King. 'Tis true: Where is he, Denny ? [Exit Denny. Lov. This is about that which the bishop spake; I am happily come hither. Re-enter Denny, with Cranmer. [Afide. King. Avoid the gallery. (Lovel Seemeth to stay. what amazed, the earle of Bedford with a loud voice confirming his words with a folemn othe, said; When you first began the matter, my lordes, I told you what would come of it. Do you thinke that the king would suffer this man's finger to ake? Much more (I warrant you) will hee defend his life against brabling varlets. You doe but cumber vourselves to hear tales and fables against him. And incontinently upon the receipt of the king's token, they all rofe, and carried to the king his ring, surrendring that matter as the order and use was, into his own hands. When they were all come to the king's prefence, his highness, with a fevere countenance, said unto them; ah, my lordes, I thought I had had wiser men of my counsaile than now I find you. What difcretion was this in you thus to make the primate of the realme, and one of you in office, to waite at the counfaile chamber doore amongst serving men? You might have confidered that he was a counfailer as well as you, and you had no fuch commission of me so to handle him. I was content that you should trie him as a counfailer, and not as a meane subject. But now I well perceive that things be done against him maliciouslie, and if fome of you might have had your mindes, you would have tried him to the uttermoft. But I doe you all to wit, and proteft, that if a prince may bee beholding unto his fubject (and so folemnelie laying his hand upon his brest) said, by the faith I owe to God I take this man here my lord of Canterburie, to bee of all other a most faithfull fubject unto us, and one to whome we are much beholding, giving him great commendations otherwife. And, with that, one or two of the chiefeft of the counfaile, making their excuse, declared, that in requesting his induraunce, it was rather ment for his triall and his purgation against the common fame and flander of the worlde, then for any malice conceived against him. Well, well, my lords, (quoth the king) take him, and well use him, as hee is worthy to bee, and make no more adoe. And with that, every man caught him by the hand, and made faire weather of altogethers, which might eafilie be done with that man." STEEVENS. X 2 Ha! Ha!-I have said.-Be gone. [Exeunt Lovel, and Denny. Cran. I am fearful : - Wherefore frowns he thus? 'Tis his aspect of terror. All's not well. King. How now, my lord? You do defire to know Wherefore I fent for you. Cran. It is my duty, To attend your highness' pleasure. King. Pray you, arife, My good and gracious lord of Canterbury. I have news to tell you: Come, come, give me your hand. Ah, my good lord, I grieve at what I speak, : of us, It fits we thus proceed, or else no witness Would come againft you. Cran. I humbly thank your highness; And am right glad to catch this good occasion There's none stands under more calumnious tongues, 3You a brother of us,] You being one of the council, it is necessary to imprison you, that the witnesses against you may not be deterred. JOHNSON. Than I myself, poor man 4. King. Stand up, good Canterbury; Thy truth, and thy integrity, is rooted In us, thy friend: Give me thy hand, stand up; Pr'ythee, let's walk. Now, by my holy-dame, What manner of man are you? My lord, I look'd You would have given me your petition, that I should have ta'en some pains to bring together Yourself and your accusers; and to have heard you, Without indurance, further. Cran. Most dread liege, The good I stand on is my truth, and honesty; If they shall fail, I, with mine enemies, What can be faid against me. King. Know you not How your state stands i' the world, with the whole world? Your enemies are many, and not small; their prac tices Must bear the same proportion: and not ever + Than I myself, poor man.] Poor man probably belongs to the king's reply. JOHNSON. 5 The good I stand on Though good may be taken for advantage or fuperiority, or any thing which may help or support, yet it would, I think, be more natural to say:. The ground I stand on JOHNSON. 6 Ween you of better luck,] To ween is to think, to imagine. Though now obfolete, the word was common to all our ancient writers. STEEVENS. Upon this naughty earth? Go to, go to; Cran. God, and your majesty, King. Be of good cheer; They shall no more prevail, than we give way to. There make before them. Look, the good man weeps! He's honeft, on mine honour. God's blest mother! Enter an old Lady. [Exit Cranmer. Gen. [within.] Comeback; What mean you? Lady. I'll not come back; the tidings that I bring Will make my boldness manners. Now, good angels Fly o'er thy royal head, and shade thy person Under their blessed wings! King. Now, by thy looks I guess thy message. Is the queen deliver'd? Lady. Ay, ay, my liege; And of a lovely boy: The God of heaven Both now and ever bless her!'tis a girl, bless her!] It is doubtful whether her is re. ferred to the queen or the girl, JOHNSON. Pro Promises boys hereafter. Sir, your queen As cherry is to cherry. King. Lovel 8 Lov. Sir. Enter Lovel. King. Give her an hundred marks. I'll to the [Exit King. queen. Lady. An hundred marks! By this light, I'll have more. An ordinary groom is for fuch payment. SCENE II. Before the Council-Chamber. [Exeunt. Cranmer, Servants, Door-keeper, &c. attending. Cran. I hope, I am not too late; and yet the gen tleman, That was fent to me from the council, pray'd me To make great haste, All fast? what means this? Hoa! Who waits there?-Sure, you know me? D. Keep. Yes, my lord; But yet I cannot help you. Cran. Why? D. Keep. Your grace must wait, 'till you be call'd for. • Lovel, Lovel has been just sent out of the prefence, and no notice is given of his return: I have placed it here at the inftant when the king calls for him. STEEVENS. X Enter |