That, like a jewel, has hung twenty years Cham. Heaven keep me from fuch counsel! 'Tis most true, These news are every where; every tongue speaks'em, The French king's sister". Heaven will one day open Suf. And free us from his slavery. And heartily, for our deliverance; Suf. For me, my lords, I love him not, nor fear him; there's my creed: Nor. Let's in; The French king's sister.] i. e. the duchess of Alençon. STEEVENS. 8 From princes into pages:-) This may allude to the retinue of the cardinal, who had several of the nobility among his menial fervants. JOHNSON. 9 Into what pitch be please.] The allusion seems to be to the 21st verse of the 9th chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ro"Hath not the potter power over the clay of the same lump, to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?" COLLINS, mans: And, And, with fome other business, put the king him: My lord, you'll bear us company? Cham. Excuse me; The king hath fent me other-where: besides, Health to your lordships. Nor. Thanks, my good lord chamberlain. [Exit Lord Chamberlain. A Door opens, and discovers the King fitting and reading pensively. Suf. How fad he looks! fure, he is much afflicted. King. Who's there? ha? Nor. Pray God, he be not angry. King. Who's there, I fay? How dare you thrust yourselves Into my private meditations? Who am I? ha? Nor. A gracious king, that pardons all offences, Malice ne'er meant: our breach of duty, this way, Is business of estate; in which, we come To know your royal pleasure. King. You are too bold : Go to; I'll make ye know your times of business: Is this an hour for temporal affairs? ha? Enter Wolfey, and Campeius with a Commission. Who's there? my good lord cardinal? my Wolfey, The quiet of my wounded confcience, * A door opens, &c.] The stage direction in the old copy is a fingular one. Exit Lord Chamberlain, and the King draws the curtain, and fits reading pensively. STEEVENS. Thou ! Thou art a cure fit for a king.-You're welcome, [To Campeius. Most learned reverend fir, into our kingdom; Use us, and it :- My good lord, have great care I be not found a talker. Wol. Sir, you cannot. [To Wolfey, I would, your grace would give us but an hour Of private conference. King. We are bufy; go. [To Norf. and Suf. Norf. This priest has no pride in him? Suf. Not to speak of; I would not be 3 so sick though, for his place: Nor. If it do, I'll venture one heave at him. Suf. I another. [Exeunt Norfolk and Suffolk. } Afide, Wol. Your grace has given a precedent of wisdom in Above all princes, in committing freely Your fcruple to the voice of Christendom : Who can be angry now? what envy reach you? The trial just and noble. All the clerks, I mean, the learned ones, in christian kingdoms, Have their free voices: Rome, the nurse of judgment, Invited by your noble self, hath fent One general tongue unto us, this good man, This just and learned priest, cardinal Campeius; Whom, once more, I present unto your highness. King. And, once more, in mine arms I bid him welcome, -have great care I be not found a talker.] I take the meaning to be, Let care be taken that my promise be performed, that my professions of welcome be not found empty talk. -fo fick though,-] That is, so fick as he is proud. JOHNSON. JOHNSON, And And thank the holy conclave for their loves; Cam. Your grace must needs deferve all strangers' loves, You are so noble: To your highness' hand King. Two equal men. The queen shall be ac quainted Forthwith, for what you come : -Where's Gardiner ? King. Ay, and the best, she shall have; and my To him that does best; God forbid else. Cardinal, Cardinal goes out, and re-enters with Gardiner. Wol. Give me your hand: much joy and favour to you; You are the king's now. Gard. But to be commanded For ever by your grace, whose hand has rais'd me. [Afide. King. Come hither, Gardiner. [Walks and whispers. Cam. My lord of York, was not one doctor Pace In this man's place before him ? Wol. Yes, he was. Cam. Was he not held a learned man? Wol. Yes, furely. Cam. Believe me, there's an ill opinion spread then Even of yourself, lord cardinal. Wol. Wol. How! of me? Cam. They will not stick to say, you envy'd him; And, fearing he would rife, he was so virtuous, + Kept him a foreign man still: which so griev'd him, That he ran mad, and dy'd. に Wol. Heav'n's peace be with him! That's christian care enough: for living murmurers, There's places of rebuke. He was a fool; For he would needs be virtuous: That good fellow, If I command him, follows my appointment; I will have none so near else. Learn this, brother, We live not to be grip'd by meaner persons. King. Deliver this with modesty to the queen. The most convenient place that I can think of, An Antichamber of the Queen's Apartments. Enter Anne Bullen, and an old Lady. Anne. Not for that neither; -Here's the pang that pinches : His highness having liv'd so long with her; and she Kept him a foreign man still :-) Kept him out of the king's prefence, employed in foreign embassies. JOHNSON. |