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Marby grounds, and ftagnant waters, en-
qui y concerning the difeafes proceed.
ing from them; a prize queflion, 696.
Maffillon, Bp. anecdotes relating to, 570.
Maty, Rev. Mr. his pofthumous fermons
published, 224. Three of them found
to have been tranfcribed from Arch.
bishop Secker, 225.

Maucroix, M. his lines on a girl who died
of the green fick nefs, 582.
McCulloch, Mr. his improved fea-com-
paffes, 448.

Mechanics, new inventions in, 25.
Meerman, M. de, his prize difcourfe on
the best means of encouraging patriotifm
in a monarchy, without weakening the
power of execution peculiar to that fpe-
cies of government, 608.

Milman, Dr. poetical compliment to, 393.
Mine at waters, experiments on thole of
Aix-la-Chapelle, 231.
Mineralogy, a

new lyftem of, recom-

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mended, 31.
Mirabaud, M. de, a great admirer of
Italian literature, 579. Not the author
of the Syftem of Nature, ib.
Mirabeau, M. charged with having li
belled the characters of the prefent Em-
peror of Germany, and the King of
Pruffia, 692.

Mobammed II. Emperor of the Turks, his
high character as a foldier and conqueror,
214. Affecting ftory of his Empress
Irene, ib.

Moncrif, M. character of his writings,
583. Specimen of his poetry, tranf
Jated, 584.

Monro, Mr. the original projector and

promoter of the Olla Podrida, a periodi-
cal work, 136. Specimens of his
compofition, 137.
Montefquieu, prefident, his talent for poetry,
575. Specimen of, tranflated, ib. His
Temple of Gnidus characterized, 526.
Morgan, Mr. on the probabilities of fur-
vivorships, 141.

Morocco, account of the prefent fituation,
productions, and inhabitants of that
State of knowlege
country, 323.
among the people, 326. Account of
the Emperor Sidi Mahomet, 327.
Mofes, his account of the creation ad-
jufted to modern philofophy, 112. His
character, as a lawgiver and moralift,
taken as the fubject of a new publica-
tion, by a French writer, 164.

morals of, a book for beginners in
learning Italian, 642
Motte, Counters ce la, her charges against

M. de Calonne, 267. Her addrefs to
the public, 268. Her memoirs, in
juftification of herself, relative to the
Affairs of the Q. of France, the diamond
necklace, &c, 269. Her seply to M.

de Calonne's address to the public, 361.
Her card, to the Monthly Reviewers,

Mountains, obfervations on barometers for
meaturing their height, 32.
Mufic. See Cavallo.

NADIR Shab, his character, 700. Cruel
act of justice done by him, ib.
Napier, the logarithmetician, account of
his life and writings, 232.

New Teftament, Greek MSS. of, critically
collated, in order to complete and afcer-
tain the various readings. See Grief-

Nicholson, Mr. W. his defcription of a
new electrical inftrument, 296.
Noaille, Mr. his estimates relative to filk-
winding, 25.

Noctambulation, remarkable cafe of, 637.
Nonconformity to church establishments
zealously defended, 368.

Novellift, his office compared to that of
the Preacher, 60.

OAKS, remarkable plantations of, 18.

Oaths, judicially taken, their import-
ance, 282. Abufe of, from their too
great frequency, and irreverent manner

of administering, ib. See allo Perjury.
Ode to the cuckow, 72.

Ocfopbagus, cafe of a schirrhous one, 481.
Olivet, Abbé de, fome account of, 582.
Olla Pedrida, by whom written, 136.
Extracts from, 137.

Orang Outang, his pretenfions to huma

nity examined, 685. In what respects
fimilar in his form to man, or anatomi-
cally different, ib.

Ofa Capitis, cafe of a caries of the, from
expofure to cold air, 693.

PAPER, made from the bark of willow,

twigs, 24.

Parian Chronicle, antiquity of, invefti.
gated, 38.

Palins, their influence on the body, 81.
Patriotifm. See Meerman, De la Cour.
Pauw, M. de, corrected, in regard to a

charge brought by him against Dr.
Gillies, 262.

Pearfon, Dr. the inventor of a new medi-
cine the phosphorated foda, 376.
Percival, Dr. his exper. on the folvent
powers of camphor, &c. 476. See alfo

cautions and remarks relative to
pulmonary diforders, 481.
Perjury, on account of its enormous and fa-
tal confequences, worthy of death, 283.
Peter, Czar of Mufcovy, anecdotes rela-
tive to, 131-134.

Planicians, ancient, extent and advan-
tages of their trade, 35.


Phlogifton, Dr. Prieftley's obfervations re-
lative to the decompofition of, 297.
Pickering, in Yorkshire, tate of husbandry
in that district, 97. Cisterns there, how
contrived, 100. Pools, how made re-
tentive of the water, Ict. Foffil marle
there, 102.-
there, 103.
Planté, M. his treatment of a caries of

Vegetables cultivated

the effa capitis, 693.
Plants cultivated in the gardens near
London, defeription of, 640.
Pole, Mr. account of a remarkable fpaf-
modic affection from the puncture of a
pin, cured by the liberal ufe of laudanum,
482. Of feveral phenomena in the
body of an infant prematurely born, 483.
Peland, the fouthern part of, a wretched
fcene of poverty and defolation, 597.
Preference given to Volhiaia, ib.
Polifo Partition illuftrated, by Gotlieb
Panimouzer," a work fo entitled. mif-
take concerning the real author, by the
K. of Pruthia and M. de Voltaire, 633.
Mr. Lind not the writer, ib.
Portugal, that country depraved by the
bad influence of its religion, 10. Def-
potic government of, 11.
Petatees, culture of, in Yorkshire, '04.
Pregnancy of women, hints relative to the

management of, in certain cafes, 482.
Priefley, Dr. his additional exper. and
obfervations relative to acidity, &c.


His opinion of inflammable and
dephlegifticated airs water,
controverted, 398.

Princes, remarks on the education of, 412.
Prize medals diftributed by the Royal So-

ciety of Medicine at Paris, 695.
Pruffa, the late King of, his military
Career, 430. His Confide ations on the
State of the European Republic, 433.
Other literary productions of this price,
436. His correfpondence with M.Jor-
dan, 626. His friendship and quarrel
with Voltaire, ib. The Berlin edition
of his pofthumous works cenfured, on
account of omiffions, and another edi.
tion in 13 vols. preferred, as fupplying
thofe omiffions, ib. His majesty's feem-
ing reconciliation with Voltaire, 631.
Their correfpondence a fingular medley
of wit, urbanity, and fcurrility, 632.

prefent King of, flanderously re.
preiented, in point of character, 691.
Defended, ib.

Paltney, Dr. cafe of extraordinary en-
largement of the abdomen, from an
encyfed tumour, 480.
Pundnámek, a compendium of ethics,
from the Perfian of Saci, 701.

QUADRUPEDS, geographical hiftory

of, in a comparative view, with re-

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obf. on fingular contractions of,
Revelations, ch. ix. v. 15. applied to the
Turkish empire, 115.

Reviewers, Monthly, Crito's letter 12,
concerning M. de Pauw's attack on Dr.
Gillies's Hutory of Greece, 262.

For other letters, tee Dicki
Dale, Willis, Bidlane, Counes de is
Matte, and M'Caufland.

Rhodes, prefent miferable flate of that
once flourishing ifland, 380.
Riley, Mr. his inventions relative to
watch-work, 25.

Richard II. K. of England, MS. account
of the death of, and of events preceding
that catastrophe, in the K. of France's
library, 606.

I!!. K. of England, his character
vindicated, 125.

Rickardjan, Profeffor, his effay on the
dramatic form of biftorical compofition,

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Ruffel, Mr. Jeffe, bis ftatement of the
purity of the Bombay alkali, compared
with other als, 23.


Thomas, fpecimen of his agree
able poetry, 331-

Ruffia, view of the importance of the
trade between that country and Great
Britain, 541-544-

SABBATH, the religious obfervance of,

how far a Chriftian duty, 244.
St. Pierre, Abbé de, his amiable charac
ter, 570. His averfion to defpotif,
571. Expelled the French academy,
on account of the freedom of his poli
tical fentiments and writings, ib. His
death, compared, by himself, to a jour
ney into the country, ib
Salivation, not prevented by a determina-
tion of the humours to the fkin, 230.
Salm, Rhingrave de, his memoir in jufti-
fication of himself, refpe&ting his eva-
cuation of Utrecht, 624.


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Scarpa, M. his obf. on an aneurism of
the arch of the aorta, 694.
Schirrbo-contracted rectum, obs, on, 476.
Schirrbous induration of the membranes of
the ftomach, cafe of, 694.
Scripture, facred, fingular hypothefis rel.
to the figurative language of, 403.
Scurvy, fugar a remedy for, 695.
Sea-compafs, improvement of, by Mr.
M'Culloch, 448. Experiment made
with, by order of the Admiralty, 449.
Sbajtfbury, Lord, pleafing story relating
te, his timidity as a pubic fpeaker in
the house of lords, 315.
Shot band, obfervation on, 70.
Sherwen, Mr. his account of the fchirro-

cor racted rectum, 473. Of the
effects of emetic tartar, ufed externally,
482. Of arsenic, applied in the fame
way, ib.

Silefia, prefent abject ftate of, under the
Pruffian government, 96.

Sims, Dr. his Greek MS. on the hydro-
phobia, 473.

-on the cure of the jaundice by bath-
ing, 481.

Slavery, of the negròes, arguments and
cautions relating to, 661.

Sleepwalking, &c. remarkable cafe of,

Solar orbit, memoir concerning the ele-
ments of, 638.

Soldiers, means of preferving their health
in warm climates, 228.

Sonnet to evening, by Mrs. Smith, 465.
Soulavie's hift. of France. See Weguelin.
Spine, diftortions of, how remedied, 180.

Temperament of musical inftruments. See

Terraffon, Abbé, his fingular charafer,
573. His lofs of memory, 574. When
dying, refers the priest to his hoote-
keeper for a confeffion of his fins, ib.
Tetanus, cured by electricity, 479.
Thiery, M. his fuggeftions relating to the
firmation and circumftances of the Jews,
in order to render them more happy in
themselves, and more useful to the
community at large, 662.

Timber trees, large plantations of, in va-

rious parts of England and Scotland, 19.
Remarks on the annual growth of trees,
Tongue, unufual affections of. See Hayes.
Trade, and commerce, principles of, with
regard to political regulations, com
pared, 417. View of the importance
of the commerce of this country with
Rullia, c41.

Tranfiguration of Christ, opinions relative

to that miraculous tranfaction, 459.
Troy not taken by the Greeks, 520.
Trublet, Abbé, anecdotes relative to, 583.
Tumour, in the abdomen, cale of ont, of
56 pounds weight, 480.

Turks, not fo inorant and illiterate as we

generally fuppole, 665. Account of
their literature, 666. Poffefled of many
learned manufcripts, ib. Sciences and
arts cultivated by them, 668. Their
books, 670 Their colleges and acade-
mies, 673. Public libraries, 674. Their
exercife of the art of printing, 676.

Stair, Earl of, anecdote rel. to his laud-VAN MARUM, Dr. his late improve-
able conduct in private life, 315.
Stars, fixed, plan of a new arrangement
or claffification of, 358.
Stomach, account of a ichirrous indura-
tion of the membranes of, 694.
Storm, the great one, in 1703, dreadful
effects of, 189.

Strada, his beautiful verfes relative to the
nightingale, tranflated, 294.
Surgery, a fyftem on the art, recommend-
ed, 13
Survivorships. See Morgan,

Sweden, curious account of the mines of
iron, copper, and filver, in that king-
dom, 617-619. Their produce esti-
mated, ib. Comparifon of that king-
dom with Denmark, 620. The prefent
political ftate of Sweden, 622.
Symé, account of that ifland, 380. Curi-
ous inftances of the fuperftition of the
Greek failors, 381.

TACITUS, his writings critically appre
ciated, 424.

Tartar emetic, effects of, by external
abforption, 482.

ments in electrical machinery, 602.
Van Traftwyk, M. his application of
electricity to medical purpoles, 658.
Vaughan, Dr. cafe of vomiting in pieg
nancy, fuccesfully treated, 478.
Virgil, his defcription of the Roman
plough, controverfy relative to. See
Des Carrieres.
Viftera. See Bailie.

Ukraine, State of the country, and poor
condition of the inhabitants, 598.
Character of the Coffacs, ib. Zaporo-
guians, fome account of, ib. Story of
the execrable Gouda, 599.

Ulyffes, his character, as drawn by Homer,

Vomiting, in pregnancy, by what means

fuccefsfully treated, 478.

Voltaire, his life of Peter the Great, de-
fects of, 135. Attacked for his in-
fidelity, 280. His correfpondence with
the late K. of Pruffia, 627. His quar-
rel with that monarch, 630. Seeming
reconciliation between them, 631.
Their correspondence a strange medley'
of wit, folly, and licentioufnels, 632.

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Uterus, cafe of, lacerated by the force of Whiskey, exceffively drank in Ireland, 62,

labour pains, 478.

WALKER, Mr. his experiments on
the production of artificial cold, 301.
Walker, Dr. his obfervations on the atro-
phia lactantium, 476.

Walter, M. his memoir on aneurifms,

654. On the difeafes of the heart,

Ware, Mr. cafe of a fuppreffion of urine,

Waring, Dr. on divifors, 143.
Water, Dr. Priestley's experiments re-
Jative to the decompofition of, 297.
See alfo Fbogilon.

Dr. Blagden's experiments on
the effect of various fubftances in
lowering the point of congelation in

water, 300.


operation of water in drowning,
303. The opinion of Dr. Priestley, &c.
relative to the compofition of water,
oppafed, 398. Efficacy of cold water,
applied to the extremities, in a cafe of
obftinate conftipation of the bowels,
478. Exper. to determine the invaria-
bility of the heat of boiling water, 653.
See, farther, under Acbard.
Watering of meadews, method of prac-
tifing it in Glocefterfhire, 335. Ad-
vantages of, ib.
Directions for per-
forming it, 336.
Weguelin, Profeffor, his account of a
history of France, undertaken by the
Abbé Soulavie, the periods of which
are to be traced backward, after the
example of David Hume, 651.

Pernicious confequences of, ib. Re
medy proposed by encouraging the pr
ter brewery in that country, ib.
White, Mr. his extenfive plantations d
timber-trees, 18.

Dr. his account of a patient whe
discharged the pupæ of mufca citara,

William III. K. of England, his lan
fpeech to parliament, 311. Refect
tions on his death, 313. Summary f
great and good actions performed i
him, to the lafting advantage of this
kingdom, ib.

Wills, Mr. his correfpondence with the
Reviewers, relative to an error in ther
account of the preparation of acid si
tartar cryftallized, 287. Alfo relative
to an easy method of procuring falt of
tartar from the cauftic vegetable aika,
ib. Referred to, as the preparer
of Dr. Pearson's pho pborated fade, 376,
Windifchgrä z, Count, his prize probler,

remarks on, to thew the improbably
of a fatisfactory folution of it, 651.
Winbip, Dr. cafe of an encysted dropfy,481
Wool, laws, cuftoms, and duties, relating
to the exportation of, in the time of
Edw. I. &c. 484.

YATES, Mr. his new furvey of Lia-

cashire, 24.

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