A place next to the king. Aber. I cannot tell : What heaven hath given him, let some graver eye Pierce into that; but I can see his pride Peep through each part of him: Whence has he that? If not from hell, the devil is a niggard; Or has given all before, and he begins Buck. Why the devil, : Upon this French going out, took he upon him, Muft fetch in him he papers. Aber. I do know Kinfmen of mine, three at the least, that have Buck. O, many Have broke their backs with laying manors on them : *the file] That is, the lift. See Vol. II. p. 104. JOHNSON. 5-council out,] Council not then fitting. JOHNSON. The expression rather means, "all mention of the board of council being left out of his letter." STEEVENS. Without advising with, or consulting the council, not fuffering them to have any concern in the business. REMARKS. Must fetch in him he papers.] He papers, a verb; his own letter, by his own single authority, and without the concurrence of the council, must fetch in him whom he papers down. don't understand it, unless this be the meaning. POPE. Wolfey published a lift of the several perfons whom he had ap pointed to attend on the king at this interview. See Hall's Chronicle, Rymer's Federa, tom. 13; &C. STEEVENS. For For this great journey 7. * What did this vanity, But minifter communication of A most poor iffue? Nor. Grievingly I think, i The peace between the French and us not values Buck. Every man, After the hideous storm that follow'd, was 1 Have broke their backs with laying manors on them J In the ancient Interlude of Nature, bl. 1. no date, but appa rently printed in the reign of King Henry VIII. there seems to have been a fimilar stroke aimed at this expenfive expedition: Pryde. I am unhappy, I fe it well, " For thexpence of myne apparell "Towardys this vyage "What in horses and other aray "All my land to mortgage." STEEVENS. 1 We meet with a fimilar expression in Marlowe's King Ed ward II. 1598: "He wears a lord's revenue on his back." "While foldiers mutiny for want of pay, MALONE. "'Tis an or So also Burton in his Anatomy of Melancholy. dinary thing to put a thousand oakes, or an hundred oxen, into a sute of apparell, to weare a whole manor on his back." Edit. 1634, p. 482. WHALLEY. See alfo DODSLEY'S Collection of Old Plays, edit. 1780, Vol. V. p. 26. Vol. XII. p. 395. EDITOR. 8 What did this vanity, But] What effect had this pompous shew but the production of a wretched conclufion. JOHNSON. 9 Every man, After the bideous storm that follow'd, &c.] His author, Hall, says, Monday, 18th day of June, there blew Such storms of wind and weather, that marvel was to hears for which hideous tempest some said it was a very prognostication of trouble and hatred to come between princes." In Henry VIII. p. 80. WARBURTON. VOL. VII. Nor Nor. Which is budded out; For France hath flaw'd the league, and hath attach'd Our merchants' goods at Bourdeaux. 1 Aber. Is it therefore The ambaffador is filenc'd? V Nor. Marry, is't. 2 Aber. A proper title of a peace; and purchas'd At a fuperfluous rate! Buck. Why, all this business Our reverend cardinal carry'd. The state takes notice of the private difference What his high hatred would effect, wants not rock, That I advise your shunning. * The ambassador is filenc'd?] Silenc'd for recall'd. This being proper to be faid of an orator; and an ambassador or public minister being called an orator, he applies filenc'd to ambassador. WARBURTON. I understand it rather of the French ambaffador refiding in - England, who, by being refused an audience, may be faid to be filenc'd. JOHNSON. A proper title of a peace ;-] A fine name of a peace. nically. JOHNSON. 3 Iro comes that rock,] To make the rock come is not very just. JOHNSON. Enter Enter Cardinal Wolfey, the purse borne before him, certain of the guard, and two Secretaries with papers. The Cardinal in his passage fixeth his eye on Buckingham, and Buckingham on him, both full of disdain. Wol. The duke of Buckingham's surveyor? ha? Where's his examination ? Secr. Here, so please you. Wol. Is he in person ready? Secr. Ay, please your grace. Wol. Well, we shall then know more; and Buck [Exeunt Cardinal, and his train. Buck. This butcher's cur is venom-mouth'd, and I Nor. What, are you chaf'd? 4-butcher's cur) Wolfey is faid to have been the fon of a butcher. JOHNSON. Dr. Grey observes, that when the death of the duke of Buckingham was reported to the emperor Charles V. he said, "The firit buck of England was worried to death by a butcher's dog.” Skelton, whose satire is of the grossest kind, in Why come you not to Court, has the same reflection on the meanness of cardinal Wolsey's birth: For drede of the boucher's dog, "Wold wirry them like an hog." STEEVENS, 5-A beggar's book Out-worths a noble's blood.] That is, the literary qualifications of a bookish beggar are more prized than the high defcent of hereditary greatness. This is a contemptuous exclamation very naturally put into the mouth of one of the antient, unletter'd, martial nobility. JOHNSON. Ο 2 He 1 'Hebores me with some trick: He's gone to the king; I'll follow, and out-stare him. Nor. Stay, my lord, And let your reason with your choler question Buck. I'll to the king; And from a mouth of honour quite cry down Nor. Be advis'd; Heat not a furnace for your foe fo hot 11 6 He bores me with some trick ) He stabs or wounds me by fome artifice or fiction. JOHNSON. So, in the Life and Death of the Lord Cromwell 1613: Anger is like A full hot horse; So, Maflinger, in the Unnatural Combat.: ∴ STEEVENS. Let paffion work, and, like a hot-rein'd horse, 8from a mouth of honour) I will crush this baseborn fellow, by the due influence of my rank, or fay that all diftinction of perfons is at an end. JOHNSON. 9 Heat not a furnace &c.] Might not Shakspeare allude to Dan. iii. 22.? "Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of fire flew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego." STEEVENS. |