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Oh, no! thank you, gentlemen! The loaf pays the taxes, and, if you must have cheap bread, you must have less taxes.But, Sir, why do I plague you with this, and why should you plague yourself with it ?— Let those who live upon the taxes stand forward in the measures, intended to make them productive. You have none of the

MR. DE BERenger.

I have no time to say much on what has passed in the House of Commons, relative to this gentleman, Two Members of Parliament, Messrs. Abercrombie and Barham, who spoke in favour of a Committee to enquire into the conduct of the Secretary of State, touching this matter, are reported to have said, that they felt no sympathy for the Petitioner. I do; I feel

most interested in the passing of the law, would naturally bear the greater portion of the blame. What I regret, is, though I never had the pleasure of even seeing you, that you should have so acted as to have come in for your share of the popular odium on this account. You! who can have no interest in the success of the law, supposing that success to be ever so complete.-gain, and why should you share the odium? Already, you see, Sir, the misled rabble have begun, and in your own country, too, to hang bakers and millers in effigy! This is the work of the base and prostituted press, whence the Lancasterian children are to imbibe their principles. The baker and miller gain nothing by the high price of corn, which, before they make into flour, they are compelled to buy. And yet they are hanged in effigy !Now, Sir, the truth is, that the clamour arises, and will arise, with those, who, in one way or ano-greatly for him; and I hope, that there ther, live upon the public money. They are always in fear of some terrible change, which, be it what it will, must oust them from their fatting stalls. They are always for keeping the poorer classes quiet. Cheap bread is one of the most effectual means of doing this; and, therefore, they are always railing against monopolizers, grasping landlords and farmers, cheating millers and bakers. The cold sweat comes upon them when the quartern loaf mounts a pace. From this source comes all the clamour; and of this clamour you will never see an end, while there are so many persons who live upon the taxes.--Peace is a horrible object to many thousands, and, indeed, some hundreds of thousands, of these persons. They perceive that their allowance will be curtail-restored to the throne of France? Are ed; but what must it be to them, then, if the we never to see an end to this sort of loaf be still of the same price? They do power? My eyes begin to grow dim; not consider, or rather, they are incapable but, are they to be closed before England of perceiving, that (difference of crops is rid of this species of power? Am I aside) the price of the loaf must depend never more to see my country divested of upon the amount of the taxes imposed on its cowardly fears?-I trust there was no it through the funnel of the landowner and ground for the alarming hint; and will, the farmer, and upon the value of the for the present, say no more of it.-What paper-money compared with that of specie. was the real cause of the seizure of Mr. Peace, which has blessing in its sound to De Berenger has not been yet proved, and, the rest of mankind, has quite upset this of course, it remains to be proved that he is description of persous. They fear that now really held in prison for an offence the rabble, who have been expecting cheap against the Alien Act. But, if what he bread (though it was cheap before), will states, as to his parentage, be correct (and be disappointed, and may make a noise. I see no reason to doubt it), I am decidedWhat these people seem to want, there-ly of opinion, that, by the law of England, fore, is, that bread may becom as cheap he is not an alien. His father was a naas it was before the war, and that all the tural born subject of the King of England. present taxes may still continue to be paid! | Mr. De Berenger must be, therefore, a

are many who feel abundant indignation at the efforts made, through the infamous newspapers of London, to cause him to be pre-judged; than which any thing more detestable never was committed, even by that prostituted press, the guide of the Lancasterian children.--I shall make no remark on the conduct of Lord Sidmouth and Mr. Becket; but I am alarmed at what dropped from some one in the debate about the PROBABLE RENEWAL OF THE ALIEN ACT. This never can be intended, to be sure! What! An Act like this; or, indeed, any Alien Act at all, to exist in time of peace! Is every foreigner who comes into the country to live here at the mere mercy of the Minister of the day, even now when the House of Bourbon is

and opinions to your extensive readers, I have taken the liberty of asking your advice on a subject wherein every person who pays taxes is materially interested. You probably recollect, that about ten or twelve years ago, one of the present great deliverers of Europe, who are very soon expected in this

sterling, which you, and I, and every individual in the nation (those of the bloodroyal only excepted), are bound to pay the interest of, till that debt is extinguished.-Now, as it is, I believe, pretty well ascertained, that both debt and interest are hitherto undischarged, I wish to know your opinion, whether the said high-contracting party is arrestable for such debt, as soon as he sets his foot on English ground. If such a measure is both legal and practicable, I hope the worthy Ministers, who are entrusted with the moonshine-money concerns of the nation, will not be bashful in the exercise of their duty. We all know, Mr. Cobbett, that the Duke d'Artois, brother to the present King of France, secreted himself in the precincts of Holyrood House, to prevent the disgrace of being shut up in a prison, for a debt which he either could not, or would not, pay. In England, although our happy laws permit Royalty to run in debt, without personal restraint, yet I never heard of the same lenient exemptions being extended here to the inhabitants of any other nation. Be so good, then, as to give me your opinion on this subject; and should you be induced to dilate on the merits of these coalesced Kings and Emperors, you can hint, that tavo of these Potentates, after swearing so lemnly on the tomb of the great Frederick, not to make peace with the Corsican upstart, till he had restored to them the various places which his superior courage and skill had wrested from them; yet, in the teeth of this most sacred assertion, they not only did enter into such a peace, but also

subject of the King, though born out of the country, clse my son, who was born in America, is not a subject of the King. But it is a point not to be doubted, that the children of English subjects, born abroad, are English subjects, and we have hundreds of them (Sir Home Popham for one) in offices, which they could not legal-kingdom, borrowed seven millions of pounds ly hold if divested of that character.But, besides this, Mr. De Berenger held a commission in the King's service. To do that legally he must be an English subject, except he belonged to a foreign corps, which he did not. The Act of Settlement expressly forbids offices of trust, civil or military, to be given to any but subjects of the King, and Mr. De Berenger held an office of trust.-One of two things, therefore, must be either the law was violated in putting him in an office of trust, or it has been violated in seizing him, and in keeping him in jail, as an alien.Only hink, however, of the situation of a man, who is thought worthy of being made a commander of Englishmen, enrolled for the defence of their country, and who is, every day of his life, liable to be seized by a warrant, confined without cause assigned, or sent out of the country!-I shall say no more on the subject at present. I wish to offer no opinion upon Mr. De Berenger's conduct or case; but common justice compels us to suspend our judgment, at any rate; yes, and even to consider him as innocent till he be proved to be guilty. It was quite a new thing to see a self-erected tribunal, publishing against persons by name, what they had the impudence to call evidence, and after the country had had time to read that ex-parte evidence, to prefer an indictment against the accused. This was something new in England. Much as we had seen before, we had, till now, seen nothing equal to this. Then, after the indictment had been preferred; after the bill had been found, and the accusing party put off the trial, the vile news-conjointly engaged with him to act both depapers published to the world, that it was the accused who had put off the trial, and insinuated, that they had so done in order to shift the hour of their punishment! And is it to such information and principles from a press like this, that men are spending their money to teach poor children to



MR. COBBETT.-As you are a man not very timid in promulgating your knowledge

fensively and offensively against the interests of this country. What you may be disposed to say of the morality, political conduct, and tender sympathies towards his offspring, of the Emperor of Austria, I shall leave entirely to your own superior discretion; and should you be led to speak of the birth, parentage, and habits of Alexander the Great, I beseech you to tread lightly on the ashes of his progenitors. You may say that he had a father, and a grandfather too, who are both perhaps gone to Heaven; but

[blocks in formation]

their Isle for my residence, in consideration of the mildness of their manners, and of their climate. Tell them, they shall be the constant objects of my most lively interests.'--Elbese! These words require no commentary; they fix your destiny. The Emperor has formed a proper judgment of you; it is my duty to render you this justice, and I willingly do so.--Inhabitants of the Isle of Elba, I am about to leave you; this separation will be painful to me, because I love you sincerely; but the idea of your happiness mitigates the bitterness of my departure, and whenever I may, I shall always cherish a recollection of the virtues of the inhabitants of this Isle, and the wishes which I feel for them.-DALESME, General of Brigade.-Porto Ferrajo, May 4, 1814.

THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON.-It is now ascertained that this extraordinary personage has reached the place of his destination in safety; and, instead of the inhabitants of Elba shewing any opposition to his landing on that island, they have given him, I think very properly, a most hearty and welcome reception. It was, indeed, absurd to suppose, that these islanders could be alarmed at the idea of the French "The Vice Prefect of the Isle of Elba, Emperor burdening them with military performing the Functions of Prefect, to conscriptions, for a moment's reflection the inhabitants of that Isle.- -The most must have satisfied them, that Napo- fortunate event which could illustrate leon, however fond he may be of warlike the history of the Isle of Elba is reaexploits, would in vain seek an enemy to flised before your eyes.-Our august Soencounter within the narrow circle to which vereign, the Emperor Napoleon, is come he is now limited. Distinct from his mili- among us.-Give, then, free course to tary character, Bonaparte possesses talents that joy which must overflow your hearts: calculated to promote, in a very high de- your wishes are accomplished, and the feligree, the proserity and happiness of the in-city of the Isle is secured.-Listen to the habitants of Elba; and, if no new political event should occur on the continent of Europe, to bring him again on the stage as the commander of an army, the Elbese may very soon have occasion to congratulate themselves on his choice of their country, in preference to all others, as the place of his retirement. Napoleon appears to have landed at Porto Ferrajo on the evening of the 3d instant, and next day the fact was announced in the following manner by the resident General of Brigade Dalesme, and by the Vice Prefect of Elba :--

"Inhabitants of the Isle of Elba!-The vicissitudes of human life have conducted the Emperor Napoleon into the midst of you, and his choice gives him to you as Sovereign. Before entering your interior, your august and new Monarch addressed to me the following words; and I hasten to communicate them to you, because they are the pledge of your future prosperity: General, I have sacrificed my rights to the inteterests of my country, and have reserved to myself the sovereignty and property of the Isle of Fiba; which has been assented to by all the Powers. Be so good as to inform the inhabitants of this new state of things, and of the selection which I have made of

first memorable words which he has conde-
scended to address to you, through the medi-
um of the public functionaries:-' I will be
to you a good father, bc
7%?Ł to me good chil
dren.' Let them be for ever impressed on
your grateful hearts.-Let us all rally
around his sacred person, emulous in zeal
and fidelity to save him, this will be the
sweetest recompense to his grateful heart,
and thus shall we render ourselves worthy
of that signal favour which Providence has
conferred on us-BALBIANI, Vice-Prefect.
- Office of Prefecture, at Porto-Ferrajo,
May 4, 1914.

On the 6th instant the Vicar General apprised the clergy of the island of the event by the following rescript:

"Giuseppe Filippo Arrighi, Honorary Canon of the Cathedral of Fisa, and of the Metropolitan Church of Florence, and under the Bishop of Ajaccio, Vicar-General of the Isle of Elba, and Principality of Piombino, to the beloved in the Lord, our Brethren composing the Clergy and all the Faithful in the Isle, health and benediction !-That high Providence which irresistibly and beneficently disposes of every thing, and assigns to nations their destiny, has determined that, amidst the political changes

SPAIN. This beautiful country, I am afraid, is on the eve of once more becoming the sport of a sanguinary Revolution. Ferdinand has reached the capital; but instead of swearing to the Constitution, which had been previously drawn up by the Cortes, who have been supposed to possess the character of representatives of the people, his Majesty has issued a Declaration, by which he not only dissolves that Body, but declares all their acts of government null and void. It is not

of Europe, we should în future be the sub- I jects of Napoleon the Great. The Isle of Elba, already celebrated for its natural productions, must now be more illustrious in the history of nations, because it renders homage to its new Prince of immortal fame. The Isle of Elba takes its place in the rank of nations; and the minuteness of its territory becomes ennobled by the name of its Ruler. Elevated to an honour so sublime, it receives into its bosom the anointed of the Lord, and those other distinguished personages who accompany him.-When his Im-easy, with the limited information posperial and Royal Majesty selected this Isle sessed in this country, as to the real state for his retreat, he announced to the world of matters in Spain, to form a correct idea with what predilection he loved it. Opu- of the motives which could induce the King lence will inundate this country, and mul- of Spain to take so decided a stop; but if titudes will flock from other parts to our ter- one were to judge from the torrent of abuse ritory to behold a hero. The first day he which has been heaped upon Ferdinand for set foot upon our shore, he pronounced our this act, by the Times and the Courier destiny and our felicity. I will be a good newspapers, it might be supposed that his father,' said he, 'be you good children.'- Spanish Majesty had committed some Beloved Catholics, what words of tender- abominable act of aggression against this ness! what expressions of benevolence! country or its Government. It is true, what hopes may we not cherish of our fu- the Cortes owed their political existence, ture felicity! Let these words then form in a great measure, to Duke Wellington, the delight of your thoughts, and be impres- and thence may arise the hatred which has sed on your souls with transports of conso- been expressed as to the dissolution of that lation; let fathers rehearse them to their Body. It is even hinted in the Times, that children, and let the memory of the words the noble Duke should be sent back to which secure glory and prosperity to the Spain to support the cause of the Cortes Isle of Elba, be perpetual from generation against the King. Here indeed would to generation.Fortunate citizens of Por- be a new contest to justify the continuance to-Ferrajo! within your walls the sacred of the income tax, and all war establishment. person of his Imperial and Royal Majesty is By and bye, we shall see what it will turn to dwell. Mild in character at all times, to. Meanwhile I have inserted the Deconstant in affection to your Prince, Naro-claration of the King of Spain, which the LEON THE GREAT resides with you; never Courier has chosen to designate "a belie the favourable idea which he formed" most paltry document-a document disof you. Beloved, faithful in Jesus Christ," gusting from its falsehood and hypocrisy, act in correspondence to your fate; Non" and contemptible for its puny reasoning:" sint schismata inter vos: idem supite, pacem habcte, et Dens pacis et dilectionis erit Since the period when Divine Provivobiscum. Let fidelity, gratitude, submis- dence, in consequence of the spontaneous sion, reign in your hearts. Let all of you and solemn resignation of my august father, unite in a respectful sentiment of internal placed me on the throne of my ancestors, affection for your Prince, Father rather of which the kingdom took the oaths to than Sovereign; and exult with sacred joy me, as heir by its procurators assembled in the goodness of the Lord, who, from the in Cortes, according to the law and cusages of eternity, had destined for you this tom of the Spanish nation, practised from happy event. With this view we order the most remote periods; and since that that next Sunday, in all the churches, a so-happy day on which I entered the capital, lemn Te Deum be sung, in thanksgiving to amidst the most sincere demonstrations of the Almighty, for the precious gift which, affection and loyalty, with which the people in the abundance of his mercy, he has of Madrid came out to receive me, this disconferred upon us.-Given from the Eccle-play of love towards my royal person maksiastical Court of Elba, 6th May. (Signed)|ing a deep impression on the French hosts, GIUSEPPE FILIPPO ARRIGHI, Vicar-Gen. who, under the cloak of friendship, had FRANCESCO ANGIOLETTI, Secretary." advanced as far as that city, being a pre



of what that heroic population would other events which might occur but one day perform for their King and for their this my Royal Decree unfortunately was honour, and giving that example which the not known then; and although it was afterother parts of the kingdom have nobly fol-wards known, the provinces provided for lowed: since that day, I determined in the same object, as soon as the accounts my royal mind to reply to sentiments so reached them of the cruel tragedy perpeloyal, and to satisfy the great obligationstrated in Madrid on the memorable 2d of which a king is under towards his subjects, May, by the Chief of the French troops, to dedicate my whole time to the discharge through the instrumentality of the Juntas of such august functions, and to repair which they created. Next took place the the evils which the pernicious influence of glorious battle of Baylen: the French fled a favourite had caused in the preceding as far as Vittoria, and all the provinces, reign. My first labours were directed to with the capital, proclaimed me, anew, the restoration of various magistrates and King of Castile and Leon, in the metropoother persons, who had been arbitrarily lis, with the same formalities as the Kings removed from their functions; but the my august predecessors. This is a redifficult state of affairs, and the perfidy of cent fact, of which the medals struck in all Bonaparte, from the cruel effects of which parts afford demonstrative proof, and which I wished, by proceeding to Bayonne, to the people through whom I have passed preserve my people, scarcely allowed time since my return from France have confor more. The royal family being assem-firmed by the effusion of vivas, which moved bled there, an atrocious attack was perpe- the sensibility of my heart, where they are trated on the whole of it, and particularly engraved never to be effaced. From the on my person, unequalled in the history of deputies nominated by the Juntas, the civilised nations, both in its circumstances Central Junta was formed; who exercised and in the scries of events which took in my Royal name all the powers of Soplace there; and the sacred law of nations vereignty from Sept. 1808, till Jan. 1810; being there violated in the highest degree, in which month was established the first I was deprived of my liberty, stripped of Council of Regency, in whom the exercise the government of my kingdoms, and con- of that power continued till the 24th of veyed to a palace with my very dear bro-September of the same year: on which day ther and uncle, which served as a sort of were installed in the isle of Leon the Cortes honourable prison for about the space of six called General and Extraordinary, when years. Amidst this affliction, I had al-104 Deputies took the oaths, in which they ways present to my mind the love and engaged to preserve for me my dominions loyalty of my people, and the consideration as their Sovereign; all which appears of the endless calamities to which they were from the act certified by the Secretary of exposed formed a great part of my griefs; State Don Nicolas Maria de Sierra. But inundated as they were with enemies, nearly these Cortes, assembled in a manner never. destitute of all means of resistance, without used in Spain, even in the most arduous King, and without a government previous-cases, and in the most turbulent times of ly established, which might put in motion the minorities of Kings, in which the Assemand unite at its voice the force of the nation, bly of Procurators was wont to be more direct its impulse, and avail itself of the numerous than in the common and ordinaresources of the State, to combat the forces ry Cortes, were not called the States of the which simultaneously invaded the Penin-Nobility and Clergy, although the Central sula, and had treacherously got possession Junta had so ordered, this Decree having of its principal fortresses. In this lament-been artfully concealed from the Council of able situation, as the only remedy that re-Regency, and also the fact that the Junta mained, I issued, as well as I could while had assigned to it the Presidency of the surrounded by force, the Decree of the 5th of May, 1808, addressed to the Council of Castile, and in defect of it to any other Board of Audience that might beat liberty, in order that the Cortes might be convoked, who had only to employ themselves on the spur of the moment, in raising the taxes and supplies necessary for the defence of the kingdom, remaining permanent for

Cortes, a prerogative of the Crown which the Regency would not have left to the decision of the Congress, if it had been acquainted therewith. In consequence of this, every thing remained at the disposal of the Cortes; who, on the very day of their in stallation, and by way of commencement to their acts, despoiled me of my sovereignty, which the same deputies had only a little

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