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Ja tresse- the different readings, and in KL. 2, 2. the opposition of to unloose. To us the reading Which are too intrinse t' unloose seems true, since it explains the origin of intrince, a different spelling, and intrench, a glossem. The other form intrinsicate AC. 5, 2. where to untie is opposed, like to unloose in the other passage. Invectively, abusively. AL. 2, 1. to Inveigle, to seduce, allure, or gain by fawning or persuasion. TC. 2, 3. Rather from the ital. invogliare, kin to the lat. velle, germ. wollen, wählen, gr. helō, thelō. Investment, dress, habit, outward appearance. bhd. 4, 1. H. 1, 3. From vestis. to Invocate, to invoke. aHf. 1, 1. Rc. 1, 2. Inward, intimate, closely connected in acquaintance or friendship. Rc. 3, 4; an intimate acquaintance. MM. 3, 2; the inward, the inside. Cy. 3, 4; the inwards, the entrails. 0. 2, 1. Inwardness, intimacy, attachment. MA. 4, 1. Ire, anger. CE. 5, 1. Řb. 1, 1. aHf. 4, 3. From the lat. ira.

to Irk, to be loathsome, troublesome, to grieve. AL. 2, 1. aHf. 1, 4. cHf. 2, 2. Kin to the germ.

arg, argern.

Irksome, giving pain or weariness. TS. 1, 2. Irregulous, out of rule, disorderly. Cy. 4, 2. where th' irreligious is glossem.

Itch, fretting. Co. 1, 1. AC. 3, 11. Sax. gictha, germ. jucken, kin to the gr. xaỏ, xeō, xyō, skaō, germ. schaben.

Iteration, repetition; application, moral. aHd. 1, 2.

Ive. This termination of adjectives gives properly an active signification, but occasionally also a passive. So protractive TC. 1, 3. for protracted. So also the termination of the active participle ing, as unrecalling for unrecalled, unrecallable. TL. 142.


philos. hist. of the europ. langu. I, 463. derives it from gada, a travelling horse, scott. jaud. to Jade, to tire, harass, dispirit, plague, vex. Hh. 3, 2. TN. 2, 5. Properly as it seems to domineer a horse by foundering.

Jakes, necessary house, privy. KL. 2, 2. Cf. Ajax. Probably from the gr. chezō, choō, or the lat. cacare.

to Jangle, to tinkle, ring untuneably. H. 3, 1; to quarrel. MD. 3, 2. LL. 2, 1. Kin to tingle, tinkle, germ. prov. quengeln, quängeln. to Jar, to tick as a clock. Rb. 5, 5; to be dissonant, to quarrel. TG. 4, 2. TЛn. 2, 1. KL. 4, 7.

Jar, beat, stroke, ticking made by the pallets of the pendulum in a clock. WT. 1, 2. Rb. 5,5; quarrel, debate. aHf. 1, 1. bHf. 1, 1. Kin to the germ. girren, kirren, quirren, schwirren, gr. garyō, lat garrio.

to Jaunce, to ride hard; or to ramble. Rb. 5, 5. From the fr. jancer, kin to go, germ. gehen; whence

Jaunce for jaunt, ramble, flight, excursion, RJ. 2, 5. So Gifford's Ben Jons. VI, 166. geance for errand.

Jaundice, a disease caused by the obstruction of the gall in the liver. MV. 1, 1. TC. 1, 3. From the fr. jaune, kin to gilvus, helvus, albus. it. giallo, germ. gelb

Jay, crow, used for a loose woman. MW. 3, 3. Cy. 3, 4. Indian hajaħ, chajah, hebr. aiah, germ. Gauch, Gäkke, Heher, fr. cocu, choucas Jeebrook, the icy, or cold brook Salo, now Xalon, near Bilbilis in Celtiberia. O. 5, 2. with Steevens.

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Jceland dogs, shaggy, sharp eared, white dogs, much imported formerly as favourites for ladies. He. 2, 1.

Jelly, congealed gray of meat. KL. 3, 7. H. 1, 2. WT. 1, 2. towards end. Fr. gelée, kin to congeal, germ. Gallert, from the lat. gelu. Jeopardy, danger, loss. KJ. 3, 1. From the fr. jeu perdu.

Jesses, the short straps of leather, sometimes of silk, which went round the legs of a hawk, in which were fixed the varvels, or little rings of silver, and to these the leash, or long strap, which the falconer twisted round his hand. 0. 3, 8. Old fr. gect, get.

Jack. By popular abuse and paronomasy, (like jacere, cacare) as it were, a staff or thread, on which crystallizes a numerous quantity of notions. Originally it is said to be a deminutive of John, or Jaques; often a term of contempt,| contemptible thing; frequently bestowed upon to Jest, to act a feigned part in a mask, or whatever bore the form or seemed to do the

work of a man or servant; as roasting jack turnspit. TG. 4, 1. — A small kind of spinnet, anciently called virginal, shaped like a pianoforte. Steevens at S. 129.

Jack-a-lent, a stuffed puppet, dressed in rags, thrown at throughout Lent, during six weeks; hence perhaps a ball or bowl in ninepins for aiming, a butt. MW.3, 3. 5, 5. where it is a jocular appellation, and a butt, object of satire and attack. Perhaps from jacere. Jack-o-lantern, ignis fatuus, T. 4, 1. KL. 3, 4.

Jack an apes, monkey, ape; addressed to an impertinent and contemptible coxcomb. MW. 1, 4. 2, 8. 4, 4. He. 5, 2. Cy. 2, 1. Jack of the clock, or clockhouse, called also merely Jack, and minute jack (TA. 3, 6.) a figure made in old public clocks to strike the bell on the outside with a hammer. Rc. 1, 3. Rb. 5, 5. Rc. 4, 2.

Jade, mare. He. 4, 2. MM. 2, 1. H. 3,2; sancy, wanton wench, rascal, rabble. KJ. 2,2. Murray

interlude. Rb. 1, 3, From gestus.

Jester, buffoon. MW. 2, 1. cf. Hh. prol. KL. 1, 4. AW. 4, 5. RJ. 2, 4. Drake's Sh. I, 587. II, 191. 550.

Jet, agate of fine black colour. bllf. 2, 1. to Jet, to strut, walk proudly, to throw the body about in walking. TN. 2, 5. Cy. 3, 3. From the fr. jeter.

Jewel. S. gimmal.

Jew's eye was high valued, the Jews being exposed in the thirteenth century to the most cruel mutilations, if they refused the sums demanded of them. A Jew of Bristol paid the sum of 10,000 marks after having lost seven teeth in seven days. Allusion thereat is MV. 2, 5.

Jgnomy, ignominy. aHd. 5, 4. TC. 5, 3. Tán. 4, 2.

Jig, a merry dance; merriment and humour in writing; a ballad. H. 2, 2. S. Malone's hist. acc. of the engl. stage. p. 147. Kin to the gr. kyklos, the fr. gigue, the germ. Gaukler, fr. jongleur.


to Jig, H.3, 1. is joined with to amble, and| to lisp, and must therefore denote to dance, to

trip, generally a short affected motion. cf. LL. Kam, crooked, awry. Clean kam, by vulgar

3, 1. Jigmaker, writer of ballads, or humorous poems. H. 3, 2. John-a-dreams, name coined to suit a dreaming stupid character. H. 2, 2. Jointress, one who holds a jointure or dowager (RJ. 5, 3. AL. 4, 1. TS. 2. tow. end. cHf. 3, 3.) H. 1, 2.

Jointring, a ring with joints. 0. 4, 3.
Jointstool, cricket, low bench, folding stool.
RJ. 1, 5. Proverb: cry you mercy, I took
you for a jointstool, intended as a ridiculous in-
stance of making an offence worse by a foolish
and improbable apology; or perhaps as a pert
reply, when a person was setting forth himself
and saying who or what he was. KL. 3, 6. TS.
2, 1.

Jole, cheek. Spelt also choule, joul (Ben Jons.
V, 179.) chowle, geoule, from the lat. gula,
fr. gueule, germ. Kehle, Hence cheek by jole.
MD. 3, 2. closely by.

to Jolt, joult, jowl, to shake, to smite. H.
4, 1. Kin to the gr. helō, hello, belō, ballō,
delō, zellő, kellō, sellō, sallō.

Jorden, chamberpot. bHd. 2, 4. aHd. 2, 1. From the gr. skōr, turd, sax. gor, goth. goer, and den, wh. s.

Jovial, belonging to Jupiter; from Jove. Cy. 4, 2.5, 4.

Journal, diurnal, daily. Cy. 4, 1.

to Joy, to enjoy. TAn. 2, 3.

Judas' colour, red colour of hair or beard.
AL. 3, 4.

Judicious, judicial, in regular process of
judgment. Co. 5, 5.

to Juggle, to play legerdemain; to deceive.
H, 4, 5. Kin to the germ. gaukeln, and to
to Jump with, to leap, skip. WT.4,8; to give
a rude concussion. Steevens at Co. 3, 1. Malone
explains it to risk. cf. Cy. 5, 4. Others read
to agree with, suit, or resemble.
MV. 2, 9. aḤd. 1, 2. O. 1, 8. Kin to the
persian dschumbiden, to move to and fro, to
the gr. ambein, holl. gumpen, whence the fr.


Jump, leap; hap, chance, hazard. AC, 3, exactly. O. 2, 2. H. 1, 1. where it is to be restored for just.

Junket, juncate, sweet meat, dainty. TS. 3, 2.
From the fr. joncade, ital. gioncata, from
juncus, rush, through which the milk is filtered.
Just, tournament. Rb. 5, 2. S. to justle.
Justicer, administerer of justice. Cy. 5, 5. KL.
4, 2.

to Justle, to jostle, joustle, to make tourna-
ments, to thrust, drive. TC. 4, 4. T. 5, 1.
Kin to the old germ. tiost, Jost, Juste, lance
and strife of lance, fr. joute, ital. giostru,
middlelat. justa, josta, jostra.
Cf. to toze,
and the germ. stossen. Hence justling, run-
ning at tilt, thrusting lances, breaking lances;
busy, turbulent. aHd. 4, 1.

to Jut, Jutty, to overhang, be eminent, pro-
minent, stick out, to push or shoot into pro-
minences. TAn. 2, 1. Rc. 2, 4. TA. 1, 2. He.
3, 1. Kin to jet, fr. jeter, from iactus.

pronunciation kim kam, quite kam, clean contrary. Co. 3, 1. Kin to camous, camoys, by Kecks, kex, kecksie, a dry stalk of hemlock, the gr. kampto, kamptos, ital. sghembo. and sometimes of other kinds. From cigue, cicuta. He. 5, 2.

Keech, the fat of an ox or cow, rolled up by the butcher in a round lamp, in order to be carried to the chandler; a good deal resembling the body of a fat man. bHd. 2, 1. Hh.1,2. to be restored also aHd. 2, 4. for tallowkeeck. Keel, to cool, the pot, also by taking out a wheen, or small quantity of broth, and filling up with cold water. LL. 5, 2. Sax. gelan, refrigerare, frigefacere. S. Horne Tooke Div. of P. II, 833.


to Keep, to live, inhabit. MM. 8, 1. aĦd. 1, 3.
Kin to the lat. capere, from the hebr. caph,

Keeper, guardian of whatsoever. LL. 1, 1. of
a park, forester. MW. 1, 1.
Keep, care, notice. TS. 1, 2.

Ken, sight, horizon, reach of sight. bHd. 4, 1.
Cy. 3, 6. bHf. 3, 2.

to Ken, to pry, spy, see. bHf. 3, 2. Kin to
con, wh. s. by the germ. kennen, gr. gnōō.
Kendal green, a sort of forester's green cloth,

for the manufacture of which Kendal in Westmoreland was famous. aHd. 2, 4. the uniform of Robin Hood's followers.

Kennel, couple. aHf. 4, 2; den, canal, channel. Rc. 4, 4. From chien, by the gr. kyōn, lat. canis; and in the second meaning the same as canal, and its kindred.

Kerne, a footsoldier of the irish troops, very poor and wild. Rb. 2, 1; also from other parts. M. 1, 2.

Kettle, kettledrum. H. 5, 2. 1, 4. Lat. catillus
from catinus, germ. Kessel.

Key, in music, cliff, instrument of turning.
T. 1, 2. MV. 1, 3. MA. 1, 1. Sax. caeg.
Kibe, kybe, chilblain, whitlow. T. 2, 1. KL.
Key cold, icecold, frozen. Rc. 1, 2.
1, 5. H. 5, 1. From the gr. kybė, tumour.
Kicksy wicksey, a ludicrous word, composed
like hurlyburly, huckermucker, hutchputch,
implying restlessness, applied to a wife. AW.
2, 3. No doubt from to kick, assonating the
gr. kiō, the lat. cieo, engl. quick, germ. keck;
and to wince, in allusion of restiveness and

Kickshaw, keckshaw, something uncommon,
fantastical, ridiculous. TN. 1, 8. bHd. 5, 1.
From the fr. quelque chose.

Kidfox, young fox, cub. MA. 2, 3. Kindred
to the hebr. ges, gr. aix, phryg. goz, gos,
attagoz, sax. gat, gaet, aleni. geiz, engl.
goat, holl. geit, sorab. koza, hebr. gedi, lat.
hoedus, germ. Geiss.

Kidney, in ludicrous sense for kind, race.
MW. 3, 5.

Kilnhole, mouth of the oven, place, into
which coals are put under a stove, a copper,
or kiln, in which lime etc. is to be dried or
burned. MW. 4, 2.

Jutty, projecting, overhanging part of a build-Kind, nature, natural disposition, or tendency. ing. M. 1, 6.

Juvenal, youth. LL. 3, 1. bHd. 1, 2.

JC. 1, 3. TAn. 2, 1. MV. 1, 3. To do his kind, to act according to his nature. AC. 5, 2. S.

Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 224. From the gr. genō,| ginô, gignó.

to Kindle, to inflame; to incite, to stimulate.
AL. 1, 1. M. 1, 3.

Kindless, unnatural, H. 2, 2.
Kindly, natural. MA. 4, 1.

Kindred, relations, affinity. MA. 2, 1; con-
genial, related. KJ. 3, 4. where however Voss
for who hath read or heard of any kindred
action like to this reads kindled.

Kirtle, an upper garment, a sort of loose
gown, sometimes the jacket merely, sometimes
for the train, or upper petticoat attached to it.
bHd. 2, 4. Kin to gird, girdle, germ. Gürtel.
S. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 260. V, 303.
Kissing comfits, sugarplumbs perfumed, to
make the breath sweet. MIV. 5, 5.
Knack, trick, display of dexterity; joke; toy,
pretty trifle, nifle, bable, matter of small
value. WT. 4, 3. TS. 4, 3. From the snapping
or knacking of the fingers by jugglers.
to Knap, to break short, to chew. MV. 3, 1.
Gr. gnao, gnaptō, knaō, knapō.
Knave, boy, servant. AC. 4, 12. 5, 2. also a
word of endearment. KL. 2, 2. Sax. cnafa,
germ. Knabe, Knappe, Knecht, knight, from
the gr. konein, to serve, to be busy. Horne
Tooke Div. of P. 11, 425. derives it from nafath,
i. e. nehafath, genafath, qui nihil habet. Im-
probably the notion of villainy and contemp-
tibleness being no doubt a later one engendered
by feudal aristocracy.

Knife, sword, dagger. M. 1, 5. chiefly the latter
bilf. 3, 2. They were commonly worn by ladies,
chiefly in full dress. RJ. 4, 1. cf. 4, 3. where
the old quarto of 1597. reads This shall forbid
it. Knife, lye thou there, perhaps to be re-
stored: No, no, this shall forbid it. Knife, lye
there. Fr. canif, germ. Kneif, kin to knaō,
and xiphos, dor. skiphos.

to Knit up, to disentangle, untangle. T. 3, 3.
MD. 5, 1. Kin to knot, lat. nodus, germ. knöt-
ten, hnöteln.

to Knoll, to ring a knell, or funeral peal. M.
5, 7; to sound as a bell. AL. 2, 7. Kin to
knell, by the germ. knallen, hallen, schallen,
gallen, gr. kalein, hebr. kol, voice, cambr.
cnul, sound of balls, sax. cnyll.
Knotgrass, polygonum aviculare L. It was
anciently supposed, if baken in an infusion,
to have the power of stopping the growth of
any animal. MD. 3, 2.


be there will assonate various words, the popular wit being extremely humorous and desultory chiefly in matters of sex; for instance lost mutton, with an allusion to the scriptural lost sheep; lashed, whipped in the house of correction; laced in the meaning of embellish'd; lust; nay Lacedemonian; s. Greek. Lackbeard, milksop, young coward. MA. 5, 1. To lack, kin to the gr. legō, to want-Gifford's Ben Jons. VI, 5. - was prefixed to words of all kinds, to note deficiency; as lackbrain, a Hd. 2, 8. lacklinen, lacklove. MD. 2, 3. lacklustre AL. 2, 7.

Lackey, soldier's boy. He. 4, 4. Rc. 5, 3. Hh. 1, 3. Properly a runner, from the goth. laeken to leap, kin to the gr. lax; pers. latschin, knave, servant.

to Lade, or load, to drain, exhaust, heave out. cHf. 3, 2. Gifford's Ben Jons. V, 25. explains it to do not spare.

Ladies smock, cardamine L. LL. in the endsong.

Lag, late, last, slow. Rc. 2, 1. KL. 1, 2; the last or lowest part. TA. 3, 6. lagend, latter end. aHd. 5, 1. Kin to the sax. laet, engl. late, gr. loisthos.

to Lag, to tarry, last long. Rb. 1, 3; to be the last. aHf. 3, 3.

Lakin, for ladykin, diminutive of lady. Our lakin, our dear lady, the Virgin Mary. T. 3, 3. MD. 3, 1.

Lambert's day, the seventeenth of September.
He was a native of Maestricht, in the 7th
century. Rb. 1, 1.

Lament, lamentation. Rb. 4, 1.`
Lammastide, the first of August. RJ. 1, 8.
From the sax. hlafmaes, that is loafmass, or
breadmass, a thankfeast for the premices of
grain, celebrated by bread or cake of wheat.
to Landdamn, to condemn to quit the land,
to exile. WT. 2, 1. This is at least the simplest
interpretation, that makes supersede of
Malone's landdam, to bury in earth, to kill,
Hanmer's lant dam, to stop his urine by total
mutilation, and Farmer's laudanum, to poison.
Lane, narrow pass, or street. WT. 4, 3. Cy.
5, 2. JC. 3, 1. No doubt from planus, span.
llano, as platea from platys.

Languish, languishment. AC. 5, 2. RJ. 1, 2.
Lank, slack. bHf. 1, 3. H. 2, 2.
to Lank, to become meager, lean. AC. 1, 4.
Lank and lean, joined also in the before quot-
ed bHf seem to be kindred, also to the goth.
klahain, alem. chleno, germ. klein, provinc.
leinig, schlank, by the gr. leios.
Lap, to lie in, at a lady's feet, reclining the
head on her lap, was not an unusual point of
gallantry. H. 3, 2. MA. 5, 2.
Lap, to cover,
5, 5.


Label, scrowl; slip of parchment hanging on
a writing. RJ. 4, 1. Cy. 5, 5. tow. end. Di-
minutive of laburum, kin to the gr. lobos, lai-to
phos, germ. Lappen.
Lace, or lash, leash, sometimes lease, cord,
rope, string. RJ. 1, 4. hence lash, a long line,
string, thong, or rein to lead horses or dogs
by, three together. He. 1, 2. WT. 4, 3; that
what is led by, coupled, a rout, crew. Co.
1, 6. aHd. 2. 4. Kindred to the lat. licium,
ital, laccio, lista, germ. Leiste, Litze, fr.
lacet, lat. lacinia, germ. Lasche. S. Horne
Tooke Div. II, 253.
Laced, striped, skirted, bordered, or embel-
lished (Steevens at S. 57.) Cy. 2, 2.

Laced mutton, a cantword for a prostitute,
giglot, strumpet. TG. 1, 1. with Malone. May

wrap up, to involve. Cy.

Lapse, to fall, elapse, pass away; to forfeit by lapse, to be caught, surprized, overtaken. TN. 3, 3. H. 3, 4. Co. 5, 1. Lapwing, green plover, or pewit, tringa vanellus. She is said to cry out at distance from her nest, in order to draw the searchers away from her young. This is what Shk. calls crying tongue far from heart. MM. 1, 5. MA. 3, 1. CE. 4, 2. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 492. III, 141. cf. Euphues dedic. 2. Her young ones run out of the shell with part of it sticking upon their heads. It was generally used to express great forwardness. H. 5, 2.

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Leaky, pierced so as to let water in or out.
AC. 3, 11.

to Lean, to be inclined, disposed. TA. 3, 4.
to depend on. bhd. 1, 1. Kin to the gr. kli-
nein, to line, wh. s., germ. lehnen.
Leapfrog, caper, capriole, gambol. He. 5, 2.
S. Gifford's Ben Jons. IV, 375.
Leaping house, brothel. ald. 1. 2.
Lease, farm, contract to farm. TG. 5, 2. aHd.
2, 4. blf. 4, 10. M. 4, 1.

to Latch, to catch, to lay hold of, in a general sense. M. 4, 3. S. Malone at S. 118. In MD. 3, 2. it is explained to lick, or smear over, to anoint; a signification asked by the context, and not surprizing, provided that the assonance of this word to the gr. lio, laō, libō, leibō, aleiphō, chliō, chlizō, leichō, lat. lingō, engl. leak, germ. lecken, lacus, lacuna, is considered. Nowhere the disfiguration of words and roots is greater and easier than in mono- to Leash, to unite by a leash. He. 1. ch. S. syllables.

to Lease, to let by lease, to farm out. Rb. 2,1; to lie, brag. TN. 1, 5. hence leasing, lie. Co. 5, 2. Kin to the germ. lassen, to grant; List, art, cunning, sax. lytig, deceitful. Leash. S. lace.


Lated, arrived late, surprised by the night, Leathercoats, apples commonly called russetbelated. M. 3, 3.

Latten, old word for brass, used also as adjective. MW. 1, 1. Fr. laiton.

to Laud, to extol, praise. aHd. 3, 3. Lat. laudare.

Laud, praise. TC. 3, 3.

to Lave, to bath. M. 3, 2. TS. 2, 1. Lavish, loose, untamable, unrestrained, wild,

fierce. M. 1, 2. unthrifty. aHd. 3, 2. aHf. 2, 5. Kin as well to laō, as to lyō, and lauros, labros.

to Launch, to ramble. TC. 2, 2. Another form of to lanch, to launce, to open with the lance. AC. 5, 1.

Laund, lawnd, lawn, a smooth open space of grass land. cHf. 3, 1. S. Malone at VA. 186. Kin to lane, wh. s.

Lavolta, lavolt, a kind of dance originally italian for two persons, consisting a good deal in high and active bounds. He. 3, 5. TC. 4, 4. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I, 489.

Lay, wager. Cy. 1, 5. O. 2, 3. bHf. 5, 2. ditty. bHf. 1, 3. Laythoughts, secular thoughts of a lay. Hh. 1, 4.

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to Lay for TA. 3, 5. or about TC. 1, 2. or to H. 3, 4. to lay wail, ambush, to attempt by ambush, or insidious practices. To lay it on, to keep one's self well, to behave well. T. 3,2. To lay out, to spend, employ, sacrifice, expose. TC. 2, 3. To lay out for, to endeavour to gain or get. TA. 3, 5. - To lay, to smooth, assuage. KL. 4, 6. Lazy, idle, lothful, tardy, sluggish. He. 1, 2. T. 3, 1. MD.5, 1. AL. 3, 2. Kin to the lat. laxus, lassus, laxare, fr. las, lâche, it. lasciare, germ. lassen, lässig, sax. latjan, to tarry, pers. luschan, to be idle, whence germ Lusche.

Lea, field, or land closen with a hedge. TA. 4, 8. He. 5, 2. From to lay, a word, in which do assonate the gr. legein, lechos, lechesthai, lesche, lat. locare, fr. loger, sax. liegan, germ, legen.

Leach, or leech, a physician, surgeon; particularly in the burlesque style. TA. 5, 6. Sax. laece, icel. laeknir, swed. laekiare, goth. leik, lek, oldgerm. Lech, arab, alak. Leads, balcony, gallery, roof of lead. Rc. 3, 7. Co. 2, 1. Sax. laed, lowsax. lood, probably from the gr. molybdos, molybos, molibos, germ. Loth, löthe, löthen.

Leaguer, camp of the assailants in a siege. AW. 3, 6. Germ. Lager.

to Leak, to make water, to urine. aHd. 2, 1 S. to latch; to become leaky. aHd. 4, 4.

ines, saurus L. bHd. 5, 3.

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to Leaven, to sour, ferment the dough. word kin to the fr. levain, lever - Horne Tooke Div. of P. II, 71. to libum, germ. Lehm, Laib, engl. loaf, goth. hlaibs, hlaifs, icel. hleifr, leifr, boh. chleba, bread, westph. Klobe. A leaven'd and prepared choice MM. 1, 1. seemed a harsh metaphor to Johnson for a choice not hasty, but considerate, suffered to work long in the mind. Hence Warburton and Voss conjectured levell'd, aimed at, the metaphor being derived from an archer, as Rc. 4, 4. TA. 1, 1; how ingeniously ever, yet too glossematically.

Leaven, ferment, mixture. Cy. 3, 4. Lecher, or letcher, riotous, wanton, lustful, lewdman. MW. 3, 5. TC. 4, 1. KL. 3, 4. Fr. lécheur, germ. Lecker, Schlecker.

Leek, the gr. lachanon, belg. look, dan. log, germ. Lauch. At David's day in the year 1864 the Welsh deserved well near to an orchard where they decked themselves with leek, as a badge; whence leek was a token of honour. He. 4, 1. 5, 1.

Leer, complexion, colour, feature. AL. 4, 2. MIV. 1, 3. TAn. 4, 2. Sax. hledre, vultus, facies, lows. Leer, cheek, therefore kin to the gr. laō, lauō, glaussõ, engl. glare, wh. s. to Leer, to wink with the eyes. bHd. 5, 5. TC. 5, 1.

Leet, manor court, or private jurisdiction for petty offences; also a day on which such courts are held. TS. 2. ind. O. 3, 3. Sax. lethe (kin to leod, germ. Leute, like diet?) middlelat. leta, held once a year, towards St. Michel. S. Dufresne. Lit de justice undoubtedly is to be derived thence, although the historical form and shape of it be different.

Leg, a bow, commonly an aukward clownish one made by throwing out the leg. AW. 2, 2. TA. 1, 2.

Leiger, leidger, ledger, resident, or ambassador at a foreign court, or a person stationed to wait on the service of another. MM. 3, 1. Cy. 1, 6. Kin to liege, wh. s. and therefore properly engaged by allegiance, fealty. Leisure, vacant time, space allowed for any purpose; short time, short leisure. Rc. 5, 8. MĀ. 3, 2. MV. 4, 1. Rb. 1, 1. Fr. loisir, from


Leman, lemman, anciently leveman, lemmon, lover or mistress. MW. 4, 2. TN. 2, 8. with Malone. bHd. 5, 8. From the holl. leefman, sax. leof, germ. lieb.

Lembec, limbec, alembic. M. 1, 7.

Lemon, stuck with cloves was a common new-to Like, to please. He. chor. 3. TG. 4, 2. Goth. year's gift. LL. 5, 2.

Lenten, sparingly, niggardly, insufficient, like the fare old times in Lent. H. 2, 2; short and laconic, dry. TN. 1, 5; l. pye a pye in Lent out of a stale hare. RJ. 2, 4.

L'envoy, address, additional lines subjoined to a poem, as from the author, conveying the moral, or addressing the piece to some patron. LL. 3, 1. French l'envoy. Leper, leprous man. bHf. 3, 2.

to Let, to hinder. TG. 3, 1. H. 1, 4. Sax.


Let, hinderance, impediment, rub. He. 5, 2. Lethe, oblivion. TÑ. 4, 1. bHd. 5, 2. Rc. 4, 4. AC. 2, 7. H. 1, 5. death. JC. 3, 1. From the gr. lethe, by lanthanō, lateo. Lethe'd, absorbed in oblivion. AC. 2, 1. Let alone, stop, opposition, hinderance. KL. 5, 3.

Level, just, equitable. bHd. 2, 1. conform, suitable. bHd. 4, 4. In the level within the reach; a term of gunnery. WT. 3, 2. Hh. 1, 1. opp. out of the l. ib. 2, 3. To hold the level, to rise, to reach at, to come by. aHd. 3, 2. From the lat. libella, diminutive of libra, gr. litra.

to Level, to point in taking aim, to aim at. Rc. 4, 4; to compare, to guess, gather, conclude. MV. 1, 2. AC. 5, 2. towards end. Lever, leaver, a bar to lift up things. ald. 2, 2. From levare, fr. lever, kin to lift. Levy, raising of money, or soldiers, recruiting; warlike power, assault. M. 3, 2. Lewd, wicked, wanton, riotous. Rc. 1, 8; ignorant, unlearned. Gifford's Ben Jons. III, 208. V, 145. From the oldgerm. lud, kin to los, lotter, lotterig, schlotterig, Loden, Ludel, pers. alude, stained. Horne Tooke Div. of P. II, 384. derives it from the sax. laeged, wicked, misled, led astray, deluded, imposed upon, betrayed, from laevan, to mislead. Libbard, leopard. LL. 5, 2.

to Libel, to satirize, lampoon, slender. TɅn. 4, 4

Liberal, libertine, licentious, too free or frank beyond honesty or decency. MA. 4, 1. 0.2, 1. TG. 3, 1. LL. 5, 2.

Lief, or lieve, dear. bHf. 3, 1; willingly. MW. 4, 2. MA. 2, 3. Sax. leof, germ. lieb. Liege, bound or held in feudal connection, liegeman. (H. 1, 1.) WT. 2, 3; sovereign. Rb. 1, 3. From liga, ligius, leigium, by ligo, to bind. Somewhat modified holl. leeg, low, base, icel. logr, swed. log, engl. low.

Life. Good life, full energy and bent of mind.

T. 3, 8; harmless mirth and jollity. TN. 2, 3. Lifter, thief. TC. 1, 2.

to Light, to descend, dismount; to settle, rest, repose. AL. 2, 3.

Light of love, an old tune of a dance, the name of which made it a proverbial expression of levity, especially in love matters. MA. 4, 3. with Hawkins. TG. 1, 2. Lightly, commonly, usually. Rc. 3, 1. Lightning before death; a proverbial phrase, partly deduced from observation of some extraordinary effort of nature, often made in sick persons just before death, partly from a superstitious notion of an ominous and preternatural mirth, supposed to come on at that period, without any ostensible reason. RJ. 5, 8.

leikan, galeikan, sax. lician, gelician, placere, gr. eoikenai. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I, 43. Like. In Rb. 2, 1. for thy unkindness be like crooked age Johnson reads be Time's crooked edge; needlessly, we believe. For Age is Time personified; crooked (wh. s.) is an epithet of age, and in the same time could suggest to the poet's fancy a sickle, or a scythe, as emblem of Time; hence the subsequent image to crop at once a too long wither'd flower. Likeness, specious seeming virtue, form. MM. 3, 2. towards end, where Voss for How may likeness, made in crimes, Mocking practise on the times proposes How may such likeness trade in crimes Making practice on the times. See however made.

Liking, condition of body, good liking, good plight. MW. 2, 1. Lilylivered, coward. KL. 2, 2. S. liver. Cf. bild. 4, 3. where liver white and pale, which is the badge of pusillanimity and cowardice. Limbmeal, in pieces, piecemeal. Cy. 2, 4. Limbo, the borders of hell, sometimes hell itself. TAn. 3, 1. AW. 5, 3. Besides hell there was supposed to be limbus puerorum for infants unbaptized; limbus patrum for church-fathers, saints and martyrs awaiting there the general resurrection (whence Hh. 5, 3. for in confinement); purgatory; and limbus fatuorum, or fool's paradise.

Limbs of Limehouse, Hh. 5, 3. race, breed, hatch, progeny of Limehouse, the residence of those, who furnish stores, sails etc. for shipping. In these manufactures number of strangers was employed, who, clashing in principles, had frequent quarrels, whence the place has ever since been famous for the variety of sects, and the turbulence of its inhabitants. Malone doubted whether this passage was levelled at the spectators, or at some apprentices and inferior citizens, who used occasionally to wear the sock or the buskin for their


Lime was put into liquor for adulteration. aHd. 2, 4; birdlime. TG. 3, 2. The lat. limus, germ. Lehm, Schlamm, Schleim, hebr. golem.


Lime, to besmear with birdlime, or to catch

with it. bHf. 1, 3. 2, 4. TN. 3, 4. MA. 3, 1. AW. 3, 5. H. 3, 3.

Limekiln, a kiln, where stones are burnt to lime. In TC. 5, 1. however limekilns in the palm must be some loathsome malady. Limit, limb, the limbs being the extremities, outlines, or limits of the body. WT. 3, 2. So Steevens and Nares. This may be the meaning or sense; the signification however and propriety is time limited or appointed to women after childbearing. Limits of the charge, aHd. 1, 1. the appointed times for the conduct of the business, for the assault, attack, not for costs, as it seems.

to Limn, to paint. AL. 2, 7. Rather kin to limus and the germ. schlämmen, than to enlu


to Limp, to halt. MV. 3, 2. TS. 2, 1. AL. 2, 7. TA. 4, 1. Sax. lempan, limpan, lowsax. lumpen, schlumpen, schlumpern.

Line, of life, one of the lines in the hand, so termed in the cant of palmistry. MV. 2, 2. By line and level, exactly, strictly. T. 4. tow. end. Under the line, the equator or equinoxial

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