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ENGLISH AND FRENCH RIVALRY IN EAST- the level of the sea, by chains of mountains


From the Foreign Quarterly Review.

which stretch round them like buttresses on all sides, and descend precipitously, verdant and reeking with moisture, into the arid and 1. The Highlands of Ethiopia. By Ma-burning plains of the torrid zone. Within jor W. Cornwallis Harris, of the Hon. the limits of this extraordinary region lie East India Company's Engineers. 3 the once mysterious sources of the Blue vols. London: Longman and Co. 1844. Nile and the Hawash. Here, according to 2. Voyage sur la Côte Orientale de la Mer numerous traditions, was situated the counRouge, dans le Pays d'Adel et le Roy-try of the Queen of Sheba, who, in the aume de Choa. Par C. E. X. Rochet reign of Solomon, visited the Holy Land. d'Hericourt. Paris. 1841. On the same spot rested one of the earliest. 3. A Geographical Survey of Africa, its cradles of the gospel, and through it, as Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, through a spacious portal, have issued in States, Population, &c.; with a Map on all ages the collected riches of Central Afan entirely new Construction. To which rica, its ostrich plumes, its ivory, its peris prefixed, a Letter to Lord John Rus- fumes, its precious gums, its spices, and its sell regarding the Slave Trade and the gold. Improvement of Africa. By James M'Queen, Esq. London: B. Fellowes.


4. Voyage en Abyssinie, dans le Pays des Galla, de Choa et d'Ifat; précédé d'une Excursion dans l'Arabie Heureuse, et accompagné d'une Carte de ces diverses Contrees. Par MM. Edward Combes et M. Tamisier. 1835-1837. 4 tomes. Paris: 1838.

EVENTS are at present in progress, which must, ere long, in all probability, concentrate much of the attention of the civilized world upon the western shores of the Red Sea Governments professing towards each other the strictest amity at home, may, nevertheless, be elsewhere carrying on all the while a system of secret hostilities, that is, be endeavoring, by intrigue and negotiation, to undermine and supplant each other, to circumscribe each other's trade, to diminish each other's allies-in one word, to effect by silent arts what the noisy diplomacy of the cannon often fails to accomplish. There is no friendship between states. Leagued together they may be for the achievement of some particular purpose, and while this connexion continues they may seem to be animated by feelings of mutual good-will; but where their interests diverge, there instantly arises a divergence of predilections, and the smothered enmity of centuries exhibits itself without disguise. Thus is it now, and thus will it ever be, between Great Britain and France, one of the theatres of whose undying hostilities we purpose to delineate, physically and morally, in the present article.

Abyssinia consists of a cluster of tablelands, supported at a vast elevation above

Of the real value of this country, Europe has, nevertheless, at all times formed but a very inadequate conception. It has been looked upon as the mere threshold of the great continent, of which it ought rather to be esteemed the citadel. Travellers and adventurers have consequently approached it, until very recently, with no projects terminating within its own borders, but merely in the hope of facilitating their entrance into the interior. And wherefore? Simply because Abyssinia is not itself the region of gold and precious stones, of rich dyes and costly odors. But, in the eyes of a civilized statesman, it is something more; gifted as it is with an inexhaustibly fertile soil, abundant water, a temperate climate, varied and beautiful hills and valleys, and every possible requisite for carrying on successfully the pursuits of agriculture. Few tracts on the surface of the globe present more peculiar or picturesque features. Every where the eye may rest at once on the productions of the temperate and torrid zones, firs and larches clothing the summits and upper slopes of the mountains, while junipers shoot up to the prodigious height of one hundred and sixty feet on their lower terraces, and pines and bananas nestle in the sultry recesses of the valleys. The advantages offered by the accidents of the ground are, wherever they prevail, turned to account by agriculture. We have here, consequently, a repetition of the system of tillage anciently pursued with diligence in Greece, Palestine, and Peru, as at present in China, the Himalaya, and the countries west of the Indus. Rude walls of stone are carried at different heights along the face of the mountains, to check the downward tendency of the soil, so that the eye

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of the traveller, in whatever direction it may turn, beholds a succession of platforms, green with the young corn, or golden with harvest, climbing the precipitous acclivities, by which the conical pinnacles of Ethiopia are usually approached.

Other features co-operate in imparting beauty to these landscapes. Villages and hamlets, in many instances scarcely a pistol-shot from each other, chequer the mountain side; and their clusters of conical roofs, made peculiarly pointed in order to turn off the tropical rains, peeping forth through breaks in the hoary foliage of the juniper or the luxuriant acacia, suggest at once the idea of security and comfort. Numerous tribes of monkeys inhabit the crags and precipices; and birds of the most varied and gorgeous plumage, including the blue heron, the flamingo, and the white ibis of Egypt, bask upon the rocks, or swarm among the branches of the trees Elsewhere, as in the forests of Gidam, and in the jangal tracts on the banks of the Hawash, the elephant, the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the wild buffalo, and the oryx, the lion, the leopard, and the hyæna, with antelopes in droves, augment the living interest of the scene.

alry clad in scarlet and gold, with polished cuirasses and crested helmets.

Upon a closer scrutiny, however, the Abyssinians show to much less advantage. Unhappily they have not yet discovered the value of cleanliness. Addicted, man and woman, to the practice of anointing themselves with mutton fat or rancid butter, and feeding habitually upon raw flesh, which imparts to their perspiration an execrable odor, their approach is always announced by a cloud of a very different quality from that which floated round the gods of classical poetry. What Prior wrote of the la

dies of the Cape, is literally true of the
Abyssinian dames,

Before you see, you smell your toast,
And sweetest she who stinks the most.'

We have ourselves scented a bevy of African damsels at the distance of a hundred yards, and always, when engaged in colloquy with them, manoeuvred to prevent their getting between the wind and our nobility.

In physical conformation, as in habits, the people of Shoa are somewhat coarse. The women exhibited in the slave bazaars of Egypt, under the name of Abyssinians, remarkable for their delicate and finely-proportioned features, for the lightness of their step, and the gracefulness of their figures, are all of them Gallas. Nothing similar is observed in the Abyssinian race, though tradition brings them from Arabia, and fame has blazoned their reputation for beauty throughout the East. Even in the court of the great Kublai Khan poetry delights to place a damsel of this country;

'It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora.'

The inhabitants themselves, whatever may be the defects of their moral character, in the picture tell well, artistically considered. Tall in stature, bulky in form, and affecting a flowing and showy costume, they, especially when on horseback, with lance and buckler, their long dark hair streaming in the wind, excite, mechanically, the admiration of the stranger. To heighten the effect of their exterior, they are generally beheld together, flocking to the court of their despot, or scouring under his lead over hill and plain, upon the mili tary expedition or wild foray. On occa- But in contemplating the present inhabsions like these they vie with each other in itants of Ethiopia, the Gallas, whether conbarbaric splendor. Nations scarcely emerg-verted to Christianity or lingering still ed from the savage state always delight in amid the prejudices of their Mohammedan displays of the precious metals, which, or Pagan creed, ought to be regarded as nabrightly burnished, glitter about their per- tives, since they, perhaps, constitute a masons, or in the caparisoning of their cours-jority, at least among the subjects of the ers. When assembled, therefore, in thou-king of Shoa. And this people, whose hissands and tens of thousands, in the bright tory, beyond a certain period, is unknown, sunshine of the tropics, their spear-blades forcibly attract our thoughts far beyond the flashing, their metallic ornaments, and the limits of Abyssinia, which they hem round appointments of their steeds, sending forth, with their settlements, tributary or hostile, at every movement, coruscations illumina- while their roving hordes, hovering in the ting the surrounding atmosphere, an Am-back-ground in savage independence, obharic host must undoubtedly be a brilliant struct at pleasure the great arteries of Afand exciting spectacle, though inferior, per- rican commerce. Returning towards the haps, in grandeur, to a body of British cav-shores of the Red sea, we meet with the

various tribes of Danakil, the Isah, the Somauli, and the Mudaito, among all of whom a sort of impure leaven of civilization has been thrown hitherto, not to better their condition, but to embitter and degrade it.

Aden roused the jealousy of our political and commercial rivals in both hemispheres. Steps were taken by the United States to arrest our progress on one point by becoming our competitors for the possession of Socotra; the Imam of Muscat, friendly to us upon the whole, though perhaps on compulsion, exercised all the art of diplomacy of which his intellect was capable to supplant us on the shores of the Indian ocean, from Zanzibar upwards; while the French, at first under the direction of M. Thiers, and afterwards, with greater caution, under the guidance of M. Guizot's more astute policy, endeavored to counterbalance the advantages we had gained at Aden, by furtively introducing themselves as friends or masters into the various little emporia and harbors on the coasts of the opposite continent. As a beginning, by force, fraud, or negotiation, the port of Johanna was taken possession of in the island

A different destiny, however, appears to be in store for them. More than one European state has extended its desires to that part of Africa, which, to all appearances, must shortly be subjected to external influence. It has every where, in fact, been the plan of European nations to gird round Africa with a belt of settlements, and then to close in gradually, as it were, upon the interior, civilizing or conquering as they proceed. On the eastern coast this process has been obstructed, at the very first step, by the nature of the country, which, arid, burning, and unproductive, has not been deemed worthy of subjugation. Even commercial settlements have not been attempted until lately. But as soon as Aden became an integral portion of the British of Madagascar. Next a single ship, exempire, it was evident to all who could extend their observations thus far, that the light of our civilization would not be set up in vain on the mountainous promontories of Southern Arabia.* The meteor flag of England,' waving or flapping over our impregnable fortifications, may almost be said to be visible from the African shore, which is visited daily by the sound of our guns. The natives, however, whether in Asia or Africa, are far from being scared by this music, which instead of inspiring terror and apprehension, suggests feelings of confidence and hopes of protection, and attracts them like swarms of bees to the secure hive prepared for them.

Tinnitusque cie, et Matris quate cymbala circum.
Ipsa consident medicatis sedibus: ipsæ
Intima more suo sese in cunabula condent.'

The force of this attraction will be understood when it is remembered that Aden contained no more than six hundred souls when it fell into our hands, whereas the population now, after little more than four years' occupation, ranges betweent wenty and thirty thousand.

The giant strides made in all directions by our Indian empire, our invasion of Affghanistan, our occupation, though temporary, of islands in the Persian Gulf, our negotiations for Socotra, and our settlement at

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ceedingly moderate in dimensions, in order that no alarm might be excited, was despatched to the African shore, with instructions to negotiate for permission to attempt the navigation of the Juba. Whether out of fear of all Europeans, however, or from a well-founded distrust of the French in particular, the Mohammedan authorities greeted the adventurous Gaul with aperemptory refusal. But France, prepared for failure on particular points, was by no means discouraged. A small squadron of ships of war, said to have been fitted out secretly in the port of Bordeaux, shortly afterwards entered the straits of Babelmandeb, not all at once, but dropping in unostentatiously, frigate after frigate, until there was a force in the Red Sea capable of alarming a maritime power less conscious than Great Britain of its irresistible strength. Negotiations were now commenced in downright earnest. Fortunately for the designs of these interlopers, Shereef Hussein, the gov ernor in command at Mocha, entertained extremely hostile feelings towards this country. He believed, whether with or with out reason, that we intended to co-operate with the Imâm of Sana in dislodging him from his post, and therefore regarded the arrival of the French as a fortunate circumstance, and threw open to them at once both his port and his affections. Operations were immediately commenced. Berbera they found was hopelessly secured in the English interest. They consequently made their coup d'essai at Zeyla, which being in

some sort a dependency of Mocha, they can scarcely fail to excite the admiration of reckoned with extreme confidence on ob- the civilized world. Upon the arrival of taining at a blow. The correspondence of the the great diplomatist, the Sheikh was found French commander, had it been intercept- to be absent, engaged we believe in a piled, would doubtless have contained very grimage to the tomb of his prophet. He curious revelations, of the nature of which had, however, according to custom, left his we are of course wholly ignorant. But it better or worse half behind him. Here has somehow or another transpired, that then was an occasion for the display of Ibn Ismail entertained no preference for a French gallantry. The gentlemen of the French alliance, so that the light of Louis mission caused the lady to be informed, that Philippe's countenance was compelled to being anxious to establish a commercial seek for some spot further north, whereon residence in the place, they wished to purto diffuse its radiance. One of the subtle chase a small plot of ground whereon they diplomatists of the Tuileries proceeded to might erect a factory. It was in vain that Tajúra where the generous and gentle Sul- they were informed in reply, that the Sheikh tan Mohamed Ibn Mohamed, whose eulogi- being absent, there was no person at Eedh um has been so feelingly composed by M. possessing authority to treat with them on Rochet d' Héricourt, was expected to yield the subject. They persisted in their dehimself up at once to the seductive charm mand; and at length, by the usual display of French manners. Perverse fatality! of force and insolence, terrified the poor Here also the agents of M. Thiers made the Arab lady into the disposal of what did not disagreeable discovery that the English had belong to her. An instrument was drawn been beforehand with them. Nor was this up in Arabic, making over to them, in conall. Instead of gently declining their alli- sideration of a certain sum, sufficient land ance Mohamed Ibn Mohamed unceremoni- for the ground plot of a house, with perhaps ously and roughly ordered them to depart a court or garden. Of the purchase-money, from his territories, where he caused them one half was to be paid down, the other at very distinctly to understand their presence some future time stated in the instrument. would be exceedingly offensive to his good According to custom, a translation of the friends of Aden. All this may appear very document was made for transmission into inexplicable to one acquainted with the cir- France, and to this as well as to the origicumstance that Tajúra pays, from time im-nal the lady was prevailed upon to set her memorial, a sort of tribute to Zeyla, while seal. Instead, however, of adhering to the Zeyla again pays tribute to Mocha, which terms agreed upon in the Arabic document, at the period of the above transactions was devoted to French interests. Most readers, however, remember the classical anecdote of Philip of Macedon, who said that no city was impregnable to him, which could be approached by an ass laden with darics. Now asses of all kinds are plentiful in the east, and the English, it is said, are prone to use them, which may in part account for the little success that attended the ef- While these creditable movements were forts of M. Thiers' naval missionaries. But in progress on the coast, the interior was the authorities both of Zeyla and Tajúra by no means neglected. Shoals of French were, moreover, sufficiently able to calculate spies and emissaries drifted before the poto convince themselves, that the nation licy of the warlike minister into Tigré, which commanded the entrance to the Red Gojam, and Shoa, some intent upon fulfillSea, and possessed a line of enormous ing the designs of their employers and some steamers capable of blowing in one hour with other projects to which we shall allude the whole of their frail tenements into the anon. It is well known to the public that air, was far more to be dreaded than a state the English Church Missionary Society like France, in whose power they were very had at different times despatched several slow to believe. The game which thus fail- ministers into Abyssinia for the purpose ed without the straits was now played with- of diffusing in that benighted country a in, first at Massowah, with no better luck, correct knowledge of Christianity. and next at Eedh, where an exhibition of these some were actually there when the French probity and faith was made, which French agents arrived. Their presence,

the honest agents of Louis Philippe, not being exposed to immediate detection, transferred to themselves one hundred and fifty miles of coast, over which the Sheikh and his wife had about as much authority as we have! This characteristic transaction opviously justifies our neighbors in applying to us, as they constantly do, the appellation of La Perfide Albion.


however, and the influence they exercised, factures. Nevertheless, our English goods were so wholly incompatible with the views could not be wholly excluded from the of France, that the first step taken by its Abyssinian market, their cheapness and unscrupulous emissaries was to dislodge superiority obtained for them an irritating The experiment was commenced preference. Recourse, therefore, was had in Tigré, the cruel and astute despot of to other manœuvres, and as a master-stroke which, tolerant not through principle, but of diplomacy, the idea was diligently cirthrough policy, had up to that time favored culated throughout the country that the them to serve a political purpose. An Egyp- English were insidiously making their aptian army, it was said, secretly no doubt proaches, in order to abolish the slave encouraged and urged on by France, had trade, and thus in every house, from the approached to within three days' march of palace to the cottage, to arm and animate the frontiers of Tigre, with what views was the servant against his master. not publicly stated. Ubié feared, however, In giving currency to these calumnious that Mohammed Ali contemplated the entire reports, numerous agents were busily enconquest of Abyssinia, which in reality was gaged, and at their head may be placed the the fact, though a chain of circumstances, Messrs. d'Abadie and the well-known Roguided by a far distant hand, checked the chet d'Héricourt. But in selecting this pasha's ambitious enterprise. So long as last-named individual M. Thiers had made the Egyptians continued to advance, Übié a great mistake. Rochet, as Sáhila Seexhibited every token of friendship towards lássi used familiarly to call him, was not a the missionaries, because he expected, person to be content with the position of through them, to obtain from India mili- an emissary. He formed plans of gigantic tary assistance against the Egyptian pasha. dimensions and aimed high, and if fortune When, in obedience to the court of St. stepped in between him and success, the James's, Mohammed Ali relinquished his de- fact is only to be accounted for by the cirsign upon Abyssinia, the ruler of Tigré, cumstance that M. Rochet's ambition was not by any means aware to whom he owed very greatly an overmatch for his prudence. his deliverance, began immediately to look Had it been otherwise his plans might have coldly upon the English missionaries, and come to us through the channels of history, to listen to the insinuations and promises which would have had to record how M. of the French. Among these was a Ro- Rochet d'Héricourt arrived in Shoa by man Catholic priest, animated at once by way of Tajúra; how, by the dispensing of religious and national bigotry, who excited medicine and other arts, he ingratiated the fanaticism of the Abyssinian clergy himself with the inhabitants of the counagainst our Protestant brethren, by de- try, and got together a strong party; how, nouncing them incessantly as heretics, and through his agency, Sáhila Selassi was sent maintaining that they were universally so to sleep with his fathers; how he seated regarded in Europe. These sectarian de- himself on his vacant throne, took the royal nunciations were vigorously seconded by Besabesh into his harem, added thereto the the diplomacy of the secular emissaries. most beautiful among the five hundred conThey dwelt upon the encroaching spirit cubines of his predecessor, erected his new and perfidious policy of England, which, capital on the summit of one of the loftiest by treachery the most consummate, had mountains in the country, offered the honestablished its authority throughout a great ors of the patriarchate to Mr. Krapf, the part of Asia, and was now pushing its pre- English missionary, on condition he would liminary settlements towards Abyssinia co-operate with him in carrying out his along the shores of the Red Sea. Ubié plans, sent the lazy native priests to culsuffering himself to be alarmed by these re-tivate cotton and sugar-canes in the sultry presentations, withdrew his protection from valleys of Gidam, conquered the surroundthe English missionaries, and ordered them ing Gallas, extinguished English influence, instantaneously to quit his country. The and extended condescendingly the right same arts were put in practice with more hand of fellowship to his former most or less success in Amhara, Gojam, and Shoa. Every where French influence was predominant, and by an artful though extremely sparing distribution of presents and still more liberal promises, a taste was attempted to be excited for French manu

scrupulous and royal master the King of the French. The reader may smile; but most certain it is that our worthy French adventurer contemplated all we have sketched out, and more. Nor would the undertaking have proved so difficult as might at

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