The table next presented shows, by sex, the number and per cent of the employees for whom information was secured in Paterson, N. J. TABLE 8.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race: Paterson, N. J. CHAPTER II. RACIAL DISPLACEMENTS. History of immigration-Period of residence in the United States of foreign-born employees and members of their households-Racial classification of employees at the present time [Text Tables 9 to 17 and General Tables 4 and 5]. HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION. No statistics are available to show the racial movements to the silk industry during past years, owing to the fact that, previous to the year 1900, persons engaged in silk-goods manufacturing were included with all other textile workers in the return of the federal census of occupations. In the federal census of 1900 a distinction was made between the several classes of textile operatives, and it was made possible to ascertain the parentage of silk-mill operatives. In order to obtain an insight into the racial make-up of the operating forces at that time, the following series of tables have been prepared from the census returns. In the first table submitted, which follows below, the general nativity and parentage of the employees of the silk industry in the three States of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, and in the country as a whole, is shown for 1900. TABLE 9.-Silk-mill operatives in 1900, in States specified, classified as native-born and foreign-born and by country of birth of parents. [Compiled from United States Census Report 1900, Occupations.] The figures of the foregoing table are from the United States census reports. It will be noted that there is no classification of foreign-born employees by country of birth, but that all employees are classified |