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Πόλλην δὴ τὴν μετάστασιν καὶ μεγάλην δεικτέον τὴν μεταβολὴν, εισ φέροντας, κ. τ. λ.

Ἐπειδὰν δὲ ὅμορος πόλεμος συμπλακῇ, πάντα ἐποίησεν ἔκδηλα.

Οὐκ ἔνι δ' αὐτὸν ἀργοῦντα, ουδὲ τοῖς φίλοις ἐπιτάττειν ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ τι ποιεῖν, μή τί γε δὴ τοῖς θεοῖς.

Εἰ δὲ, τοῖς μὲν, ὥσπερ ἐκ τυραννίδος, ὑμῶν ἐπιτάττειν ἀποδώσετε, τοῖς δὲ, κ. τ. λ.

̓́Αλλως τε καὶ τούτου μόνου περιγίγνεσθαι μέλλοντος.

Οὐ γὰρ ἀλλοτρίοις ὑμῖν χρωμένοις παραδείγμασιν, ἀλλ ̓ οἰκείοις,-ἐυδαίμοσιν ἔξεστι γενέσθαι.

*Αν δ' ἀναλῶσας λάθῃ, συνανάλωσε καὶ τὸ μεμνῆσθαι τῇ τύχῃ τὴν χάριν.

Τῶν ἀτοπωτάτων μέντ ̓ ἂν εἴη, εἰ ἃ νῦν, ἄνοιαν ὀφλισκάνων, ὅμως ἐκλαλεῖ, ταῦτα δυνηθεὶς μὴ πράξει.

14. Translate the annexed passage into English or Latin:

Τότε μὲν δὴ τοῦτον·

καὶ λήρους. Olynth. ii. (iii.) c. 8, 9.

Sine Coll. et anno.

1. Give an account of the origin and principal events of the Sacred War. Point out particularly the time when Philip engaged in it, and the reasons which he'assigned for his interference. Mention also what force the Athenians sent to this war; and give the date of the several events.

2. What was the Athenian form of government in the time of Demosthenes? Trace the several changes which took place in the government of this State, from the time of its foundation, until it became subject to the Romans.

3. How was the council of Amphictyons formed? By whom was it instituted ? How often did it meet, and where ? What description of offences came under its cognizance? When did the authority of this assembly decline? and when did it wholly cease?

4. What date does Dionysius of Halicarnassus assign to the first Philippic? and from what facts in the Oration does it appear that he is not correct in his opinion? When is it probable that it was spoken ?


5. Τί πρὸς τούτοις ἔτι ; ταχείας τριήρεις δέκα· δεῖ γὰρ, ἔχοντος ἐκείνου ναυτικὸν καὶ ταχειῶν τριήρων ἡμῖν, ὅπως ἀσφαλῶς ἡ δύναμις πλέῃ. Supply the ellipsis in this passage, and state from whence Philip obtained a naval force. Mention some of the various uses of the conjunction av amongst the Greek Orators; and illustrate your remarks by examples.

6. Τῶν δ ̓ ὑπὲρ τῶν τῆς πόλεως κτημάτων ἀγωνιζομένων Μενέλαον ἱππαρχεῖν. Where is it most probable that the troops here referred to were stationed? Give your reasons for your opinion. What was the difference between ταξίαρχος, φύλαρχος, and ἵππαρχος ? How many were there of each ? What were their respective offices? and by whom were they elected?

7. Give an account of the Παναθήναια and Διονύσια majora.

8. What were the duties of the χορηγός, γυμνασίαρχος and τριήρ αρχος ? From what rank of men in the state were these officers chosen? What was the qualification requisite for a Trierarch? and who were excused from serving the office? Give an account of the Sacred Gallies.

9. Χρήματα τοίνον, ἔστι μὲν ἡ τροφὴ, (σιτηρέσιον τοῖς στρατευομένοις μόνον) τῇ δυνάμει ταύτῃ τάλαντα ἐννενήκοντα καὶ μικρόν τι πρός. δέκα μὲν ναυσὶ ταχείαις τετταράκοντα τάλαντα· εἴκοσιν εἰς τὴν ναῦν μναῖ τοῦ μηνὸς ὁ στρατιώταις δὲ δισχιλίοις τοσαῦθ ̓ ἕτερα, ἵνα δέκα τοῦ μηνὸς ὁ στρατιώτης δραχμὰς σιτηρέσιον λαμβάνῃ.

Translate this passage, and mention the respective values of a drachma, mina, and talent.

10. What were the privileges of Πολίτης, Μέτοικος, Ξένος and Δούλος ? Does it appear that the Slaves in Athens had greater privileges than those of the other Grecian States? if so, enumerate them.

11. Sketch a map of Macedon, and of so much of ancient Greece as comprehends Thessaly, Phocis, Boeotia, and Attica. Particularly determine the situation of Methone, Pydna, Olynthus, Potidaea, Pagasa, and Thermopylæ; insert also the islands Lemnos, Halonesus, and Tenedos.

12. On what occasion did Demosthenes pronounce the first Olynthiac oration? and what consequences resulted from it with respect to the Olynthians?

13. Νῦν δὲ θεωρῶν καὶ σκοπῶν εὑρίσκω τὴν μὲν ἡμετέραν ευήθειαν τὸ κατ ̓ ἀρχὰς ὅτε Ὀλονθίους ἀπήλαυνόν τινες ἐνθένδε βουλομένους ἡμῖν διαλεχθῆναι, τῷ τὴν ̓Αμφίπολιν φάσκειν παραδώσειν καὶ τὸ θρυλλούμενόν ποτε απόῤῥητον ἐκεῖνο κατασκευάσαι, τούτῳ προσαγόμενον. Translate this sentence, and mention on what occasion the Olynthians sent the embassy to which Demosthenes alludes, and what was the cause of the bad reception with which the embassadors met.

14. Explain the meaning of the word relέraupos, and give an account of the construction of the Macedonian Phalanx.

15. Ἐξ οὗ δ' αὐτὰ καθ' αὐτὰ τὰ ξενικὰ ὑμῖν στρατεύεται, τους φίλους νικᾷ καὶ τοῦς ξυμμάχους, οἱ δ ̓ ἐχθροὶ μείζους τοῦ δέοντος γεγόνασι. Quote the passage from Plutarch (in Vitâ Phocian.) that relates to this circumstance: also that from Demosthenes' oration wɛpì ovvrážews, where he makes a similar complaint against a mercenary force. 16. ̓Αλλ' ἐκεῖνο θαυμάζω

ἔργον τοῦτ ̓ ἤδη.—Olynth. i. (ii.) c. 9.

Translate the above passage, and mention to what circumstances Demosthenes alludes in the beginning of it.

ST. JOHN'S COLL. 1822.

1. Translate and explain the following passage:

-Sævus et illum

Exitus eripuit, quem mirabantur Athenæ
Torrentem, et pleni moderantem frena theatri.
Diis ille adversis genitus fatoque sinistro,
Quem pater ardentis massæ fuligine lippus
A carbone, et forcipibus, gladiosque parante
Incude, et luteo Vulcano ad Rhetora misit.

In what respect does the latter part differ from the commonly received account, and from that which Demosthenes has given of himself? Who was the preceptor of Demosthenes in oratory? With what other orators of note was he contemporary? What eharacter does Cicero give of him and of the orators of his age ?

2. What are the three different styles of composition according to Dionysius Halicarnassensis? What poetical and prose writers does

he mention as examples of each? What is his opinion of the style of Demosthenes? What are the principal points of difference between the style of Demosthenes and that of Cicero ?

3. Give a brief account of the transactions of Philip's reign which preceded and led to these orations. What were the views of the two political parties at this time existing at Athens, and who were the leading men in each?

4. What are the different opinions concerning the chronological order in which these orations ought to stand? What reasons are there for placing them as they stand in Mounteney's edition? What are the reasons for supposing the latter part of the first Philippic to be a separate oration?

5. What changes did the Attic dialect undergo? Who were the principal writers in each? What additions were made to the Alphabet after the time of Solon? At what period were the additional letters first used in the public records? Lysias states that the following words which occur in Solon's laws were obsolete in his time: δρασκάζειν, ἐπιορκεῖν (to swear,) απίλλειν, πεφασμένως, πωλεῖola (to walk). What words were then in use instead of these?

6. What was the difference between the μισθωτοί and ξένοι ? Where did the former principally come from? When did the age for military service begin, and when end? What was the daily pay of those who served in the navy?

7. What were the names of the two sacred Triremes, and for what particular purposes were they used? Were there ever any more?

8. οἳ προελήλυθεν ἀσελγείας ἄνθρωπος. Explain the construction of this passage.

Μέμνησθε......ὅτ' ἀπηγγέλθη Φίλιππος.

What does or stand for here? Give the reasons of your opinion. In each case quote instances of similar constructions from Greek and Latin writers.

Explain the following phrases : αἰσχύνην ὠφλήκατε, ἐπιστολιμαίους δυνάμεις, ἀγαπήσας τοῖς πεπραγμένοις, φαίνεσθαι προϊεμένους, φαίνεσθαι προΐεσθαι.

Give the meanings and derivations of the following words: περιστοιχίζομαι, φενακίζω, λωποδύτης, ἀναχαιτίζω, παρακρούομαι, πεζέταιροι, συγκεκροτημένοι.

9. Ο. II. §. 6. περὶ ὧν ἂν γραφῇ, al. περὶ ὧν ἂν γράφῃ. Translate it each way.

§. 8. τί ὑμῖν χαρίσομαι, al. χαρίσωμαι.

§. 10. τοῖς μηδὲν ποιοῦσιν, τὰ τῶν ποιησόντων νέμειν, al. ποιούντων.

In each case which reading is best, and why?

10. Translate literally the following passages into English. Καίτοι τί δήποτε, ὦ ἄνδρες Αθηναῖοι, νομίζετε


-προαπόλωλεν ἐφ ̓ ἃ ἂν ἐκπλέωμεν. Phil. i. c. 11.

Εἰ μὲν γάρ τις ἀνήρ ἐστιν ἐν αὐτοῖς (α) οἷος ἔμπειρος πολέμου καὶ —· λοιποὺς δὴ περὶ αὐτὸν εἶναι λῃστὰς καὶ κόλακας καὶ τοιούτους ἀνθρώπους (b) οἵους μεθυσθέντας ὀρχεῖσθαι τοιαῦτα οἷα ἐγὼ νῦν ὀκνῶ πρὸς ὑμᾶς ὀνομάσαι. -τούτους ἀγαπᾷ, καὶ περὶ αὐτὸν

ἔχει. Olynth. i. (ii.) c. 7.

(1) τῶν Παναθηναίων. Give an account of the institution and celebration of these festivals.

(2) Μεθώνην-Παγασας-Ποτίδαιαν. Describe accurately the position of these places.

(3) Χορηγὸς ἢ Γυμνασίαρχος. Explain the duties of these officers.

What was the nature of the ἀντιδόσεις as established by Solon? What alteration was afterwards made respecting them ? Who were the μέτοικοι, and what were their privileges and duties?

(α) and (b.) Explain the construction of οἷος in the two passages referred to.

11. Accentuate, and translate accurately into Latin, the following passage :

Ει δε τις υμιν εχει και τα θεωρικα εαν και πόρους ετερους λεγειν στρατιωτικούς ουχ ουτος κρειττων είποι τις αν φημι εγωγε ειπερ εστιν ω ανδρες Αθηναιοι αλλα θαυμαζω ει τῷ ποτε ανθρωπων η γεγονεν η γενησεται αν τα παροντα αναλωσῃ προς α μη δει των απόντων ευπορησαι προς α δει.

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