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are told, in a N. B. at the end, was preached and published before it was known that a day of public thanksgiving would be appointed. VI. Preached March 15, 1789, by D. Taylor. 8vo. pp. 40. 6d. Buckland, &c.

This difcourfe was likewife delivered (fee the preceding article) immediately after the public rejoicings. It is infcribed To the church of Chrift, meeting in Church-lane, Whitechapel, London ;' and is intended to manifeft the divine interpofition, in his Majefty's late happy recovery. The difcourfe is well adapted to the congregation who heard it; and this publication of it is illuftrated by a variety of notes, in which the author's political principles appear to advantage as an affertor of liberty.

VII. At St. Margaret's, Weftminster. By Samuel Hayes, A. M. late Senior Ulher of Westminster School. 4to. Pp. 19. IS.


Though laft in the prefent lift, this is not the leaft in merit. If not a very elaborate, it is a pleafing and judicious difcourfe.

This Lift to be continued in our next.

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1. The Injustice and Cruelty of the Slave Trade confidered; preached at Plymouth, Feb. 22, 1789. By Herbert Mends. 4to. pp. 37. Is. Law, &c.

Delivered to the congregation of Proteftant Diffenters affembling in Batter-street, Plymouth. The difcourfe contains much of the ufual well-meant warm declamation, on a subject now exhausted, though ftill (and very properly) an object of great public regard. II. Preparedness for Chrift's Appearance recommended and exemplified? Occafioned by the Death of Mr. Philemon Parkes, late Schoolmafter of West Bromwich, Nov. 7. 1786; preached, according to his own Defire, at the Diffenting Meeting-houfe in that Place: with fome Account of his dying Profeffions, and Experience. By George Ofborne. 8vo. 9d. Buckland.

A serious discourse, fuitable to the occafion. Text, Matt. xxiv. 44 III. Preached in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, September 14th, 1788, before the Governors of the County Hofpital. By Thomas Willis, LL.B. Prebendary of Lincoln, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Monfon. Published for the Benefit of the Hofpital. 4to. pp. 20. 15. Nourse.

The text Job xxix. 15, 16-Job here speaks of himself in his judicial capacity. The words however, are not improperly applied by the preacher, who is an able advocate for this charity. He proves that the inftitution answers many very valuable purposes; for that there the real object of charity finds every comfort which humanity can point out, and every affiftance which fcience can afford. Hofpitals may be confidered as the great nurseries of medical science.'- All orders of men will, of neceffity, have an intereft in the advancement of that knowledge to which they must be 4 indebted

indebted in the hours of affliction. It is evident, therefore, that whoever, in this way, contributes to the relief of others, contributes in fome degree to the relief of himself.'

The Author thinks thefe will be the happy means of checking the pretenders to phyfic, and of refcuing thousands from the fatal effects of ignorance and barbarity. As a farther argument in fupport of this charity, the author informs them, that, from its first establishment in 1769, to the present time, 2635 patients have been completely reftored to health, and 764 have been greatly relieved. Br..s..w. IV. Preached on the Establishment of a Sunday School, at Winflow in Buckinghamshire, Auguft 24th, 1788. By the Rev. M. Owen, M. A. published at the Requeft of the Subscribers, for the Benefit of the Inftitution. 4to. 12 Pages. 15. Bew. 1788. A plain, ferious difcourfe on the benefits arifing from a religious education: well calculated to make impreffions on the minds of the hearers, in favour of the inftitution; which, after fome years experience, has the fanction of the public; and which, we are perfuaded, will merit more and more their benevolent patronage. D V. Preached in the Parish Church of St. James, Colchester, Auguft 24, 1788, for the Benefit of the Charity School: by Robert Acklom Ingram, A. M. published at the Requeft of the Subfcribers, and for the Benefit of the faid Charity. 8vo. 40 Pages. 15. Printed at Colchester, and fold in London by Robinions.

The text of this difcourfe is from Galatians, vi. 9. The ingenious Author, who fhews himself a real friend to the infant poor, inquires first into the nature of difinterested benevolence as enjoined by Christianity; 2dly, He confiders the general advantages of charity fchools and, 3dly, He concludes with pertinent exhortations to perfevere in well doing. He fpeaks very favourably of the SundayIchools; flyles them a fifter inftitution; and thinks that these and other charity-fchools may be rendered mutually fubfervient to each other, The very copious and judicious preface contains many remarks relative to the fubject at large, and well worthy the attention of the public.


VI. Preached in the Cathedral at Glocefter, Auguft 17th, 1788, for the Benefit of the Severn Humane Society, inftituted for the Recovery of Perfons apparently dead by Drowning, with an Appendix relating to the State of the Society. By the Rev. Thomas Stock, A. M. 8vo. pp. 63. 1s. Printed at Glocefter; and fold in London by Cadell, &c. 1789.

This difcourfe will recommend itself to every candid and judicious reader, by the philanthropy and modesty of its author. At the time of preaching it, he was folicited to commit it to the prefs; which he abfolutely refufed: But, afterward, a fcheme being propofed that was likely to promote the charity, and the Society intreating him to fuffer his difcourfe to be made a part of the intended publication, he at length yielded to their importunity; and he adds, with becoming humility, that he shall efteem himself happy if, for any part of the fermon, he can escape the cenfure fo juftly due to those who offer to a difcerning public what is altogether unworthy their notice. This,


however, is not the cafe in refpect to the prefent publication. It is an honest, artlefs addrefs in favour of an excellent charity: with an appendix, containing the reports of fuccefsful cafes, &c. and likewife hints by Dr. Fothergill, of Bath, for improving the art of reftoring fufpended animation.



We do not perceive fo much inconfiftency between the fentiments of our Law Reviewer and thofe of our Philologist, as JUSTINIAN Junior apprehends. The former has no objection to the multiplicity of our Law books, for the inftruction of students, &c. and the latter only wishes to abridge and methodize the laws themselves. On this fubject, however, it is not to be expected that profeffional men will ever be free from all profeffional attachment; or that, in a critical, or any other club, the divine, the lawyer, the phyfician, the philofopher, or the hiftorian, &c. &c. will yield up his opinions to those who are not phyficians, divines, &c. &c. On the whole, perhaps, we may fay, with our learned brother of the long robe [with regard to books on every fcience], what he has faid of our Law-libraries, that there is no danger of our having too many books.-The greater the number, the more are the chances for good ones; and thote that are useless will naturally fink into oblivion.

** Amanuenfis,' or The Writer,'-fuch is the fignature of the prefent Correfpondent,-fhould have addrefied his Letter to the Society to which it relates. We cannot poffibly enter into the subject. The frequent addreffes to the Public, relative to that inftitution, which are occafionally circulated by our means, are paid for; and we have no farther concern with the objects and purposes of thofe advertifements, than as Reviewers of the books published by the Society, in common with other publications.

ttt We have received a copy of the work which H. G. A. mentions, and it will reviewed in its turn.

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+++ We have received a letter from Florifer, the author of Pieces of Familiar Poetry' (See our laft Review, p. 365.), in which he says that the rhyme firft quoted by us was an error of his printer, and that it fhould ftand thus:

Up to the highest pitch of praise

The cook's nice art began to raise.

We are very willing, by publishing this erratum, to do Florifer all the fervice which lies in our power; but authors who are not hurried, and limited in point of time, fhould take better care of their proof fheets; for to complain of the printer, is but a poor apology to the public.

tit The packet from O. O. is acknowleged. When the article to which his obliging communication relates appears in the Review,


he will fee what ufe has been made of it. If this Correfpondent' will favour the editor with his addrefs, it will be deemed a favour.

Extract of a Letter to the Monthly Reviewers.


I must request you to correct two mistakes which have escaped you in your candid review of my Letter on Slavery.

"Mr. D." you observe, is a ftrenuous advocate for the gradual abolition of the flave-trade. Indeed he is an enemy to flavery, both in its confummately abfurd principle and in its too general practice." -But, on looking again into my book, you will find, that I am a humble advocate for the immediate abolition of the flave-trade and the gradual abolition of flavery.

I by no means wonder at your falling into this mistake, when I confider the great pains that have been taken to diffuse an opinion, that the opponents of the flave-trade aim at the immediate abolition of flavery, a defign which they have conftantly and openly dif avowed.

You seem alfo, Gentlemen, to think that the flavery of Barbadoes is a fair fpecimen of that of the West Indies in general. You may have been led to form this opinion by my declaration (p. 7.), "That Mr. Ramfay's Effay, fome local circumftances excepted, will apply very well to the Island of Barbadoes." But it fhould be obferved, that most of thofe circumftances are in favour of Barbadoes, or redound to the credit of her inhabitants. Thus the flavery of that ifland is a specimen of the Weft Indian flavery in general, in a fense fimilar to that in which the liberties of Great Britain may be faid to be a fpecimen of thofe of Europe in general. I am refpectfully,

LONDON, May 5th, 1789. S


Your conftant reader and humble fervant.

**We gladly embrace this opportunity of giving circulation to the foregoing important diftinction; of which, perhaps, a very confiderable part of the public is not fufficiently apprized, viz. "That the opponents of the flave-trade aim not at the immediate abolition of flavery."

+++ A correfpondent, whofe fignature is, A Lover of Confiftency, and an Enemy to Bigotry of all Sorts, is much difpleafed with us for allowing the author of A Letter to the Calvinistic Baptifts, &c. the merit of candour; and thinks it exceedingly uncandid in this author, that he prefumed to fuppofe, that, in the religious world, fuch characters as trimmers ftill exift.-This is a fact, however, which Candour itself must be more than "a little blind," not to fee.


P.385. Line 21. read the first three chapters 418. Par. 2. line 1. delf in

P. 471. Corr. +++, line 20 read, it will be reiraded. 409. Par. 3. l.1. read Tielke.

458. art. 49. 1.1. read, the refurrection Bodies. 400.1.4. fr. bot. 2ead Ecton for Elon.



For JUNE, 1789.

ART. I. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Vol. II. 8vo. 538 Pages. s. Boards. Dilly. 1789.


N a science fo extenfive as medicine, and hitherto so unsettled in its principles, the value of accurate relations of facts cannot be doubted: fince by comparing together difeafes apparently fimilar, yet differing, perhaps, in effential circumftances; by illuftrating their diftinctions and resemblances; and by investigat ing their causes; we can alone expect to adapt remedies to their particular circumftances.-It is with pleasure therefore that we receive the prefent collection; in our review of which we fhall give as concise an abridgment as poffible, of its contents, and offer fuch remarks as our narrow limits will permit.

We noticed the 1ft vol. of the Memoirs, at p. 357, of our 77th volume: and there gave an account of the plan on which the fociety is conducted.

The prefent volume is ushered into the world by a treatise on hydrophobia, from a Greek manuscript, in the possession of James Sims, M.D. Prefident of the Medical Society of London; with a tranflation by the fame.

Refpecting this treatise, we are merely informed that the Doctor was fortunate enough to procure it among a large number of ancient Greek manufcripts*. No conjecture is hazarded concerning its author; nor is any opinion given respecting its age: unless. indeed by our being told, that it is written with Hippocratic conciseness +,' we are to be induced to confider Hippocrates as the writer. This, however, can fcarcely be intended: as the Doctor must have known that at the time when Coelius Aureli

If we remember right, Dr. Sims bought feveral MSS. at the fale of the late Dr. Afkew's library.

The Hippocratic concifenefs of the prefent treatife reminds us of the paffage in Horace:

-Brevis effe laboro,

Obfcurus fio.


I i


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