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enemy's position along the Partha river. | under Captain Bogue, to form on the left of General Blucher gave to the Prince Royal a Prussian battery, and open upon the coof Sweden thirty thousand men, infantry, lumns retiring. Congreve's formidable cavalry, and artillery, of his army, and weapon had scarce accomplished the point with this formidable reinforcement, the of paralysing a solid square of infantry, Northern army was to attack from the which after one fire delivered themselves heights of Faucha, while General Blucher up (as if panic struck), when that gallant was to retain his position before Leipsig, and deserving officer, Captain Bogue, alike and use his utmost efforts to gain possession an ornament to his profession, and a loss to of the place.In the event of the whole his friends and country, received a shot in of the enemy's forces being carried against the head, which deprived the army of his either of the armies, they were recipro- services. Lieutenant Strangways, who succally to support each other and concert fur- ceeded to the command of the brigade, ther movements: that part of the enemy's received the Prince Royal's thanks for the force which for some time had been op- services they rendered.During the acposed to the Prince Royal of Sweden and tion twenty-two guns of Saxon artillery General Blucher, had taken up a very good joined us from the enemy, and two Westposition on the left bank of the Partha, phalian regiments of hussars and two battahaving its right at the strong point of lions of Saxons; the former were opporFaucha, and its left towards Leipsig-- tunely made use of in the instant against the To force the enemy's right, and obtain pos- enemy, as our artillery and ammunition session of the heights of Faucha, was the were not all forward; and the Prince Royal first operation of the Prince Royal's army. addressed the latter by an offer, that he The corps of Russians under General Win- would head them immediately against the zingerode, and the Prussians under General enemy, which they to a man accepted. Bulow, were destined for this purpose, and the Swedish army were directed to force the passage of the river at Plosen and Mockaa.

-It seems

-The communication being now established between the grand attacks and that of these two armies, the Grand Duke ConThe passage was effected without much stantine, Generals Platoff, Milaradovitch, opposition. General Winzingerode took and other officers of distinction, joined the about three thousand prisoners at Faucha, Prince Royal, communicating the events and some guns.-General Blucher put carrying on in that direction.his army in motion as soon as he found the the most desperate resistance was made by grand army engaged very hotly in the the enemy at Probothede, Stelleritz, and neighbourhood of the villages of Stollintz Counevitz; but the different columns bearand Probestheyda, and the infantry of the ing on these points, as detailed in my forPrince Royal's army had not sufficient time mer dispatch, finally carried every thing to make their flank movement before the before them. General Bennigsen taking enemy's infantry had abandoned the line of the villages upon the right bank of the the river, and retired over the plain in line Reutschove, having been joined by General and column, towards Leipsig, occupying Bubna from Dresden, General Tolstoy havSomerfelt, Paunsdorff, and Schonfeldt, in ing come up and relieved the former in the strength, protecting their retreat.-A blockade of that city, and General Guilay very heavy cannonade and some brilliant manoeuvering with twenty-five thousand performances of General Winzingerode's Austrians upon the left bank of the Elster, cavalry marked chiefly here the events of General Thielman and Prince Maurice the day, except towards the close, when Lichtenstein's corps moved upon the same General Langeron, who had crossed the river, and the result of the day was, that river, attacked the village of Schonfeld, the enemy lost above forty thousand men in met with considerable resistance, and at killed, wounded, and prisoners, sixty-five first was not able to force his way. He, pieces of artillery, and seventeen battalions I however, took it, but was driven back, of German infantry, with all their Staff when the most positive orders were sent and Generals, which came over en masse him by General Blucher, to re-occupy it at during the action.The armies remainthe point of the bayonet; which he accom-ed upon the ground on which they had so plished before dark. Some Prussian battalions of General Bulow's corps were warmly engaged also at Paunsdorf, and the enemy were retiring from it, when the Prince Royal directed the rocket brigade,


bravely conquered, this night. The Prince Royal had his bivouac at Paunsdorff: General Blucher's remained at Witteritz, and the Emperor's and the King's at Roda. About the close of the day, it was under


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LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. 2, 1813.

Downing Street, Nov. 1, 1813. Dispatch, of which the following is an extract, was yesterday received at Lord Bathurst's Office, addressed to his Lordship by Field-Marshal the Marquis of Wellington, dated Vera, Oct. 18, 1813.

The enemy moved General Paris's division from Oleron to the neighbourhood of St. Jean de Pied le Port, as soon as our left made its movement on the 7th instant.

attacked and carried the redoubt in the camp of Sarre, which was held by a picquet of forty men of the army of reserve of Andalusia, who were taken, as well as one hundred pioneers. There is reason to believe that they were surprised, as the reserve for the support of the redoubt had

stood the enemy were retiring by Weissenfels and Naumburg; General Blucher received an order from the King of Prussia to detach in that direction. The movement of the Prince Royal's army completely excluded the retreat on Wittenberg, that upon : Erfurt had long since been lost to them; the line of the Saale alone remains, and as their flanks and rear will be operated upon during their march, it is difficult to say with what portion of their army they may get to the Rhine.This morning theOn the night of the 12th the enemy town of Leipsig was attacked and, carried after a short resistance, by the armies of General Blucher, the Prince Royal, and General Bennigsen, and the grand army. Marshals Marmont and Macdonald commanded in the town; these, with Marshals Augereau, and Victor, narrowly escaped, with a small escort.Their Majesties not time to give the picquet assistance. the Emperor of Russia, and the King of This redoubt was certainly more distant Prussia, and the Crown Prince of Sweden, from the line, and from the ground from each heading their respective troops, enter- which it could be supported, than I had ed the town at different points, and met in imagined it to be when I had directed that the Great Square. The acclamations and it should be occupied, and it was so near rejoicings of the people are not to be de- to the houses of the village of Sayre as alscribed. The multiplicity of brilliant ways to be liable to an attack by surprise, achievements, the impossibility of doing. I have therefore not allowed it to be re-ocjustice to the firmness, that has been dis-cupied. After having possession of the replayed, the boldness of the conception of doubt, the enemy made an attack on the the Commander in Chief, Field-Marshal morning of the 13th, upon the advanced the Prince Schwartzenberg, and of the posts of the army of Andalusia, under the other experienced leaders; together with command of Mariscal de Campo Don Pedro the shortness of the time allowed me for Gijon, with a view to regain passession of making up this dispatch, will plead, I hope, those works which they had lost on the 8th, a sufficient excuse for my not sending a which they constructed in front of the camp more accurate or perfect detail, which I of Sarre. It was at first imagined and rehope, however, to do hereafter.I send ported, that the real attack was on the side this dispatch by my Aid-de-Camp, Mr. of the Hermitage of La Rhume, but it was James, who has been distingnished for his confined entirely to the advanced posts of services since he has been with this army; the army of Andalusia, and was repulsed he has also been with me in all the late by them without difficulty.I had every events, and will be able to give your Lord-reason to be satisfied with the conduct of ship all further particulars. Mariscal de Campo Don P. Giron, and the General Staff and other officers, and the soldiers under his command upon this occasion. I had again occasion to observe parP.S. On the field of battle this day anticularly the steadiness of the regiment of officer arrived from General Tettenborn, Ordenes, under the command of Colonel bringing the information of the surrender of Hore.Nothing of importance has ocBremen to the corps under his orders, and curred on any part of the line, but it apthe keys of the town, which were presented pears that the enemy have been reinforced by the Prince Royal to the Emperor of hy considerable bodies of recruits, raised by the recent conscriptions. I have received no reports from Catalonia since I addressed your Lordship last.

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I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) CHAS. STEWART, Lt. Gen.


C. S.

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Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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fate of Europe for generations must not, ought not, to be compromised in the mistaken feelings or latent ambition of an individual. To that individual, iť must be recollected, Europe owes the disgrace of having grafted a branch of its ancient dynasties upon the spurious excrescence of Corsican Plebeian. To that disgraceful submission, to which the

"sentative of the Gæsars, should have been preferred, we owe the present awful and fatal pause in the decision of the destinies of Europe. The degradation of Austria, alas! in the decline of her for

"Buonaparte was overthrown, has made "this line of policy a sine qua non of her ABUSE OF AUSTRIA, — I observed," adherence to that coalition, I answer,' some weeks ago, that the everlasting-war" that the impolicy of her determination faction were beginning to abuse the Empe- should be combated in the councils, but, ror of Austria and his advisers. They if that were invincible, it should be reHave, from that time to this, been increas-jected in the field by the Allies. The' ing in the foulness of their insinuations" against that leading Power of the coalition; till, in the COURIER of the 4th instant, they came to downright abuse; calling Austria a disgraced Power; asserting that the world owes its late degradation to her; and, insisung, that, if she pursue the line of policy marked out in her Declaration," she ought to be opposed in the field by the Allies! These sentiments are not ex-loss of empire and of life, in the reprepressed in a brief, hasty paragraph; but are stated in an elaborate essay, evidently intended to prepare the public mind for the adoption of measures agreeing with such" sentiments, The writer, notwithstand ing the sentiments of the Allies have been" tunes, has furnished the means for the so clearly expressed in their Declaration" degradation of the world, in her elevafrom Frankfort, has the hardihood to speak" tion. I feel ALMOST PROPHETIof the rejecting of any peace, which should "CALLY WARNED to the conviction, permit Napoleon to retain even his throne." that she will fall the first victim to the The writer appears to treat that Declaration" vigour of the refreshed giant, and that as the product of folly, which ought to be" her fate will be the precursor of the subchecked in its progress; and to be prepared to make war upon all those who issued it. He speaks, too, like one who is in no fear of punishment for this impudent attack upon the principal of the allied Powers; like one who is confident that he runs no risk; like one who feels that he stands upon safe ground. Seeing the vast importance of the conduct of Austria in this crisis; seeing that the duration of the war and the nature of the peace, if peace be made,, must depend materially, and almost entirely apon her will, it seems to me to be of the utmost consequence, that the people of this court try should entertain correct notions relative to the conduct of that Power. I will, therefore, extract the particular passage, which has thus excited my attention, and will offer a few remarks upon it," If," says this writer," it be urged, that Aus"tria, whose accession to the coalition was "the great lever by which the power of

"jugation of Europe. The reader will, I am sure, agree with me, that this is at least, a very violent attack upon the House of Austria not upon the Govern ment only, but upon the person and family of the Sovereign! It is an attack in thất part where human nature tells us men feel most acutely; and; therefore, under the present circumstances, it must be clear to every one, that, even if just, such an attack was very impolitic and imprudent. But, as I said before, the writer seems to have wished to prepare the public mind for actual measures corresponding with his sentiments; and, if so, it might be deemed prudent to begin by times to endeavour to excite, in the people of England, suspicion and contempt of the Government and Sovereign of Austria.I, however, look upon this attack as being unjust as well as impolitic; and, as 1 most anxiously wish that a peace may be made, founded on the


principles of the Declaration of our Allies, as fighting for us as much as for themselves; dated at Frankfort on the 1st of December, nay more than for themselves, because we I shall endeavour to show, that Austria, are not satisfied with that peace, which, in with whom, I hope, we shall continue in their own opinions, would give them percordial alliance for the purpose of making fect security, and that would ensure happi-: peace, does not merit the abuse, whichness to their several dominions. The De this lover of war has heaped upon her; or,claration says, that they will not lay down at least, that she is free of all blame upon their arms, till they have ensured the perthe points which he has selected as matters manent peace and stability of all the States of accusation against her. This writer of Europe; and yet this writer abuses Ausinsists, that no peace ought to be made with tria, looking upon her as the author of this Napoleon; that he ought to be extinguish- Declaration, which he imputes, as we shall ed; that the Bourbons ought to be restored; see by-and-by, to a selfish and even a base, or, at the very least, that he ought to be motive. -It will be said, perhaps, that, shut up within the ancient boundaries of that Declaration was issued without consultFrance; and, of course, that the extended ing us. Very likely; but, if it was, what limits, of which the Declaration speaks, could it embrace more than the independought not to have been offered, and ought ence, the permanent security, the happinot to be conceded.Now, in the first ness, the honour, of all the States of Euplace, it does not appear, that Austria alone rope? And, I beg to know, who was to issued that Declaration. It was, on the issue this Declaration but those who had contrary, issued by all the continental Al- the artus in their hands; but those who had lies: by "their Imperial and Royal Ma-won the victories which had driven the "jesties." Supposing, therefore, that in- French across the Rhine? Were the strument to contain what is wrong, I see Powers, whose territories bordered on no reason for accusation against Austria, France; were they, to whose people peace any more than against Russia and Prussia. and safety were of such great importance,, Why, therefore, this virulence against Aus- to stop till they had the leave of England tria alone? It has always been the custom to declare the grounds upon which they of the everlasting war faction to fall foul were ready to sheathe the sword? The upon the continental Powers, upon the idea is so presumptuous, that the bare startslightest surmises, when those seemed in- ing of it is enough to excite disgust.disposed to sacrifice their all to gratify the Besides, what claim had we upon the Alselfish views of this horrible faction. Is it lies? Had we avowed our readiness to any wonder if England is disliked upon the submit to them the settling and determinContinent, and if her cheerings to war are ing the extent of our power?They had fistened to with caution?But, suppos- won the victories themselves, and that, too, ing the Declaration to have been owing sole- at the risk of their very crowns. Their ly to Austria, and that her design was and capitals had been once entered by, the is to leave Napoleon an extension of terri- Power with whom they had to contend. tory. How can she be reasonably blamed Those capitals had been spared; but they for this by us? What right have we to might not have been spared again. They complain of her and to abuse her for this? risked their all; perhaps the very existence She is, surely, the best judge of the means of the Sovereigns themselves, and, if they of giving peace and security to her own do- had failed, should we have indemnified minions and to the petty States within her them? Upon what ground, then, can we, vortex. It is possible that she may be de-who risked nothing, condemn them for ceived; it is possible, that she may leave France too strong for her; but, what have we to do with that? How does that justify us in endeavouring to rouse and arm the rest of the Powers against her?I shall be told, perhaps, that if her Declaration were put in execution, it would leave France too strong for us; and that, therefore, we have a right to complain.But, if we stand upon this ground, we make a very awkward figure; for, the fact escapes, that, after all our professions of disinterestedness, we, at bottom, look upon the Allies

offering such terms of peace as to them appear likely to ensure the permanent stability of their thrones and the happiness of their States? And, more especially, what ground could we have to complain, if we had not made known to them our readiness to submit our conquests and the limits of our extended power to their discussion and control?So far from this, however, we see it daily asserted by the very same writers who are most forward in abusing Austria, that our maritime rights and pretensions; that our blockading even


JANUARY 8, 1814.-Abuse of Austria.


of the ports of the Allies; that our prac-dynasty "upon the spurious excrescence of "a Corsican Plebeian."Now, withtice of stopping neutrals upon the high out commenting upon the indecency of this seas and of taking persons out of them at the discretion of our officers; that none of language, does not every one see how base these are to be suffered to be brought into is this accusation? This writer is daily discussion by the Allies: and yet, these praising the Crown Prince of Sweden; he same writers abuse the government and knows that we have acknowledged the leinsult the Sovereign of Austria, because gitimacy of his authority; that we have that power is willing to leave Napoleon ceded an island to that Prince; and that with an extension of territory! And be- that Prince is one of the very dynasty for cause she has dared to do this without first uniting himself with which this writer obtaining our approbation!-These writers censures the Emperor Francis, calling the seem always, in these cases, to forget that union disgraceful, and imputing it to the we, too, have been, and are, conquerors. basest of all possible motives! Besides, They dwell at great length on the ambition why, if this were just ground of censure, and on the conquests (which they call rob- confine it to the Emperor Francis? Has beries of Napoleon; but, they overlook not the Elector of Bavaria given his daughour conquests; they overlook our capture ter in marriage to Eugene Beauharnois; of colonies and of whole kingdoms; they and is not our late Princess Royal (the overlook that extension of maritime power, Queen of Wirtemberg) the mother-in-law which has enabled us to engross all the of Jerome Buonaparte? Why, then, is commerce of Europe; they overlook that this malicious and foolish charge confined extension of power, by the means of which to the Emperor of Austria? How can it we have been enabled to dictate the law have been disgraceful to him to ally himupon every coast, to shut out or let in, to self with the head of that family of which seize or give pass-ports at our will and the Crown Prince is a member, unless it pleasure. But, if they overlook these be disgraceful to us to have recognized the things, do they suppose that the Allies will validity of the Crown Prince's title? Ausoverlook them too, and that the latter, be- tria is, by this inflammatory writer, said fore they abridge the power of France to to have been degraded by the marriage of the degree requested by England, will not the daughter of the Emperor with the Emask a question or two about the increased peror of France; and yet, we are by no extent of the English power? Or, do these means degraded by our recognition of the no other base than that of the recommendavain men imagine, that the Allies are not Crown Prince's title, which stands upon only to go on reducing France merely to please us, without inquiring what use we tion of this same Emperor of France.shall make of our increased power, but, It is to be observed, too, that this writer that they will run the risk of being again puts the connexion in the most odious light. beaten, and of being totally ruined, in the He represents Austria as having consented contest; in a contest for us, who will not to the marriage; namely, as having been suffer them so much as to discuss the sub-produced by the fears of Austria: as if the ject of our pretensions; no, not even where those pretensions affect themselves? Do these writers imagine this? I believe they do; but, if their imaginations are acted upon, it is not difficult to foresee, that the result must be disappointment and disgrace. -The writer, upon whose sentiments I am commenting, is ready, it seems, to set Austria at defiance, in case she does not change her policy. Of this brilliant project I will speak by-and-by, when I have adverted to the other accusations against The writer says, and he this power. speaks like a man who feels no fear on the score of the libel law," that Europe owes "ils disgrace to Austria," and desires it to be "recollected," that, out of fear, the Emperor of Austria, disgracefully submitted to the ingrafting a branch of its ancient



Emperor Francis gave up his daughter as
the price of his own safety! It is added,
that he ought to have preferred the loss of
This is the way of these
empire and of life too to such disgraceful
writers. They think nothing of the loss of
empire and of life amongst the
Europe. They think, or, at least, they
write as if they thought, that all those
powers were created and are sustained for
no other earthly use, than that of fighting
against those whom we wish to pull down.
It is very easy for us, safe behind the
ocean, to talk thus lightly of the loss of
empire and of life. But, when it suited
our purposes to make peace, we made it,
and left our ally the King of Sardinia to
shift for himself.We made peace with
Napoleon, leaving him in Italy and in part

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