 'till now.

Card. My lord, you shall o'er-rule my mind for


Come on, lord Hastings, will you go with me?
Haft. I go, my lord.

Prince. Good lords, make all the speedy haste you may. [Exeunt Cardinal, and Hastings.

by an infant. The speaker refolves it in the negative, because it could be claimed by those only whose actions neceffitated them to fly thither; or by those who had an understanding to demand it; neither of which could be an infant's cafe: It is plain then, the first line, which introduces this reasoning, should be read thus:



Weigh it but with the greenness of his i. e. the young duke of York's, whom his mother had fled with to sanctuary. The corrupted reading of the old quarto is something nearer the true:

the greatness of his age. WARBURTON.

This emendation is received by Hanmer, and is very plaufible; yet the common reading may stand:

Weigh it but with the grossness of this age,
You break not fanctuary,

That is, compare the act of seizing him with the gross and licentious practices of these times, it will not be confidered as a violation of fanctuary, for you may give fuch reasons as men are now used to admit. JOHNSON.

The quarto of 1613 reads as the folio does:

-the grossness of this age. MALONE.

9 Oft have I heard of fanctuary men; &c.] These arguments against the privilege of sanctuary are taken from Hall's Chron. P. 10: "And verily, I have harde of sanctuarye menne, bus I never hearde before of sanctuarye children, &c."




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