Himself with princes; one, that by suggestion 4-one, that by suggestion Ty'd all the kingdom:] He i. e. by giving the king pernicious counsel, he ty'd or enflaved the kingdom. He uses the word here with great propriety, and feeming knowledge of the Latin tongue. For the late Roman writers, and their gloffers, agree to give this sense to it: Suggeftio eft cum magiftratus quilibet principi falubre confilium fuggerit. So that nothing could be feverer than this reflection, that that wholesome counsel, which it is the minister's duty to give his prince, was so empoisoned by him, as to produce slavery to his country. Yet all this fine sense vanishes instantaneously before the touch of the Oxford editor, by his happy thought of changing ty'd into tyth'd. WARBURTON. The word suggestion, says the critick, is here used with great propriety and seeming knowledge of the Latin tongue: and he proceeds to fettle the sense of it from the late Roman writers and their gloffers. But Shakspeare's knowledge was from Holinshed, whom he follows verbatim : " This cardinal was of a great ftomach, for he compted himself equal with princes, and by craftie fuggeftion got into his hands innumerable treasure: he forced little fimonie, and was not pitifull, and stood affectionate in his own opinion: in open prefence he would lie and seie untruth, and was double both in speech and meaning; he would promise much and perform little: he was vicious of his bodie, and gave the clergie euil example." Edit. 1587, p. 922. Perhaps after this quotation, you may not think, that fir Thomas Hanmer, who reads tyth'd-instead of ty'd all the kingdom, deserves quite so much of Dr. Warburton's severity.-Indisputably the passage, like every other in the speech, is intended to express the meaning of the parallel one in the chronicle; it cannot therefore be credited, that any man, when the original was produced, should still chuse to defend a cant acceptation, and inform us, perhaps, feriously, that in gaming language, from I know not what practice, to tye is to equal! A sense of the word, as far as I have yet found, unknown to our old writers; and, if known, would not furely have been used in this place by our au thor. But let us turn from conjecture to Shakspeare's authorities. Hall, from whom the above description is copied by Holinshed, is very explicit in the demands of the cardinal: who having infolently He would say untruths; and be ever double, His folently told the lord-mayor and aldermen, "For sothe I thinke, that halfe your substance were too little," assures them by way of comfort at the end of his harangue, that upon an average, the tythe should be sufficient; "Sers, speake not to breake that thyng that is concluded, for some shall not paie, the tenth parte, and fome more." And again; "Thei faied, the cardinall by visitacions, makyng of abbottes, probates of testamentes, graunting of facul. ties, licences, and other pollyngs in his courtes legantines, had made his threafore egall with the kinges." Edit. 1548, p. 138, and 143. FARMER. In Storer's Life and Death of Tho. Wolfey, a poem, 1599, the cardinal says: " I car'd not for the gentrie, for I had STEEVENS. Ty'd all the kingdom :) i. e. He was a man of an unbounded ftomach, or pride, ranking himself with princes, and by fuggestion to the king and the pope, he ty'd, i. e. limited, circumscribed, and fet bounds to the liberties and properties of all perfons in the kingdom. That he did so, appears from various passages in the play. Act II. sc. ii. " free us from his flavery," or this imperious man will work us from princes into pages; all men's honours, &c." Act III. fc. ii. " You wrought to be a legate, by which power you maim'd the jurisdiction of all bishops." See alfo Act I. fc. i. and Act III. sc. ii. This construction of the passage may be supported from D'Ewes's Journal of Queen Elizabeth's Parliaments, p. 644. "Far be it from me that the state and prerogative of the prince should be tied by me, or by the act of any other subject." Dr. Farmer has displayed such eminent knowledge of Shakspeare, that it is with the utmost diffidence I dissent from the alteration which he would establish here. He would read tyth'd, and refers to the authorities of Hall and Holinshed about a tax of the tenth, or tythe of each man's substance, which is not taken notice of in the play. Let it be remarked that it is queen Kаtharine speaks here, who, in Act I. sc. ii. told the king it was a demand of the fixth part of each subject's substance, that caused the rebellion. Would the afterwards say that he, i. e. Wolsey, had tythed all the kingdom, when she knew he had almost doubletythed it? Still Dr. Farmer insists that "the passage, like every other in the speech, is intended to express the meaning of the parallel U 3 1 His promises were, as he then was, mighty; Grif. Noble madam, Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues We write in water". May it please your highness To parallel one in the Chronicle." i. e. The cardinal " by craftie Taggeftion got into his hands innumerable treasure." This paffage does not relate to a public tax of the tenths, but to the cardinal's own private acquifitions. If in this fense I admitted the alteration, tyth'd, I would suppose that, as the queen is descanting on the cardinal's own acquirements, the borrows her term from the principal emolument or payment due to priests; and means to intimate that the cardinal was not content with the tythes 'eg lly accruing to him from his own various pluralities, but that he extorted something equivalent to them throughout all the kingdom. So Buckingham says, Act I. fc. i. "No man's pye is freed from his ambitious finger." So, again, Surrey says, Act III. fc. ult. "Yes, that goodness of gleaning all the land's wealth into one, into your own hands, cardinal, by extortion :" and ibidem, "You have fent innumerable substance (by what means got, I leave to your own confcience) to the mere undoing of all the kingdom. This extortion is so frequently spoken of, that perhaps our author purposely avoided a repetition of it in the passage under confideration, and therefore gave a different sentiment declarative of the consequence of his unbounded pride, that muft humble all others. TOLLEY. 5 -as he is now, nothing.) So, in Maffinger's Great Duke of Florence: 6 _ Great men "Till they have gain'd their ends, are giants in. Of his own body he was ill, A criminal connection with women was anciently called the vice of the body. So, in Holinsped, p. 1258: he laboured by all meanes to cleare mistresse Sanders of committing evill of her bodie with him." STEEVENS. So, the Protector fays of Jane Shore, Hall's Chronicle, fol. 16. temp. Ed. V. "She was naught of ber bodye." MALONE. 7their virtues We write in water.] : • Beaumont and Fletcher have the fame thought in their Philafter: "-all 4 To hear me speak his good now? Kath. Yes, good Griffith; I were malicious else. Grif. This cardinal, From his cradle, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly “Shall be in water writ, but this in marble." STEEVENS. This reflection bears a great resemblance to a passage in fir Tho. More's Hist. of Richard III. whence Shakspeare undoubt-: edly formed his play on that subject. Speaking of the ungrateful turns which Jane Shore experienced from those whom the had served in her profperity; More adds, "Men use, if they have an evil turne, to write it in marble, and whoso doth us a good turne, we write it in duste." More's Works, bl. 1. 1557, p. 59. PERCY.. In Whitney's Emblemes, printed at Leyden, 4to, 1586, p. 183, is the following: Scribit in marmore læsus, In marble harde our harmes wee alwayes grave, So, wronges wee houlde, and never will forgive; Men say it, and we fee it come to pass, Good turns in sand, shrewd turns are writ in brass. U 4 EDITOR. Ipswich, Ipswich, and Oxford! one of which fell with him, Kath. After my death I with no other herald, Sad and folemn musick. Grif. She is afleep: Good wench, let's fit down quiet, For fear we wake her:-Softly, gentle Patience. The vifion. Enter, folemnly tripping one after another', fix personages, clad in white robes, wearing on their beads garlands of bays, and golden vizards on their faces; branches of bays, or palm, in their hands. he did it ;) The old copy reads : 9-folemnly tripping one after another,] This whimsical stage-direction is exactly taken from the old copy. STEEVENS. They |