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From what other continent does Europe project? In what
direction? What continent south of Europe? What sea sep-
arates them? What strait at its entrance?
What ocean
west of Europe? What ocean north? What is the south-
western part of Europe called? Nearly all the rest of the
continent? In what zone is the greater part of Europe?
High Europe. What three peninsulas project from High
Europe? What is the peninsula of Spain sometimes called?
(The Iberian Peninsula.) What plateau in the Iberian
Peninsula? In what part of High Europe is it? What
peninsula nearest to Asia? What one between Spain and
Turkey? What mountains in the northern part of the
peninsula of Spain? What mountains in Turkey? What
mountains connect the Pyrenees with the Balkan? What
mountains in southern Spain? In the Italian peninsula?
On the northeastern border of High Europe? What smaller
peninsula in the southwestern part of the peninsula of
Turkey? What archipelago between Greece and south-
eastern Turkey? What sea between Turkey and Italy?
What small sea between
Asia and the Turkish
peninsula ?

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What mountains form the eastern border of the Great Plain
of Europe? The southeastern border? The southwestern?
The northwestern? In what peninsula are the Scandina-
vian Mountains? What hills near the centre of the Great
Plain? What sea borders the Great Plain in the gap be-
tween the Ural and Caucasus Mountains? Between the Cau-
casus and the Carpathian? Between the British Islands and
the Scandinavian Mountains? What sea in the western
part of the Great Plain? In the northern part? Name
the northern arm of the Baltic Sea. The eastern arms.
What two lakes are connected with the Gulf of Finland?
What straits connect the Baltic and North seas? What
peninsula between them? What river flows into the White
Sea? What two rivers into the Caspian Sea? What two
into the Black Sea? What sea north of the Black Sea?
What peninsula between them? What river flows into the
Sea of Azof? Into the Gulf of Riga? What two rivers flow
into the Baltic Sea? What two into the North Sea?

What name is given to the western continuation of the
Great Plain? At what mountains do these plains terminate
on the southwest? In what island on the west? Through
what two plains does the Danube flow? Which of these is
not a part of the Great Plain? What other small plain be-
tween the Alps and the Apennines?


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Alps M. Blane 15,780 feet
Great Glockner

What three large islands west of Europe? What waters
between Great Britain and the continent? Between Great
Britain and Ireland? North of the peninsula of Spain?
What three groups of islands between Great Britain and
Iceland? What cape is the most northern point of Europe?
The most western? The most southern? What islands
southwest of Cape North? What island near the south
point of Italy divides the Mediterranean into two basins?
What large islands in the western basin? What two gulfs
in the northern part? What river flows into the Gulf of the
Lion? Which are the two principal islands of the eastern
basin? What small island south of Sicily? What strait
between Sicily and Italy? At the entrance to the Adriatic
Sea? Between the Grecian Archipelago and the Sea of
Marmora ? Between the Sea of Marmora and the Black
Sea? What volcano in Sicily? In Italy? In Iceland?
What metals and minerals are produced in the British
Islands? In the Scandinavian peninsula? In the Ural
Mountains? Near the Carpathian Mountains? In south-
ern Spain? West of the Rhine? What are the products
of the southern part of the Great Plain? Of the central
part? Of the northern part? Of southern Scandinavia?
Near the Vistula? Of the plain of Hungary? Of Tur-
key? Of Greece? Of Sicily? Of western Italy? Of the
plain of the Po?
the Rhine? Between
the Rhone and the Bay



12,776 feet

Bohmerwald Mis.

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Mts.of Toledo

11,660 feet


2450 feet
SPAIN Nethou
11,200 feet


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4. Surface.—Eastern Europe is a plain, and includes and pass through the plains to four seas. the greater part of Low Europe.

This plain extends from the Arctic Ocean to the Black and Caspian seas, where it unites with the Great Northern Plain of Asia.

It is also continued into Great Britain and to the Bay of Biscay in the west, and to the Balkan Mountains in the south.

5. Four important mountain systems partly enclose this great plain-the Scandinavian, the Ural, the Caucasus, and the Carpathian. Four inland seas-viz., the White, the Caspian, the Black, and the North-break into the borders. of the plain between the ends of these mountains. Besides these is the Baltic, which is entirely within the plain. These five seas receive large and sluggish rivers, the most important of which diverge from a small central district which contains the Valdai Hills.

Among these rivers are the Dwina, the Ural, the Volga, the Don, the Dnieper, the Elbe, the Vistula, and the Duna.

The northwestern part of the plain contains many lakes; among these are Ladoga and Onega, the largest lakes in Europe.

6. These rivers and lakes, and the canals by which they are connected, are the commercial routes of Eastern Europe. The Volga is the chief line of the domestic and the Asiatic trade of the seventy millions of people that inhabit the eastern plain.

7. Western Europe includes High Europe, which is a network of mountain chains with enclosed valleys and plains. The largest plateau is in Spain.


8. The Alps, the loftiest mountains in Europe, the Balkan, and the Pyrenees are the principal systems.

Many of the summits of the Alps are covered with perpetual snow, and the valleys between are filled with glaciers.

9. Four navigable rivers-the Po, the Rhone, the Rhine, and the Danube-flow from the heart of High Europe,

The Po is the chief interior water-way of Italy, and the Rhone of France. The Rhine and the Danube are the chief commercial rivers of Western Europe, the latter being the more important.

10. Climate.-Western Europe, especially near the Atlantic Ocean, has a milder climate than other parts of the world in the same latitude.

"Ever-green Ireland" is in the same latitude as cold and barren Labrador; St. Petersburg and Stockholm are on the parallel of Cape Farewell; and the never-frozen port of Hammerfest is as far north as the ice-covered regions of the Arctic Archipelago. The principal cause of this remarkable climate is the warm southwest or return trade-winds, which bring with them a part of the heat they have acquired in the Torrid Zone. The warm waters of the Gulf Stream are also supposed to reach these coasts and to assist in modifying their climate.

The winter climate of the interior parts of Western Europe also presents remarkable peculiarities. It becomes more severe towards the south; this is in consequence of the great elevation. Some cities in High Europe have much colder winters than other places far north of them near the shores of the ocean.

A similar change takes place towards the east with increasing distance from the ocean. The average number of days during which the Rhine is frozen over during the year is twenty-six ; the Weser, which is east of the Rhine, is frozen for thirty days; the Elbe, still further east, for sixty-two; the Oder for seventy; and the Vistula for about eighty days.

11. The climate of the Mediterranean countries is almost tropical.

This is the effect of the general southward slope of the country, the warm winds from the Sahara, the mild waters of the Mediterranean, and the high mountain walls that shut out the cold polar winds. Figs, oranges, sugar-cane, and rice grow in the latitude of New York and Boston. The Spanish plateau has a cold winter and a hot and dry summer.

12. The Great Plain has a varied climate. The winters are intensely cold; in the south the summers are hot.

This winter climate is caused by distance from the warm western ocean, and by the prevalence of the polar winds, that sweep unchecked to the Black Sea and the Caspian.

13. Vegetation and Animals.-The Great Plain has three belts of vegetable and animal life.

The arctic regions are mossy, treeless swamps, inhabited by reindeer and other arctic animals.

Most of these animals seek the forest regions during the long winters. The rivers are frozen nine months in the year. There are few human inhabitants.

Another wide treeless region stretches across the southern part of the plain. Barren salt plains, called steppes, occupy its eastern portion. In the west are broad prairies, which sustain large numbers of sheep, horses, and cattle, and produce maize and great quantities of wheat.

A vast forest occupies a great part of the middle belt. In its colder regions the hardy grains-rye, oats,



and barley-are cultivated; farther south, flax, hemp, and wheat.

14. The warm countries of the Mediterranean produce the olive, the almond, the orange, besides rice and other grains.

Grains, fruits, and vines are cultivated in the lowlands of the Atlantic coasts and the valleys of High Europe.

As we ascend the mountains of High Europe the chestnut gives place to the oak, then follow pine forests and high pastures, then glaciers and perpetual snow.

15. The northwestern coasts of Europe have extensive and valuable fisheries.

16. Minerals.-The mountains of Europe furnish an abundance of the most useful minerals; among these are coal, iron, lead, tin, zinc, and copper.

Questions (I.)-1. What is Europe as a physical division? Of what is it made up? From what does it project? Between what waters? How is its western half divided? What one in the northwest? What one in the southwest ?-2. Which is the larger and more important of these peninsulas ?-3. What large islands in the Mediterranean Sea? In the Atlantic Ocean ?-4. What is the character of Eastern Europe? What does it include ?-5. How many and what mountain systems partly enclose the plain? How many and what seas break its borders? Between what are they situated? What sea lies entirely in the plain? What do these seas receive from the plain? Where is the lake region? Which are the two largest lakes?-6. What use is made of these rivers and lakes? What river forms the principal commercial route of Eastern Europe?-7. What does Western Europe include? Of what does High Europe consist? Which is the only large plateau?-8. Name the chief mountain systems of High Europe. Which are the highest mountains in Europe?-9. What four rivers flow from High Europe? To what? Through what? Of what countries are they the chief water-routes? Which are the chief commercial rivers of Western Europe? Which is the more important?-10. What is the character of the climate of Western Europe?-11. What is the general climate of the Mediterranean countries ?-12. What is the climate of the Great Plain?-13. How many belts of vegetable and animal life in the Great Plain? Describe the arctic belt. By what animals inhabited? Describe the southern belt. Where are the salt steppes? The prairies? What do they sustain? What are the vegetable products? Describe the middle belt. What are its products?

-14. What are the vegetable products
of the Mediterranean region? Of
the Atlantic coasts?-15. Where are
the great European fisheries?-16.
What are the principal minerals of

(II.)-2. By what is Western Eu-
rope bordered? By what are its
shores broken? What two penin-
sulas on the northern border? What
peninsulas opposite them? What
peninsula forms the southwestern ex-
tremity of Europe? Of what advan-
tage is the peninsular character of Eu-
rope?-4. What is the northern limit
of the Great Plain? The southern
limit? With what other plain is it
connected? What western extension
has it? What southern extension?
-5. Name some of the rivers of East-
ern Europe.-8. What is said of the
Alps?-10. With what is Ireland con-
trasted? St. Petersburg and Stock-
holm? Hammerfest? What are the
causes of the mild climate of Western
Europe? Describe the peculiarities in
the climate of the interior of Western
Europe.-11. What are the causes of
the tropical climate of the Mediterra-
nean? What contrast with New York
and Boston? What is the climate
of the Spanish plateau?-12. What
are the causes of the varied climate
of the Great Plain?-13. What is said
of the animals of the Arctic regions?
Of the rivers? Of the inhabitants?-
14. Of the mountains of High Europe?

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Countries. What country forms the eastern half of Eu-
What countries northwest of Russia? What coun-
tries on the Mediterranean Sea? On the Atlantic Ocean?
On the Black Sea? On the Adriatic? On the Baltic?
On the North Sea? What two countries have no sea-coast?
Norway and Sweden.-What mountains between Nor-
way and Sweden? In the southern part of Norway? What
port on the Arctic Ocean? What city on the western
coast? On the southwestern coast? What city is the cap-
ital of Norway? What lakes in Sweden? What city is the
capital of Sweden? What city on the Cattegat? South of
Stockholm? North of Stockholm? Northwest of Upsal?

Russia. What countries border Russia on the north-
west? On the southwest? What sea between Russia and

Sweden? What four lakes flow into the Gulf of Finland?
Which is the most western province of Russia? What city

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HOLM? Gottenburg? Norrkoping? Fahlun? CHRISTIANIA?
Bergen? Drontheim? Hammerfest? ST. PETERSBURG?
Moscow? Warsaw? Odessa? Kishenev? Riga? Saratov?
Wilna? Kasan? Kiev? Astrakhan? Archangel?

Peninsulas. From what part of Europe does it project?
-Scandinavian Peninsula? Crimea? Turkey? Greece?
Italy? Iberian Peninsula? Jutland?

Mountains. Where are they?-Ural? Caucasus? Scan-
dinavian? Kiolen? Dovrefield?

Seas and Gulfs.-Where is it ?-White? Caspian? Bal-
tic? Black? Finland? Riga? Bothnia? Azof?

Rivers. Where does it rise? In what direction does it

Countries. Where is it? How bounded? What is the
capital?-Norway? Sweden? Russia? Greece? Turkey?
Roumania? Servia? Montenegro? Austria? Germany?
France? Denmark? Iceland? The Netherlands? Bel- flow? Through what countries? Into what body of water?
gium? Switzerland? Italy? Spain? Portugal? England?-Dwina? Ural? Volga? Don? Dnieper?
Lakes.- Where situated? What outlet ?-Onega? Lado-


Scotland? Ireland?

Cities and Towns.-In what part of the country? How ga? Peipus? Ilmen? Wener? Wetter?

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