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They did so; and this promising officer, in the progress of his service, became Sir Jeremiah Coghlan, a post-captain.

But Lord St. Vincent did not stop here; he thus wrote to Lord Spencer :'My Dear Lord,


Lord St. Vincent caused it to be understood, that no Captain or Commander in his fleet was to be off the quarterdeck or poop when any movement of the ship was made, night or day; and he generally set them his own example. One dark, cold, blowing November night, with much rain, I shall not trouble your lordship with a the Secretary having heard the signal or- word more than is contained in the enclosed dered for the fleet to tack in succession,' private letter from Sir Edward Pellew, on the hastened to prevent the Commander-in-subject of the intrepid Coghlan, except to say chief from going upon deck in such a (not out of ostentation, but to prevent the city, night, he being unwell. Finding his cot or any body of merchants, making him a present of the same sort) that I gave him a sword empty, he took up his cloak and ran upon of one hundred guineas' value. deck. He was not there, and no one had 'Yours most faithfully, seen him he had not passed the sentries; the windows were closed; his clothes were on the chair. At last he threw up the galHaving occasion to shift his flag into the ley window and stepped out; and there, Royal George, his attention was drawn to sure enough, at the further end of the gal- a remarkably fine boy, who, as he learned ley was the old Admiral, in his flannel from Captain Domett, wrote in the Secredressing-gown and cocked hat, watching tary's office, and was a nephew of Captain the movements of his fleet. The Secre- Wilmot, who was promoted by his lordship tary put on his cloak, and entreated him to for his gallant conduct when first lieutenant return into the cabin. Hush, sir, hush,' of the Seahorse, and who afterwards nobly said the Admiral; 'I want to see how the fell in the breach at Acre. He called the evolution is performed in such a night as boy before him, asked whether his present this, and to know whether Jemmy' (Cap-employment was his own choice, or whether tain James Vashon, second astern of the flag-ship) is on deck.' This was soon certified by Jemmy's shrill voice giving the usual warning- Are you all ready, forward there?' Ay,' said the old chief; that will do;' and then he accompanied the Secretary into the cabin.

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he would prefer a more active life? The boy said his own wish was to be a midshipman; but his friends had no influence, nor means to enable him to join a midshipman's mess. The Secretary was instantly sent for. 'Good Heavens, Tucker! here is the nephew of poor David Wilmot, a common Stern disciplinarian as was St. Vincent, boy, and his parents cannot afford to clothe and suffering none of his orders and regu-him as a petty officer! Do you immediately lations to be disobeyed with impunity, there send into port, and equip him in every renever was a more considerate, humane, and spect for the quarterdeck.' No sooner said kind-hearted man, when a deserving object than done; and when the flag returned to was brought before him. An instance or the Ville de Paris, the boy was most agreeatwo may here be mentioned. Mr. Coghlan, bly surprised to find himself rated a midin the Viper cutter, captured the Cerbère shipman, with uniforms and a well stored by a dashing feat of gallantry. Lord St. chest. Mr. Tucker need not have apoloVincent, in writing to the Secretary of the gized to this gallant officer for saying, that Admiralty says I did not think the gal- his whole life has been one of high credit lantry of Sir Edward Hamilton and Cap- to his patron; that he has since behaved tain Patrick Campbell could have been ri- so gallantly upon every occasion, as to have valled, until I read the enclosed letter from promoted himself to the honor and rank of Sir Edward Pellew, relating the desperate a very distinguished post-captain. The service performed by acting Lieutenant apology should have been for concealing his Coghlan of the Viper cutter, which has name. filled me with pride and admiration.' . . . 'I am persuaded the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty will do all in their power to console him under his severe wounds, and make a minute for his promotion the moment he is in a capacity to receive it.'

Rear-Admiral the Honorable G. Berkeley, whose flag was in the Mars.

When Lord St. Vincent promoted Captain Hill to the Megæra, the Captain had to pay £50 for necessaries as valued by survey, which he thought were not worth £10. On going on board the flag-ship, the Chief accosted him thus: Hill, Bover says you decline taking his necessaries.' 'Yes, my lord, they are valued at £50, and not worth

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£10; I must certainly provide a fresh sup- who had been made aware that, with very ply.' But, poor Bover!' replied his lord- slender means, he was, by great personal ship, poor Bover! Hill you must take privations, nobly struggling to support a them from him.' He then ordered his Sec- wife and a numerous young family. The retary to draw a check for £100, and give brig came in to be repaired, and was found it to the Captain to pay for them, whisper- in bad condition. His lordship observeding in his ear-Hill, your father and IIf I send him to England now, he'll be were such friends that we once shared the paid off, and he has not wherewith to buy same purse;' this was a command admitting a gown for his wife and daughters.' He of no reply. One day the ship's company therefore ordered that, when repaired, the were ordered to bathe. On returning to brig should receive a complete refit and be their duty, Lord St. Vincent observed a fa- well stored-and, to shorten the story, this vorite seaman in tears, surrounded by a worthy officer found in the parcel containgroup of his comrades. He called his ing his orders for a cruise, £100, to proSecretary and said-There's my delight, vide for his private outfit. Roger Odell, in tears; go, see what's the matter.' It turned out that Roger had jumped off the fore-yard with his trousers on; and had forgotten that all he possessed in the world consisted of bank-notes, in one of the pockets. The water reduced them to a useless pulp. The Admiral went into his cabin, but presently returned, and ordered all hands to be turned up. Odell was summoned, and the Admiral assuming one of his angry looks, thus addressed him, 'Roger Odell, you are convicted, sir, by your own appearance, of tarnishing the British oak with tears! What have you to say? The poor fellow, overpowered by his distress, could only plead-That he had lost all he had in the world, that he had been many years saving it, and that he could not help crying a little.' The Admiral, still preserving his look of displeasure, said-The loss of money, sir, can never be an excuse to a British seamen for tears.' Then softening down his tones, he proceeded- Roger Odell, you are one of the best men in this ship; in my life I never saw a man behave better in battle than you, in the Victory, did in the action with the Spanish fleet. To show, therefore, that your commander-in-chief will never pass over merit wheresoever he may find it there is your money, sir,' (giving him £70) -'but no more tears, mind; no more tears.' The poor fellow, holding the notes in his hands, astonished and confused, but becoming sensible of the reality, said, in a hurried manner-Thank ye, my lord, thank ye!'-and dived down below to conceal a fresh gush of tears of gratitude.

On opening one of the letters from London, brought in the cutter, Lord St. Vincent rang his bell violently for Mr. Tucker, who, on entering, was asked whether a good dinner for forty or fifty could be managed for that day. Receiving an answer in the affirmative, he ordered signals for the fleet to lie-to, and to invite all the Admirals and Captains to dine, 'for,' he added, 'the cutter must return this evening.' When dinner was ended, he produced the letter, and apologizing for the short notice he had given, said he was anxious to take the earliest opportunity of communicating to them its subject-matter. A Mr. Thomson wrote to inform him that, he had an establishment at Paddington for the orphan children of seamen who had fallen in their country's service; that it had hitherto been supported by voluntary contribution, but that the funds being nearly exhausted, he was compelled to solicit his lordship for a little assistance.' He then reminded them that they all owed their honors, their fortunes, and their rank to the devoted gallantry of the brave men whose children were left destitute orphans. That, as he himself had benefited most by these brave fellows, his own contribution ought to be the largest, but not regarded as any example for others, each giving only what he could without inconvenience afford. The youngest, as is the practice in Courtsmartial, gave his name for the first contribution; and, when the paper came to Lord St. Vincent, he wrote upon it one thousand pounds. After this well-spent evening, every one left the ship in good-humor, pleased with themselves and with the old

The merits of a commander of a small Commander-in-chief's deportment throughbrig, who, from unavoidable circumstances, had been kept out on a most trying service longer than usual, without starting a difficulty or allowing a murmur to escape him, were not unobserved by Lord St. Vincent;

out. The establishment continued to go on under the humane superintendence of Mr. Thomson, till it attracted the attention and support of Government, and became, what it now is, the Naval Asylum.

Such was Lord St. Vincent-a stern and rigorous disciplinarian-but one who, on all occasions, showed that he possessed a most kind and generous disposition-ever ready and anxious to relieve distress, and to promote, to the utmost of his power, a friendless and deserving officer.

ted to Lord St. Vincent the King's command, that the appointment of the first Lord of the Admiralty should be offered to him—a proposal which his lordship did not hesitate to entertain, having no objection to join the administration of all the talents.' What he said to the King, and To the young Captains he was indul- what the King said to him, Mr. Tucker no gent, and always ready to offer them ad- doubt found recorded among his father's vice. In a letter to (Mr. Tucker papers. He told the King, 'that he should very provokingly and unnecessarily leaves make but a bad return for all the honors all the names blank) his lordship says and favors which his majesty had most "You are a young man, and rather overhasty in applying for an investigation or trial;' and he admonishes him, that the mere sound of court-martial has the same pestilential effects as a suspicion of female chastity.'

graciously bestowed upon him, and very ill discharge his duty, if he did not frankly and honestly tell his majesty, that, having served nearly half a century with the Roman Catholics, and seen them tried in all He was not overpleased with some of the situations, it was his decided and conscienLords of Admiralty. In a letter to Mr. Ne- tious opinion, that they were entitled to be pean, he 'desires he will state to Lord placed upon the same footing in every reSpencer the impossibility of governing a spect as his majesty's Protestant subjects.' large fleet in times like these, while the And more to this effect, adding-'That havsubordinate officers are encouraged by pa- ing discharged his duty to his majesty and to trons of the Admiralty Board, whom I can himself, he would also add, that his life and compare to nothing else but the orators in his utmost services were at his majesty's disancient Rome, who took up the cause of posal, and that he was ready to return to every discontented and factious person who the fleet, or to serve his majesty on shore, presented himself at the forum.' Again, or to retire into private life, as his majesty in writing to the same, he says-'I have might think proper to command.' When no objection to the correspondence of the he had finished, the King replied-Lord whole world being conveyed under cover St. Vincent, you have in this instance, as to me, with the exception of that which you have in every other, behaved like an passes between puisne lords of the Admi- honest, honorable man. Upon the question ralty and subordinates of the fleet under my of Catholic emancipation, my mind is made command.' And he carries his objections up, from which I never' (with great enerinto practical effect, by returning a letter gy) will depart; and, therefore, as it is to Sir Evan Nepean, saying-' He has for- not likely that it will be a matter agitated bidden surreptitious correspondence be- or discussed between us, I can see no reatween members of the Board of Admiralty son why you should not take the Admiraland the officers of the fleet, so derogatory ty, where I very much wish to see you, and from the discipline and subordination there- to place the navy entirely in your hands.' of.' This was certainly taking high ground.

Thus was the lofty-minded and uncompromising Whig, for once in his life, thrown. In one of his letters he says- First amongst a combination of Whigs and ToLords of the Admiralty, on their entrance ries. Mr. Grey's motion on the state of into office, resemble princes, are sur- the nation, and Mr. Fox's denunciation of rounded by flatterers, and seldom learn the the inefficiency of Mr. Addington and his true character of their subordinates. Icolleagues, must have been rather awkhave, to the utmost of my power, endeavor-ward; but then from the latter was excepted ed to put Lord Spencer in possession of the first Lord of the Admiralty. 'I do not every knowledge I have of men and things: think,' said Fox, 'it would be easy, if and I have gone further with him than I possible, to find a man in the whole comever did with any other man in office.' munity better suited, or more capable of the Little did the noble lord dream, when he high office he fills, than the distinguished penned this sentence, that he was himself person at the head of the Admiralty-I on the threshold of that envied station of mean the Earl St. Vincent.' Thus, it ap'Princes;' but so it was. On the disso- pears, that notwithstanding all the handlution of Mr. Pitt's Government, Mr. Ad- some things said of him, Lord St. Vincent dington, who succeeded him, communica- was early convinced, that first Lords of

tiating for him the rank of "earl," instead of "viscount," as was intended after his victory of 14th February. My colleague,' he adds, having long found his official situation irksome, in consequence of the footing on which he stood with some of the members of the Board, obtained from Mr. Addington the appointment of Chief Secretary in Ireland, with the rank of baronet.'* Mr. Marsden succeeded Nepean, though he at first declined the Secretaryship; and, he says, opened his mind to Lord St. Vincent. He told him he was convinced, from expe

the Admiralty, on entrance into office, do not exactly resemble princes, nor are they surrounded by flatterers, even among some of their own friends, as he experienced on his first entrance, and also in the sequel.' He soon, in fact, discovered what his new position really was; that it was by no means an easy one, but, on the contrary, one that required greater temper and circumspection, to avoid giving umbrage to the multitude of applicants of all descriptions. Some of the duties and qualifications of first Lords are thus stated by one who has had considerable experience:rience, of the tempers, ideas, and conduct 'He should possess a sound judgment and of the professional members of the Board, great discretion-a patient and placid tem- (Troubridge and Markham;) that he could per-a courteous deportment and civil de- not carry on the public business with them, meanor to all-an easy access to officers of with the least chance of satisfaction to his every rank and a ready and obliging ac- own feelings;† and he frankly expressed to knowledgment of all applications address- his lordship his conviction, that it was not ed to him in writing; for a kind manner of in his lordship's power to remedy it, as he receiving and replying to them, personally could not change their natures, or do withor by letter, goes a great way towards out them. Marsden contrived, however, softening the bitter pangs of disappoint- to keep on good terms with them, though ment, the unavoidable result of a non-com- Nepean could not. pliance with what is requested."

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Lord St. Vincent soon discovered that the How far Lord St. Vincent's demeanor Admiralty presented no 'bed of roses' to corresponded with this, in his reception of repose upon. It was not a situation he had officers, we have no means of knowing; but sought, or one that he ever appeared anxious his letters of refusal are generally expressed to retain. Perhaps he did not find himself exin courteous terms, and with much tact. actly suited for it. What sort of figure I His Board, however, was certainly unpopu- shall make,' (he writes to Lord Keith,) lar in the naval service, both ashore and will be seen. I have known many a good afloat; more so, it would appear, from the admiral make a wretched first Lord of the temper of the two professional lords, (the Admiralty. I will, however, support the other three being ciphers,) than from any Commander-in-chief upon all occasions, conduct of his own. With Sir Thomas and prohibit any intrigue against them in Troubridge he had no acquaintance but this office.' He had long conceived a what was gained from their professional in- most unfavorable opinion of the Navy tercourse in the Mediterranean; but he Board, and of the abuses committed in the very soon proved his eminent qualities, and dockyards. I hope,' he says to Mr. the beautiful description he gave of them Thomas Grenville, you will be able to fully warranted his nomination as a senior brush these spiders from the Navy Board.’ or advising lord of the Chief-He is the This, if meant personally to the members ablest adviser, and best executive officer in of the board, is too strongly expressed; the the British navy, with honor and courage system undoubtedly was bad, but there bright as his sword!' Of Markham he were among the Commissioners many excould not have known much professionally, cellent, intelligent, and honest men. Need but speaks highly of him. Lord St. Vin- we mention the name of Sir Andrew Hamcent,' Mr. Marsden says, 'during the mond, or of Admiral Sir Byam Martin, course of his naval administration, be- than whom a better officer or a more corhaved to me with uniform attention and rect man does not exist? liteness; but my colleague Nepean could not say the same thing, although he had been an old connexion (follower as the naval term is) of Sir John Jervis, and had taken a zealous part with the minister in nego* Sir John Barrow's Life of Earl Howe.


Whether Lord St. Vincent was, in this respect, right or wrong, he had scarcely got into his seat when he determined to


Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of Mr. Marsden-written by himself, and printed by his


+ Ibidem.

Marsden's Memoirs.

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probe the alleged abuses to the quick; and] of Plymouth dockyard. The mutinous for this purpose he brought before the Cab- spirit of the shipwrights there he had preinet the plan of a searching investigation, viously subdued. They had sent up to the by means of a commission, which he named Admiralty a set of delegates, (a name syThe Commission of Naval Inquiry,' but nonymous, in his lordship's opinion, with which his opponents called the Naval In- rebels or mutineers,) who were expected to quisition. Mr. Addington from the first extort from the Board, just then pressed for opposed it, and then rejected it altogether. an increase of ships, a compliance with sevHis Lordship, however, was firm, and de- eral exorbitant demands-such as Lord St. clared, 'No power short of what I demand Vincent denounced as not merely remoncan search such abuses as I denounce; strances, but insubordination, which he deand no honest or faithful servant can have termined, with his usual firmness, at once aught to fear; and he made it the sine qua to punish. These gentlemen delegates non of his remaining in the Cabinet. They were thunderstruck on being informed that at length yielded, and the Commission of the Board had ordered they should be turned Naval Inquiry,' with certain modifications, out of the Admiralty yard into the street, was instituted by act of Parliament. Mr. and that every man of them was discharged Secretary Tucker dined with Lord St. Vin- from the service. cent the day it had been submitted to the But these proceedings, however expediCabinet; when the dinner party was break- ent, must have been most annoying to Lord ing up, Lord St. Vincent said, 'Tucker, St. Vincent, and must have proved to him stay!' and then added, excepting my how very unlike 'Princes' were first Lords Lord Chancellor, the whole Cabinet has of the Admiralty. All the naval departmutinied to-day. My Commission is re- ments, from the Navy Board (the highest) jected; but,' bending his fist, while his countenance personified his invincible firmness, we'll read them a lesson out of the articles of war to-morrow, sir!' He then declared that he would not again sit on the ministerial bench in the House of Lords, till he had carried his point.

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Fourteen or fifteen large folio volumes being published at the time, it was hardly necessary or expedient for our biographers to go into lengthened details of a measure productive of little or no interest or importance, unless a harassing and expensive state prosecution of the late Lord Melville may have been so considered; which, though it failed of conviction, yet succeeded in utterly destroying his utility as a statesman, while it deprived Mr. Pitt of an able coadjutor

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to the lowest, were in hostility to his Board; and it was not appeased by the Earl's appointing his private Secretary a commissioner of the navy, with a seat at the board in Somerset House-a very proper appointment of a fit and able man, had it proceeded from any other quarter.

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The Board was much censured by the public for the kind of preparation made against the threatened invasion of England from Boulogne, and for appointing that bravest of the brave,' Nelson, to the command of a service so unworthy of him ;for establishing the sea fencibles; building Martello towers; sinking stone vessels, &c.; and Mr. Pitt brought forward, in the House of Commons, various charges of mismanagement in the naval service. motion was negatived; but Mr. Addington's administration had become so unpopular, that the Whigs united with Mr. Pitt against it; and Mr. Fox's motion on the national defence being lost only by a small minority, Mr. Addington's Cabinet resigned.


The next step taken by his lordship was a personal visitation, by himself and his Board, to the dockyards; the main object being, as Marsden says, 'to find grounds for delinquencies presumed in the first instance.' At Deptford,' he says, we experienced much abuse from the enraged families of the workmen discharged, or reduced in their allowances, and with some difficulty escaped from worse treatment.' In point of fact they did not escape; for we know, from the same authority, that the whole Board was pelted along the street of Deptford with mud and stones, from the upon him a violent hostility, not only from moment they passed the dock gates.

On the whole, Lord St. Vincent's administration was not popular. We are strongly disposed to believe that it was mainly owing to two circumstances; the one an honest and ardent desire to put an end to those gross and avowed abuses, which pervaded the whole civil departments of the naval service an attempt which brought

the parties themselves, but from their No murmurs were heard at the visitation | friends and connexions; the other, a de

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