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all its extent. Its plan and execution are entirely new; the methods which it exhibits are peculiar to the author, as also a part of the refults which he deduces from them. It is divided into two Parts, the first relating to Statics, or the theory of the equilibrium of bodies; and the other to Dynamics, or the theory of their motion.

The principle employed by him in folving the problems of ftatics, is that of virtual velocities, which feems to have been hitherto neglected. He prefers this principle on account of its fimplicity and univerfality: he finds in it, alfo, the center of union, which connects the laws of the equilibrium of fluids, with thofe of the equilibrium of folid bodies; and the folution which he gives of the different problems, relative to the equilibrium of fluids, whether elaftic or incompreffible, is fimply a developement of this principle, which his method of employing it renders productive of the moft interefting results.

In folving the problems of dynamics, this writer adopts the well-known principle of the late M. D'ALEMBERT, which, in order to effectuate the direct folution of the problems, muft be combined with fome principle of ftatics. The authors who have hitherto treated this fubject, have combined it with the principle of the lever, or with that of compound motion; but M. DE LA GRANGE thinks that the admiffion of these, as acceffory principles, often renders the folution complicated and difficult; and he has found, that the fubftitution of the principle of virtual velocities, in their place, leads to an analytical method much more fimple and expeditious. This method, partaking of the advantages of that which is employed in the first part of this work, gives a pleasing appearance of unity to the whole. Mac.

Art. IV. Moife confideré comme Legiflateur et comme Moralife. i.e. Mofes confidered, as a Lawgiver and a Moralift. By M. PASTORET, Counsellor of the Cour des Aides, Member of the Academy of Infcriptions and Belles Lettres, &c. &c. 8vo. Paris. 1788.

This work is highly recommendable on account of the extenfive erudition it difplays, and the method, order, and perfpicuity, with which it is compofed. Too much regard is perhaps fhewn to Rabbinifm, which often comes in to turn the author's and his reader's attention from the main fubject. His work commences from the infancy of Mofes, and the first chapter contains an account of his birth and education, with a fummary of his life. In the fix fucceeding chapters, M. PASTORET treats of the theocracy, of the civil and political adminiftration under Mofes, and its changes and modifications under the Judges, the Kings, and the facerdotal ariftocracy, after the captivity of Babylon; where

where he must often lofe fight of his hero. He treats alfo of the civil and religious laws of the Jewish empire, relative to police, religious worship and ceremonies, the adminiftration of justice, &c. in which he reprefents the wifdom, as well as the celeftial miffion, of Mofes, in a very interesting light. Mac. Art. V. Lettres de Theotime le Philanthrope à Madame la Comteffe de B*** fur quelques Objets de Literature et de Morale. i.e. Letters from Theotimus the Philanthropift to the Countess of B***, concerning fome Subjects of Literature and Morals. 8vo. Paris. 1788.

Whether thefe Letters be or be not the production of the Vif count TOUSTAIN RICHEBOURG, and whether the lady to whom they are addreffed be, or be not, the Counters of BEAUHARNAIS, is a queftion of little confequence to the Reader. It is certain that they do great honour to the writer, whoever he may be, and muft excite a high prepoffeffion in favour of the lady to whom they are addreffed, as it is not probable, that a French man of quality would fit down to entertain a fair reader with difcuffions that would not fuit her taste and feelings.

The fpirit of religion, which thefe letters breathe, is liberal, pure, and peaceable. The ideas which the noble author has formed of Chriftianity difengage it, with respect to the effentials of belief, confolation, and practice, from all fubtile and unintelligible queftions ftarted by difputatious theologifts, who go beyond their line. He carefully avoids all unfruitful difcuffions, whether philological or metaphyfical, which only tend to perplex the head, and leave the heart cold;-except in cafes where the latter is heated with the unhallowed fire of polemics, which kindles pride, refentment, revilings, and other fins of the Spirit.


Art. VI. L'Influence de la Découverte de l'Amerique fur le Bonheur du Genre humain. i. e. Concerning the Influence of the Dif covery of America on the Happinefs of Mankind. By the Abbé Genty, Royal Cenfor, correfpondent Member of the Rom: Cap. Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, &c. 8vo. with a Map and an Engraving. Paris. 1788.

That the difcovery in queftion was neither advantageous to America nor to Europe, is a propofition that many believe; and this author illuftrates it, and renders it ftriking; but that it might have been, and may even yet be made uíeful to both, is equally credible. The principal object of this judicious writer is to point out the manner of diminishing the evils occafioned by the discovery of the new world, and of multiplying the advantages that may refult from it. The work breathes a liberal fpirit, and is worthy of attention.

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Art. VII. Obfervations fur Montefquieu. i. e. Obfervations on Montefquieu. By M. LENGLET, Member of the Academy of Arras. 8vo. Lifle. 1788.

This may ferve as a ufeful introduction to the perufal of the Spirit of Laws, the work which M. LENGLET has in view, in thefe obfervations. It was prefented to the academy of Bourdeaux, as the prize-eulogy of Montefquieu, but was confidered by that learned fociety rather as a critical review of the celebrated work now mentioned, than as a portraiture of the genius, talents, and character of its juftly celebrated author. This engaged M. LENGLET to publish it under the name of Obfervations; and in these observations, many things in the Spirit of Laws, which appear confused or obscure (at leaft to the common clafs of readers), are happily elucidated.


Art. VIII. Mémoires de M. le Duc de St. Simon, &c. i. e. The Faithful Obferver; or, Memoirs of the Duke of St. Simon, relative to the Reign of Lewis XIV. and the earlier Periods of the fucceeding Reign. 3 Vols. 8vo. (Pr. 12 Livres.)

Thefe memoirs, though they have neither the merit of elegant compofition, nor chronological order, are nevertheless highly interefting. They are extracted from the papers of a nobleman, who was perfectly acquainted with what paffed at the court of Lewis XIV. and was highly diftinguished by that rough probity, freedom of speech, and aufterity of manners, which naturally attract a peculiar degree of credit to his narrative, We find here many details and anecdotes concerning the wars and minifters of the French Monarch, the intrigues of his cabinet, his favourites and miftreffes; the ceremonial of his court, the incidents of his private life, his habits and manners, and other particularities, that gratify curiofity. The ift Book of these Memoirs comprehends the private and public life of Lewis, whom the author exhibits in his manifold littleneffes, as well as in his fplendid tranfactions: the whole, without fear or fa vour, and fo as to make the hero appear a Micromegas, that is, a great-little-man.

The 2d Book contains the particular hiftory of the respectable Dauphin (the Marcellus of France), that of the Duke and Duchefs of Burgundy, and the reft of the family,-many details, relative to the Duke of Orleans, Regent, and other Princes of the blood; and a long account of the uncommon fortune and misfortunes of that fingular perfonage, the Princefs of Urfins. The profligate Dubois is not here ftigmatized in proportion to his turpitude, nor Fenelon applauded in pro. portion to his merit;-and this muft naturally furprise us, when we confider the character of the author.

In the 3d Book, we have anecdotes relative to foreign affairs and perfons, that have acted the firft parts on the political fcene; and here the affairs of Spain, and the miniftry of Alberoni, occupy a confiderable place.

In a fupplement, the noble author draws a picture of the court of France, as it was in the year 1711, which is very curious; and defcribes the tone of manners and morals, which diftinguished the most celebrated ladies of that time. Mac.



For FEBRUARY, 1789.


Art. 14. New, candid, and practical Thoughts on the Law of Imprifonment for Debt, with a View to the Regulation of it; for the Prevention and Punishment of Frauds; for the Maintenance of Credit; for the better and more speedy Satisfaction of Creditors; and for the Relief of unfortunate Perfons confined for Debt; together with Heads proposed for an Act of Parliament for effecting thefe Purposes; and for preventing unlawful and malicious Arrefts. By a Country Attorney. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Whieldon. 1788.

HE fecurity of private property, and the defence of credit, are the objects which the law concerning imprisonment for debt feems to have in view. The author of the prefent performance founds his reafoning on this maxim; and after fhewing that the law as it now ftands is no defence of credit, gives no fecurity to private property, is cruel and oppreffive, and makes no diftinction between an unfortunate honeft trader, and a defigning fwindler, he ftates the ancient mode of proceeding in cafes of debt-the present practicewith a few obfervations on them both, and examines the ftatute 32d of Geo. II. (ufually called the Lords Act) to fhew its inefficacy, impolicy, and fallacy.

His inquiries terminate in the proposal of heads for an Act of Parliament, for regulating the laws of imprisonment for debt; the principal parts of which are, that at a limited time after imprisonment, the prifoner may deliver a schedule of his effects to the plaintiff, and after a ftated number of days to appear in court, there to deliver a duplicate of his schedule, and fubmit himself to be then examined; that if the court be satisfied with the statement of the case, and convinced that no fraud was intended, the effects to be equally divided among all his creditors, and the debtor difcharged. Should fraud appear to have been his motive, then penalties are to be enacted. For particulars, however, of this apparently equitable propofal, we refer our readers to the pamphlet, which abounds with much juft obfervation, and feems to point out proper means for the relief of unfortunate perfons confined for debt. R......m.

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Art. 15. Thoughts on Imprisonment for Debt. Humbly addreffed to his Majesty. By F. A. S. Murray, Efq. 4to. 18. 6d. Hook, ham. 1788.

Mr. Murray expatiates on the injuries which imprisonment for debt produces to the ftate, to the creditor, and to the debtor: and thinks, that if debtors must be imprisoned, or driven from their native country to avoid it, there ought to be fhort ftated periods appointed for the enlargement of the one, and the recalment of the other. This hint feems liable to many objections. It has been juftly faid, that "no man should be liable to imprisonment for debt; that every debtor, of whatfoever degree, if he ball owe to a certain amount, fhall be compellable to fatisfy his creditors in a manner more fummary than that directed by the common law before the in troduction of commerce; and that if he fhall neglect, within a prefcribed time, to answer their just demands, he fhall be liable to a commiffion of infolvency; but it should not be in the power of any malicious creditor to harass him with a falfe demand." "R......m.


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Art. 16. An Opinion on the Power of Courts Martial to PUNISH for CONTEMPTS; occafioned by the Cafe of Major John Browne, of the Sixty-feventh Regiment. 8vo. pp. 22. 1s. 6d. Bell. 1788. In this opinion (which is figned W. Gilbert) the fpirit and tendency of the 15th article of the 16th fection of The Articles of War, are feverely impugned, in order to fhew, that the power of fuppreffing contempts, by fummary punishment, is either futile or fatal. In the first stage only,' fays the author, it is futile; in the fecond, and every fubfequent, fatal. Nay, it is as fatal, and that in every stage, to the difcipline of the army as it is to the liberty of the fubject. It is as inimical to its own party as to the safety of the state; as deftructive of the cause it is meant to promote, as of that, with which it is in open hoftility.'-This doctrine is warmly but fenfibly and learnedly maintained by the author; who appears to have well ftudied the fubject. For an account of the trial of Major Browne, see Review for July 1788, p. 71.


Art. 17. Meliffa and Marcia; or the Sifters. 12mo. 2 Vols. 6s, fewed. Lane. 1788.

This performance has a more than ordinary degree of merit, both with respect to the ftrength of its characters, and its ftyle. The progrefs of vice, as feen in a woman of fashion, is, in particular, delineated with a fpirited but delicate pencil; and the moral, which points out the fuperiority of a life of regularity over that of diffipation, by the example of a death-bed repentance, with all its concomitant horrors, is fuch as the lover of virtue muft neceffarily ap, prove. AB.

Art. 18. Henrietta of Gerftenfeld; a German Story. Vol. 2. 12mo, 2s. 6d. fewed. Lane. 1788.

In the title-page to the first volume of this production, published in 1787, the name of Wieland appeared as its author. It is, how

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