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pressed by General Bertrand, of course under | only of the malice and vindictiveness which acBonaparte's direction. Again, Sir Hudson tuated him, but also of his ingenious mendacity. never sat in the presence of Napoleon Bonaparte without being requested to do so. His conversations with Bonaparte were all in Italian; and in addressing him he invariably used the third person singular, Lei, which is a polite mode of expression, and may be employed in that language to persons of any rank.

Napoleon is said to have remarked-in reference to libels against himself, which he was urged, while at St. Helena, to answer-" Where are now the libels against Cæsar? sooner or later all calumny must die." Sir Hudson Lowe likewise insisted that truth would eventually prevail. But he did not consider the force with Sir Hudson Lowe had altogether but four in- which calumnies are propelled by party and poterviews with Bonaparte, and on two of those oc- litical spirit, nor how powerful is prejudice when casions Napoleon's language and manner were once deeply rooted. The calumnies against not only very violent, but also personally insult-him will assuredly die; but the present generaing to Sir Hudson; who, however, regar ded his tion must first pass away. violence as the roarings of an encaged tiger, and Had Sir Hudson laid a full statement of his calmly suffered his fury to exhale without retort. | conduct before the world, he would thereby have Rear-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm was present changed the tone of historians in reference to it. during the last, and I heard him say that Bona-Writers of general history, as well as Bonaparte wholly forgot the respect which he owed to parte's biographers, necessarily dwell more or himself, as well as what was due towards a Brit-less upon St. Helena occurrences; and historiish officer and a gentleman; while the Governor's conduct was perfect throughout.* Now this I heard Sir Pulteney Malcolm mention at his own hospitable board; and I think on the same day that the occurrence took place. I was the only military man present, but many naval officers must still be alive who can corroborate my


I have not a doubt that Sir Hudson Lowe's papers will be found to contain nearly verbatim, his conversations with Bonaparte; and very curious ones we shall find them to have been. And here I cannot help expressing my deep regret that he did not publish a full account of his Governorship, immediately on his return from the island. I am well aware that he felt very great delicacy about publishing certain official documents without the sanction of Government, as he entertained peculiarly strict notions in regard to the conduct of a public servant; still, as his character had been assailed by systematic calumnies, put forth under the most artiul forms; and, as the subject of Napoleon's treatment in captivity was of universal interest, I think that, not only in justice to his own reputation, but also for the credit of our country, he ought to have spoken out. I am, however, very far from considering that the libels themselves were worthy of a direct reply from himself. Sir Hudson Lowe's conduct, throughout the whole of his government, had received the most unqualified approval both of his Sovereign and the British Ministry; and for a man of his station and character to descend into the arena of controversy, and combat such antagonists as were his assailants, would have been, and Sir Hudson felt it so,-improper and undignified. The Quarterly Review, however, espoused the cause of Sir Hudson Lowe,-and of truth: and, in a very able article which appeared in October, 1822, completely destroyed the credit of the principal libeller, by furnishing documentary proof, not *I am not sure of the fact, but think it was after this scene, that Napoleon expressed his disappointment at his affected passion having failed to provoke the ire of the Governor. "Could I but have made that man bang the door after him," was his observation. His object, of course, was to make Sir Hudson commit himself in the presence of Sir Pulteney Malcolm.

ans-like all animals-if they cannot obtain good wholesome food, are compelled to put up with the best they are able to procure. Possibly Sir Hudson Lowe did not foresee precisely what would be the full effect of his treasuring up truth for posterity; but I suspect that each successive historian rather unpleasantly reminded him of what I always considered to be his great mistake, and that others of his friends think as I do, I have reason to know.

In justice to Bonaparte, I must here mention, that on his death-bed he felt compunction for the wrongs which his line of policy had done Sir Hudson Lowe; and it was his dying command to Count Bertrand, who had been the principal medium, through his public letters, and the support he gave to Mr. O'Meara's insidious practices, of carrying forward his master's unworthy plans, that he should omit no means to become reconciled to the Governor. Count Bertrand accordingly made overtures to him with this view, which were met by the generosity and good feeling which at all times characterized Sir Hudson Lowe.

I must not attempt to draw this paper to a greater length; having given a kind of general testimony in favor of a revered friend's memory, I shall refrain from seeking to vindicate it by entering more into particulars. Besides, as I have on various occasions been admitted to a partial knowledge of Sir Hudson Lowe's correspondence, and likewise gleaned, in conversation, what were his sentiments and feelings upon many points relating to his St. Helena Government, I think it would be improper in me to anticipate the labors of his future biographer.


of January last a great volcanic eruption took place near the summit of a mountain called Manna Loa, at an elevation of 14,000 feet above the sea, and has since poured out floods of burning lava in terrific abundance. A similar phenomenon occurred in another part of the island, near the missionary station Hillo, in 1840. The Chimneys of this quarter of the Earth seem to be established in and about the Sandwich group. Lit. Gaz,


From the Edinburgh Review.

The Life of Andrew Marvell, the celebrated

Patriot; with Extracts and Selections

from his Prose and Poetical Works. By

his studies with diligence. About this period he lost his father under circumstances peculiary affecting.

these little domestic tragedies-not infre The death of this good man forms one of quent in real life-to which imagination itself can scarcely add one touching incident, and which are as affecting as any that fiction can furnish. It appears that on the other side of the Humber lived a lady (an intimate friend of Marvell's father) who had an only and lovely daughter, endeared to all who knew her, and so much the idol of her mother that she could scarcely bear her to be out of her sight. On one occasion, however, she yielded to the importunity of Mr. Marvell, and suffered her daughter to cross the water to Hull, to be present at the baptism of one of his children. The day after the ceremony, the young lady was to return.

JOHN DOVE. 12mo. London : 1832. ANDREW MARVELL was a native of Kingston-upon-Hull, where he was born Nov. 15, 1620. His father, of the same name, was master of the grammar school, and lecturer of Trinity Church in that town. He is described by Fuller and Echard as facetious,' so that his son's wit, it would appear, was hereditary. He is also said to have displayed considerable eloquence in the pulpit; and even to have excelled in that kind of oratory which would seem at first sight least allied to a mirthful temperament-we mean the paThe weather was tempestuthetic. The conjunction, however, of wit and ous, and on reaching the river's side, accomsensibility, has been found in a far greater panied by Mr. Marvell, the boatmen endeavnumber of instances than would at first sight ored to dissuade her from crossing. But, be imagined, as we might easily prove by ex- afraid of alarming her mother by prolonging amples, if this were the place for it: nor her absence, she persisted. Mr. Marvell would it be difficult to give the rationale of added his importunities to the arguments of the fact. Both, at all events, are amongst the the boatmen, but in vain. Finding her inmost general, though far from universal ac- flexible, he told her that as she had incurred companiments of genius.-The diligence of this peril to oblige him, he felt himself' bound Mr. Marvell's pulpit preparations has been in honor and conscience' not to desert her; celebrated by Fuller in his Worthies' with and, having prevailed on some boatmen to characteristic quaintness. He was a most hazard the passage, they embarked together. excellent preacher,' says he, 'who never As they were putting off, he flung his goldbroached what he had new brewed, but preach-headed cane on shore, and told the spectators ed what he had pre-studied some competent that, in case he should never return, it was time before, insomuch that he was wont to say, to be given his son, with the injunction 'to that he would cross the common proverb, remember his father.' The boat was upset, which called Saturday the working day and and both were lost. Monday the holyday of preachers.' The lessons of the pulpit he enforced by the persuasive eloquence of a devoted life. During the pestilential epidemic of 1637, we are told that he distinguished himself by an intrepid dis-sessed. charge of his pastoral functions.

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As soon as the mother had a little recovered the shock, she sent for the young orphan, intimated her intention to provide for his education, and at her death left him all she pos

One of his biographers informs us that young Marvell took his degree of B. A. in the year 1638, and was admitted to a scholarship.* If so, he did not retain it very long. Though in no further danger from the Jesuits, he seems to have been beset by more formidable enemies in his own bosom. Either from too early becoming his own master, or from being betrayed into follies to which his lively temperament and social qualities readily exposed him, he became negligent in his studies; and having absented himself from certain exercises,' and otherwise been guilty of sundry unacademic irregularities, he, with four others, was adjudged by the masters and

Having given early indications of superior talents, young Andrew was sent, when not quite fifteen years of age, to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was partly or wholly maintained by an exhibition from his native town. He had not been long there, when, like Chillingworth, he was ensnared by the proselyting arts of the Jesuits, who, with subtilty equal to their zeal, commissioned their emissaries specially to aim at the conversion of such of the university youths as gave indications of signal ability. It appears that he was inveigled from college to London. Having been tracked thither by his father, he was discovered after some months in a bookseller's shop, and restored to the university. During the two succeeding years he pursued 1726.

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*Cooke, in the life prefixed to Marvell's poems.

seniors unworthy of receiving any further this period was spent, and a considerable benefit from the college,' unless they showed though indeterminate portion at the close of just cause to the contrary within three months. it. The record referred to is a recommendaThe required vindication does not appear to have been found, or at all events was never offered. The record of this transaction bears date September 24, 1641.

tory letter of Milton to Bradshaw, dated Feb. 21, 1652. It appears that Marvell was then an unsuccessful candidate for the office of assistant Latin Secretary. In this letter, after Soon after this, probably at the commence- describing Marvell as a man of 'singular dement of 1642, Marvell seems to have set out sert,' both from 'report' and personal 'conon his travels, in the course of which he verse,' he proceeds to say-' He hath spent visited a great part of Europe. At Rome he four years abroad, in Holland, France, Italy, stayed a considerable time, where Milton was and Spain, to very good purpose, as I believe, then residing, and where, in all probability, and the gaining of those four languages; betheir lifelong friendship commenced. With sides, he is a scholar, and well read in the Latin an intrepidity, characteristic of both, it is and Greek authors, and no doubt of an apsaid they openly argued against the supersti-proved conversation; for he comes now lately tions of Rome within the precincts of the Va-out of the house of the Lord Fairfax, where tican. It was here, also, that Marvell made he was entrusted to give some instructions in the first essay of his satirical powers in a lam- the languages to the lady, his daughter.' poon on Richard Flecknoe. It is now remembered only as having suggested the terrible satire of Dryden on the laureate Shadwell. At Paris he made another attempt at satire in Latin, of about the same order of merit. The subject of it was an Abbé named Lancelot Joseph de Maniban, who professed to interpret the characters and prognosticate the fortunes of strangers by an inspection of their handwriting.

Milton concludes the letter with a sentence which fully discloses the very high estimation he had formed of Marvell's abilities—' This, my lord, I write sincerely, without any other end than to perform my duty to the public in helping them to an humble servant; laying aside those jealousies and that emulation which mine own condition might suggest to me by bringing in such a coadjutor.'

In the following year, 1653, Marvell was appointed tutor to Cromwell's nephew, Mr. Dutton. Shortly after receiving his charge, he addressed a letter to the Protector, from which we extract one or two sentences char

After this we have no trace whatever of Marvell for some years; and his biographers have, as usual, endeavored to supply the deficiency by conjecture-some of them so idly, that they have made him secretary to an em-acteristic of his caution, good sense, and bassy which had then no existence.

Mr. Dove* says, that this lack of information respecting Marvell extends over eleven years-not quite, however, even on his own showing; for the very next record he supplies, tells us at least how the first four years of


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* We gladly admit that Mr. Dove's little volume is a tolerably full and accurate compilation of what is known to us of Andrew Marvell's history, and contains some pleasant extracts from his writings. But we must express our regret that he has been, in a trifling degree, misled, by adhering too literally to the etymology of the word 'compilation. It is true that compilation' comes from compilatio, and equally true that compilatio means 'pillage;' but it does not follow that compilation' is to be literally 'pillage. A considerable number of his sentences, sometimes whole paragraphs, are transferred from Mr. D'Israeli's Miscellanies, and from two articles on Andrew Marvell which appeared in the Retrospective Review some twenty years ago, without alteration and without any sort of acknowledgment Had they been printed between inverted commas, and the sources specified, we should have called it 'compilation' but no pillage'-as it is, we must call it pillage, and not compilation. Mr. Dove may, it is true, have been the author of the articles in question. If so, there was no conceivable reason why he should not have owned them, and we can only regret that he has omitted to do it. If not, we cannot justify the usé he has made of them.

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conscientiousness. I have taken care,' says he, 'to examine him [his pupil] several times in the presence of Mr. Oxenbridge, as those who weigh and tell over money before some witness ere they take charge of it; for I thought there might be possibly some lightness in the coin, or error in the telling, which hereafter I should be bound to make good.'

'He is of a gentle and waxen disposition; and God be praised, I cannot say he hath brought with him any evil impression, and I shall hope to set nothing into his spirit but what may be of a good sculpture. He hath in him two things that make youth most easy to be managed-modesty, which is the bridle to vice-and emulation, which is the spur to virtue. Above

all, I shall labor to make him sensible of his duty to God; for then we begin to serve faithfully when we consider He is our master.'

On the publication of Milton's second Defence,' Marvell was commissioned to present it to the Protector. After doing so, he addressed a letter of compliment to Milton, the terms of which evince the strong admiration with which his illustrious friend

had inspired him. His eulogy of the 'De- not too late.'* In one letter we find him fence' is as emphatic as that of the Paradise saying 'I am something bound up, that I Lost, in the well known recommendatory cannot write about your public affairs; but lines prefixed to most editions of that poem. I assure you they break my sleep.'†

In 1657, Marvell entered upon his duties as assistant Latin Secretary with Milton. Cromwell died in the following year; and from this period till the Parliament of 1660, we have no further account of him. We have seen it stated that he became member for Hull in 1658. But this is not true, and would be at variance with the statement in his epitaph, where it is said that he had occupied that post nearly twenty years. Had he been first elected in 1658, he would have been member somewhat more than that period.

Of his minute attention to all their local interests, and his watchful care over them, these letters afford ample proof; and in this respect are well worthy of the study of honorable members of the present day. He usually commences each session of Parliament by requesting his constituents to consider, whether there were any local affairs in which they might more particularly require his aid, and to give him timely notice of them. His prudence is equally conspicuous in his abstinence from any dangerous comments on pubDuring his long parliamentary career, lic affairs; he usually contents himself with Marvell maintained a close correspondence detailing bare facts. This caution was abwith his constituents-regularly sending to solutely necessary at a period when the offithem, almost every post night during the cials of the Post-office made no scruple of sittings of Parliament, an account of its pro- breaking the seal of private correspondence, ceedings. These letters were first made pub- for the purpose of obtaining information for lic by Captain Thompson, and occupy about the Government. On one occasion this seems four hundred pages of the first volume of his to have been done in his own case, as he edition of Marvell's works. They are writ- tells his constituents that a letter of his had ten with great plainness, and with a business- been shown about town. They vehemently like brevity, which must have satisfied, we disclaimed all knowledge of any breach of should think, even the most laconic of his trust, in a very complimentary reply. In merchant constituents. They are chiefly acknowledging this letter, he says I am valuable now, as affording proofs of the very well satisfied, gentlemen, by your letter, ability and fidelity with which their author that it was none of you; but it seems, theredischarged his public duties; and as throw- fore, that there is some sentinel set both upon ing light on some curious points of parlia- you and upon me, and to know it therefore is mentary usage and history. Some few sen- a sufficient caution: the best of it is, that tences, interesting on these accounts, may be none of us, I believe, either do say or write worth extracting. Of his diligence, the co- any thing, but what we care not though it piousness and punctuality of the correspond- be made public, although we do not desire ence itself are themselves the best proofs; it.' He, notwithstanding, repeatedly caubut many of the letters incidentally disclose tions them not to let his letters be seen by others not less significant. The following any but themselves. In this respect, there evidence of it, few members now-a-days is a striking yet perfectly natural contrast would be disposed to give, and no constitu- between the cautious statements of facts in ency, we should imagine, would be unrea- his public correspondence, and the lively sonable enough to expect:-'Sir, I must comments upon them in his private letters; beg your excuse for paper, pens, writing, and every thing; for really I have by ill chance neither eat nor drank from yesterday at noon till six o'clock to-night, that the House rose. And again' Really the business of the House hath been of late so earnest daily, and so long, that I have not had the time and scarce vigor left me, by night, to write to you; and to-day, because I would not omit any longer, I lose my dinner to make sure of this letter.' On another occasion he says -Tis nine at night, and we are but just now risen; and I write these few words in the Post-house, for sureness that my letter be

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in which his indignant patriotism expresses itself with characteristic severity against the corruptions of the court. Thus in a letter to a friend in Persia, we find the following memorable passage-Now, after my usual method, leaving to others what relates to business, I address myself, which is all that I am good for, to be your gazetteer. The King having, upon pretence of the great preparations of his neighbors, demanded three hundred thousand pounds for his navy, (though, in conclusion, he hath not set out any,) and that the Parliament should pay his debts, (which the ministers would never par

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ticularize to the House of Commons,) our House gave several bills. You see how far things were stretched, though beyond reason, there being no satisfaction how those debts were contracted, and all men foreseeing that what was given would not be applied to discharge the debts, which I hear are at this day risen to four millions; but diverted as formerly. Nevertheless, such was the number of the constant courtiers increased by the apostate patriots, who were bought off for that turn-some at six, others ten, one at fifteen thousand pounds in money, besides what offices, lands, and reversions to others, that it is a mercy they gave not away the whole land and liberty of England.'*

ner that I cannot see how it is possible ever to knit them again: the only trouble that I have is, lest by our mis-intelligence your business should receive any disadvantage.

Marvell's stainless probity and honor every where appear, and in no case more amiably than in the unhappy misunderstanding with his colleague, or his partner' as he calls him, Colonel Gilby, in 1661, and which seems to have arisen out of some electioneering proceedings. With such unrivalled talents for ridicule as Marvell possessed, one might not unnaturally have expected that this dispute would have furnished an irresistible temptation to some ebullition of witty malice. But his magnanimity was far superior to such mean retaliation. He is eager to do his opponent the amplest justice, and to put the fairest construction on his conduct. He is fearful only lest their private quarrel should In the same letter he thus speaks of the be of the slightest detriment to the public shamelessness with which the Parliament service. He says 'The bonds of civility emulated the profligacy of the court-prosti- betwixt Colonel Gilby and myself being untuting its own and the nation's honor as happily snapped in pieces, and in such manvilely as the royal mistresses it enriched had prostituted theirs :-They have signed and sealed ten thousand pounds a-year more to the Duchess of Cleveland, who has likewise near ten thousand pounds a-year out of the new farm of the country excise of beer and ale, five thousand pounds a-year out of the Post-office, and they say, the reversion of all the King's leases, the reversion of all places in the Custom-house, the green wax, and indeed what not? All promotions, spiritual and temporal, pass under her cognizance.'t On the King's unwelcome visits to the House of Peers, he says- Being sat, he told them it was a privilege he claimed from his ancestors to be present at their deliberations. That therefore they should not, for his coming, interrupt their debates, but proceed, and be covered. They did so. It is true that this has been done long ago; but it is now so old that it is new, and so disused that at any other but so bewitched a time as this, it would have been looked upon as an high usurpation and breach of privilege. He indeed sat still, for the most part, and interposed very little, sometimes a word or two. After three or four days continuance, the lords were very well used to the King's presence, and sent the Lord Steward and Lord Chamberlain to him (to know) when they might wait, as a House on him, to render their humble thanks for the honor he did them! The hour was appointed them, and they thanked him, and he took it well. So this matter, of such importance on all great occasions, seems riveted to them and us, for the future, and to all posterity. The King has ever since continued his session among them, and says it is better than going to a play.'‡ * Marvell's Letters, p. 405. + Ibid p 406. Ibid.



Truly, I believe, that as to your public trust and the discharge thereof, we do each of us still retain the same principles upon which we first undertook it; and that, though perhaps we may sometimes differ in our advice concerning the way of proceeding, yet we have the same good ends in the general; and by this unlucky falling out, we shall be provoked to a greater emulation of serving you.' Yet the offence, whatever it was, must have been a grave one, for he says at the conclusion of the same letter-' I would not tell you any tales, because there are nakednesses which it becomes us to cover, if it be possible; as I shall, unless I be obliged to make some vindications by any false report or misinterpretations. In the mean time, pity, I beseech you, my weakness; for there are some things which men ought not, others that they cannot patiently suffer.'†

Of his integrity even in little things-of his desire to keep his conscience pure and his reputation untarnished-we have some striking proofs. On one occasion he had been employed by his constituents to wait on the Duke of Monmouth, then governor of Hull, with a complimentary letter, and to present him with a purse containing' six broad pieces' as an honorary fee. He says He had before I came in, as I was told, considered what to do with the gold; and but that I by all means prevented the offer, I had been in danger of being reimbursed with it.' In the same letter he says 'I received the bill which

* Marvell's Letters, p. 33, 34.
+ Ibid.


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Ibid. p. 210.

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