IN CATILINAM, IN GAIUM VERREM, ACTIO PRIMA CICERO'S ORATIONS AGAINST CATILINE AGAINST VERRES AND IN DEFENCE OF ARCHIAS WITH INTRODUCTION, ANALYSIS AND NOTES, EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL BY REV. T. H. LINDSAY LEARY, M.A., D.C.L. FORMERLY SCHOLAR OF BRASENOSE COLLEGE, OXFORD CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO. 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL 294. 1878 ΤΟ REV. JAMES GYLBY LONSDALE, M.A., LATE PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS AT KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, THIS EDITION OF CICERO'S SELECT ORATIONS IS INSCRIBED, AS A MARK OF SINCERE RESPECT FOR HIS LEARNING, AND OF GRATITUDE FOR HIS KINDNESS AND FRIENDSHIP DURING MANY YEARS, BY THE EDITOR. PREFACE. IN preparing this annotated edition of Cicero's great orations against Catiline, the Actio Prima against Verres, and his defence of his friend and preceptor Archias the poet, the editor has consulted the best and most recent English commentators, and the invaluable works of Nizolius (Lexicon Ciceronianum), Orelli (Onomasticum Tullianum), of Teuffel, of Professor Halm, Dr. Mommsen, and Dr. Nägelsbach. An attempt has been made to clear up all real difficulties in the way of the student. An introductory account of these speeches as well as an abstract of their contents have been added, to render the work as useful and as complete as possible. |