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The titles of articles are printed in italics.


AFGHAN war, India's contribution

to the cost of the, 888-889
Afghanistan, the policy pursued by our
Government towards, 132-148, 184-

financial consequences to India of
extending the frontier into, 204–207
Africa, South, Past and Future Policy
in, 583-596

Agamemnon, the alleged discovery of
the tomb of, 116-118, 122
Age, spirit of the, 403-405
Agnosticism in its theoretical and
practical aspects, 66-88

its definition of duty, 495-496
Agricultural Reform, the Public Interest
in, 1079-1090

Aleurone grains, chemical composition
of, 900-901

Alice, Princess, Dedicatory Poem to the,

Alliance, the United Kingdom, 411-

America, commercial competition of,

with England, 800-803
Anglo-Turkish Convention, strain of
the Constitution involved in the,

Animals and their Native Countries,

Animals and vegetables, physiological
similarities between, 162-165, 900-

Arithmetic, the Universal Statements of,

Army, Indian, excessive costliness of
the, 216-217, 879

Arnold (Matthew), S. 8. Lusitania,' 1
Art, is a great School of, possible in the
Present Day? 714-732

Art exhibitions, suggestions for the
arrangement of, 300-303

Arthurian legends of North Britain,
Odinic character of, 1105-1113
Artistic Copyright, 418-424
Australian colonies, commercial policy
of the, 942-945

Authors and critics, 1003-1012



AGEHOT (Mr.), on the currency
question in India, 105–108

Banking and Commercial Legislation,

Barrington (Mrs. E. I.), Is a great
School of Art possible in the Present
Day? 714-732

Beaconsfield (Lord), politics of his
novels, 356-359

- his peculiar notion of the Constitu-
tion, 767

Bear (William E.), The Public Interest
in Agricultural Reform, 1079–1090
Beauty, popular want of instinct for,

Becket, Mr. Froude's sketch of, 632-

Beer Act, the Duke of Wellington's,

Beetle worship of Teuton mythology,

Beetroot, manifold chemical utilisations
of, 898-900

Berlin, the insurrection of 1848 in, 270-

the Greek question at the Congress
of, 1125–1129

Bill of Rights, Lord Cairns's interpreta-
tion of the army clause of the, 351-

Bishop (Mrs. M. C.), Mrs. Craven and
her Work, 849-871

Bismarck, repressive measures of, 283-
Blachford (Rt. Hon. Lord), The Causes
of the Zulu War, 564–574

Mozley's Essays, Historical and
Theological, 1013-1037

Blind (Karl), Discovery of Odinic Songs
in Shetland, 1091-1113

Bombay, condition of the people in,

Brassey (Thomas), The Depression of
•Trade, 788-811

Bulgaria, field for Russian intrigue in,

Bulgarians, descriptive sketch of the,

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the Russian mission to, 186-188
Caird (Mr.), on the increase in food
imports, 838 note

Canada, the proposed tariff for, 945-947
Cape, working of responsible govern-
ment at the, 588-590

Capital punishment, the question of, 957
Catholic Church, cultivation of the
emotions in the, 851

the charge of intolerance against the,

Caucus system, the, 761
Cellier (Mr.), music of, 1065

Cells, structure of the nuclei of, 903-

Central-Liberal party, suggested organi-
sation of a, 768-771

Cesnola (General di), his discoveries at
Cyprus, 114-115

Cetywayo, his relations with the Eng-
lish prior to the war, 568-570
Charity, organisation of, in France,


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Conduct, Probability as the Guide of,

Confederation, colonial, 590, 807
Conscience, delusions of, 89-96
Consciousness, a stumbling-block to
materialists, 69-74

Conservatism an element of the English
character, 639

how modified by Liberal policy,

- the alleged reaction against, 368-377
Constituencies, evils of the spirit of
faction in, 760-761

Constitution, straining of the, 349-351
Contagium vivum, epidemic of typhus
fever pointing to, 165-166

Cookson (Montague), The Nation before
Party, 755-772

Co-operation, social principles of, 1118-

Co-operative Stores, a Co-operator's View
of, 362-367

-a Shopkeeper's View of, 783-789
Co-operative stores, benefits of, 846-848
Copyright, Artistic, 418-424

Cotton duties, proposed remission of, in
India, 873-875, 878

Cotton goods, deterioration and adultera-
tion of, 554-557

Cotton trade, over-production in the,

Council, General, Bishop Dupanloup and
the, 241-245

Craven, Mrs., and her Work, 849-871

Critic on the Hearth, the, 1003-1012
Cromwell, Dr. Mozley's essay on, 1019-

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ALLICAN Church, condition of, on
the eve of the Revolution, 223
Galton (Francis), Psychometric Facts,

Geddes (Mr. P.), his researches on the
chlorophyll containing Planarians,

Geissler tubes, use of, for illuminating
purposes, 160
Geology, help of, in explaining irregular
zoological distribution, 249, 252-254
Germany, Liberty in, 264-284
Germany, spiritual tyranny in, 711-712
our trade with, 790

Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.), The
Friends and Foes of Russia, 168-192
On Epithets of Movement in Homer,

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Harcourt (Sir William), on the pro-
spects of the Liberal party, 368-369
Haricots, value of, as focd, 985-986
Hearing, the sense of, 609-610
Herat, the proposed British agency at,

Hertwig, researches of, on the animal
ovum, 906-907

Holms (John), Shorter Parliaments,

Holyoake (G. J.), State Socialism, 1114

Homer, on Epithets of Movement in,

Homer, how illustrated by recent dis-
coveries, 113-116

[blocks in formation]

Hospitality to the poor as a means ofABOUR, the two systems of paying,

improving the relations between mis-
tresses and servants, 14-23
Hugo, Victor, 773-787, 955–970
Hunt (W. Holman), Artistic Copyright,

Huxley (Prof.), On Sensation and the

Unity of Structure of Sensiferous
Organs, 597-611

Hyndman (H. M.), The Bankruptcy of
India, 443-462

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compared, 550-553

division of, whether beneficial, 553–
Lamennais, ecclesiastical theories of,

Land, neglected condition of the, 560-

Lassalle, the Socialist, 279

Lattimer (W.), The Evils of 'Piece-
work,' 547-563

Laurenson (Arthur), on a survival of
Odin's rune song in Shetland, 1092
Lawrence (Lord), warnings of, against
Russian encroachments in Central
Asia, 134-137

Lawson (J. H.), Reply to the Shop-
keepers concerning Co-operative Stores,

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Licensing system, the, 407-410
Lichens, on the nature of, 161–162
Life, the Meaning of, 488-512

the Government of, 690-713
Lock-outs, injustice of, 548-550
Lockyer (J. Norman), The Chemical
Elements, 285-299

Lord (Thomas), A Shopkeeper's View of
Co-operative Stores, 733-739
Lords, the Business of the House of, 612–



Murray (A. S.), Cyprus and Mycena,

Music and Musical Criticism, 1060-

Myers (Frederic W. H.), Victor Hugo,
773-787, 955-970

Mysore, Sir Mark Cubbon's administra-
tion of, 455-456

L (Rt. Hon. Robert), Reciprocity Nant, 164-165


and Free Trade, a Reply, 992-1002
Lucknow, the Defence of, 576-582
Lunatic asylums, cost of, 533-534
Lupin, discovery in the, of substances
found in animals, 900-901

'Lusitania' (8.8.), 1

Luther, Dr. Mozley's essay on, 1027–

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ACAULAY (Lord) on the duration
of Parliaments, 53

Magpie, little blue, of Spain, geographi-
cal distribution of the, 247-251
Maine liquor law, the, 414-415
Mallock (W. H.), The Logic of Tolera-
tion, 64-88

Malta, the drafting of Indian troops to,
182, 351-353

Maories, our wars with the, 586-587
Marx, the Socialist, 280

Masters, Old, at the Winter Exhibitions,

Materialism, past and present, 67
Merseburg spell song, modern vestiges
of the, 1100-1102

Metals, discovery of two new, 160-161
Metaphysics, a part of physical studies,

Metschnikoff, on the alimentation of
Turbellaria, 902-903

Michelangelo, cartoons of, 313-315
Midway Inn, the, 812-821
Ministry, alleged untruthfulness and
conspiracy of the, against the Consti-
tution, 378-383

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Minto (William), Saddling the Right
Horse,' 132-148

Miquel (M.), on the dispersal of yeast,


Mivart (Prof. St. George), The Meaning
of Life, 488-512

The Government of Life, 090-713
Montefiore (Leonard A.), Liberty in
Germany, 264–284

Mortimer-Granville (Dr. J.), Is Insanity
increasing? 523–533

Movement, on Epithets of, in Homer,

Mozley's Essays, Historical and Theo-
logical, 1013-1037


AEGELI, his analyses of the yeast
Nation, the, before Party, 755-772
Nebular hypothesis, the, 891
Neomorpha, geographical distribution of,


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Parliament, meaning of ministerial
responsibility to, 347-348

effects of party spirit on, 759-760
Parliamentary government, the war of
the present Ministry against, 189–191,
355. See also Ministry.
Parliaments, Shorter, 44-63
Party, the Nation before, 755–772
Party, artifices of, 168-170

government by, 347-349

Pauperism, cost of, in England and
France, 336-338

Payn (James), The Midway Inn, 812-

The Critic on the Hearth, 1003-1012
'Peculiar People,' the, 93-94
Peptone, discovery of, in yeast, 165
Permissive Bill, the, 415-416

Perplexity, a Grave, before us, 434-442

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