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Map-drawing, as a branch of the study of Geography, presents itself under two aspects and as two distinct exercises.

First and most important, Sketching. This is an exercise by means of which the leading facts of local geography are rapidly and efficiently reviewed in the construction of quickly drawn outline maps, approximately correct, and showing the actual condition of the pupil's knowledge of the location of mountains, rivers, railways, towns, etc. The exercise is best prepared for in the class-room; it can then be gone over at home by the pupil, if thought desirable; and should finally be reviewed and repeated in the classroom as the equivalent of a recitation. An illustration of the method is given below. It should be remembered that the chief object of this exercise is not to test the pupil's skill in map-drawing, but his knowledge of location.

The second kind of exercise in map-drawing is that known as Cartography. This is much more elaborate, exact, and deliberate than sketching, and aims to present an accurate copy of some particular map. It is a valuable exercise, training the pupil to close and minute observation both of the principal and of the less important contents of the map, and to careful and artistic manipulation. The simplest and most efficient method of pursuing this exercise is illustrated in the concluding portion of this book.

Where circumstances will permit, it is advisable that the exercises in sketching should precede those in cartography. Those, however, who choose to begin with cartography, and omit sketching until a later stage, may readily do so.


Preparatory. After the map questions relating to any state, let it be Maine, for instance, have been carefully studied, all the pupils of the class should take their slates and pencils and sketch the simple outlines of the state with the map open before them; the sketch should

duced. One or more of the class should draw the map on a large scale upon the blackboard.

First Step.-Teach the pupils to estimate, approximately, of course, the proportion or relation between the length of the state and its breadth, measuring in the direction of the meridians and parallels whenever possible. Let the estimate first be made by the eye only, then stated, and lastly tested by the measuring-slip.

Questions.-Is Maine longer from east to west or from north to south? (North to south.) How much longer? (One fourth.) Second Step.-Lead the pupils to observe the number (usually four), direction, and length of the lines bounding the state, and whether they

are straight or curved or otherwise. This step will usually require more time and care than any other.

Questions. How many lines form the boundary of Maine? (Five.) How many of them are partly or entirely straight? In what general direction does each lie? Which is the shortest line? (The northern.) Which is the longer boundary, the northwestern or the western? The eastern boundary or the coast line? Third Step.-Draw the outline boundary.

First draw lightly the line of greatest length, A A, and that of greatest breadth, B B; many states are so simple as not to require these lines. Draw the northern boundary; the northwestern; the western; the eastern; the coast. As soon as the third step is complete, it will be well to inspect the work. Do the same at the close of each succeeding step, or even after each separate item. Fourth Step.-Sketch the mountains, if there are any.



What mountains in Maine, and where are they? Draw them.

Fifth Step.-Draw the rivers, first noticing the direction of each.

Questions. What boundary river on the north? Draw or go over it. On the east? Name the three chief rivers in the state. Draw the Penobscot. The Kennebec. The Androscoggin. Two or three chief lakes. Sixth Step.-Locate the principal cities and towns, beginning with the capital. Use a star (*) for the capital, and a small circle or dot (o ) for the other cities and towns. Questions. What city is the capital? On what river? Locate it. Name and locate the largest city. What city on the Penobscot? On which side of the river? Locate it. Where is Lew. iston? Biddeford? (Other cities and towns may be drawn if required.) Seventh Step.-Draw the chief railroads.


be drawn upon as large a scale as the size of the slate will conveniently allow.

In the first lessons it will be well to let each pupil be furnished with a slip of stiff paper or card-board, divided into equal parts, to be used in measuring. A model is furnished at the foot of this page. In the second and more important review, in which the map is to be drawn from memory, the measure should not be used. The exercise will then be a sort of free-hand drawing. The work will be quite crude in the first attempts, but with repetition, practice, and reasonable pa

tience, very neat work can be pro

[blocks in formation]






Continents.-What two continents are in the Western Hemisphere? By what isthmus are they connected? What three oceans wash the shores of North America? Which one is on the north? On the east? On the west? What ocean bounds South America on the north and east? On the west? What ocean south?

Islands. What large island northeast of North America? What island is east of it? What archipelago between Greenland and the continent? What island near the eastern point of North America? What group southeast? What archipelago between North and South America? Which are its two largest islands? What group north of Cuba? What group northeast? What group at the southern end of South America? What group east? What group in the Pacific Ocean near the parallel of twenty north? Of fifty north? Of forty south? What general name is given to the islands of the Pacific?

Peninsulas. What peninsula in the northwestern part of North America? In the eastern part? In the western part? What two near the island of Cuba?

Capes. What cape at the southern point of Greenland? At the eastern point of Newfoundland? At the southern point of California? What cape of North America is near Asia? What cape opposite? What cape is the northern point of South America? The eastern point? The southern point? The western point?

Mountains. What chain of mountains in the western part of North America? In the eastern part? In the western part of South America? In the eastern part? On which side of South America are there many volcanoes? (See red dots on the map.) On which side of North America?

Plains and Plateaus.-What plateau in the northern part of North America? What low plain? In the central part? What high plains west of the central plain? What plateau west of the Rocky Mountains? What is the name of its southern part? What plateau in the eastern part of South America? In the northern? In the western? What plains in the southern part? North of the plateau of Guiana? South? Seas, Gulfs, and Bays.-What bay west of Greenland? In the Arctic Plain? What gulf west of Newfoundland? South of North America? What island and two peninsulas nearly close that gulf? What sea south of the West Indian Archipelago? Between Alaska and Asia?

Straits. What strait connects Behring Sea with the Arctic Ocean? At the entrance of Baffin Bay? Of Hudson Bay? Between Cuba and Florida? Between Tierra del Fuego and the continent?

Rivers. What river flows through the northwestern part of the Arctic Plain? Into what ocean? What river flows into the Gulf of St. Lawrence? From what lakes? From what plain? What other river flows through that plain? Into what gulf? What branch has it? What river of North America flows into the Pacific Ocean? From what plateau? Into what ocean do the rivers of South America flow? Which is the greatest river of South America? Through what plains does it flow? What river north of the Amazon? What river in the southern part of South America?

Ocean Currents. What current flows from the Strait of Florida? Across what ocean? In what direction? What current flows from Baffin Bay? What current northeast of South America? Southeast? West? What current crosses the Pacific near the Equator? Near the parallel of fifty north?

Zones. What circle crosses the northern part of North America? In what zone is Cuba? The Sandwich Islands? The Mississippi River? In what zones is North America? South America?



Continents.-How bounded?

MODEL FOR STATING BOUNDARIES.-South America is bounded on the north by the Caribbean Sea, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Antarctic Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

North America? South America?

Islands. In what direction from the nearest land? By what waters surrounded?

MODEL.-Newfoundland is east of North America, and is surrounded by the
Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean.

Arctic Archipelago? Greenland? Iceland? Newfoundland? Azores? Bermuda Islands? Bahama Islands? West Indian Archipelago? Cuba? Hayti? Falkland Islands? Tierra del Fuego? New Zealand Islands? Sandwich Islands? Aleutian Islands? Oceanica?

Peninsulas. From what part of the continent does it project? Into what water, or between what waters?

MODEL-California projects from the western part of North America, between
the Gulf of California on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.
Labrador? Florida? Yucatan? California? Alaska?
Capes. From what land does it project? From what part of it?
Into what body of water?

MODEL.-Cape Race projects from the eastern part of Newfoundland into the
Atlantic Ocean.

Farewell? Race? St. Lucas? Prince of Wales? Gallinas? Horn? St. Roque? Blanco? East Cape?

Mountains. In what part of the continent are they? In what directions do they extend?

MODEL-Appalachian, in the eastern part of North America, extend northeast and southwest.

Appalachian? Rocky? Brazilian? Andes?

Plains and Plateaus.—Where situateà?

MODEL.-Arctic Plain is in the northern part of North America?

Arctic Plain? The Great Plains? Central Plain? Plains of the

Orinoco? Plains of the Amazon? Plains of La Plata? Arctic Plateau ? Western Plateau? Mexican Plateau? Plateau of Guiana? Plateau of Brazil? Plateau of Bolivia?

Oceans. Of what continents does it wash the shores? or, around what pole is it?

MODEL-Pacific Ocean washes the western shores of North and South America; Antarctic or Southern Ocean, around the South Pole. Arctic or Northern? Antarctic or Southern? Atlantic? Pacific? Seas, Gulfs, and Bays.-What coast does it indent or wash? Of what ocean or other body of water is it an arm?

MODEL. Hudson Bay indents the northeastern coast of North America, and is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean.

Baffin Bay? Hudson Bay? Gulf of St. Lawrence? Gulf of Mexico? Caribbean Sea? Behring Sea?

[blocks in formation]


Behring? Davis? Hudson? Florida? Yucatan Channel? Magellan? Rivers. In what continent does it rise? In what part of it? what mountains? In what direction does it flow? Into what water? MODEL.-Missouri River rises in the Rocky Mountains in the western part of North America, and flows southeast into the Mississippi River. Mackenzie? St. Lawrence? Mississippi? Missouri? Columbia? Orinoco? Amazon? La Plata?

Ocean Currents.-In what ocean? In what part of it? In what direction does it flow?

MODEL.-Brazilian Current, in the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, flows towards the southwest.

Polar? Gulf Stream? Equatorial? Brazilian? Peruvian? Japan Stream?

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Continents. What four continents are in the Eastern Hemisphere? Which three are united into one great land- mass? What isthmus between Asia and Africa? Which is the largest of these four continents? The next in size? The smallest? What ocean bounds Europe and Asia on the north? What ocean east of Asia? What three oceans border on Australia? What three continents border on the Indian Ocean? What ocean west of Europe and Africa?

Islands. What two groups of islands are east of Asia? What archipelago southeast? What four great islands in the Malaysian Archipelago? What island north of Australia? South? Southeast of Africa? What group west of Europe? What island northwest? What islands in the Arctic Ocean? What islands west of Africa? Northwest ? What lands in the Antarctic Ocean?

Peninsulas. What peninsula in the northeastern part of Asia? In the eastern part? Southeastern? Southern? In the southern part of Indo-China? What island south of Hindostan? What peninsula in the southwestern part of Europe? In the northwestern part?

Capes. What cape at the northern point of Europe? At the northern point of Asia? At the southern point of Malay Peninsula? Of Hindostan? At the eastern point of Africa? At the northern point? The western point? The southern point? Near Cape Agulhas ?

Mountains. What mountains in the southern part of Europe? Between Europe and Asia? In the southern part of Asia? For what are the Himalaya Mountains remarkable? (They are the highest in the world.) How high is the highest peak? (About 5 miles.) What mountains near the centre of Asia? In the northern part of Africa? In the southern part? In the southeastern part of Australia? What archipelago contains many volcanoes?

Plains, Plateaus, and Deserts.-What is the chief plain in Europe? What plain in the north of Asia? What plain south of the Arctic Plain? What plain in Eastern Asia? In Southern Asia? What plateau north of the Himalaya Mountains? South of the Altai? What plateau in the western part of Asia? What one southwest of the plateau of Iran? What other peninsula of Asia contains a plateau? Which continent is nearly covered by plateaus? What desert in the plateau of Mongolia? In what part of Africa is the great desert of Sahara? For what is it remarkable? (It is the largest desert in the world.) In what other part of Africa is there a desert?

Seas, Gulfs, and Bays.-What sea west of Kamtchatka? Of the Japan Islands? Of Corea? Of the Philippine Islands? In the Malaysian Archipelago? West of Hindostan? Of Arabia? Between Africa and Europe? East of the British Islands? Northeast of the Mediterranean? East of the North Sea? What gulf west of Africa? East of Arabia? What bay east of Hindostan? West of Europe?

Straits. What strait between Java and Sumatra? Between Tasmania and Australia? Between Australia and New Guinea? At the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea? At the entrance of the Red Sea? What channel between Madagascar and Africa?

Rivers. What three rivers of Asia flow into the Arctic Ocean? What four rivers in Eastern Asia? What river flows into the Bay of Bengal? The Arabian Sea? What river of Africa flows into the Gulf of Guinea? The Atlantic Ocean? The Mediterranean Sea? What river of Europe flows into the Caspian Sea? What rivers flow into the Black Sea?

Lakes. What lakes in South Central Africa? What two lakes in Western Asia are called seas? What lake in Australia?

Ocean Currents.-What current flows westward through the Indian Ocean? What current southwest of Africa? Northwest of Europe?

Zones. What circle crosses the northern part of Asia? What circle crosses the desert of Sahara? What continents does it cross? What great circle crosses Borneo? What continent does it cross? What circle crosses Australia? What other continent does it cross? What circle bounds the South Frigid Zone? What lands does it cross? In what zone is Sumatra? Nova Zembla? Cape of Good Hope? The Mediterranean Sea? In what zones is Africa? Asia? Europe? Australia?



[For method of recitation, see XI.]

Continents.-How bounded?

Europe? Asia? Africa? Australia?

Islands. In what direction from the nearest land? By what waters surrounded?

Japan Islands? Malaysian Archipelago? Philippine Islands? Java? Celebes? Sumatra? Borneo? New Guinea? Tasmania? Madagascar? Ceylon? British Islands? Iceland? Spitzbergen? Nova Zembla? Madeira Islands? Canary Islands? St. Helena?

Peninsulas. From what part of the continent does it project? Into what water, or between what waters?

Kamtchatka? Corea? Indo-China? Malay? Scandinavian? Hindostan? Spanish?

Capes. From what land does it project? From what part of it? Into what body of water?

North? Northeast? Romania? Comorin? Bon? Good Hope? Guardafui? Verde? Agulhas ?

Mountains. In what part of the continent are they? In what direc tion do they extend?

Alps? Ural? Altai? Himalaya? Atlas? Snowy? Blue?

Plains, Plateaus, and Deserts.- Where situated

Great Plain of Europe? Arctic Plain? Siberian Plain? Plain of China? Plain of the Ganges? Plateau of Mongolia? Plateau of Thibet? Plateau of Iran? Plateau of Arabia? Desert of Gobi? Arabian Desert? Sahara Desert?

Oceans. Of what continents does it wash the shores? or, around what pole is it?

Arctic? Pacific? Antarctic? Atlantic? Indian?

Seas, Gulfs, and Bays.-What coasts does it indent or wash? Of what ocean or other body of water is it an arm?

Okhotsk? Japan? Yellow? China? Java? Bengal? Arabian ? Red? Persian? Guinea? Mediterranean? Black? Biscay? North? Baltic?

Straits.-Between what lands? What waters does it connect? Sunda? Bass? Torres ? Gibraltar? Bab el Mandeb? Mozambique?

Rivers. In what continent does it rise? In what part of it? In what mountains? In what direction does it flow? Into what water?

Obi? Yenisei? Lena? Amoor? Hoang Ho? Yang tse Kiang? Ganges? Cambodia? Indus? Niger? Nile? Congo? Volga? Danube? Dnieper?

Lakes. Where situated? What outlet has it? Albert Nyanza? Victoria Nyanza? Caspian Sea? Aral Sea? Eyre? Ocean Currents.-In what ocean? In what part of it? In what direction does it flow?

Equatorial Current? South Atlantic Current? Gulf Stream?

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