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NOTE. The pronunciation of difficult words is indicated by respelling them phonetically. N is used to indicate the French nasal sound; K the sound of ch in German; ü the sound of the German ü, and French u; ö the sound of ö in foreign languages.

ACHILLES, a kil' leez

ENEAS, e ne' as

ENEID, e ne' id

EOLUS, e' o lus

ANCHISES, an ki' seez

APOLLYON, a pol' le on or a pol' yun

AUDHUMBLA, ow thoom' blah

BEULAH, bu' lah

BOTIA, be o' shia

BOIS GUILBERT, bwah geel bayr

CALCHAS, kal' kas

CALYPSO, ka lip' so

CEDRIC, ked' rick or sed' rick

CHAOS, ka' os

CHARYBDIS, ka rib' dis

CHINON, she' noN

CIRCE, sur' see

COMPIEGNE, koN pe" ayn'

CYCLOPS, si' klops

DAUPHIN, daw' fin

DEIPHOBUS, de if' o bus

DUPUIS, dü pwe'

EURYMACHUS, u rim' a kus
FALAISE, fal ayz'

FRANCOIS, froN' swah

FRONT-DE-BOEUF, froN deh beuf'
GAEA, je' ah

HECUBA, hek' u ba

HRIMFAXI, hrim' fax e

ILIAD, il' e ad

IPHIGENIA, if i jee ni' a

JOAN OF ARC, jo' an of ark

LAOCOÖN, lay ok' o on

LIMOGES, le mozh'

MAGNA CHARTA, mag' nah kahr' tah

MIRABEAU, mir a bo'

MYCENAE, mi see' nee

ODYSSEY, od' i se

ORION, o ri' on

OUIDA, we' dah

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