Cran. So. Enter Doctor Butts. Butts. This is a piece of malice. I am glad, I came this way so happily: The king [Exit Butts. Cran. [Afide.] 'Tis Butts, The king's physician; As he past along, How earnestly he cast his eyes upon me! Pray heaven he found not my disgrace! For certain, This is of purpose lay'd, by some that hate me, (God turn their hearts! I never fought their malice) To quench mine honour: they would shame to make me Wait else at door; a fellow counsellor, fures Must be fulfill'd, and I attend with patience. Enter the King, and Butts, at a window above. Butts. I'll shew your grace the strangest sight,King. What's that, Butts? Butts. I think, your highness saw this many a day. King. Body o' me, where is it? Butts. There, my lord: The high promotion of his grace of Canterbury; King. Ha! 'Tis he, indeed: Is this the honour they do one another? 'Tis well, there's one above 'em yet, I had thought They had parted fo much honesty among 'em, (At least, good manners) as not thus to fuffer A man of his place, and so near our favour, To dance attendance on their lordships' pleasures, And at the door too, like a post with packets. By holy Mary, Butts, there's knavery: Let Let 'em alone, and draw the curtain close; Enter the Lord Chancelior, places himself at the upper end of the table on the left hand; a feat being left void above him, as for the Archbishop of Canterbury. - Duke of Suffolk, Duke of Norfolk, Surrey, Lord Chamberlain, and Gardiner, feat themselves in order on each fide. Cromwell at the lower end, as fecretary. 9 Chan. Speak to the business, master Secretary: Why are we met in council? Crom. Please your honours, The chief cause concerns his grace of Canterbury. Crom. Yes. Nor. Who waits there? D. Keep. Without, my noble lords? Gard. Yes. D. Keep. My lord archbishop; And has done half an hour, to know your pleasures. Chan. Let him come in. D. Keep. Your grace may enter now. [Cranmer approaches the council table. Chan. My good lord archbishop, I am very forry To fit here at this present, and behold • Chan. Speak to the business,-] This lord chancellor, though a character, has hitherto had no place in the Dramatis Persone. In the last scene of the fourth act, we heard that fir Thomas More was appointed lord chancellor: but it is not he, whom the poet here introduces. Wolfey, by command, delivered up the Heals on the 18th of November, 1529; on the 25th of the same month, they were delivered to fir Thomas More, who surrendered them on the 16th of May, 1532. Now the conclufion of this scene taking notice of queen Elizabeth's birth, (which brings it down to the year 1534) fir Thomas Audlie must necessarily be our poet's chancellor; who succeeded fir Thomas More, and held the seals many years. THEOBALD. That That chair stand empty: But we all are men, lains', (For fo we are inform'd) with new opinions, Divers, and dangerous; which are herefies, And, not reform'd, may prove pernicious. Gard. Which reformation must be sudden too, My noble lords; for those, that tame wild horses, and capable Of our flesh, few are angels :] If this passage means any thing, it may mean, few are perfect, while they remain in their mortal capacity. Shakspeare uses the word capable as perversely in K. Lear: and of my land, Loyal and natural boy, I'll work the mean I suspect that Shakspeare wrote: : -In our own natures frail, incapable; Of our flesh few are angels. We are all frail in our natures, and weak in our understandings. So, in Marston's Scourge of Villanie, 1599: "To be perus'd by all the dung-scum rabble " Of thin-brain'd ideots, dull, uncapable."... Again, in Hamlet : "As one incapable of her own distress." こ In King Richard III. the word capable is used to denote a per son of capacity and good sense: O, 'tis a parlous boy, Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable." Again, in Love's Labour Loft : "If their daughters be capable, I will put it to them." Again, in Hamlet : "His form and cause conjoin'd, preaching to stones, "Would make them capable." The subsequent words, strongly support this conjecture: -out of which frailty, " And want of wisdom, you, &c." The transcriber's ear, I believe, here, as in many other places, deceived him. MALONE. Pace Pace 'em not in their hands to make 'em gentle; 'em, 'Till they obey the manage. If we fuffer Cran. My good lords, hitherto, in all the progress Suf. Nay, my lord, That cannot be; you are a counsellor, Gard. My lord, because we have business of more moment, We will be short with you. 'Tis his highness' pleafure, 2 The upper Germany, &c.] Alluding to the heresy of Thomas Muntzer, which sprung up in Saxony in the years 1521 and 1522. GREY. And 1 And our consent, for better trial of you, Cran. Ah, my good lord of Winchester, I thank you, You are always my good friend; if your will pass, 1 Gard. My lord, my lord, you are a sectary, That's the plain truth; your painted gloss discovers, To men that understand you, words and weakness. Crom. My lord of Winchester, you are a little, By your good favour, too sharp; men so noble, However faulty, yet should find respect For what they have been: 'tis a cruelty 4, To load a falling man. Gard. Good master Secretary, I cry your honour mercy; you may, worst Of all this table say fo. Crom. Why, my lord? 3-your painted gloss, &c.] Those that understand you, under this painted gloss, this fair outside, discover your empty talk and your false reasoning. JOHNSON. , tis a cruelty. To load a falling man.] This sentiment had occurred before. The lord chamberlain checking the earl of Surrey for his reproaches to Wolfey, fays: O my lord, : Prefs not a falling man too far. STEEVENS. Gard. |