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which never before were attained by similar burlesques. Th book was wholly out of print here, and the republication wi be welcomed, as well by those who laughed over the pages o the work on its first appearance, as by the younger generation of readers, who have only heard its fame.

11.An Address delivered before the New England Society i the City of New York, December 23d, 1839. BY ROBERT C. WINTHROP. Boston: Perkins & Marvin. York: Gould, Newman, & Saxton. 1840. 8vo. pp. 60


We have rarely read an occasional or historical address with more pleasure than Mr. Winthrop's, delivered before the New England Society, in New York. The principles and characters of our Pilgrim fathers are set forth with a graceful eloquence, and an accuracy of historical knowledge, which show that Mr. Winthrop has by no means neglected the pursuits of elegant literature amidst the cares and labors of political life. He writes in a grave, earnest, and polished style, which is excellently suited to the gravity, earnestness, and dignity of his sentiments, and to the solemn and interesting character of the occasion. He appreciates justly, and describes forcibly, the conduct of the men, to whom was intrusted, by Providence, the mighty task of founding the New England colonies. He calls up, with warm and reverential interest, the terrific scenes they were summoned to pass through, and delineates, with a glowing pencil, the great consequences to the cause of human liberty all over the world, which have flowed from that, at first sight, well-nigh desperate enterprise. We had marked one or two striking passages to extract, but are compelled to suppress them.

12. The Farmer's Companion; or, Essays on the Principles and Practice of American Husbandry. Second Edition. By the late Hon. JUDGE BUEL, Conductor of the "Cultivator." Boston: Marsh, Capen, Lyon, and Webb.


THE publication of this valuable volume, and the reception it has met with, afford new evidence of an increasing interest in the subjects it so ably discusses, and in the


tives of the adventures of Columbus, Cortez, and Pizarro, are told in a very simple but animated manner. The Juvenile reader will easily remember the principal facts, which are here stated so carefully and correctly. We wish there were more such books; for the knowledge they communicate, though in the most unpretending form, is important. The author of these modest works shows a happy tact, and excellent taste; and we are sure her circle of little readers will feel themselves greatly obliged to her, for what she has done for their instruction and entertainment.

14. The Annuallette, or Christmas and New Year's Gift for Children. Boston: Samuel G. Simpkins. 1840.

THERE is a pleasant tone running through the book, which will make it acceptable to the same class of readers, for whom the two abovementioned works were intended. The moral tendency of it is worthy of high praise; the variety and amusing character of its contents will be found attractive; and the taste which pervades all the pieces is pure and good. We commend it to the friends of little people. The "History of a Fly" is a very fine specimen of autobiography.

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15. A Sermon, preached at the Church in Brattle Square, on Sunday morning, January 19th, 1840, on the Destruction of the Lexington by Fire, January 13th. By S. K. LOTHROP, Pastor of the Church. Published by Request. Boston John H. Eastburn. 8vo. pp. 24.

THIS is one of a large number of discourses from the pulpit, delivered in Boston and other places, on the occasion of that shocking casualty, the burning of the steamboat Lexington in Long Island Sound. We have read it with that painful interest which the eloquence of the accomplished writer, employed upon so profoundly tragical a theme, could not fail to excite. That the just and manly feeling which pervades it well responded to that of the community around, may be inferred from the fact, that it immediately passed through three or four editions.

To the memory of one, we need not hesitate to say, the most illustrious, of the many lamented victims, Mr. Loth

rop pays the following earnest, but in no wise exaggerated, tribute.

"That the faith of which I speak was present to many, with a calming and sustaining power, we have reason to hope. That it was present to one I cannot doubt; and from among the many husbands and fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, who, torn from their homes on earth, have found, I trust, a home in Heaven, I may be allowed to select and notice one, the only one with whom I had an intimate acquaintance, whose unobtrusive goodness and genuine worth have won for him an abiding-place, in the memory, and the hearts, of all who knew him well.

"Exiled from his birth-place, not for any crime, but for his love of liberty, his adherence to what he thought right and truth, Dr. Follen, brought to this, his adopted country, the same principles, the same noble sentiments, the same love of freedom and of truth, the same devotion to what he deemed duty, that had banished him from his home. It is now nearly twenty years since he sought a refuge in our land, bringing with him no patent of nobility, but that which God had stamped upon his soul; and he needed none other to secure him that place in society to which his worth and talents entitled him. During his residence among us, he has honorably filled some of the most important literary offices in the community. As a Professor in our University, those, who enjoyed his instruction, will bear testimony to his faithfulness and industry, to the unvarying kindness and Christian courtesy which marked his manners. As a preacher, earnest and persuasive, as a pastor, devoted and affectionate, full of good words and works, carrying with him to the houses of mourning a heart of quick and tender sympathies, in the dwellings of the happy and the prosperous remembering the injunction to 'rejoice with them that do rejoice,' he secured to himself the love and respect of all. Even those, and I myself was among the number, who differed from him in judgment and opinion on some subjects, honored and revered the man. His character deserved and inspired these emotions. The qualities, for which Dr. Follen was remarkable, were his ardent love of truth and his fearless devotion to it, his patient perseverance, his high moral purpose, his warm and tender affections, his quick and wide sympathies with humanity, and, especially and above all, the simplicity and purity that distinguished his every thought and word. He was truly an upright and sincere man, 'in whom there was no guile.' In the prime of life, with a mind vigorous, active, and richly stored with learning, a heart full of noble purposes and aspirations, his death is a public bereavement. From literature and religion it takes an ornament, from truth and virtue, an advocate, eloquent in character as well as speech, and from an extensive circle of friends, an object of warm and confident attachment. Upon the sanctuary of private sorrow, we cannot, we dare not, intrude. There is desolation there which none but God can reach and comfort. Our sympathy is with the living,- for him we fear not. Death in however terrible a form, could have no terrors to him. It could not find him unprepared, and those who have seen his 'calm look, where Heaven's pure light was shed,' will feel assured, that in that last hour of mortal agony,

'Faith o'er his soul, spread forth her sunny wing,,,
And from the spoiler plucked the dreaded sting.

pp. 12-14. Further on, the preacher uses language but too well called for, and hitherto, alas! too fatally disregarded.

"I hesitate not to say, that after the first emotions of horror and pity, excited by this event, the thought, the feeling that is uppermost in my own mind is, indignation; yes, I will use that word though it be a strong one, indignation at the gross recklessness or carelessness, which caused this destruction of human life and produced this wide suffering,—and indignation also at the feeble and inefficient legislation, that permits, and has for years permitted, these disasters to occur throughout our waters, without a just rebuke or an adequate restraint in the laws. I have read the statement published by the agent of this ill-fated boat. I am willing to admit and believe that every word of that statement is true. I admit also that those, whose business it was to prevent by carefulness this accident, are themselves among the sufferers, and that the inference is, that they would not wantonly peril their own lives. They are dead, I would respect the memory of the dead, but I must plead, and I feel constrained to plead, for the rights, the protection, the security of the living. Admitting all that has been, or can be said in extenuation, the simple facts of the case, so far as known, especially when taken in connexion with the circumstance that this selfsame boat has unquestionably been on fire once, rumor says two or three times, within the last few weeks, it seems to me, that these facts are enough to prove that a solemn duty, a fearful responsibility was neglected somewhere by some one, enough to sustain the opinion, widely prevalent, that this awful disaster is to be attributed, either to the selfishness and cupidity of the owners, who, greedy of gain, insisted upon overloading their boat with a dangerous and inflammable freight, or to the culpable carelessness, the utter inattention of the master and officers, in not stowing that freight securely, in not watching ever and constantly, with an eagle eye, the condition and safety of the vessel, to which hundreds had intrusted their lives.

"The simple fact that such an accident, on such a night, occurred, is in itself presumptive evidence of carelessness or incompetence on the part of some one. At any rate, all the circumstances of the case ought to be thoroughly investigated, every thing that can be gathered, if any thing can be gathered from the survivors, touching the origin and early progress of the fire, ought to be made known, to satisfy the public curiosity, to relieve the public anxiety. If this investigation makes against the owners or managers, the truth ought not to be winked out of sight. It ought not to be hushed up, and kept back, and passed over. It is a misplaced charity to do it. We are false to our own interests and safety, to the interest and safety of all, in doing it. It ought to be spoken out, to be urged and insisted upon, boldly and plainly. It ought to be proclaimed trumpet-tongued, throughout the length and breadth of the land, till it reaches the halls of Congress, calls off the members from their petty party animosities, their disgraceful personal contentions, and wakes up the government from its inertness, its epicurean repose, a repose of

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