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ever betrayed, or humanity infulted, they are now betrayed and infulted by those perfons who compofe what they call the Proteftant Affociations, of whom Mr. Wefley is become the apologift. In taking up the pen to conclude this letter, I received their Appeal to the people of Great Britain, printed in London by J. W. Palham.

Mr. Wesley, who has abridged his own journal to give it a greater circulation, has abridged this fix-penny pamphlet, in his first letter. In the beginning of the American war, he publifhed his "Calm Addrefs," in order to unite the colonies to the mother country. The "balm of Gilead" proving ineffectual beyond the Atlantic, he now has recourfe to cauftics at home. Three years ago he intended to unite us: now he intends to divide us. Thus we find Penelope's web in his religious looms what he wove three years ago, he now unravels.

In this " Appeal," on which he passes such encomiums, and the design whereof he declares to be "benevolent," you can perceive the dormant feeds of antiquated fanaticism sprouting anew, and vegetating into religious frenzy, which has deluged the earth with an ocean of calamities, and which would give Heathen princes room to glory, that the gofpel has never been preached in their dominions. An apothecary's

thecary's fhop has never been stocked with more drugs, than this " Appeal" is ftocked with maffacres. They have inferted in it, the bull,In Coena Domini," which has never been received in any Catholic kingdom; and from an old book which was foifted on the public in the beginning of the Reformation, as containing the fees of the Roman chancery, they conclude, that "a Roman Catholic can 66 sleep with a woman in a church, and commit "there other enormities, by paying nine fhillings," and that "he may murder a man, "and commit inceft *, on paying seven shil


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lings and fix-pence," though fhillings and fix-pences are English coins, not current in Italy; and in Catholic countries, the murderer expires on the wheel, and whoever commits inceft, or profanes the churches by carnal fins, is burnt at the ftake. What is more furprising, Gentlemen, thefe new apoftles of the Gordonian affociation, who, to ufe the words of our old friend, Hudibrass,

"Their holy faith do found upon
"The facred text of pike and gun,"

imagine that they are the delegates of Heaven for the falvation of fouls: their hands do not

* See the "Appeal from the Proteftant Affociations," page 18. Printed by Pasham.


brandish the glittering fpear on the American plains, where D'Eftaing and Prevost dispute the laurel; but, like Samuel, deploring the loss of Saul, their eyes are bathed in tears, and their "bowels yearn for millions of fpirits that have "no existence but in the prescience of God," who can pity an error, and forgive it, and who is more concerned in their falvation, than Lord G***** G***** or Mr. Wesley.

I am afraid, Gentlemen, that you mind your own fouls and bodies more than you mind thofe of others. To roufe you from your fpiritual lethargy, and inflame you with some fparks of love for your neighbour, I fend you a piece of a fermon taken from the "Appeal "of the affociations."

After deploring the "lofs of millions of "common people, who are prohibited from "reading the scriptures," (though it were charity to teach them firft how to spell), " and "who have fouls as infinite, in value and du"ration, as the proudeft prelates, or highest "monarchs upon earth,"-they go on "to "tolerate Popery, is to be instrumental to the "perdition of immortal fouls now exifting, "and of millions of fpirits, that at present "have no existence but in the prescience of "God; and is the direct way to provoke the "vengeance of an holy and jealous God, to


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bring down deftruction on our fleets and "armies." I really imagined that the Proteftant affociations were not fo cruel as to refuse me mercy, and exclude me from the kingdom of Heaven, if I lead an honest, sober, and virtuous life. I am convinced, that feveral of Admiral Rodney's failors are Roman Catholics, and that the bullets which told fo well, in mauling poor Langara, were fired by hands that croffed a Popish forehead. Oliver Cromwell, feeking the Lord, and preaching upon the Sabbath-day, in a leather breeches and buff waistcoat, with his trufty fabre by his fide t, did not fcruple to enter into a confe deracy with Cardinal Mazarini, against the Spaniards it was equal to England which of the two was foremost in the breach, the French dragoon with his whiskers, after saying Hail Mary, or the Round-bead with his leather cap, after groaning in the Spirit. Spain lost Dunkirk, and England triumphed.

King William, who, to his honour, could never be prevailed on to violate the articles of Limerick, had fix thousand Roman Catholics in his army, when he fought the battle of the Boyne and the Catholics and Pro

* See the "Appeal from the Proteftant Associations," page 18, and cry out, Ohone! obone! ohone!

+ See Gregorio Leti, in his Life of Cromwell.


teftants of Switzerland maintain their independence against all the powers on the Continent, in confequence of their union. But the Proteftant associations, like Ezekial, have fwallowed a book in which are written verses, and lamentations, and woe! Already their luminous fouls, enlightened by the prophetic spirit, fee future times unlocking their distant gates, and pouring forth millions of monfters; and from a defire to procure the salvation of Adam's children, it is to be dreaded, that, at long run, they will imitate the holy fanatics of Denmark, who, in order to procure Heaven for young infants, after being baptized, ufed to flaughter them in their cradles.


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